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Educational equity stands as one of the most significant contents of social equity and serves as both its starting point and cornerstone. Equity issues in education have been treated as one of the core propositions in educational theory and practice worldwide at present. Theories of educational equity have been enriched at multiple levels and with diversified focuses, while its practice has seen joint participation of various stakeholders and constant pursuit of pragmaticality. Educational equity policy was initially made and systematically pushed forward in America. Its various ways of policy implementation might be referenced to address the basic education equity issues in China at present. In order to realize the aim of "high-quality education for all", the U.S. Federal Government has been long dedicated itself to pioneering practice in its traditional education system. Since the1980s, in particular, it has initiated a series of basic education reforms, centering on the three subfields, i.e. education compensation, school choice and academic standards.
     The thesis begins with an introduction, mainly discussing the importance and necessity of the research. Based on identification of research target and review of related domestic and international literature, the research ideology and logical framework have been established, followed by a clarification of research emphases and difficulties of this research.
     The thesis focuses on these three reform movements, as mentioned above, endeavored by the U.S. Federal Government since the1980s. The first chapter,"Development of Educational Equity Theory and evolvement of Basic Education Equity Policy in America", sheds light on the connotation and theoretical support of educational equity and analyzes the current situation and equity issues in basic education in America. It also reviews the ideology and policy development of equity in basic education since the foundation of America and elaborates on the contents of relevant policies.
     The second chapter, titled with "Compensatory Education Programs:Foundation for All Children", provides an in-depth analysis of the foundations of the Compensatory Education Programs through multiple perspectives, from political to economic, from theoretical to practical and legal. Major types and implementing approaches of this plan are examined, and the characteristics and effects are summarized as well. As the most influential project in the field of educational equity by far, the Compensatory Education Programs have offered overwhelming support for improving educational conditions of disadvantaged groups in America.
     Theoretical basis and social and educational backdrop of the School Choice Movement, are discussed in the third chapter:"School Choice Movement:Balance of Pursuit for Fairness and Efficiency". It sorts out the policy standpoints on the Movement in America by its successive Presidents since the1980's, along with its implementing forms. An objective evaluation is also conducted on the Movement's results. As an important attempt to introduce market mechanism into school education system, the Movement has encouraged competition among schools, and strengthened the right of free choice in education by the public and families.
     The fourth chapter,"Academic Standards Movement:High-quality Education for All", discusses its developmental backdrop, evolutionary process, main contents, effects on American basic education, as well as a number of typical experiences. The Movement has played an essential role in promoting quality and equity of basic education in America, by enacting curriculum standards in various disciplines, carrying out academic performance evaluations and improving a three-level (state, school district and school) responsibility system.
     The last part of this thesis,"Lessons and Inspirations", summarizes typical experiences that could be learned from both the American basic education equity policy and its implementing approaches, covering aspects of public awareness, legal framework and fiscal guarantee. Based on the status quo of Chinese basic education equity, the thesis concludes by presenting tailored proposals relevant to development of policy and conduct of practice in China.
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