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Benifiting from the coordination of democracy and representation, democracy got rid of the bad reputation as“the rule of poor”and became the dominant model of democracy during modern times. Because of the mediation attribute of representation, however, people and their representatives often get divorced and misplaced, which is clearly against the basic principle of democracy. To avoid this democratic pitfall, we should investigate the relationship between representation and democracy thoroughly and scientifically. Based on the significant position Rousseau and Mill have in the theory of democracy and representation, as well as their entirely different judgments towards this theme, it would be of great benefit from an in-depth and systematic comparative study of theories of representation between Rousseau and Mill.
     Historically, representation and democracy was disparate, even conflicting. So we should firstly investigate the position and function of representation in modern democracy. Based on the theoretical argument of“the general will should not be represented”and practical argument that the assembly could prevent the abuse of executive power more effectively, Rousseau clearly denied the legislative representation at first. Nevertheless, influenced by the suffering in Geneva and the reality of large scale countries such as Corsica and Poland, Rousseau realized that the assembly was impractical and lately proposed a rigid mandate representation system. Representation, as for Mill, could play an essential role in the transition from individual interest to common interest. Besides, the representatives, who usually had excellent knowledge and virtue, would encourage the common citizen to improving their political abilities and public virtue and promote the all-round development of society. Mill admitted that representative democracy could cause“the lack of intelligence”and“class legislation”among the governing group. But he considered they were the defects of democracy, not representative system. On the contrary, a well-established representative system could overcome these defects. Generally speaking, even though Rousseau and Mill both accepted representative system, they had totally different attitudes towards the value of representation. Rousseau accepted representative system because he had to and always tended to reduce the position and function of representatives. Quite the opposite, Mill considered the representative system as the best model of modern democracy and always tended to strengthen the role and function of representative system.
     Normally, different theories of representation would have different institutional orientations. Rousseau regarded representation as“necessary evil”and made the indirect representative system embody the direct democratic principles: the elected representatives were just popular sovereign’s delegates and subordination. Mill considered the indirect attribute of representation as a tremendous advantage and had his representative system implement the indirect principles thoroughly: the elected representatives were with considerable discretion. Both Rousseau and Mill proposed to select representatives by election. Both of them recognized it was necessary to distinguish between legislative power and executive power clearly. However, they adopted different ways and went opposite direction. Rousseau wanted to maintain popular control by reducing the mediated function of representation, while Mill wanted to enforce the popular control by strengthening the mediated function of representation.
     The behavior of representatives, pro-mandate or pro-independent, largely depends on the defining and positioning of the represented, representatives as well as the interaction between the represented and representatives. Rousseau regarded the represented as a unity of moral and will as well as the only source of legitimacy of all political authority, whilst the representatives were just delegate and clerk of the represented. So Rousseau obviously inclined the mandate representation. Mill considered the represented as a plural unity with sovereignty of individual, unequal political rights, while the representatives were responsible for expressing the interest of electorate, refining the public interest and promoting the development of knowledge and moral. So Mill inclined the independent representation. Rousseau and Mill both regarded people as the represented. Both of them insisted that the representatives should be under the control of people and emphasized the indispensability of general, active participation of citizens. However, there was obvious difference between them: Rousseau’s people was a highly homogenous, collective unity interlinked by general will, while Mill’s people was a plural individual unity driven by interest. Rousseau’s representatives were popular sovereign’s clerk and subordination without any independence before general will, while Mill’s representatives with tremendous independence and discretion. As for the interaction between the represented and representative, Rousseau preferred a kind of one-way, non-deliberation interaction so as to form the correct general will, while Mill proposed a bilateral, deliberative interaction so as to find the real public interest.
     To sum up, even though Mill’s theory of representation is more suitable for modern democracy based on the practice of modern democracy, Rousseau’s theory of representation isn’t meaningless. As a matter of fact, the participatory democracy and deliberative democracy, for example, which succeed Rousseau’s democratic theory to some extent, are always challenging the dominative position of representative democracy. In my opinion, we can defuse these challenges by explaining and developing Mill’s theory of representation correctly and properly.
    ⑤Nadia Urbinati, Representative Democracy: Principles and Genealogy, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2008, p. 1;戴维·米勒主编:《布莱克维尔政治学百科全书》,邓正来等译,中国政法大学出版社,2002年,第202页。
    ①当然,这并不意味着所有的代表理论都是民主的代表理论。事实上,近代以来,专制主义、纳粹主义等也都借助于代表理论来论证自己的合法性,但总体而言,现代代表理论与民主理论关切最深,也正是以民主的名义,代表理论才赢得了世人的认同。See J. L. Stocks,“Representation”, Philosophy, Vol. 6, No. 24 (Oct., 1931), pp. 405-421;Hanna F. Pitkin, The Concept of Representation; J. R.彭诺克:“代表:理论及实际上的探讨”,郭秋永译,自张明贵主编:《民主政治理论》,正中书局1982年,第281~332页。
    ②Anthony H. Birch, Representation, p. 34.
    ③Frank Marini,“Popular Sovereignty but Representative Government: the other Rousseau”, Midwest Journal of Political Science, 11(4), 1967:451-70.
    ④Anthony H. Birch, Representation, p. 72.
    ②Hanna F. Pitkin, The Concept of Representation, pp. 145-146.
    ③Richard Fralin, Representation and the Institutions of Democracy in Rousseau’s Political Thought, Ann Arbor, Mich.: UMI, 1977, p. 1.
    ①Nadia Urbinati, Mill on Democracy: from the Athenian Polis to Representative Government, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2002, p. 3.
    ②Paul Pennings, Hans Keman, J. Kleinnijenhuis, Doing Research in Political Science, London: SAGE, 2005, p. 41.
    ③See Hanna F. Pitkin, The Concept of Representation, p. 148.
    ①See George Kateb,“The Moral Distinctiveness of Representative Democracy”, Ethics, Vol. 91, No. 3, Special Issue: Symposium on the Theory and Practice of Representation (Apr., 1981), pp. 357-374.
    ②Richard W. Krouse,“Two Concepts of Democratic Representation: James and John Stuart Mill”, The Journal of Politics, Vol. 44, No. 2 (May, 1982), pp. 509-537.
    ③Hanna F. Pitkin,“Representation and Democracy: Uneasy Alliance”, Scandinavian Political Studies, Vol. 27– No. 3, 2004.
    ④Anthony H. Birch, Concepts and Theories of modern Democracy, New York: Routledge, 1993, pp. 102-103.
