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The theory of corporate capital structure is the core of modern finance theory. It's involved with the firm's finance goal, ways of financing, cash flow and other important financial issues, and also with corporate governance, and incentive structure. The theory of capital structure also is the important component of mordern finance and corporate theory.
    From the beginning of 1950s' capital structure hypothesis to the birth of the MM theory, it experienced the dispute which lasted for a long time. The west financial researchers constantly made meaningful studies on capital structure. They have discussed the relaxation of MM theory's strict assumptions since its establishment in 1958, and their efforts make more and more practical sense and constitute the innovation of theory in different level, such as agency cost model, interest conflict between shareholder and manager, interest conflict between shareholder and creditor, asymmetric information model, the mutual effect between product market and factor market, the theory on the corporate control , etc. In 1990's, with the emergence of behaviour financial theory , more and more financial researchs do their research on capital structure in behaviour finance method.
    Chinese stock exchange market is a emerging market, and it's set up on the time of economic transition. So, he operation and the rule environment of China's listed companies is different from the companies of developed countries. This paper tried to take advantage of the newest results of western researchers on capital structure to investigate and prove the adaptability of them in Chinese emerging market.To begin with the basic characters of capital structure of Chinese listed firms, this paper tried to investigate the capital structure decision, the relation between capital structure and competition of product market, and market timing behavior in Chinese stock market.
    There are seven chapters in this dissertation, and the contents of every chapter is:
    The first chapter is introduction.
    The second chapter summarizes the theories of corporate capital structure and makes comments on them.
    The 3th chapter does empirical study on capital structure decisions of Chinese listed firms.After analysis of literatures,the paper select 33 index variables as dependent variables which may affect the capital strucutre. By factor analysis and stepwise regression, the paper concludes the main determinant factors and their effect to capital structure. At the end of paper, Robust tests are done with different measures
    of leverage, different samples,and different econometric methodologies, the results reveal the conclusion is robust. Then, we took advantage of a dynamic adjustment model and dynamic panel methodology to investigate the capital structure of Chinese listed firms. Compared with static model,we found the evidence on existence of partial adjustment.Moreover,this paper also analyzed the effects of different firm-specific characterics as well as macroeconomic factors on the speed of adjustment to target capital structure.
    The 4~(th) chapter examines the relation between growth opportunity ,capital structure and dividend policy, by using financial data of Chinese listed firms to contruct panel data. And Using a panel data of Chinese listed companies,this chapter examined whether financing considerations measured by the capital structure affect corporate investment decisions unducing underinvestment or overinvestment incentives according to agency theory
    The 5~(th) chapter applies parametric and non-parametric test, and descriptive statics to systematically study the relation between industry characteristic and capital structure, and establishs the empirical link between corporate capital structure and product market competition. We choose some indexs which were frequently used in the past studies to measure market competition . By common factor analysis, we construct some factors to represent different faces of market competition. Finally, we take advantage of panel data model to do regression.
    The 7~(th) chapter reviews the development of behaviour finance to corporate capital structure theory. Then uses the financial data of listed company in Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets from 1990 to 2004 to attempt to investigate the suitability of this new theory in China. The econometric evidence shows that the Chinese listed companies really behave according to the pattern of market timing in the form of stock and debt financing; equity financing does significantly influence the capital structure of the Chinese listed companies ; the market timing behavior of stock financing does have persistent influence on the capital structure
    The 7~(th) chapter is conclusion..
ⅰ 实际上,在Smith和Watts(1992)中,给出了三种解释理论,但由于企业的税收状况信息的难以获得而没有对税收理论进行分析,本文亦是如此。
    ⅱ 见Baltagi & Raj(1992),Kiviet(1995),Bun & Kiviet(2001)
    ⅲ IV法可以得出一致的估计值,但并不能保证其为渐进有效。GMM由于运用了较多的正交条件,同时考虑了干扰项的协方差,因而可以得出渐进有效的结果。
    ⅳ 在资本结构理论中,也有用长期负债代替总负债来计算资本结构比率的,本文也采用这种度量进行实证,结果表明,以总负债表示的资本结构比率比长期负债表示的资本结构比率对企业的投资行为更具解释力。
    ⅴ 本文分别对滞后一期的资本结构比率和当期的资本结构比率作为解释变量进行计量分析,发现滞后一期的资本结构比率与企业当期的投资行为相关性更大。
    ⅵ 参见Hubbard(1998),Lang et al(1996),Fazzari、Hubbard和Petersen(1988)和Hoshi,Kashyap(1991)。
    ⅶ 具体分析参见Badi H.Baltagi(1995)
    ⅷ 根据前文的检验结果,固定效应模型是最合适的模型设定,因此表2中只给出了固定效应模型的估计结果
    ⅰ 陆家骝,《行为金融学的兴起》,广东人民出版社,2004,第254页
    ⅱ 股票市场择时模式指面对有利的股票市场条件而采取相对应的证券交易类型,如股票市场高涨时发行股票,反之回购股票等。
    ⅲ 如Rajan和Zingales(1995),Jung,Kim和Stulz(1996),Pagano,Panetta和Zingales(1998)以及Hovakimian,Opler和Titman(2001)等。
    ⅳ 资产价值的市场值有两种计算方法:资产市值1=资产账面值-权益账面值+年末股票发行总数*年底公众股的市场价格;资产价值2=资产账面值-权益账面值+流通股股数*每股股价+非流通股股数*每股净资产。本文采取第一种计算方法。童盼,陆正飞(2005)提出由于我国上市公司的特殊的股权结构,使得非流通股占有相当比例,这些非流通股在国有企业和机构投资者之间交易的价格,更接近于这些股权的账面价值,而不是流通股的市场价格,因而主张第二种计算方法。因此,本文也采用第二种方法来计算总资产的市值。
    ⅴ 由于页面篇幅限制,并没有给出所有IPO年度和正常时间年度的数据统计。
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