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Under the context of economy transition, China faced with the problem that enterprise technologic innovation capability is being evoluted hardly. The majority of Chinese enterprises are still in the stage of imitation, which lacks the capability of technology integration and creation. The existing situation of enterprise capability structure does not match the demand of environment. There are three reasons as follows:first, enterprise was not clear about the evolution trajectory of technological innovation capability in the context of transition; second, enterprises cannot promote the evolution of technological innovation capability through the synergic development of each internal sub-capacity within the organizational boundary to adapt to changes of external environment; third, in rapidly changing environment of economy transition, the overall perception of many enterprises is weak, especially on the environment, its own strategy and capability, which resulted that it is difficult to initiate synergistic evolution of strategic flexibility and technological innovation capability timely, based on new opportunities.
     The existing theories still cannot solve practical problem. Integration of adaptive evolution perspective and synergy perspective is helpful to study the evolution of technological innovation capability, as well as to balance "flexibility" and "efficiency", which reveal the rule of technological innovation capability evolution more comprehensive and in-depth. On the one hand, the perspective of adaptive evolution helps to reveal that in order to reach adaptive evolution of environment, how dynamic objectives adjust during the process of technological innovation capability evolution. On the other hand, synergic perspective helps to reveal that in order to achieve adaptive evolution, how enterprise innovation capability reaches static objectives of each stage of evolution, through the synergic development of each sub-capacity. However, there are still limitations:first, empirical study about the environment adaptive evolution path for technological innovation capability was insufficient; second, internal synergy mechanism of enterprise innovation capability is still unclear; Third, rare studies was focused on the factors that contribute to the transition way of enterprise technological innovation capability evolution path. The first question is the issues of "why" and "what", related to the cause of trajectory of technological innovation capability. The second and third questions are the issue of "how", involved with the mechanism and pathways of achieving technological innovation capability evolution.
     Based on the dominant logic of "cognition base→synergetic innovation→adaptive evolution", this paper proposed the research question:in the transition context, how enterprises promoted internal synergy evolution of enterprise innovation capability through the cognitive factor, strategic schema, to achieve evolution trajectory transition of technological innovation capability and adapt to the dynamic environment? Based on this basic problem, this paper designed four sub-studies:1) the exploratory case study about evolution rule of enterprise technological innovation capability, based on the perspective of adaptive evolution and synergy;2) the empirical study of adaptive evolution trajectory of enterprise technological innovation capability according to environment;3) the synergetic evolution mechanism of internal sub-capability of enterprise innovation capability;4) the pathway of strategic schema, promoting the transition of evolution trajectory of enterprise technology innovation capability.
     Sub-study Ⅰ proceed from the practical problems and jumped out of the old argument idea, the static segmentation concept of innovation capability evolution, based on the adaptive evolution and synergy theory, and the multiple case study method (Sunyard, Huawei, Fujian Youke) verified by data of application cases, theoretical explanations and research models. Through the data coding and analysis summary of three domestic enterprises which are in different industries and ownership types, it discusses the evolution rule of enterprise technological innovation capability in the context of transition:first, an adaptive evolution rule across enterprise boundaries:in order to adapt to environment, enterprise technological innovation capability evolutes over time; second, synergy rule within enterprise boundaries: under driven of suitable strategic schema, a cross-level and over time co-evolution rule exists among internal sub-capacity of enterprise innovation capacity (strategic flexibility, organizational flexibility and technological innovation capability).
     Sub-study Ⅱ commenced from the adaptive evolution rule based on the case study of sub-study Ⅰ. In order to contribute the research gap that the shortage of empirical study of technological innovation capability according to environment adaptive evolution path, it compares the impact of three constitution sub-capacities (realized absorptive capacity, integration capability, knowledge creation capability) on innovation performance and discusses the moderate role of environment dynamism during this process through empirical study. We determines one important direction of technological innovation capability evolution:"absorptive capacity dominant→absorption、integration capabilities lead→absorptive, integration, creation capabilities at a high level under balanced development ". What's more, more dynamic the environment was, clearer the evolution direction was. This evolution trajectory is a dynamic adaptation process to environment.
