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In the period the transition of social economic structure, the implementation of agricultural industrialization in Heilongjiang province has exerted a positive impetus on speeding up the rural economic development of the whole province, besides, it advances the integration of city and countryside, and increasing the farmer’s incomes as well as promoting new socialist countryside construction of the whole province. However, comparing to the average level of the country, the development lever of agricultural industrialization in Heilongjiang province is still quite slow. One of reasons is that the rural financial system is not consistent in the demand of agricultural industrialization in Heilongjiang province. The agricultural industry financing is difficult and the shortage of funds is prominent and the efficiency of the financial resources allocation of characteristic agricultural industrialization has been weakened. The main reason causing the financing difficulty of agricultural industry is that the rural financial system of Heilongjiang province is imperfect .The function of the rural policy finance is unitary, and its business scope declining day by day, besides, its management is to the bad and its support ability to the agricultural industry has weakened. The core management strategy of the Agricultural Bank of China has shifted and its service function to the agricultural industry has weakened gradually. The rural credit cooperative does not fully play its cooperation financial function in the process of supporting the agricultural industrialization. The effect of“rainbow attract”of the postal savings to the agricultural industry has led the funds massively drains.
     By adopting combination method of criterion analysis and demonstration analysis, and the qualitative analysis and the quantitative analysis, according to demonstration research in Heilongjiang province from 1993 to 2006, it discovers the rural financial level of development is still on the initial stage, rural financial property increases slowly, town and township enterprise loan and agricultural loan decreases year by year, structure of loan is irrational. According to the analysis of contribution of agricultural financial resources in rural financial property giving the total agricultural output value, town and township enterprise total output value, the farmer's income, it concludes that financial support system of agricultural industrialization seeing the central bank as the leadership and cooperative finance, policy finance, commercial finance as main body cannot effectively run, each kind of finance lacks“excitation compatible”and plays the role of supporting agriculture. On the basis of the quantitative analysis, the article structures the four-dimensional mode of financial support system of agricultural industrialization and puts forward countermeasures and proposes strengthening efficiency of the four-dimensional mode from policy adjusting, mechanism building, functional position and organizational reform.
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