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The development of vocational education plays a pretty important role in the socio-economic. With the development of society, in order to adapt to industry, business and professional position, a new type of education has emerged. In the circumstances that China’s current economic and social development is still relatively backward, we should develop the vocational education rapidly to stimulate and promote social and economic development. There are many problems in high vocational education .The development of high vocational education in China lasts shorter, the sponsoring foundation of high vocational colleges is weak and the teaching staff is inadequate, the training of personal quality and school mechanism is imperfect. All of these situations listed above impediment the healthy development of high vocational education.
     In November 2006, the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Finance launched a national demonstration of high vocational college education projects. The project aims to build a batch of high-level vocational institutions to promote the development of the National Vocational College. Through implementing the program of the national demonstration of the high vocational college, the school strength, quality of teaching, management, operating efficiency and radiation capability of the model institutions can be improved rapidly, especially in deepening educational reform, innovating talents training model. With the building of high level professionals and professional teaching team, the improvement of the social services capacity, the creation of college characteristics and other aspects of visible progress will be achieved. The leading general vocational college should speed up the pace of reform and development so that they could do a better job in economic construction and social development.
     The building of high vocational national institution and its development is a major project involving many aspects of the college building. Therefore, the state’s model high vocational institutions should formulate a scientific planning and develop effective development strategy. We can see that the demonstration of national high vocational institutions for the development of strategic research is essential. High national model of the development of vocational schools are facing a great opportunity, a unique advantage for development, but also facing significant external threats within their own such as that there are many issues requiring urgent solution. The national model in high vocational institutions must fully analyze the conditions in the external environment on the basis of certain principles established in a certain period within the overall objectives. The overall development and reform strategy of national model of high vocational institutions is the driving force. With the national demonstration of the high vocational colleges building program, which is a good opportunity for the adoption of the model college construction, national model of high vocational institutions can improve the quality of teaching management level of operating efficiency. The ability to radiate large areas has been upgrading. The college construction will become a first-class and distinctive feature. A high degree of social recognition and the development progress of high vocational education in the Region will have a lead role in the national demonstration model of vocational college and in promoting China’s high vocational education reform and development. The focus of national model of high vocational instructions in the building during the demonstration strategic is to strength the content of construction and to improve the college’s overall development. The results in the model building strategy focusing on the promotion of radiation, capacity-building, will further play the exemplary role of the college. According to the strategic objectives and focus and the main development strategy of the development of model high vocational institutions, it is necessary to strengthen the connotation of construction and to improve the quality and level of college education. Specific measures in a professional construction and promoting the building of college professional level, promoting college“dual-mode”building of the contingent of teachers, can create a good educational environment and deepen the reform of its internal management system. In the second level, we must strengthen regional economic development and integration, the establishment of college to serve the development of new support. The concrete measures are education and economic integration, and the identify service positioning with college and business. In the third level, the implementation of corporate construction is necessary, which can promote the development of model high vocational colleges. Its specific measures are the corporation of colleges and local government, the corporation of colleges and related regions and other colleges as well as international intercourse and cooperation.
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