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The soft rock-hard soil is one kind of intermediate type material which has great transformation in lithology and has the properties of rock and soil. The engineering problems caused by the soft rock-hard soil which some countries meet, arose a lot of experts interests, and is becomed of an important subject in geotechnical engineering world.
     Taking the aforesaid problems as research background, this paper studies the soft rock-hard soil feature and deformation behavior of XIXIAYUAN Project by soil tests and rock tests. Since there is no full-fledged experimentation and uniform evaluation standard at present, simulation tests is designed and developed. Finite element analysis for simulation is also carried out. Concrete conclution as follows:
     1.Through testing method, carry out systematic studies on physicochemical properties, expansive characteristic, relations between dilatability and physics index, and uniaxial compressive test as well as contrastive analysis on Neogene soft rock-hard soil and engineering soft rock
     2.Mechanics characteristic study on soft rock-hard soil. Basing on large locale test and in-site tests, combine theoretical calculation, indoor test and engineering experience to discuss intensity characteristic and carrying capacity of soft rock-hard soil and evaluate each testing method. Discuss the differences among each testing method, focusing on mechanics characteristic to give numerical simulation recommendation.
     3.Dimension domino offect study on soft rock-hard soil. Carry out domino offect tests on six different dimensions, and educe connection between dimensions and uniaxial compressive intensions. Find out the rule of surround press and intensions.
     4.Design and develop simulation test to discuss soft rock-hard soil researching methods. Combine some main soil tests and few rock tests and locale tests, Carry out reliability analysis of simulation test and its result.
     5.Carry out finite element analysis of simulation test and sensibility analysis of correlation parameters. According to ANSYS structure analysis, numerical value simulation is processed on preloading and center load to discuss stress and strain features as well as sensitivity comparison analysis of relevant parameter.
     The study of this paper is base on Xixiayuan project, with definite engineering background, combined tightly with actual project . The production of this paper provide very important reference value to design and construction of Xixiayuan project.
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