    ⑤Suzanne Dovi, "Political Representation", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Fall 2011 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), forthcoming URL = .
    ③Hanna F. Pitkin, The Concept of Representation, p. 1.
    ④Hanna F. Pitkin, The Concept of Representation, p. 221.
    ⑤Anthony H. Birch, Concepts and Theories of modern Democracy, New York: Routledge, 1993, p. 107.
    ①Nadia Urbinati, Mill on Democracy: from the Athenian Polis to Representative Government, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2002, pp. 60-65.
    ②Hanna F. Pitkin, The Concept of Representation, pp. 219-220.
    ③Richard W. Krouse,“Two Concepts of Democratic Representation: James and John Stuart Mill”, The Journal of Politics, Vol. 44, No. 2 (May, 1982), pp. 509-537.
    ②Hanna Fenichel Pitkin, The Concept of Representation, p. 169.伯克的“实质”代表理论是精英主义倾向最为明显的代表理论之一,伯克经常将代表与被代表者之间的关系视为一种受托代理关系(trusteeship),终其一生,伯克都对“实质”代表理论推崇有加,他曾写道,“我认为这样一种代议(指‘实质’代议)在许多方面都优于‘实际’代议,它拥有绝大多数(代议制)的优点,同时又可以克服许多不便……,因为人民可能会做出错误的选择,但共同利益和情感鲜有错误。”See Edmund Burke,“Letters to Sir Hercules Langrishe on the Subject of the Roman Catholics of Ireland”, from James Conniff,“Burke, Bristol, and the Concept of Representation”, The Western Political Quarterly, Vol. 30, No. 3 (Sep., 1977), pp. 329-341.
    ①Richard W. Krouse,“Two Concepts of Democratic Representation: James and John Stuart Mill”, The Journal of Politics, Vol. 44, No. 2 (May, 1982), pp. 509-537.
    ③Bernard Manin, The Principles of Representative Government, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997, p. 6.此外,乔治·凯特布(George Kateb)认为作为代议制民主的核心要素,选举为现代政治生活带来三个独特的道德议题,即精神的独立、公民参与以及政党政治等问题,其中每一个问题都与代表理论密切相关,并且深刻影响着代议制民主的成色。See George Kateb,“The Moral Distinctiveness of Representative Democracy”, Ethics, Vol. 91, No. 3, Special Issue: Symposium on the Theory and Practice of Representation (Apr., 1981), pp. 357-374.
    ④持有此类观点的学者有:Miller, III, J. C.“A Program for Direct and Proxy Voting in the Legislative Process”, Public Choice, Vol. 7 (Fall 1969), 107-113; Dennis C. Mueller, Robert D. Tollison, Thomas D. Willett,“Representative Democracy via Random Selection”, Public Choice, Vol. 12 (Spring, 1972), pp. 57-68; Jon Elster, Solomonic Judgement: Studies in the Limitation of Rationality, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1989, pp. 78-92.
    ⑤伯纳德·曼宁(Bernard Manin)在其《代议制政府的原则》(The Principles of Representative Government)一书中详细描述了选举战胜抽签的过程与原因。See Bernard Manin, The Principles of Representative Government, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997, pp. 8-93.
    ①Philip Pettit,“Varieties of Public Representation”, in Political Representation, ed. Ian Shapiro, Susan C. Stokes and Elisabeth Jean Wood, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009, p. 67.
    ②Barry Holden, The Nature of Democracy, London: Thomas Nelson and Sons Ltd., 1974, p. 82.
    ③Nadia Urbinati, Representative Democracy: Principles and Genealogy, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2008, pp. 1, 255.
    ①Robert Derathe, Jean-Jacques Rousseau et la science politique de son temps, 2nd ed. Paris: Liberairie Philosophique J. Vrin, 1970, pp. 279-280, from Richard Fralin, Representation and the Institutions of Democracy in Rousseau’s Political Thought, Ann Arbor, Mich.: UMI, 1977, p. 2.
    ②Roger D. Masters, The Political Philosophy of Rousseau, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1968, p. 402.实际上,罗素在分析卢梭与现代民主政治的关系时,也认为现在的民主政治被卢梭称之为“选举制贵族政治”。参见罗素:《西方哲学史》(下卷),商务印书馆,2005年,第242页。
    ③弗拉林的上述判断不无道理,根据伯奇的考证,尽管代议制机构在欧洲各国早已存在,但其奉行的代表理念总体上属于训令式的“委任”代表,代表通常会带着本选区选民的指令与会,其自身并没有明显的独立性;尽管很多思想家都主张应该给予代表一定的独立性,但在实践当中,这种局面在1789年之后的法国与1832年之后的英国才得以根本性的改变,并且为以后各国所效仿。See Anthony H. Birch, Representation, pp. 60-64.
    ①Richard Fralin, Representation and the Institutions of Democracy in Rousseau’s Political Thought, Ann Arbor, Mich.: UMI, 1977, pp. 1-16, 296-303.在弗拉林之前,阿里·马祖瑞(Ali A. Mazrui)就认为在抽象的意义上,卢梭的人民主权具有无限的权威,然而在具体的实践环节,卢梭的主权者则是有限的(limited),会受到主权承载者本身的物理与心理上的诸多限制。See Ali A. Mazrui,“Alienable Sovereignty in Rousseau: A Further Look”, Ethics, Vol. 77, No. 2 (Jan., 1967), pp. 107-121.
    ①Bryan Garsten,“Representative government and popular sovereignty”, in Political Representation, ed. Ian Shapiro, Susan C. Stokes and Elisabeth Jean Wood, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009, pp. 90-109.
    ②需要注意的是,弗兰克·马里尼也认为卢梭眼中的“选举的贵族制”其实就是今天的代议制政府。See Frank Marini,“Popular Sovereignty but Representative Government: the other Rousseau”, Midwest Journal of Political Science, 11(4), 1967:451-70.
    ①John Plamenatz, Man and Society: Political and Social Theories from Machiavelli to Marx (v.2), New York: Longman, 1992, p. 156, 172.
    ③Alfred Cobban, Rousseau and the Modern State, London: George Allen and Unwin, 1934, pp. 57-68.
    ①Steven L. Schweizer,“Participation, Workplace Democracy, and the Problem of Representative Government”, Polity, Vol. 27, No. 3 (Spring, 1995), pp. 359-377.
