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With the rapid development of science and technology, great progress havetaken place in the cluster economy of China. The emergence of a number of flexibleSME clusters have promoted the local economic development. Within the industrialcluster, a large number of upstream and downstream enterprises aggregratedtogether and formed a number of supply chains. From the perspective of theindustrial cluster and supply chain coupling, cluster supply chain is formed whichprovides a new space for regional economic development and industrial upgrading.Cluster supply chain is becoming a key factor to sustain stable development ofindustrial clusters. A single supply chain can not suffer the impact of rapiddevelopment of domestic and foreign technology and the transfer of theinternational division of labor. Therefore, single supply chain must collaborate withother supply chains in the cluster. The symbiotic mechanism of cross-chaincollaboration in cluster supply chain must be estalished in order to enhance thecompetitiveness and expansion of the industrial clusters, which is the key factor ofrapid and sustainable development of industrial clusters in China. This subject is theforefront research topic of supply chain management.
     Cross-chain collaboration in cluster supply chains is multi-chains collaborationon the perspective of the complex supply chain network. There are various complexissues in cross-chain collaboration because of the multilevel nature of the supplychain, the diversity of the complex. The collaborative process will be rendered byvarious uncertainties and different interests of the game players. Therefore, thispaper foucuss on these issues, defines the cross-chain collaboration paradigmconnotation, analyzes the organizational form of cross-chain collaboration forcluster supply chains, builds decision-making model of production and inventorycollaboration and its coordination mechanism. Cross-chain collaboration in clustersupply chains as the object of study has a very important significance in theory andpractice.
     Firstly, this paper analyzes the formation and developmental path of the clustersupply chain, defines the concept of cross-cahin collaboration of the cluster supplychain; analyzes the organizational structure of the cluster supply chain. Based on thebasis of the cluster supply chain classification according to the geographical clusterthis paper proposes the cross-chain collaboration service platforms and theirestalishmental mode, managmental mode and profitability analysis.
     Secondly, Coping with customers uncertain demand, the problem ofcross-chain production collaboration in the cluster supply chain is described; based on demand and production capacity sharing, decision-making models are builtincluding model of demand sharing and model of capacity of mode. The objective ofmodels are designed to maximize the cluster supply chain profits. A reasonableallocation agreement is designed and the greedy algorithm is used to solve the model.According to the demands and capabilities of the dynamic changes of cooperativeenterprises, service levels and total profits as the evaluation indicators to construct adecision model, dynamic coordination mechanism for the cluster supply chain areproposed base on the eavluation indicairos.
     Thirdly, inventory decision-making models are reviewed, including the basiceconomic order quantity model and economic order quantity model considering thequantity discounts. Intergrating economic order quantity model with horizontalinventory collaboration, inventory coordination mechanism is proposed. Inventorycollaborative decision-making model is built to maxmize the profit of the clustersupply chain. the nature of the model is anlayzed and a search optimizationalgorithm is designed to solve the model.
     Finally, co-opetition relationship is introdused in cross-chain collaboration.Qualitative analysis is conducted in organization co-opetition relationship; On thisbasis, inventory decision models with collaboration and withour collaborationbetween the two competing vendors are established. Tthe model is applicated in thecase study. To resolve issue of coordination of the distribution of benefits,coordination mechanism based on third-party payment is proposed.
     This research enriches and improves the theory of cluster supply chainmanagement, which helps to deepen the understanding of the developmentalmechanism of the industrial clusters. This research promotes and enhances thecompetitiveness of overall industrial clusters, which has important theoretical andpractical significance.
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