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Although there are worldwide achievements in the studies on agency behavior of company manager, it is unfeasible to apply directly some of them to the practices of corporate governance in China. Furthermore, because the humane resource of company manager in reality are scarce, plastic and inseparable from its subject, undoubtedly the topics of this paper are of theoretic and pragmatic significance. Based on the principles and methods of modern enterprise theories, the paper makes a relatively systematic and in-depth study on four topics: incentive constraint mechanisms for company manager, agency behavior of company manager, optimization of combined incentives to company manager, agency behavior of the representatives of state-owned equities.
    About the incentive constraint mechanisms for company manager: first, the paper points out that incentive is the key to prevent moral risk behavior after analyzing the reasons for them; second, it points out that there are inevitable conflicts between abstracting information rent and obtaining working efficiency in preventing manager's moral risk behavior; third, it discuses a reward incentive mechanism which can display personal information, gives the first-best solution within the framework of principal-agent model; fourth, it establishes a model that can prevent manager from concealing information and gives the first-best solution; fifth, it improves the optimal reward contract by using expanded model on the hypothesis of limited enforcement; finally, it points out that probability auditing mechanism can improve significantly manager's optimal reward contract.
    The paper makes an expanded study on a series of problems about agency behavior of company manager. Firstly, it discusses manager opportunism behavior and sets up an incentive model by improving manager utility function. Secondly, it analyzes manager behavioral combination and regards that the coefficient of profit sharing in traditional principal-agent model is a little low. Thirdly, it analyses the cost function of agent's effort under the situation of multiple entrusted tasks and the influence of task relevance upon the optimal
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