    ②Hanna F. Pitkin, The Concept of Representation, pp. 84-85.事实上,皮特金对于民主与代表之间的“互动”关系是持悲观态度的,与卢梭一样,皮特金认为代表的存在很可能会妨害而不是增进民主,而且这种趋势似乎是不可逆的。在具体论证中,皮特金时常引用美国的案例来论证代表制度如何歪曲和“玷污”了民主。See Hanna Fenichel Pitkin,“Representation and Democracy: Uneasy Alliance”, Scandinavian Political Studies, Vol. 27– No. 3, 2004.
    ①乌尔比纳蒂进一步认为学界在卢梭代表理论上的混乱某种程度是对于《社会契约论》第三卷第15章标题的误读,在原书中该标题是“论议员或代表”(Deputies or Representatives),然而,这会让人产生误解,即认为Deputies和Representatives是同一类的。事实上,纵观该章的全部内容,乌尔比纳蒂认为其正确的意思应该是“不是代表就是议员”(either Deputies or Representatives),亦即在议员与代表二者之间只能选择其一。See Nadia Urbinati, Representative Democracy: Principles and Genealogy, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2008, p. 63.
    ②Nadia Urbinati, Representative Democracy: Principles and Genealogy, pp. 60-99.
    ③阿里·马祖瑞(Ali A. Mazrui)认为密尔的代表理论实际上可以看作是居于洛克“人民的同意”的政府理念与卢梭的“人民主权”的自治政府理念之间的一种政府理论,在代表理论的谱系中具有重要的地位。See Ali A. Mazrui,“Alienable Sovereignty in Rousseau: A Further Look”, Ethics, Vol. 77, No. 2 (Jan., 1967), pp. 107-121.
    ④Alex Zakaras,“John Stuart Mill, Individuality, and Participatory Democracy”, in J. S. Mil‘s Political Thought, (ed) Nadia Urbinati & Alex Zakaras, Cambridge University Press 2007, p. 200.
    ⑤See J. H. Burns,“J. S. Mill and Democracy, 1829-61”, Political Studies, 5 (June 1957), pp. 174-75; Graeme Duncan & Steven Lukes,“The New Democracy”, Political Studies, II (1963): 156-77; Shirley Letwin, The Pursuit of Certainty: David Hume, Jeremy Bentham, John Stuart Mill, Beatrice Webb, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1965, p. 306; Graeme Duncan, Marx and Mill: Two Views of Social Conflict and Social Harmony, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1973, pp. 210-11, 258-59, 262, 264; Richard J. Arneson,“Democracy and Liberty in Mill's Theory of Government”, Journal of the History of Philosophy, 1982, VOL 20, 43-64.
    ①Hanna F. Pitkin, The Concept of Representation, pp. 62-64, 190-209.
    ②“一人一票、票票等值”是密尔对边沁政治平等与选举权思想的一个概括,而且密尔也在一定程度上接受了这种观点,因此密尔并不反对普选权;但是他却很忧虑这一原则的实行会造成代议机构中的代表比例失衡,所以又对这一原则进行了一定的修正。事实上,实现普选权的政治主张最早出现于17世纪40年代英国内战时期,为平等派(Levelers)最早提出,但却并没有落实到政治实践当中,及至1832年英国选举制度改革之前,在英国真正享有选举权的人实际上仅占其成年人口总数的5%,因此,有关普选权的问题是密尔所生活时代一个重要的争论话题。关于平等派的普选权主张以及英国选举权的扩展历程,See Anthony H. Birch, Representation, pp. 35-37, 60-62.
    ③J. H. Burns, Utilitarianism and Democracy, The Philosophical Quarterly, Vol. 9, No. 35 (Apr., 1959), pp. 168-171.
    ①Richard W. Krouse,“Two Concepts of Democratic Representation: James and John Stuart Mill”, the Journal of Politics, Vol. 44, No. 2 (May, 1982), pp. 509-537.
    ②当然,密尔平衡与调合“参与原则”与“能力原则”的方式不止代表理论一个,贝丝·瓦纳(Beth E. Warner)就认为密尔的官僚制理论在平衡“大众的民主政府”与“受到良好教育、具有专业知识和经验的精英人士的领导”之间的紧张关系方面同样发挥着重要的支撑作用。See Beth E. Warner,“John Stuart Mill's Theory of Bureaucracy within Representative Government: Balancing Competence and Participation”, Public Administration Review, Vol. 61, No. 4 (Jul. - Aug., 2001), pp. 403-413.
    ①Dennis F. Thompson, John Stuart Mill and Representative Government, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1976.
    ③Dennis F. Thompson, John Stuart Mill and Representative Government, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1976, p. 8.
    ①Wendy Sarvasy,“J. S. Mill's Theory of Democracy for a Period of Transition between Capitalism & Socialism”, Polity, Vol. 16, No. 4 (Summer, 1984), pp. 567-587.
    ①张福建:“议会及议员的权责:埃德蒙·柏克(E. Burke)代表理念的可能贡献及其限制”,《行政學報》,1998年第29期。
    ①张福建:“代表与议会政治——一个政治思想史的探索和反思”,《行政暨政策学报》,2007年第45期;张福建:“参与和公民精神的养成——密尔(J. S. Mill)《代议政府论》的一种解读”,《东吴政治学报》,2005年第21期。
    ①对于代表理论在实践当中的多样性与复杂性,可参见:Anthony H. Birch, Representation, pp. 103-105.
    ②Anthony H. Birch, Representation, p. 13.关于政治意义上的代表理论与科学意义上的代表理论之间的区别与联系,详见Mark B. Brown, Science in Democracy: Expertise, Institutions and Representation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press, 2009.
    ③丹尼尔·舒尔茨(Daniel Schulz)和亚历山大·韦斯(Alexander Weiss)两位学者认为现今政治思想史研究领域的研究方法主要有三种,即剑桥学派的历史情境分析法、发端于德国的概念史研究法(Conceptual History)与福柯(Foucault)的“谱系学”研究方法(Genealogy)。此外,列奥·施特劳斯的文本解读法、洛维乔易(A.O. Lovejoy)的观念史研究法(History of Ideas)等也都在政治思想史领域当中广为运用。See Daniel Schulz and Alexander Weiss,“Introduction: Approaches in the History of Political Thought”, European Political Science, No.9, (September 2010), pp. 283-290.
    ①Mark B. Brown, Science in Democracy: Expertise, Institutions and Representation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press, 2009, p. 4.
    ②See Hanna F. Pitkin,“Representation and Democracy: Uneasy Alliance”, Scandinavian Political Studies, Vol. 27– No. 3, 2004; Bernard Manin, The Principles of Representative Government, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997, p. 1; F.R. Ankersmit, Political Representation, (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2002), pp.107-108; Mark B. Brown, Science in Democracy: Expertise, Institutions and Representation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press, 2009, pp. 65-67.
