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     (AU RARA)的基础上,利用神经网络实现了机器人高级组合行为的进化学习,然后对
     过自然选择对神经同络进行进化,并能自主实 沿人进磁、移动、复制和攻击等行
     — —’—’-’”、r-一、——”‘—、一’”—”””’”’—”一’”“—一”“『”’”一’一’——”’————””“’”t
Traditional robot research was based on known structured environment, and researchers
     have accurate knowledge about robot and its environment. The main problems about this method
     are: (1) robot designers must have accurate knowledge about robot and its environment; (2) the
     hardware or software must be modified if robot and its environment need improving, this
     increased the burden of engineering implementation; (3) the adaptive ability of robot is weak
     because it must run under the plantation result from internal model of environment.
     Evolutionary robot is an important branch of robots science and technology more and more
     AX specialists pay attention to it because of its simplified structure and robust autonomous ability.
     Behaviorist believed that intelligent robot should be designed by using bottom-up method and
     should learn behaviors based on sensing-reactive by interacting with the environment.
     In this thesis, we present some new models and algorithms of robot behavior by using
     evolutionary neural network. The new model takes more emphasis on adaptive property of the
     robot, and let the robot run under the unknown environment. The robot can build the model of
     world by sensing environment and have self recovery ability. By learning continually and
     interacting with the environment, the robot can keep on adjusting the world and its own model
     and can finally run the environment. Our creative work include the following parts:
     1. A new method for designing artificial neural network architectures, which is based on
     system and genetic algorithm, is presented in this paper. Production rules and parallel
     algorithm are used to solve traditional neural network design problems. The experiment
     results have proved that the algorithm can improve network performance and the speed of
     2. Obstacle avoidance, target approach, and wall following learning of evolutionary robot are
     realized by using artificial neural network in this paper. First, a robot learning environment
     and a robot model are presented and the implementation of evolutionary learning system is
     discussed. Then, the simulation experiments for basic behaviors and switch learning system
     of intelligent robot that adopted evolutionary learning mechanism are carried out. Finally,
     the simulation results are analyzed.
     3. The behavior switch learning of evolutionary robot is realized by using artificial neural
     network in this paper. A robot learning environment and a robot model are presented and the
     implementation of evolutionary learning system is discussed. The simulation experiments
     are can-ied out for switch learning system of intelligent robot that adopted evolutionary
     learning mechanism. Finally, the simulation results are analyzed and the future research
     direction is given.
     4. Obstacle avoidance, target approach, random and formation learning of evolutionary robot
     are realized by using artificial neural network in this paper. First, an advanced robot
     combined behavior learning method is presented and the implementation of evolutionary
     learning system is discussed by using neural network and AuRA architecture. Then, the
     simulation experiments are carried out for formation learning system of intelligent robot that
     adopted evolutionary learning mechanism. Finally, the simulation results of several type of
     formation type are given and analyzed.
     5. This
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