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The lender of last resort(LOLR) is the old function of central banks(CBs).Under the background of globalization,unification and deregulation of finance,the financial environment was more complicated than ever,and the degree,extent and depth of systemic risk had surpassed the traditional scope of cognizance.Accordingly,the role of the conventional LOLR has changed more,and the CBs are faced with challenges.The moral hazard is the by-product of rescue policy of LOLR originally.However it has been pendent as yet,so the Basel agreement didn't involve it in 2003.Hence,not only in theory but also in practice,the moral hazard of rescue policy of LOLR is worthy of research.
     The paper starts with the relation between the run and LOLR,investigates the basic role of LOLR in the elimination of panic runs,and discusses the origins and damages of moral hazard of rescue policy of LOLR.Founded on them,the paper introduces the model of rescue decision-making of LOLR,discusses the influence of moral hazard in the decision-making of CB. The research shows that the likelihood of contagion is the key factor affecting CB's incentive in providing LOLR,while the moral hazard is just of by-product of rescue policy.Based on the policy developed by the model,the paper researches the negative correlation between bank's size and risky action in the rescue policy of "too big to fail".It also employs the method of game to prove that,the strategy of "constructive ambiguity" could affect the strategy choice and restrain the moral hazard.The paper deepens the research of the conclusion of model in the new crises. To accommodate the development of financial market,the rescue policy should not only prevent panic runs but also mitigate moral hazard.The paper applies the research framework of moral hazard to the rescue practice of international and Chinese LOLR.The paper analyzes the feasibility of loan conditionality of IMF and investigates the political economy of selective rescue of IMF.We can find that the rescue policy of IMF is not restrain moral hazard but magnify moral hazard.The dissimilated characteristics of LOLR in China directly induce the severe moral hazard.In order to mitigate the moral hazard of rescue policy of LOLR in China, we should improve institution of LOLR,apply the strategy of "constructive ambiguity" and constitute the affiliated institutions.
    14.Gregory Moore:《Solutions To The Moral Hazard Problem Arising From The Lender-Of-Last-Resort Facility》,Journal Of Economic Surveys,1999年V.13,N.4,P449.
    15.Thornton,H:《An Enquiry into the Nature and Effects of the Paper Credit of Great Britain》.1802.
    16.Gregory Moore:《 Solutions To The Moral Hazard Problem Arising From The Lender-Of-Last-Resort Facility》,Journal Of Economic Surveys,1999年V.13,N.4,P451-453.
    17.Gregory Moore:《 Solutions To The Moral Hazard Problem Arising From The Lender-Of-Last-Resort Facility》,Journal Of Economic Surveys,1999年V.13,N.4,P462-463.
    18.Hirsch 认为,俱乐部成员接受不成文的道德规范约束,并承诺遵从家长式的中央银行对这些道德规范的解释。俱乐部精神使得银行家之间发展出家族信任感,结成了互惠共荣的“老友”网络,形成彼此愿意为成员服务的高贵承诺。
    19.BIS:Real-time Gross Settlement Systems:A Report Prepared by the Committee on Payment and Settlement Systems of the Central Banks of the G10 Countries,1997.
    20.“顺序服务约束”(sequential service constrains),指的是,提款需求是随机地到达银行这一中介的,而银行的支付仅仅取决于当事人在队列中所占据的位置,即排在后面的人可能面临无款可提的局面。
    25.Miron 运用 Bernoulli 分布作了一个简单检验,结果表明,在99%的资信水平上,在联邦储备体系建立之前给定年份发生恐慌的概率为0.316,1914-1928年这14年间发生银行恐慌的概率仅为0.005。 供最后贷款人救助,不过此时的不愿意程度没有在单独考虑道德风险下那么强烈。
    36.Charles A.E.Goodhart,Haizhou Huang:《The lender of last resort》,Journal of Banking & Finance,2005(29)P1079.
    43.Charles Enoch,Peter Stella,and May Khamis:《Transparency and Ambiguity in Central Bank Safety Net Operations》,IMF Working Paper 1997,P97-138。
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    54.在2002年11月8日弗里德曼90岁生日时,伯南克当面向弗里德曼表示,“作为一名美联储的代表, 我愿意承认:在大萧条的问题上,您是正确的,我们做错了。但是正是因为您,我们不会再犯同样的错误。”
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