    ③Bernard Manin, The Principles of Representative Government, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997, p. 1; Nadia Urbinati,“Representation as Advocacy: A Study of Democratic Deliberation”, Political Theory, Vol. 28, No. 6 (Dec., 2000), pp. 758-786.
    ③对于这一论断可参见普拉门内兹对于卢梭与柏拉图思想之异同的分析与比较。See John Plamenatz, Man and Society: Political and Social Theories from Machiavelli to Marx (v.2), New York: Longman, 1992,pp. 150-153.
    ②Alfred Cobban, Rousseau and the Modern State, London: George Allen and Unwin, 1934, pp. 43-44.与科班持有相同观点的学者还有奥托·基尔克(Otto von Gierke)与朱迪丝·史珂拉(Judith Shklar). See Otto von Gierke, The Development of Political Theory, from Richard Fralin, Representation and the Institutions of Democracy in Rousseau’s Political Thought, Ann Arbor, Mich.: UMI, 1977, p. 198; Judith Shklar, Men and Citizens: a Study of Rousseau’s Social Theory, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1969, p. 94.
    ③Richard Fralin, Representation and the Institutions of Democracy in Rousseau’s Political Thought, Ann Arbor, Mich.: UMI, 1977, p. 33.
    ①事实上,百科全书派对于代表本身的定位倾向于训令式的“委任”代表,代表的基本功能在于表达本选区的意见,而不是自己的意见。对于百科全书派对于代表理论的阐释,详见Richard Fralin, Representation and the Institutions of Democracy in Rousseau’s Political Thought, Ann Arbor, Mich.: UMI, 1977, pp. 30-35.
    ②Richard Fralin, Representation and the Institutions of Democracy in Rousseau’s Political Thought, Ann Arbor, Mich.: UMI, 1977, pp. 35.当然,二者的区别也是显而易见的,百科全书派真诚地认同和接受代表制度,其政治主张也只是要求在现有的等级议会的基础上进行进一步的改革;而卢梭对于代表制度的接受与认同则是不情愿的,并且要求对于波兰原有的代议制进行革命性的改革,使其能够体现“城市国家”的民主效果。
    ③Kevin Inston, Rousseau and Radical Democracy, New York: Continuum International Publishing Group, 2010, p. 151.
    ④Hanna F. Pitkin, The Concept of Representation, p. 3.不过,对于皮特金有关霍布斯代表理论的这一定位,斯金纳持有不同意见,在他看来,在霍布斯之前,就已经存在着丰富的代表理论,尤其在关于英国议会的论证方面。See Quentin Skinner,“Hobbes on Representation”, European Journal of Philosophy, 13:2 ISSN 0966-8373 pp. 155–184.实际上,皮特金并没有完全忽视霍布斯之前的代表理论,在她看来,霍布斯并没有重新定义代表一词本身的含义,而是使用了当时(17世纪)代表一词业已存在的概念,霍布斯的创新之处在于将代表引入了政治理论当中,并将其作为论证权威合法性来源的重要的理论工具。Hanna F. Pitkin, The Concept of Representation, p. 36.
    ①Hanna F. Pitkin, The Concept of Representation, pp. 14, 35.
    ②Harry Redner,“Representation and the Crisis of Post-Modernism”, PS, Vol. 20, No. 3 (Summer, 1987), pp. 673-679.
    ③霍布斯对于代表理论的阐述集中在《利维坦》的第16章,是其整个政治理论体系的一个重要支撑。参见[英]霍布斯:《利维坦》,黎思复等译,商务印书馆,1997年,第122~127页。不过,颇为吊诡的是,霍布斯其实只在《利维坦》当中运用了代表理论,在之前的具有相似论证主题的《论公民》当中,霍布斯实际上没有运用这一关键的理论工具,因此许多学者认为霍布斯的代表理论可能只是一个论战的工具,因为当时的共和主义人士经常使用代表这一概念;霍布斯运用这一理论工具却论证出了相反的论点,无形中会削弱共和主义的理论说服力。Quentin Skinner,“Hobbes on Representation”, European Journal of Philosophy 13:2 ISSN 0966-8373 pp. 155–184.其他有关霍布斯代表理论的阐述详见:Hanna F. Pitkin, The Concept of Representation, pp.14-37; Annabel Herzog,“Hobbes and Corneille on Political Representation”, The European Legacy, Vol, 14, No. 4, pp. 379-389, 2009; Paul Dumouchel,“’Persona’: Reason and Representation in Hobbes’s Political Philosophy”, SubStance, Vol. 25, No. 2, Issue 80: Special Issue: Politics on Stage (1996), pp. 68-80; Monica Brito Vieira, The Elements of Representation in Hobbes, Leiden: Brill, 2009; Mark B. Brown, Science in Democracy: Expertise, Institutions and Representation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press, 2009, pp. 107-133.
    ④Hanna F. Pitkin, The Concept of Representation, p. 20.
    ⑤Hanna F. Pitkin, The Concept of Representation, p. 30.
    ⑥Hanna F. Pitkin, The Concept of Representation, p. 34;Hélène Landemore,“Is representative democracy really democratic? Interview of Bernard Manin and Nadia Urbinati”, New York, April 10, 2007. (http://www.booksandideas.net/Is-representative-democracy-really.html?lang=fr).事实上,持有此种观点的代表理论思想家不在少数,如德国的法团主义(Organschaft)、韦伯、埃里克·沃格林(Eric Voegelin)以及一些代议制民主理论家,皮特金将这种关于代表的认知概括为“形式主义的代表理论”(formalistic views of representation),这样的代表理论以权威(authority)的授予与拥有为中心,代表作为权威的被授予者可以做他认为对的和喜欢的任何事情。在代表与被代表者之间,它明显倾向于代表者一方,代表者的权威来自于被代表者的授权仅具有形式主义的意义。Hanna F. Pitkin, The Concept of Representation, pp. 38-59.
    ⑦事实上,并没有确切的证据可以证明卢梭阅读过霍布斯的著作,其唯一一次对于霍布斯著作的引用出现在《爱弥儿》当中,但也是借助于普芬道夫(Purfendorf)之口。不过,罗伯特·德拉特与理查德·弗拉林等学者通过对于卢梭思想针对性的比较研究,认为卢梭“不但阅读过霍布斯的相关著作,而且阅读地非常仔细。”See Richard Fralin, Representation and the Institutions of Democracy in Rousseau’s Political Thought, Ann Arbor, Mich.: UMI, 1977, pp. 204-205.
