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美国白蛾Hyphantria cunea Drury是一种世界性的检疫害虫。生物防治是控制其扩散、蔓延和为害的重要手段。为了更有效地利用天敌昆虫防控美国白蛾,作者在河北省廊坊地区开展了天敌昆虫资源的深入调查及利用白蛾周氏啮小蜂防治美国白蛾试验,取得了如下初步结果。
     2.美国白蛾昆虫天敌资源调查。共发现寄生蝇类11种,其中寄蝇科Tachinidae追寄蝇属Exorista Meigen 3种,刺腹寄蝇属Compsilure Bouche 1种,膝芒寄蝇亚科Goniinae栉寄蝇属Pales Robineau-Desvoidy 1种,狭额寄蝇属Carcelia Robineau-Desvoidy 3种,麻蝇科Sarcophagidae 2种,蚤蝇科Phoridae 1种;名录如下:条纹追寄蝇Exorista fasciata Fallen,兰黑栉寄蝇Ctenophorocera pavida Meigen,康刺腹寄蝇Compsilura concinnata Meigen,日本追寄蝇Exorista japonica Townsend,追寄蝇属Exorista sp1., Carelia sp1.,Carelia sp2.,Carelia sp3.,麻蝇科Sarcophagidae待定种1,麻蝇科Sarcophagidae待定种2,蚤蝇科待定种1。寄生蜂16种,其中姬蜂科Icheneumonidae 4种,茧蜂科Braconidae 3种,小蜂科Chalcididae 9种;名录如下:白蛾圆腹啮小蜂Aprostocetus magniventer Yang,白蛾短角啮小蜂Tetrastichus litoreus Yang,山东白蛾啮小蜂Tetrastichus shandongensis Yang,白蛾黑基啮小蜂Tetrastichus nigricoxae Yang,白蛾黑棒啮小蜂Tetrastichus septentrionalis Yang,白蛾周氏啮小蜂Chouioia cunea Yang,白蛾孤独长绒茧蜂Dolichogenidea ingularis Yang et You,白蛾聚集盘绒茧蜂, Cotesiagregalis Yang et Wei,舞毒蛾黑瘤姬蜂Coccygomimus diparis Viereck,稻苞虫黑瘤姬蜂Coccygomimus parnasae (Viereck),黑侧沟姬蜂Casinaria nigripes Gravenhorst,毛虫细颚姬蜂Enicopilus sp.,广大腿小蜂Brachymeria lasus Walker,松毛虫绒茧蜂Apanteles ardimarium Ratzeburg,齿腿长尾小蜂Monodotomerus sp.。捕食性天敌有2种:凹翅宽颚步甲Parena cavipennisBates,泛希姬蝽Himacerus apterus Fab.。同时对每种天敌的寄生(捕食)情况进行了初步观察。
     3.周氏啮小蜂Chouioia cunea Yang在廊坊地区的适应性研究。在廊坊地区田间释放周氏啮小蜂寄生率最高可达87.00%,平均能达到64.30%,并且经过越冬后寄生率平均能达到51.39%。说明,白蛾周氏啮小蜂能适应廊坊地区的环境,也能对本地的美国白蛾起到很好的控制作用。
     4.灭幼脲Ⅲ号对白蛾周氏啮小蜂Chouioia cunea Yang的影响研究。结果表明,不论先放蜂再施药还是先施药再放蜂,各种浓度的灭幼脲Ⅲ号对白蛾周氏啮小蜂的存活均无显著影响。
     5.凹翅宽颚步甲Parena cavipennis Bates对美国白蛾幼虫捕食作用研究。试验得出,凹翅宽颚步甲对美国白蛾2龄幼虫的捕食方程f(N)=0.4424*N/(1+0.00672N),对美国白蛾4龄幼虫捕食方程f(N)=0.3528*N/(1+0.0208N),对美国白蛾6龄幼虫捕食方程f(N)=0.137*N/(1+0.03109N);凹翅宽颚步甲对自身密度的干扰效应方程:E=0.240268P-1.1444。
Hyphantria cunea Drury is a species of world-wide quarantine pest. Biological control is one of the important means to control its diffusion, spread and damage. In order to use the natural enemy insects to control the Hyphantria cunea Drury effectively, we have carried out a thorough investigation on the natural enemy insect resources and experiment of using Chouioia cunea Yang to prevent and control Hyphantria cunea Drury. The preliminary result as follows:
     1. The Biological Characteristics of Hyphantria cunea in Langfang area. This dissertation has done some research on the host selection, characteristics of emergence of every generation and life history in Langfang area. In this district, it feed on 34 kinds of trees and it has three generations one year, the peak of emergence in first generation is from May 4 to May 9, and the second generation is pre and post July 16, the third generation is from August 21 to August 30. On different trees in Langfang area, fecundity and hatching rate of the eggs of Hyphantria cunea is different, the maximum fecundity is 975, and most hatching rate is over 90%.
     2. The Enemy Insect Resources of Hyphantria cunea.There are 11 species of parasitic flies in Langfang area, three of them belonging to Exorista Meigen of Tachinidae, one of them belonging to Pales Robmeau-Desvoidy of Goniinae, one of them belonging to Compsilura Bouche, three of them belonging to Carcelia, two of them belonging to Sarcophagidae, one of them belonging to Phoridae. Such as Exorista fasciata Fallen, Ctenophorocera pavida Meigen, Compsilura concinnata Meigen, Exorista japonica Townsend, Exorista sp1., Carelia sp1., Carelia sp2., Carelia sp3., undetermined species of Sarcophagidae 1, undetermined species of Sarcophagidae 2, undetermined species of Phoridae 1. There are 16 kinds of parasitoid wasps, four of them are Ichneumonidae, three of them are Braconidae, and nine of them are Chalcididae. Such as Aprostocetus magniventer Yang, Tetrastichus litoreus Yang, Tetrastichus shandongensis Yang, Tetrastichus nigricoxae Yang, Tetrastichus septentrionalis Yang, Chouioia cunea Yang, Dolichogenidea ingularis Yang et You, Cotesiagregalis Yang et Wei, Coccygomimus diparis Viereck, Coccygomimus parnasae Viereck, Casinaria nigripes Gravenhorst, Enicopilus sp., Brachymeria lasus Walker, Apanteles ardimarium Ratzeburg, Monodotomerus sp. . And we also find 2 kinds of predators. Such as Parena cavipennis Bates, Himacerus apterus Fab.. We also do a preliminary observation on the parasitic or predation of
     every enemy. 3. The Research on the Adaptability of Chouioia cunea in Langfang area. The highest parasitic rate of Chouioia cunea which we released in the field is 87.00%, and the average is 64.30%. The parasitic rate of the overwinter generation is 51.39% on average. It appears that Chouioia cunea can live well in Langfang area and control the fall webworm effectively.
     4. Toxicity of DiflubenzuronⅢon the Chouioia cunea Yang. Whatever in the part of releasing the wasps before chemical spray or the part of chemical spray before releasing the wasps, all the concentrations of DiflubenzuronⅢhave no significant effect to the survival of Chouioia cunea Yang.
     5. Research of Predation of Parena cavipennis Bates to larve of Hyphantria cunea. The Predation equation to the 2 instar larve of fall webworm is f(N)=0.4424*N/(1+0.00672N), 4 instar is f(N)=0.3528*N/(1+0.0208N),and 6 instar is f(N)=0.137*N/(1+0.03109N). The interfere equation is E=0.240268P-1.1444.
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