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The formulation of a country's strategies and policies is based on its own interests and demands as well as this country's perception, evaluation and emotion towards target country, which can be called target country's National Image. In other words, a country's National Image exerts great influence upon the formulation and implementation of inter-state policies. In this sense, National Image has become an influential soft power upon inter-state behaviors and powerful tool in seeking and realizing a country's own interests. Meanwhile, how to maintain an upright and positive National Image has become a hard to achieve goal. For instance, China, after decades of rapid economic growth and great achievements, is now being plunged into such a dilemma. China is now lifting itself out of poverty and advancing on the fast track towards prosperity. However, international community, especially some western developed countries, bears no respectful attitude toward China, and this has put China into a plight of high sensitivity and vulnerability due to the significant status quo and influence of western developed countries in international political pattern. Against this backdrop, it is necessary for us to contemplate the issues hereinafter: what is National Image? How about its formation, it construction and its transformation? And how does it influence inter-state behaviors?
     The above-mentioned issues are the ones to be studied in the dissertation. This paper, focusing on two themes namely power and image transformation, analyzes the intrinsic connection between National Image and inter-state behaviors and tries to establish a brand-new theoretical framework for National Image study through the research in four aspects namely the relationship between the connotation and elements of National Image, deeper motive power structure and power property of National Image, the route and mechanism for the formation, construction and transformation of National Image and the interrelationship mechanism between National Image and inter-state behavior.
     First of all, through elements analysis, this paper points out that National Image consists of three parts perception, evaluation and emotion; through structure analysis, this paper points out that National Image is not the outcome of stationary relationship between subject and object, but the outcome of intersubjectivity and further inter-image. In other words, National Image is the outcome of interactivity between the cognition of one country toward different countries of image. Through the analysis of elements and structure, the paper aims to deduce that National Image is the outcome of dynamic Game Playing of national power which not only displays the Game Playing process of different countries' soft power, but also shows that of hard power of different countries. Soft power and hard power are prerequisite to and conducive to each other. And this vividly demonstrates the power property of National Image.
     Secondly, through further analysis, the paper indicates that power property is rooted from the inner demand of mankind. And it is due to this demand that the deeper motive structure of National Image takes shape, which determines the intrinsic mechanism of the formation and construction of National Image. Variability, levels and diversity enable the transformation of National Image. The issues like potential threats and challenges confronting demand often result in a country's sense of crisis. National Image is usually intensified and wavered or even transformed in the generation and solution of crisis.
     Thirdly, the paper carries further study upon the formation, construction and transformation of National Image. It discusses the roles that mass media and inter-state exchange play in the formation and construction of National Image. It also analyzes the differences and integration in the process of formation and construction, thus further demonstrating the role that crisis plays in the transformation of National Image.
     Fourthly, the paper argues that whether it is the power property of National Image, the deeper motive structure of National Image or the transformation of National Image resulting from the motive structure, they all have great influences upon inter-state behaviors. As a matter of fact, perception, evaluation and emotion are closely connected with people's mental activity. That is to say, National Image exerts influence upon inter-state behaviors via people's mental activity especially that of a country's decision makers.
     Fifthly, the paper, from the perspective of empirical study, sorts out the history of China's national image in the eyes of westerners. It explores the intrinsic connection between the changes of demand of western world and the transformation of China's National Image. It analyzes the influence of power Game Playing between China and western countries upon China's National Image held by western countries. It also discusses the impacts that perception, evaluation and emotion exert upon western countries' cognition towards China National Image.
     In conclusion, the paper puts forward solutions to the construction of China's National Image. The paper thinks that based upon the demands of human society and the appeal for resolving crisis and under the guiding principle of different but live in harmony, we should take advantage of mass media communication whose orientation has shifted from propaganda to communication and the inter-state direct exchange manner whose purpose is to establish amicable relationship, and then a country's National Image can be refined and enhanced.
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    2 Hans J.Morgenthau.Politics Among Nations:The Struggle for Power and Peace.The McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc.,1985.87
    3 董青岭.国家形象与国际交往刍议.国际政治研究,2006(3):60
    4 英国广播公司的民意调查报告(BBC World Service Poll)在国际上颇有影响。此次针对中国印象的调查 是由两家国际权威的调查机构-加拿大环球扫描公司(GlobeScan)和美国马里兰大学国际政策调查项目(The program on International Policy Attitudes at the University of Maryland,PIPA)共同组织完成的。此次调查涉及的22个国家包括:美国、加拿大、墨西哥、智利、巴西、阿根廷、英国、法国、德国、意大利、西班牙、俄罗斯、波兰、土耳其、日本、韩国、印度、菲律宾、黎巴嫩、印度尼西亚、澳大利亚、南非。具体调查结果可参看http://www.globescan.com/news_archives/bbcpoll3.html。
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    2 后果性逻辑主要是行为体的行动选择与个体的理性预期相关,即行为体一般将自身和互动中他者的利益、益、目的和偏好看作是给定的,然后在此基础上询问“我如何得到我想要的”。进而进行手段一目的理性算计,从而设计出效用最大化战略。即行为体总是利用机会和权力来实现预先给定的目的和利益。而适当性逻辑则是指行为总是基于规则的,行为体在做出行为之前总是先要询问“现在身处何种社会情境之中”,即个体行为遵循与特定情境之特定认同相联系的规则,通过评估现有认同、选择困境与自我、情境更宽泛概念之间的相似性来探讨个体行为的机会。根据适当性逻辑,行为涉及激活认同或角色。使该认同或角色的义务与特定情境相适应。有关两种逻辑的阐述可参见:James G.March,Johan P.Olson.The Institutional Dynamies of International Political Order.International Organization,1998,Vol.52(4):943-969;也可参见Thomas Risse.Let's Argue:Communicative Action in World Polities.International Organization.2000,Vol.Winter:1-39
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    1 Barry Buzan.The Level of Analysis Problem in International Relations Reconsidered.In:Ken Booth,Steve Smith,eds.International Relations Theory Today.Cambridge:Dolity Press,1995.203-205
    2 Alexander Wendt.The Agent-Structure Problem in International Relations Theory.In:International Organization,summer 1987,Vol.41(3):335-340
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    2 秦亚青.国际政治的社会建构—温特及其建构主义国际政治理论.美欧季刊(台湾).2001,夏季号:249249
    1 Charles Osgood.Cognitive Dynamics in the Conduct of Human Affairs.Public Opinion Quarterly,1960,Summer(24):357
    2 国内学者关于“9.11”事件后美国安全战略调整的论文数量众多,可参阅陈昌升.九一一事件与美国的全球战略调整.世界经济与政治,2002(5):28~34;
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    2 Frank Newport.Americans Remain Strongly in Favor of Military Retaliation.The Gallup Poll,September 27,2001.http://poll.gallup.com/content/default.aspx?ci=4933&pg=1.