     Sub-study Ⅲ commenced from the synergy rule proposed in case study of sub-study Ⅰ, which was divided into two parts:1) First, about the argument of the relationship between the search capabilities of technology sources is complementary or alternative in the existing literature, it reveals the impacting mechanism of strategic flexibility on type selection of technological innovation capability by the way of cross-sectional study, through literature review, exploratory case study, conceptual model construction and statistical empirical verification:a) the strategic flexibility, complementary of external boundary spanning searching and internal boundary spanning searching, is more likely to lead the technological innovation capability type oriented by absorptive capacity (compared to other capability structure types)。The strategic flexibility, complementary of external boundary spanning searching and local searching, is more likely to lead the technological innovation capability type oriented by absorptive and integration capabilities (compared to other capability structure types); The strategic flexibility, shown as external boundary spanning searching activities, is more likely to lead the technological innovation capability type that capabilities of absorption, integration and creation are at high level under balanced development (compared to other capability structure types). b) complementary of organization flexibility to strategic flexibility is more likely to lead the technological innovation capability type oriented by absorptive capability.2) In order to contribute the research gap that the shortage of innovation capability self-organization evolution mechanism and cognitive factors existed in the field of technological innovation capability evolution, this paper starts from the dynamic perspective and commences further investigation of synergetic mechanism between enterprise strategic flexibility and technological innovation capabilities, through standard exploratory case analysis method (Lucent, UT Starcom, Nokia). The results show:first, if enterprise has not perceived new opportunities in the environment, technological innovation capability and strategic flexibility will happen the phenomenon of jointly recession, hindering the synergetic evolution of both (Since if the enterprise fails to perceive new opportunities in the environment, the evolution of technological innovation capability will reduce the knowledge gap of enterprise, which weaken the breadth and depth of strategic flexibility and knowledge searching activities.); second, the driver of synergetic evolution of strategic flexibility and technological innovation capability is from the cognitive level. Complicated strategic schema prevents the inertia brought by technological innovation capability evolution and promotes the synergistic evolution of strategic flexibility and technological innovation capability, through increasing the perceived knowledge gap.
     In order to contribute the research gap that the shortage of evolution path of technological innovation capability in existing empirical researches, Sub-study IV build a system dynamics model(SD Model) from knowledge searching to knowledge creation, based on foregoing analysis and theoretical foundation (the upper echelon theory, cognitive theory and knowledge structure perspective). Through quantitating the relationship between strategic framework, strategic flexibility and technological innovation capability, it finds the evolution and transition paths of technological innovation capability. The study finds:first, technological innovation capability evoluted along the trajectory that from single capability to composite capabilities ('absorptive capacity dominant→absorption、integration capabilities lead→absorptive, integration, creation capabilities at a high level under balanced development'), which verify the conclusion of Sub-study Ⅱ; second, adjusting the complexity of strategic schema is important to promotes the co-evolution of strategic flexibility and technological innovation capability and achieves transition of technological innovation capability evolution trajectory.
     This paper has three innovation points. First, it reveals that adaptive evolution rule of technological innovation capability according to environment and the evolution path'from single capability to composite capabilities'. Second, it reveals that under the moderate of organization flexibility, the mechanism of strategic flexibility when selecting technological innovation capability types. It moderates the argument that the searching between multiple knowledge sources is complementary or alternative during the evolution process of technological innovation capability. Third, it reveals the mechanism that strategic schema promotes the synergetic evolution of strategic flexibility and technological innovation capability. Meanwhile, adjusting the complexity of strategic schema is an important pathway to leverage enterprise technological innovation capability. The complexity of strategic schema, maintaining between20%-50%, helps to the transition of evolution trajectory of technological innovation capability.
     In addition, this paper also has practical implications. First, in the early development stage of technological innovation capability, enterprise shall have the sense of capability evolution and also continuously reinforces this sense during the process of capability development, which can avoid cognition rigidity and make the best preparing for capability evolution. Since the limitation of enterprise resources and restriction of development stage, enterprise need to achieve the technological innovation capability with different focus in each stage, along the evolution trajectory "absorptive capacity dominant->absorption、integration capabilities lead→absorptive, integration, creation capabilities at a high level under balanced development ".Second, in order to achieve the evolution of technological innovation capability, enterprise should balance the different strategic flexibility, which reflected as different searching activities and choose the suitable knowledge searching strategy. In order to form the technological innovation capability structure oriented by absorptive capability, enterprise needs to reinforce the complement between enterprise external knowledge sources and departmental/production line knowledge sources:in order to form the technological innovation capability structure oriented by absorptive and integration capabilities, enterprise needs to reinforce the complement between enterprise external knowledge sources and production line internal knowledge sources; in order to form the balanced development capability structure with absorptive, integration and creation capability, enterprise needs to focus on enterprise external knowledge sources and promote creativity. Third, enterprise is an integrated system and it needs a synergic development of multiple capabilities, such as strategic flexibility, organization flexibility, technological innovation capability, market/environment perceiving capability, to achieve the dynamic adaption of environment. If enterprise cannot perceive new opportunities of environment, technological innovation capability and strategic flexibility will happen jointly recession. Suitable strategic schema is the key to promote the synergetic evolution of technological innovation capability and strategic flexibility. Only maintaining the complexity of strategic schema (20%-50%), enterprise can continuously find the knowledge gap, lead external searching, and improve the diversity of the knowledge structure and leveraging of knowledge creation capability. Specifically, during the process of strategy formulation, enterprise shall focus on the fusion of information flow of "top-down" and "bottom-up", introduce heterogeneous top management team and ensure that top management team has a comprehensive understanding of environment, strategy and capability.
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