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     1 网络实时参考服务概述
     2 网络实时参考服务模式构建分析
    考咨询服务(c DRs)的基础上。按照一定的标准和协议,面向更人范围(甚至是全球网络范围)
The idea of chat reference which based on the technology of instant messenger loom so large in the digital reference recently, more and more people realize that chat reference can promote the service level of digital reference by its advanced technology and appetency. Internet is a plat for communication between different people in substance, so the means, times and effect of chat reference optimize the revolutionary model of digital reference. Now the librarian are probing into this kind of realm domestic and abroad library, experience being accumulated, problem being showed.
    Basing itself on practical experience, by using the methods of literature analysis, statistical analysis, communication with professional, and in the end by integrating the quantitative analysis with the qualitative analysis, the thesis give an induce and innovation about chat reference through a general introduce. A comprehensive understanding about chat reference has been achieved, some new analytical model has been proposed. The thesis consists of 4 parts:
    Part 1 the general description of chat reference
    Chat reference can't come into being without any condition, the basis of technology, the practical requirement and so on are important factor in its birth. This part of the thesis firstly analyses the instant messenger which is the technological basis of chat reference-its development and application in all kind of way. Then as an important step discerns the crucial concept in chat reference, such as the instant messenger, digital reference, chat reference, real-time reference, finally a detailed analysis been given about the status quo of real-time reference in the world, accompanied by a large number of correlative cases.
    Part 2 The establishment analysis of chat reference model
    Undergoing a syncretic and cretionary development, chat reference will exert most efficiency. The syncretic development means the service model having the same characteristic being integrated in concept and practice. The cretionary development means some new service model being put into practice according to the development of environment and technology, the change of information demand of users, the expand of service area and so on. This part analyses the issues about establishment of chat reference in the light of the condition, the principle and the element. The condition based on the characteristic of digital reference and information demand of users; the
    principle analyses in the term of user, time and technology; the element include the digital information resources, the service rules, the software, the target user and librarians.
    Part 3 the genre analysis of chat reference model
    This part is one of the points in this thesis. According to the characteristic of chat reference which includes the instantaneous communication, the mutual service, the exchanged backchannel, the active users, the individuation consultation and the artificial intelligence, chat reference can classify in term of people, complicacy, module and running. Therefore this thesis classifies 4 kind of model:
    FAQ. FAQ content users' information demand with super links but without the assistance of the reference system or the librarian, so the service time and the human resources are saved. FAQ is the most basic model of chat reference so that it can be looked as an analogy of the reference desk in library or the guides of library. It possesses the most basic characteristic of chat reference -instantaneousness.
    AUTO.AUTO is a kind of digital reference which is practised without librarian,it also named Disintermediation which mean there is no librarian when the user get his answers in the reference services. AUTO is based on the praciece of Ready Reference on the Internet.Owing to the practicability and the perspective the development of AUTO is developed quickly.
    CHAT. CHAT means a kind of digital reference by using special chat software which includes text chat, voice and video. It is just a point of chat reference discussed by most of librarian and some people regard it as substi
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