    3 Bill Vann.Washington Employs Fear and Panic as Instruments of War.World Socialist,The International Committee of the Fourth Internationa,February 14,2003.
    4 Jeffrey M.Jones,Joseph Carroll.Impact of Terrorism on the Daily Lives of Americans.The Gallup Poll,October 31,2001.http://poll.gallup.com/content/default.aspx?ci=9988.
    1 The Woodrow Wilson Center.President Discusses Iraqi Elections,Victory in the War on Terror.December 14,2005.http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releaes/2005/12/20051214-1.html.
    1 James Harding,Richard Wolffe,James Blitz.U.S.Will Rebuild Iraq As Democracy,Says Rice.The Financial Times,September 22,2002.
    1 Dana Milbank.Conquered Iraq to be a Model of Democracy:Bush.The Sydney Morning Herald,February 22,2003.
    2 "State of the Union Addressed by the President," United States Capitol,The White House,January 31,2006,http://www.whitehouse.gov/stateoftheunion/2006/index.html.
    3 "State of the Union Addressed by the President,"United States Capitol,The White House,January 31,2006,http://www.whitehouse.gov/stateoftheunion/2006/index.html.
    4 "President Bush Discusses Progress in the War on Terror," Oak Ridge National Laboratory,The White House,July 12,2004,http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2004/07/20040712-5.html.
    1 乔治·华盛顿.告别词.1796年9月17日.http://www.annian.net/show.aspx?id=1830&eid=14.
    1 吴冷西.十年论战:上.北京:中央文献出版社,1999.281;
    2 葛新生.赫鲁晓夫传.北京:世界知识出版社,1997.356
    3 吴冷西.十年论战:上.北京:中央文献出版社,1999.251-252
    3 也译作“法兰西斯派”,天主教的修会之一,十三世纪初由意大利人方济各创立。
    3 原文出处为赫尔德的《关于人类历史哲学的思想》第三部,选自[德]夏瑞春编.德国思想家论中国.陈爱政译.南京:江苏人民出版社,1995.81-92
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    2 罗伯特·赫德(Robert Hart,1835-1911),英国人,字鹭宾。曾担任晚清海关总税务司整整半个世纪(1861-1911),对中国多有了解,又亲身经历了义和团事件。
    3 吕浦、张振鹃等编译.“黄祸论”历史资料选辑.北京:中国社会科学出版社,1979.3-4,91-99,55,147-148
    4 参见Sax Rohmer.The Insidious Doctor Fu- Marchu.London:Methuen,1913;Sax Rohmer.The Return ofDr.Fu-Marehu.New York:Pyramid,1961;Sax Rohmer.The Hand of Fu-Manchu.New York:Pyramid,1962;Sax Rohmer.Emperor Fu-Manchu.London:Herbert Jenkins,1959.
    1 John King Fairbank.China Perceived..images and policies in Chineses-Amercian relation.Hew York:Knopf,1974.36-41
    2 参见Claudie Broyelle,Jacques Broyelle,Evelyne Tschirhart.China:A Second Look.Sussex:The Harvester Press Limited,1980.
    3 参见Colin Thubron.Behind The Wall:A Journey Through China.Bungay,Sunffolk:Penguin Books,1988.
    1 周宁.集体主义动了西方哪根神经.环球时报,2008年7月4日
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    2 《华尔街日报》中文网编辑部:《谁脏了我的奶粉!》,http://chinese.wsi.com/gb/20080912/EDR173325.asp?source=article
    3 参见新浪博客:《新西兰总理克拉克:地方政府想掩盖真相不上报》,http://www.xcar.com.cn/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=8362664&extra=&page=1
    1 Gerritt Gong.The standard of"Civilization" in International Society.Oxford:Clarendon.1984.36
    2 William Edward Hall.A Treatise on International Law,8~(th) ed.Oxford:Clarendon Press,1924.60
    3 Gerritt Gong.The standard of"Civilization" in International Society.Oxford:Clarendon,1984.14
    4 Gerritt Gong.The standard of"Civilization" in International Society.Oxford:Clarendon,1984.42
    1 Stephen J.Silvia,Aaron Beers Sampson.Acquis Communautaire and European Exceptionalism:A Genealogy.ACES Working Paper,2003,School of International Service,American University,May 21,2003.15-16
    2 孙晋忠,晁永国.全球化时代的西方文化霸权.光明日报,2001年12月18日
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    1 USIA.Building America's Public Diplomacy through a Reformed Structure and Additional Resources:[Annual report].US Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy,2002.
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