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As a new mode of economy development, airport economy is formed during the course of traffic facility promoting regional economy. More and more attention is being given to airport economy because of its great impact on the development of regional economy, different level of governments want to develop airport economy as new growth-pole. However, the formation of airport economy need proper conditions, the stage and mode of its development are different as the resource endowment changed. Pursuing large-scale and short-term benefit blindly will not only waste resources such as earth and capital but also tamper with the growth of regional economy.
     Based on analyzing research reports and practical experiment of the development of airport economy at home and abroad, this paper summarizes the development stages and modes of airport economy. What’s more, it analyzes the background and dynamic mechanism of the development of airport economy in China, taking Beijing capital airport and Xi’an airport as examples. It also evaluates the impacts of airport economy on the growth of economy in Beijing. The study can be used as reference by local governments in making policies for developping airport economy.
     On the basis of sumerizing the viewpoints of experts in China and at abroad, this paper defines airport economy from different angle of view. And according to the development level of industrial clusters related to aviation industry around airport and the impact of airport economy on regional economy, it divides the development of airport economy into stages of transportation economy, industrial economy, and urban economy. What’s more, it also concludes the growth mode of airport economy as hub economy, industrial economy and environment economy in view of the type of the major industries in airport economy zone.
     This paper analyzes the background of the formation of airport economy and points out that the transfer mode of global value chain changing from integration to division and the large scale flow of semi-products it brings, regional openness and more liberal bilateral air service agreement provide the development of airport economy in China with macro-economic conditions.
     In order to investigate the dynamic mechanism of the development of airport economy, firstly, cointegration test and Granger causality test are used to study the relationship between growth of foreign trade and regional economy and the development of air transportation industry. The result reveals that the development of foreign trade and regional economy are key external factors of the formation of airport economy. What’s more, the paper establishes a mathematical model to study the impact of the change of competition mode in market on the choice of enterprises when selecting transportation tool. And the model reveals that the competition mode of“survive of the fastest”promotes the development of air transportation industry and the formation of airport economy.
     Further, this paper analyzes the internal dynamic mechanism of the development of airport economy with the theory of flow economy, industrial clusters and urban economy. This paper defines the concept of flow energy, and gives the function of flow energy to weigh the impact of the level, speed and scale of elements on its force of attracting other elements. It also simulates the evolvement process of flow energy of elements with different level by means of system dynamics model.
     In order to investigate the status quo of airport economy in China, this paper makes regression analysis based on the gravity model to analysis the major factors that affect the development of the flow economy in airport economy zone and their coefficients. It finds that passenger throughput, the economic growth of both hinterland city and airport economy zone drives the growth of flow economy greatly, but the effect of goods throughput is weak. Besides, by means of LQ and multiattribute decision makings with weighs unknown, the paper identifies the industrial clusters and their performance at capital airport zone and Xi’an Xianyang airport. By comparing the industrial clusters in the two airport economy zone, the paper points out that the airport economy in capital airport has entered the industrial economy, while the airport economy in Xi’an airport zone is still in the transition stage from transportation economy to industrial economy. It can be seen that the development of airport economy around regional hub airport is far behind the one around large international hub airport, and the growth of airport economy in China is imbalance.
     This paper also assesses the contribution of airport economy to regional economy by dividing it into direct impact, indirect impact and induced impact. And it calculates the multiplier of the indirect impact and induced impact of Beijing capital airport area economy on GDP and job creation in Beijing to assess the impact of capital airport economy. What’s more, SSA and relative productivity, etc. are used to weigh the impact of capital airport economy on the industrial structure of Beijing.
     Political suggestions and further research directions are given in the end of the paper.
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