    ①Rousseau, Letter to Beaumont, Letters Written from the Mountain, and Related Writings, ed. Christopher Kelly and Eve Grace, translated by Christopher Kelly and Judith R. Bush, Hanover, N. H.: Dartmouth College: University of New England, 2001, p. 232.
    ②Kevin Inston, Rousseau and Radical Democracy, New York: Continuum International Publishing Group, 2010, p. 171.
    ③在《山中书简》第7书中,卢梭详细地描述了行政机构由“人民主权者的附属品”向“统治国家的唯一强力”缓慢演化的过程。See Rousseau, Letter to Beaumont, Letters Written from the Mountain, and Related Writings, ed. Christopher Kelly and Eve Grace, translated by Christopher Kelly and Judith R. Bush, Hanover, N. H.: Dartmouth College: University of New England, 2001, pp. 237-239.
    ②Rousseau, Letters ecrites de la montagne, from Representation and the Institutions of Democracy in Rousseau’s Political Thought, Ann Arbor, Mich.: UMI, 1977, p. 296.
    ③事实上,卢梭对于雅典式的直接民主的态度是颇为微妙的:一方面,卢梭接受雅典民主的基本信条,即人民集体的智慧要优于专家的意见;另一方面,卢梭反对像雅典民主制那样给予公民大会以提起立法动议的权力,认为正是这项权力最终毁掉了雅典民主。因此,相比之下,卢梭更为钟爱古希腊的斯巴达政体。不过,颇为吊诡的是,卢梭并没有详细阐述过这种政体的详细构造。但有一点是肯定的,斯巴达的公民大会仅限于接受和拒绝法律,在其政治生活中并不居于重要地位,也没有实质性的权力。Richard Fralin, Representation and the Institutions of Democracy in Rousseau’s Political Thought, Ann Arbor, Mich.: UMI, 1977, pp.194-196.
    ⑤Richard Fralin, Representation and the Institutions of Democracy in Rousseau’s Political Thought, Ann Arbor, Mich.: UMI, 1977, p. 8.
    ①Richard Fralin, Representation and the Institutions of Democracy in Rousseau’s Political Thought, Ann Arbor, Mich.: UMI, 1977, p. 211.
    ②Rousseau, Letter to Beaumont, Letters Written from the Mountain, and Related Writings, ed. Christopher Kelly and Eve Grace, translated by Christopher Kelly and Judith R. Bush, Hanover, N. H.: Dartmouth College: University of New England, 2001, p. 233.
    ③Richard Fralin, Representation and the Institutions of Democracy in Rousseau’s Political Thought, Ann Arbor, Mich.: UMI, 1977, p. 260.日内瓦共和国对于卢梭的影响究竟到了什么程度一直以来就是学术界一个争论不已的话题,一般而言,在20世纪早期以前,学界普遍认为日内瓦共和国对于卢梭政治思想的形成与发展起到了非常关键和重要的影响;而在20世纪30年代以后,随着约翰·斯宾克(John Spink)与罗伯特·德拉特(Robert Derathe)等人的著作问世以后,日内瓦对于卢梭思想的重要性一再被质疑,不过,总体而言,日内瓦对于卢梭思想的形成与发展肯定是至关重要的。See Richard Fralin, Representation and the Institutions of Democracy in Rousseau’s Political Thought, Ann Arbor, Mich.: UMI, 1977, pp. 16-17.
    ①Rousseau, Discourse on Political Economy, in The Social Contract and other later political writings,中国政法大学出版社, 2003, p. 12.
    ②对于“小议会”的行政权力属性及其对于主权者权力的危害性的分析,可参见卢梭《山中书简》第8书。See Rousseau, Letter to Beaumont, Letters Written from the Mountain, and Related Writings, ed. Christopher Kelly and Eve Grace, translated by Christopher Kelly and Judith R. Bush, Hanover, N. H.: Dartmouth College: University of New England, 2001, pp. 256-282.
    ③Rousseau, The political writings of Jean Jacques Rousseau, vol. 2, ed. C. E. Vaughan, Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1962, pp. 169-196.
    ①Rousseau, The political writings of Jean Jacques Rousseau, vol. 2, ed. C. E. Vaughan, Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1962, p. 195.
    ②Richard Fralin, Representation and the Institutions of Democracy in Rousseau’s Political Thought, Ann Arbor, Mich.: UMI, 1977, pp. 54-55.
    ③在弗拉林看来,尽管卢梭承认日内瓦共和国的政体形式有诸多不足之处,但在《社会契约论》当中,卢梭依然将其作为了理想政体的一个重要模板(model)。See Richard Fralin, Representation and the Institutions of Democracy in Rousseau’s Political Thought, Ann Arbor, Mich.: UMI, 1977, p. 214.
    ①Rousseau, Letter to Beaumont, Letters Written from the Mountain, and Related Writings, ed. Christopher Kelly and Eve Grace, translated by Christopher Kelly and Judith R. Bush, Hanover, N. H.: Dartmouth College: University of New England, 2001, p. 237.
    ②Richard Fralin, Representation and the Institutions of Democracy in Rousseau’s Political Thought, Ann Arbor, Mich.: UMI, 1977, p. 249.
    ③Rousseau, Letter to Beaumont, Letters Written from the Mountain, and Related Writings, ed. Christopher Kelly and Eve Grace, translated by Christopher Kelly and Judith R. Bush, Hanover, N. H.: Dartmouth College: University of New England, 2001, pp. 287-291.
    ④Robert Derathe, Jean-Jacques Rousseau et la science politique de son temps, 2nd ed. Paris : Liberairie Philosophique J. Vrin, 1970, pp.279-280, from Richard Fralin, Representation and the Institutions of Democracy in Rousseau’s Political Thought, Ann Arbor, Mich.: UMI, 1977, p. 2; Roger D. Masters, The Political Philosophy of Rousseau, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1968, p. 402.
    ⑤Richard Fralin, Representation and the Institutions of Democracy in Rousseau’s Political Thought, Ann Arbor, Mich.: UMI, 1977, p. 259.
    ①根据弗拉林的考证,《科西嘉制宪拟议》开始写作于1765年1月,中断于1765年10月。See Richard Fralin, Representation and the Institutions of Democracy in Rousseau’s Political Thought, Ann Arbor, Mich.: UMI, 1977, p. 264.
    ②See Rousseau, The political writings of Jean Jacques Rousseau, vol. 2, ed. C. E. Vaughan, Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1962, p. 295.
