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Pay is the labor price which was ascertained after the negotiation between the employer and the employee according to certain laws and regulations. Currently, there exist two social problems in our country’s pay distribution system, which we cannot afford to ignore: some serious phenomena of delinquencies and the abnormal and growing pay gap. This kind of irrationality mainly is occurred by some uncompetitive factors, such as different industries, regions and genders have become the decisive factors affecting the increasing pay gap. More seriously, these two problems have got trapped in a vicious cycle, weakening the basic social function of pay, frustrating the enthusiasm of the mass laborers and influencing the sustainable development of national economy and the stability of the whole society. To further the reform of income distribution system, to normalize the income distribution regulations and to establish a scientific, equal and fair social income distribution system have become the focus of the whole society. At the same time, there exist some obvious defects in the present pay managerial system. If there is no ideal solution to these social problems, there wouldn’t be active responsiveness to supportive appeal to other legal system.
     The basic characteristic and task of Pay Act stipulate that the Pay Act should make corresponding response to the new circumstances in social income distribution system, satisfying the social needs and wishes of the social income distribution system. Pay Act is a typical responsive law, its aim of legislation is fully reflected in the process of law-making. From the model of law-making, our country’s law-making model tends to focus on concentrated law-making and should mainly base on central law-making. As for the regions where law-making may be influenced by more regional factors, the local government should be given more authorities. The making of Pay Act should reflect the principles of fairness, development, inclined protection, and differentiated management. Pay Act mainly includes three contents, that is, the Payment Social Security System, the Quota System and the Macro-control system. The legal liabilities of the Pay Act include both civil liabilities and criminal liability, and include both the liabilities of the employers and employees and the liabilities of the related governments. In the case of the unit’s illegal activities, bipartite punishment system should be adopted. In addition to investigate the unit’s liabilities, the judicial authority would also investigate the liabilities of the persons-in-charge of the entity and other related persons.
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