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Industrial cluster has become the hot research of economic phenomenon, which haslasted for20years, And it have fully developed in theory and practice. Industry clusterstrategy and high tech Development Zone, high tech Industrial Base DevelopmentStrategy of science and technology has become an important area in the development ofscience and technology science and technology strategy in China. Since1995, Chinaestablished the first industrial base, relying onthe torch center of science department,national high tech industrial base the Minstry of science and techonogy that hasmore than200home, Has become the important carrier of regional science and technologyinnovation in China. Our country is in an important period of transformation of the modeof economic development, the development of science and technology innovation, hightechnology industry is "key link ofinnovation oriented society" strategy, and the hightechnology industrial base is an important mode and carrier of hightechnology,industrialization, large-scale.
     Liaoning is an important industrial base of China, the revitalization of the oldindustrial base of industrial policy in the central, coruscate the vigor and vitality of theold industrial base, entered a new stage of the transformation of economic development.Impact of the traditional planned economy in Liaoning Province caused by the regionaldivision of labor and fuzzy, lack of features, assimilation and decrease the ineffective rateandcompetitiveness overall resource allocation. The government of Liaoning provincefrom the angle of regionalresources integration, combined with the future economy,technology development and its industrial, resource advantage, select the characteristicindustry not only embodies the future development direction and in conformity with theadvantages of its natural resources as astrategic industry, highlighting the industrycharacteristics and difference. During the "Nine Five" and "Ten Five" period,development of Liaoning characteristic industrial base slowly. Since "Eleven five",Liaoning Province industrial base has entered a phase of accelerated development, theprovince's total high-teco industrial base35, of which above the provincial level18,national level11. Science and Technology Department of Liaoning provinceprovincialParty committee, the provincial government closely around the central work vigorously the development of characteristic industry base, and actively explore the developmentmode of high-tech industry base, planning layout, planning industry direction,determine the development train of thought.
     By the end of2010, Liaoning Province, all kinds of industrial base,the total outputvalue of2053billion yuan, accouting for GDP of the province's above scale enterprises11.4%; realize the high-tech product added value of410billion yuan, the added value ofhigh-tech products accounted for27.8%of the province.
     The formation and development in Liaoning Province, plays an important and evendecisive role of provincial government.The government play an important and evendecisive role in the formation and development of high-tech industry base of LiaoningProvince.
     The use of government intervention in the market environment of the unco-nventional means relatively backward, less attractiveregion, the development effect ofindustrial base is obvious? Does the use of government intervention have the effect ofindustrial bade is obvious in which the market environment of the unconventional meansrelatively backward or less attractiveregion?
     What is the theoretical basis of the government intervention in industry base?Whatare the rules of internal mechanisms and evolution of industrial base of the evolution?Government intervention is excessive or insufficient strength? A series of problemsneed to be further discussed in theory. In this paper, I will base on the analysis of thedevelopment history and current situation of Liaoning high-tech industry base, analysisof the system, and strive to make further of some problems of the above.
     This paper is divided into8chapters as follows:
     The first chapter is the introduction part, and I will analysize the background,significance and framework of writing paper and reviewed the related theory.
     In the second chapter, I will analysize the the connotation and charactistics ofindustrial base.I analysize the differences of the connotation between high tech industrialbase and industrial clusters, high-tech development zone and other similar concepts, Atthe same time, I take the market, technical innovation and knowledge spillover, internalnetwork organization as high technologyindustry base in the evolution of the threeimportant factors, and build the main framework of the whole paper.
     In the third chapter, I focus on the analysis of the evolution of industrial base in the market failture problem and we think the industry base will produce market failture in thecomplete market evolution formation. So the market failure can cause problems such aslack of effective supply of public products is not sufficient, the allocation of resources isnot reasonable and so on. Using the game analysis of non isomorphic industry anddisorderly competition problems in the evolution of the industrial base. And analyzesmarket failure caused by path dependence, the negative external effect, technologylocking issues from a technical point of view.
     The fourth chapter analyzes technological innovation within the industrial basefailure problem of technology, especially common technology industry base in theinternal failure issues. Analysis of the causes of industrial base internal innovation is notfull and non optimal lack without the government intervention. Analysize the problems inconstructing the internal innovation network of industrial base. And thinking thatdepends entirely on the market evolution, the internal organization of innovation systemwill be delayed, and even emergence of defects.
     The fifth chapter analyzes several cases of government failture such as excessivegovernment intervention, lack of intervention, government failture and so on. Andbased on the development situation of high technology industry base in Liaoningprovince. Analysize of potential risk potential government policy failure, andcorresponding prevention measures.
     The sixth chapter is based on the questionnaire investigation of TieXi manufacturingindustry base area, and using the method of principal component analysis to anlysize theproblems in the evolution of Tiexi industrial base such as innovation consciousness,innovation environment,innovation performance and other aspects of the situation,
     The seventh chapter based on the above analysis, to put forward the development ofindustrial base in Liaoning province in the future policy recommendations. Especiallyanaylsizing the the existing industrial base of Liaoning province according to the stage ofevolution and take targeted differentiation strategy.
     The eighth chapter is the conclusion, research limitation and the future research.
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