    ③Rousseau, Project for a Consititution for Corsica, from Richard Fralin, Representation and the Institutions of Democracy in Rousseau’s Political Thought, Ann Arbor, Mich.: UMI, 1977, p. 267.
    ④这里,维埃尔哈斯基与卢梭见面的确切时间并不可考,但根据沃恩的推测,这一事件应该发生在1770年6月卢梭回到巴黎之后,以及1772年秋天之前,很有可能是1771年前半年。See Rousseau, The political writings of Jean Jacques Rousseau, vol. 2, ed. C. E. Vaughan, Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1962, p. 372.
    ⑤卢梭《波兰政府论》的确切写作时间一直是学界争论的一个话题,如理查德·弗拉林认为是1770年10月到1771年6月,而沃恩则认为是从1771年10月至1772年4月之间,笔者同意后一种看法,这也是被多数学者所认同的一个时间。See Richard Fralin, Representation and the Institutions of Democracy in Rousseau’s Political Thought, Ann Arbor, Mich.: UMI, 1977, p. 274; Rousseau, The political writings of Jean Jacques Rousseau, vol. 2, ed. C. E. Vaughan, Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1962, p. 373.
    ①Rousseau, Considerations on the Government of Poland and on its Projected Reformation, in The Social Contract and other later political writings,中国政法大学出版社, 2003, pp. 200-201.
    ②Richard Fralin, Representation and the Institutions of Democracy in Rousseau’s Political Thought, Ann Arbor, Mich.: UMI, 1977, p. 282.
    ③对此,普拉门内兹的判断颇有启示意义,在他看来,卢梭的《科西嘉制宪拟议》和《波兰政府论》充分展示了卢梭“温和、灵活与务实”的一面。See John Plamenatz, Man and Society: Political and Social Theories from Machiavelli to Marx (v.2), New York: Longman, 1992, p. 124, 153, 162-163.
    ④See Frank Marini,“Popular Sovereignty but Representative Government: the other Rousseau”, Midwest Journal of Political Science, 11(4), 1967:451-470.对于卢梭代表理论的类似判断还可参见Nadia Urbinati,“Continuityand Rupture: the Power of Judgment in Democratic Representation”, Constellations, Volume 12, Issue 2, pages 194–222, June 2005.
    ①事实上,有学者认为卢梭的“立法者”就充当了这一角色,而且,立法者在某种意义上代表着公意,是“代表着不可代表之物”。See Kevin Inston, Rousseau and Radical Democracy, New York: Continuum International Publishing Group, 2010, pp. 150-155.笔者将在本文的第三章详细分析这一命题。
    ②Hanna F. Pitkin, The Concept of Representation, p. 207.
    ①萨拜因:《政治学说史》,商务印书馆,1986年,第665页。正因为如此,乌尔比纳蒂得出结论:卢梭是主张绝对主义君主制的布丹(Jean Bodin)的信徒,而非弘扬民主的帕多瓦的马西略(Marsilius of Padua)的追随者。See Nadia Urbinati,“Continuity and Rupture: the Power of Judgment in Democratic Representation”, Constellations, Volume 12, Issue 2, pages 194–222, June 2005.
    ①See J.H. Burns,“J.S. Mill and Democracy, 1829-61(I)”, Political Studies, vol.5, no.2, 1957, pp.158-175.
    ②有学者就认为密尔这样定位《代议制政府》是比较准确的,因为此时的密尔不但有其雄厚的功利主义理论积淀,不但通过托克维尔对于现代民主的基本特征与趋势进行了详细的观察与研判,而且密尔本人也曾长期供职于东印度公司,又有着担任议会下院议员的亲身经历,因此在其写作《代议制政府》之时,密尔确实在代议制政府的理论与实践方面都达到了一个相当成熟的高度。See Beth E. Warner,“John Stuart Mill's Theory of Bureaucracy within Representative Government: Balancing Competence and Participation”, Public Administration Review, Vol. 61, No. 4 (Jul. - Aug., 2001), pp. 403-413.
    ③密尔:《代议制政府》,第68页。原文为:“The meaning of representative government is , that the whole people, or some numerous portion of them, exercise through deputies periodically elected by themselves, the ultimate controlling power.”See Mill, On Liberty, Representative Government, The Subjection of Women, London: Oxford University Press, p. 211.需要注意的是,密尔在这里对代表使用了“deputy”这一称谓。词源上讲,英语中的deputy一词来自于古法语deputer,而后者又起源于拉丁语dēputāre,当时意为“选派(assign)、分配(allot)”。现在deputy一般用来指“某人被选派代表他人行事或发言。”与representative比较而言,deputy更为强调代表与被代表者之间的“授权”关系,更为注重代表对于被代表者的责任。不过,在爱尔兰等一些奉行“独立”代表理论的国家,其国会议员也被称为deputy。依笔者之见,密尔在这里使用deputy一词,可能是为了强调选民与代表之间的联系,以突出代议制政府的民主属性。在《代议制政府》的其他章节,密尔曾分别使用了representative, member of parliament, representation等来表示“代表”一词。
    ④Dennis F. Thompson, John Stuart Mill and Representative Government, p. 5.
    ⑥Mill, Examiner, 4 July 1832, p. 417, from J.H. Burns,“J.S. Mill and Democracy, 1829-61 (I)”, Political Studies, vol. 5, no. 2, 1957, pp. 158-175.
    ①譬如,雅克比·维伊那(Jacob Viner)就认为密尔的思想历程实际上经历了一个对于边沁功利主义的“笃信——背叛——理性回归”这样一个过程。See Jacob Viner,“Bentham and J. S. Mill: The Utilitarian Background”, The American Economic Review, Vol. 39, No. 2 (Mar., 1949), pp. 360-382.
    ②单就代表理论这一话题,学术界多集中于比较密尔与其父亲詹姆斯·密尔之间的区别,一方面是因为詹姆斯·密尔是早期功利主义的代表性思想家,而且也是密尔的父亲,可资比较的方面比较多;另一方面,詹姆斯·密尔也是唯一一位系统地阐述了早期功利主义代表理论的思想家,且得到了边沁等人的赞同与支持,因此两位密尔代表理论的比较也会更具理论价值。See Richard W. Krouse,“Two Concepts of Democratic Representation: James and John Stuart Mill”, the Journal of Politics, Vol. 44, No. 2 (May, 1982), pp. 509-537; J. H. Burns,“Utilitarianism and Democracy”, The Philosophical Quarterly, Vol. 9, No. 35 (Apr., 1959), pp. 168-171.
