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随着经济全球化,可持续发展和环境问题的日益加剧,世界制造业正面临着巨大的挑战。单纯的依靠成本战、质量战已经无法面对越来越激烈的全球化市场经济竞争,产能过剩,同质化争竞的一天终将到来。越来越多的企业开始将企业重心从单纯的产品竞争上升为“产品+服务”的价值链竞争上。产品服务系统(Product Service System, PSS)是一种面向功能性的,集合产品、服务、利益相关人员与基础配套设施为一体的商业模型。相比传统的商业模型,产品服务系统可以更好的满足客户需求,为企业创造高附加价值,同时对环境产生较小的影响。
     本论文以客户需求驱动的产品服务系统为研究对象,提出了基于生命周期理论的产品服务系统总体结构。该产品服务系统可作为一种信息化管理工具,实现产品生命周期内各利益相关者信息和知识的共享和再利用。考虑到现阶段国内外航空MRO(Maintenance Repair Overhual,维护,维修,大修)的巨大市场和需求,本文将所提出的产品服务系统作为一种辅助决策工具,应用于产品服务系统方案设计中。全文以航空产品MRO服务作为典型代表开展相关研究,对该产品服务系统方案设计过程及关键技术进行深入研究。主要研究工作包括以下几个方面:
     4)分析了航空MRO服务活动所涉及的知识,将其分为3个方面的知识:面向MRO服务的客户知识、面向MRO服务的产品知识和面向MRO服务的服务知识。针对产品服务活动中知识难以获取和表示的问题,引入“本体”的概念,提出了基于本体的知识形式化表示方法,从而更好地实现产品服务活动所涉及知识的语义描述和后台联系。针对OWL(Web Ontology Language,网络本体语言)对普通逻辑判断规则表达能力不强的问题,提出了基于本体和粗糙集理论的混合知识获取表达方法。为实现产品服务知识源于产品服务活动,并重用于产品服务活动中这一目的,提出了产品服务知识管理系统框架,并对该知识管理中的关键技术进行了深入研究。
As a consequence of the increasing challenges from global operation, sustainable development and environment regulations, manufacturing enterprises which just rely on price and quality as their enterprises' competitive factors have been unable to cope with the fierce market competition. Manufacturing enterprises around the world have made significant efforts to provide high value added services in addition to their traditional product development and manufacturing business. As a function-oriented business strategy, Product Service System integrates product developers with suppliers, manufacturers, retailers, customers/consumers throughout the entire product life cycle. Compared to traditional business model, Product Service System gives the possibility to establish closer and longer relationships with customers, provides value through more customization and higher quality, reduces waste of resource, labour and costs, and obtains feedback from the use phase back to the design and manufacturing phase.
     This research object of this thesis is customer requirement oriented product service system. The opportunities abound for the application of PSS in aviation maintenance, repair and overhual are discussed, a Product Service System based on product life cycle theory is proposed, and the architecture and key technologies of the proposed PSS are analyzed. The main research contents in this thesis are as follows:
     Firstly, the opportunities abound for the application of PSS in aviation maintenance, repair and overhual are discussed. After the analysis of different views of life cycle theory from three mainly stakeholders in aviation manufacturing industry, a Product Service System based on life cycle theory is proposed. The architecture and major function of the proposed PSS are discussed. The general approach of providing supports and services by the proposed PSS is described, as well as the key technologies.
     Secondly, the specialties and needs of MRO service are studied. A new aviation MRO service model is proposed by analyzing the current limitations of the MRO service model. The sharing and reuse of information and knowledge among the stakerholders in aviation MRO service are studied to ensure the operation of MRO activities successfully completed. Product models are built by analyzing the aeroengine's physical model, function model, and interaction model. Service model is built by analyzing the service activity's function, input and output flows, and constrains. The MRO models will be used to help service engineers analyze customer requirements, and acquire engineering characteristics. Meanwhile, they will be used to support knowledge engineers to build the ontology domain, as well as knowledge acquiring and representation.
     Thirdly, to solve the problem that customer requirements could't be acquired and represent easily, a laddering methdology-based customer requirement acquire method is proposed. A Kano model-based customer requirement classification method is proposed, which is considered the different views between customer and product development engineer. A quantitative Kano model is proposed to solve the problem that the important degree of customer requirements is greatly influenced by design engineers'subjective factors in traditional Kano method.
     Fourthly, three acpects of Knowledge are proposed by analyzing the MRO service activities, e.g. MRO service oriented customer knowledge, MRO service oriented product knowledge, MRO service oriented service knowledge. To solve the problem that knowledge couldn't be discovered and reused easily during product service activities, the needs of knowledge representation in the process of product service are discussed. An ontology-based knowledge representation method for product service process is proposed to better semantic describe the product service knowledge. An ontology-based knowledge representation framework is developed for the reuse of knowledge unambiguously, which realizes the knowledge originated from the service process and served service process.
     Fifthly, the evaluating system for customer requirement oriented product service system is studied. To solve the problem that customers expect that multiple targets obtain optimal performance in the given feasible region, a customer requirement oriented product service evaluation model is proposed. After the analyzing of the meaning of every evaluation index, an evaluation method of product service strategy optimization based on the gray theory and fuzzy muster is proposed and the evaluation for every index is realized. Through the calculation of grey relational coefficient, fulfill the analysis to evaluation index. As to non-technical index, A Kano model based methodology is used to solve the problem that the important degree of index is greatly influenced by design engineers'subjective factors in traditional evaluation method. As to technical index, using improved QFD method to calculate the importance of index.
     Finally, System intergation realization mechanism based on Web service is proposed. On the basis of above research, a prototype system of customer requirement oriented PSS is developed. The implementation environment and realization method are stated.
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