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The more the stock ownership incentive by enterprise value, for private science andtechnology enterprises regardless of the future listed all tend to use this way to realize thetalents to the above-mentioned. Zhongguancun as the national independent innovationdemonstration park also in positive promoting the stock ownership incentive pilot job, theincentive model is in science and technology enterprises in promotion. While managementsituation is not optimistic, and the rise in the cost of employing is an inevitable trend, upgrademanagement is imminent. How to improve the efficiency in the use of resources salary,control costs at the same time, and attracting, retaining and incentive talent, is particularlyimportant. In view of the policy to the stock ownership incentive to encourage and support,practice and has many science and technology enterprises using the stock ownership incentivecase and experience, might as well as the breakthrough to design a kind strong incentivecompensation system combination of the equity incentive and general salary.
     First of all, this article studied the related literature and theory for the compensationsystem, researched on the historical development of the salary, summarized and analyzed thetheories used for motivational compensation system, in addition to the stock ownershipincentive application at home and abroad, and all of these provided the theory basis andexperience for reference.
     Then in this paper, through the systematic thinking pattern on the salary system did a fullin-depth thinking, the system is divided into auxiliary and the main part. In auxiliary part hasbeen proposed two components, which have an important effect on design and application ofthe system, and gives the design idea: one is the partnership compensation culture, the other isdynamic layered performance evaluation under the BSC framework. In the main part, a linefor the design of equity share part; the other line for the design of general salary distribution,the specific content of the two parts are as follows: (1) The specific content of designaccording to the equity share process, through the seven steps to determine the object, sharemode, share amount, stock prices and individual share amount, pay mode, grant conditions inturn. And then five parts are introduced detailed: Expounds the basis of personnel selection;Determine virtual equity share mode for the echelon personnel; Given the financial indexmethod, and net assets per share with the combination of financial indicators measuringmethods, determine the share price; From the angle of human resource value contribution,using Douglas production function to determine the total value of human resources, combinedwith behavioral event interview, hierarchical analysis process, such as fuzzy comprehensiveevaluation method to determine the weight and then calculate personal contribution to sharepersonal limit; In order to improve the incentive to different levels paying combination inaccordance with current and extension pay, and the combination of fixed and variable pay. (2) In general salary the process is divided into five steps, and then focusing on the three aspects:the individual level distribution is based on the competency, the authors described theextraction of the competency and the evaluation of the competency based on BEI, AHP andFCE and give an example; Organization level by the share profit distribution pattern, first andsecond level distribution with fixed and variable proportion; Team level accords to averagereward, the awards based on their posts in the team and the award based on personalcontribution for the team performance to pay, first and second level distribution with fixedand variable proportion.
     Finally, this paper makes a brief analysis from longitudinal and transverse perspective inthe system application, and put forward the application should pay attention to.Thelongitudinal analyses involves the application of the system in different tissues of life cycleand different competition strategy, reflect on support for the strategy; the horizontal analysisinvolves on the interaction between the system and other modules of human resources and theinfluence for value creation. In addition to pay special attention to transparent pay,communication, systematic adjustment and commissioning and perfect.
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