    ③Hanna F. Pitkin, The Concept of Representation, p. 198.皮特金认为伯克眼中的代表所代表的也是利益,不过,这种被代表的利益是一种客观的、独立的、集体性的利益,简言之,是一种客观存在的国家利益,正因为如此,伯克的“实质”代表理论才可以忽视选民的利益诉求,可以否认现代代表理论的“民主”属性。See Hanna F. Pitkin, The Concept of Representation, pp. 169-189.与皮特金持有相似观点的知名学者还有萨缪尔·比尔、伯奇等人。See Samuel H. Beer,“The Representation of Interests in British Government: Historical Background”, The American Political Science Review, Vol. 51, No. 3 (Sep., 1957), pp. 613-650; Anthony H. Birch, Representation, p. 73.
    ④Richard W. Krouse,“Two Concepts of Democratic Representation: James and John Stuart Mill”, the Journal of Politics, Vol. 44, No. 2 (May, 1982), pp. 509-537.不过,需要指出的是,密尔本人实际上并不认同以市场机制来比拟和解读政治。See Nadia Urbinati, Mill on Democracy: from the Athenian Polis to Representative Government, p. 107.
    ⑥Hanna F. Pitkin, The Concept of Representation, p. 199.
    ①有学者甚至将密尔的代表理论称之为“新伯克”代表理论、“民主的柏拉图主义”。See Richard W. Krouse,“Two Concepts of Democratic Representation: James and John Stuart Mill”, the Journal of Politics, Vol. 44, No. 2 (May, 1982), pp. 509-537.
    ②在具体行文中,密尔曾使用过“common interests”、“general interests”、“universal interests”、“general welfare”、“common good”等词汇来表达这一内涵。
    ⑤Hanna F. Pitkin, The Concept of Representation, p. 201.
    ⑥汤姆森、克劳斯等学者曾经对密尔眼中的代议政府“保护性”功能进行了详尽的阐释,在他们看来,密尔对于政府这一功能的认知以及与其相关的代表理论,与早期功利主义的主张基本上是一致的。Dennis F. Thompson, John Stuart Mill and Representative Government, p. 9; Richard W. Krouse,“Two Concepts of Democratic Representation: James and John Stuart Mill”, the Journal of Politics, Vol. 44, No. 2 (May, 1982), pp. 509-537.
    ①Hanna F. Pitkin, The Concept of Representation, p. 201.
    ③Dennis F. Thompson, John Stuart Mill and Representative Government, p. 25.
    ⑤Nadia Urbinati,“Representation as Advocacy: A Study of Democratic Deliberation”, Political Theory, Vol. 28, No. 6 (Dec., 2000), pp. 758-786.
    ⑥Hanna F. Pitkin, The Concept of Representation, p. 204.
    ①这里所谓代议制政府的“教育性”功能同样曾被汤姆森和克劳斯等学者所详细阐释,在他们看来,这是密尔明显不同于边沁、詹姆斯·密尔的地方,同时也是其承受精英主义指责的原因所在。See Dennis F. Thompson, John Stuart Mill and Representative Government, p. 9; Richard W. Krouse,“Two Concepts of Democratic Representation: James and John Stuart Mill”, the Journal of Politics, Vol. 44, No. 2 (May, 1982), pp. 509-537.
    ②认为“社会公共利益由个人利益‘凝炼’而来”的观点,也可以在美国建国初期的联邦党人——尤其是麦迪逊——那里找到类似的主张,并且也是其论证代表存在价值的重要依据之一。参见:[美]汉密尔顿、杰伊、麦迪逊:《联邦党人文集》,程逢如等译,商务印书馆,1995年,第49~51页;Anthony H. Birch, Representation, pp. 40-44; Jean Yarbrough,“Thoughts on the Federalist’s View of Representation”, Polity, Vol. 12, No. 1 (Autumn, 1979), pp. 65-82.
    ③Richard W. Krouse,“Two Concepts of Democratic Representation: James and John Stuart Mill”, the Journal of Politics, Vol. 44, No. 2 (May, 1982), pp. 509-537.
    ④See Dennis F. Thompson, John Stuart Mill and Representative Government, pp. 54-55.
    ⑤Richard W. Krouse,“Two Concepts of Democratic Representation: James and John Stuart Mill”, the Journal of Politics, Vol. 44, No. 2 (May, 1982), pp. 509-537.
    ⑥Hanna F. Pitkin, The Concept of Representation, p. 205.
    ②有学者认为密尔在这里实际上是针对托克维尔的,因为后者认为贵族具有一种天然的、优于常人的智力条件,对此,密尔尽管没有提及托克维尔,但他显然不同意托克维尔的这种观点,在《代议制政府》之前的《德·托克维尔的《论美国的民主》(第一卷)》当中,密尔曾经“不无怨言”地认为托克维尔所推崇的“贵族的德性”实际上只是适应于极个别的贵族,而不是这一群体的基本特征。See Dennis F. Thompson, JohnStuart Mill and Representative Government, p. 64;密尔:“德·托克维尔的《论美国的民主》(第一卷)”,自密尔:《密尔论民主与社会主义》,吉林出版集团有限责任公司,2008年,第37页。
    ①这里,需要注意的是,密尔实际上是将官僚政治作为一种与代议制政府相对立的政府形式来进行论证的,与其后来所言之的官僚机构还是有所差别的,后者是作为民主政治的一个内在组成部分而存在的,其存在的依据是职业主义,是基于政治分工的需要而产生,官僚本身并不是国家的统治者。See Dennis F. Thompson, John Stuart Mill and Representative Government, pp. 65-68; Beth E. Warner,“John Stuart Mill's Theory of Bureaucracy within Representative Government: Balancing Competence and Participation”, Public Administration Review, Vol. 61, No. 4 (Jul. - Aug., 2001), pp. 403-413.
    ④不过,对于这种“多数人暴政”产生的原因,密尔并不同意托克维尔的解释,认为不是平等的“社会情况”(social condition)、而是商业的繁荣水平促使了这种情况的出现。Dennis F. Thompson, John Stuart Mill and Representative Government, p. 69.“社会情况”是托克维尔民主理论体系当中一个十分重要的概念,在他看来,社会情况是一个社会存在和发展的决定因素,社会各个要素都要适应其发展要求,“社会情况一旦确定,它又可以成为规制国民行为的大部分法律、习惯和思想的首要因素,凡非它产生,它都要加以改变。”参见[法]托克维尔:《论美国的民主》,董果良译,商务印书馆,1988年,第52页。而密尔并不认同这一点,他并不认为平等和个人主义会使民主堕落为一种新的专制形式,“德·托克维尔先生至少明显地混淆了民主的效果与文明的效果。”参见密尔:“德·托克维尔的《论美国的民主》(第二卷)”,自密尔:《密尔论民主与社会主义》,第123页;Nadia Urbinati, Mill on Democracy: from the Athenian Polis to Representative Government, p. 100.
