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中药作为我国人民防病治病、养生保健的物质基础,对中华民族的繁衍昌盛作出了巨大贡献。但由于缺少能让世人相信的稳定、可控的中药质量标准规范体系,而使我国中药至今未能作为药品进入国际医药市场。针对这一状况,国家提出“中药现代化”的战略,制定了一系列质量控制方案。主要使用的方法包括药材的组织结构显微鉴定,薄层色谱(thin layer chromatography,TLC)定性鉴别,高效液相色谱法(high performance liquid chromatography,HPLC)定量以及基于HPLC的指纹图谱研究。这些方法凭借对指标成分的鉴别和含量测定结果来评价中药质量,对中药材质量规范起到了举足轻重的作用。但是上述方法尚不能对中药进行全成分整体研究,因此建立能全面地反映中药内在质量的方法对中药现代化具有非常重要的意义。
     针对这一现状,核磁共振(nuclear magnetic resonance,NMR)指纹图谱研究应运而生。该技术是一种可靠、快速、无损的分析技术,适用于中药指纹图谱的研究和建立。而统计模式识别(statistical pattern recognition)方法能够从复杂的数据中最大限度的提取信息。两种技术结合应用于中药及其制剂全成分研究,可成为一种全面监控中药质量的新方法。
     本论文的第一部分基于这一思路,考虑运用~1H-NMR指纹图谱结合相似性分析(similarity analysis)和主成分分析(principal componentanalysis,PCA)等多元统计方法对辛芩颗粒及其主要药味细辛、黄芩、黄芪的质量进行研究,初步建立一种合理可行的用于整体控制中药质量的方法。
     本论文的第二部分为九管血的地下部分化学成分研究。九管血为紫金牛科植物矮茎朱砂根(Ardisia brevicaulis Diels.)的根或金草,主要分布于湖北、四川、贵州、江西、广西等地。用于祛风清热,散瘀消肿,主治咽喉肿痛,风火牙痛、风湿筋骨疼痛,腰痛,跌打损伤,无名肿毒等症。至今未见有关该种植物化学成分研究的报道。本文对九管血地下部分乙醇提取物的石油醚和乙酸乙酯部分进行化学成分分离和结构鉴定研究。运用硅胶柱层析、凝胶柱层析等色谱分离方法分离得到19个化合物,并采用MS,~1H-NMR,~(13)C-NMR,HMBC等光谱技术对其中18个化合物进行了结构鉴定。其中3个新化合物被鉴定为:5-十三烷基-6-O-乙酰基-3-羟基-1-苯甲醚;4-十三烷基-3,5-O-乙酰基-1-苯甲醚;2-十五烷基-6-甲氧基-3-[2′-甲基-5′-(14′,15′-十五烯基)-4′,6′-间苯二酚基]-1,4-苯醌。所有化合物均首次从该植物中分离得到。
Chinese medicine as the material base of preventing and treating diseases made a tremendous contribution for the prosperity of the Chinese nation reproduction. But due to lacking of the stable and controllable quality standards, Chinese medicine had not been allowed to enter the international pharmaceutical drugs market. Thus the goverment prefered the strategy named "Modernization of Traditional Chinese Medicine", and formulated a series of quality control projects. The main methods included the use of microscopic identification for herbs organizational structure, TLC(thin layer chromatography) identification, HPLC(high performance liquid chromato -graphy) identification and the fingerprint based on quantitative determination with HPLC. These methods rely on the results of identifying and determining contents of the reference components to evaluation the quality of Chinese medicine, which played a pivotal role. However, these methods couldn't study the overall composition. Therefore to establish a method which could reflect the inherent quality of the traditional Chinese medicine has a very important significance.
     Therefore, NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance) fingerprint emerged as a new method to analyze the all composition of Chinese medicine. It is a new comprehensive monitoring of the quality of medicines using NMR combined with pattern recognition technology.
     The first part of the dissertation deals with the quality evaluation of Xinqin Kili granule and its main composition (Xixin, Huangqin and Huangqi) using ~1H-NMR spectroscopy combined with the similar analysis and principal components analysis methods. Its purpose is to establish a reasonable and feasible quality control method of traditional Chinese medicine.
     The second part of the dissertation deals with the chemical constituents from the roots of Ardisia brevicaulis Diels.. The materials came from the roots or entire plants of Ardisia brevicaulis Diels., and mainly located in Hubei, Sichuan, Guizhou, Jiangxi, Guangxi, and other places. It is mainly used to expelling wind and removing heat, eliminating stasis to subdue swelling. The literature on the chemical constituents from this plant has not been reported. 19 compounds were isolated by repeating silica gel and Sephadex LH-20 column chromatography, in which, 18 were identified. Three new compounds were identified as 5-tridecyl-6-O-acetate-3- hydroxyl-1-methyl phenyl ether; 4-tridecyl-3,5-O-acetate-1-methyl phenyl ether; 2-pentadecyl-6-methoxy-3-[2'-methyl-5'-(14l,15'-pentadecenyl)-4',6'-resorcinol] -1, 4-benzoquinone. All the compounds were obtained from this plant for the first time.
     The third part of the dissertation is a review to introduce the pattern recognition technology in the identification and quality control applications of traditional Chinese medicinal materials. This article summarized the progress, the main research methods, and the application of the pattern recognition technology in the identification and quality control of Chinese herbal medicine in recent years.
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