    ①Wendy Sarvasy,“J. S. Mill's Theory of Democracy for a Period of Transition between Capitalism & Socialism”, Polity, Vol. 16, No. 4 (Summer, 1984), pp. 567-587.
    ①Dennis F. Thompson, John Stuart Mill and Representative Government, pp. 9-10; Richard W. Krouse,“Two Concepts of Democratic Representation: James and John Stuart Mill”, the Journal of Politics, Vol. 44, No. 2 (May, 1982), pp. 509-537.
    ②Hanna F. Pitkin, The Concept of Representation, p. 203.
    ③Dennis F. Thompson, John Stuart Mill and Representative Government, p. 79.
    ④Richard W. Krouse,“Two Concepts of Democratic Representation: James and John Stuart Mill”, the Journal of Politics, Vol. 44, No. 2 (May, 1982), pp. 509-537.也正因为如此,学界才会对密尔的民主主义学者的身份产生质疑,显然,密尔的民主理论既不符合现代参与式民主理论的标准,同时也不能满足精英主义民主理论的要求。See Dennis F. Thompson, John Stuart Mill and Representative Government, p. 5.
    ①Richard Fralin, Representation and the Institutions of Democracy in Rousseau’s Political Thought, Ann Arbor, Mich.: UMI, 1977, p. 300.
    ②Dennis F. Thompson, John Stuart Mill and Representative Government, pp. 121-126.
    ①Rousseau, Letter to Beaumont, Letters Written from the Mountain, and Related Writings, ed. Christopher Kelly and Eve Grace, translated by Christopher Kelly and Judith R. Bush, Hanover, N. H.: Dartmouth College: University of New England, 2001, p. 232.国内有学者也曾将卢梭的人民主权总结为“一个三位一体的观念结合体”,即人民、公意和共同利益三者和而为一。陈端洪:“卢梭的人民主权观念”,自高全喜主编:《从古典思想到现代政制:关于哲学、政治与法律的讲演》,法律出版社,2008年,第339~354页。
    ②Hanna F. Pitkin, The Concept of Representation, p. 207.在皮特金看来,利益实际上分为两种:独立性利益(unattached interest)与依附性(attached interest)利益,前者属于客观利益,其主体往往是不特定的群体(如人民)或抽象化的事物(如世界和平);而后者则属于主观利益,其主体往往是特定的个人或团体,并且对于这种利益所带来的后果有着切身的感受。皮特金认为功利主义正是建立在后一种利益观基础之上,因此,其代表理论本质上是一种基于个人利益需求的代表理念。See Hanna F. Pitkin, The Concept of Representation, pp. 157-59.伯奇与皮特金持有类似的观点。See Anthony H. Birch, Representation, p. 51.
    ②Hanna F. Pitkin, The Concept of Representation, p. 190.
    ③Hanna F. Pitkin, The Concept of Representation, p. 205.
    ②Richard Fralin, Representation and the Institutions of Democracy in Rousseau’s Political Thought, Ann Arbor, Mich.: UMI, 1977, p. 120.
    ③Nadia Urbinati,“Representation as Advocacy: A Study of Democratic Deliberation”, Political Theory, Vol. 28, No. 6 (Dec., 2000), pp. 758-786.
    ①Frederich Neuhouser,“Freedom, Dependence, and the General Will”, Philosophical Review 102 (3). 1993: 363-95.
    ②密尔曾经在其《逻辑学》(A System of Logic)一书中详细探讨过“自由意志”的问题,不过,根据里斯(J.C. Rees)的分析,密尔对于“自由意志”的思考并没有对其社会自由与公民自由思想产生明显的影响,“人类行为由恒定法则决定的问题与对于人类行为进行法律的、社会的限制并不相干。”See Rees, John Stuart Mill's 'On Liberty, p. 181, from Bruce Baum,“J. S. Mill on Freedom and Power”, Polity, Vol. 31, No. 2 (Winter, 1998), pp. 187-216.
    ④Bruce Baum,“J. S. Mill on Freedom and Power”, Polity, Vol. 31, No. 2 (Winter, 1998), pp. 187-216 ;哈里·科拉(Harry Clor)也认为密尔自由理念所关注的核心是个人“选择的自由”。See Harry M. Clor,“Mill and Millians on Liberty and Moral Character”, Review of Politics, vol. 47, 1985, pp. 3-26.
    ⑤事实上,自从伯林提出“消极自由”与“积极自由”的区分以来,学术界对于密尔自由观的定位一直存有争议,根据布鲁斯·鲍姆的总结,将密尔的自由观划入“消极自由”的行列的学者有R. H. Hutton、John C. Rees、Isaiah Berlin、David Spitz、C. L. Ten、John Gray、Fred R. Berger、Jonathan Riley、Wendy Donner等;而认为密尔自由观含有“积极自由”的成分的学者有: G. L. Williams、G. W. Smith、Alan Ryan、Gregory Claeys、John Skorupski等。这里,笔者认同乌尔比纳蒂和鲍姆的判断,即密尔的自由总体倾向于消极自由,但其对于公民的政治参与又持有非常积极的态度,因此任何将其简单归类的做法又都是不准确的。See Nadia Urbinati, Mill on Democracy: from the Athenian Polis to Representative Government, pp. 156-158; Bruce Baum,“J. S. Mill on Freedom and Power”, Polity, Vol. 31, No. 2 (Winter, 1998), pp. 187-216.
    ①伯奇也曾提出过与之类似的判定标准,在他看来,要想判定特定代表理论是否民主与可行,需要从以下三方面入手:(1)民众控制力,即是否给予民众有效控制政府的权利与可能性;(2)领导力,即是否为决策过程提供了合理的领导与责任机制;(3)系统维持,即整个政治体系是否能够在公民的支持下平稳地运行。See Anthony H. Birch, Representation, p. 107.
    ①Hanna F. Pitkin, The Concept of Representation, p. 210.
    ②Hanna F. Pitkin, The Concept of Representation, p. 205.
    ③See Dennis F. Thompson, John Stuart Mill and Representative Government, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1976, pp. 43-44.
    ④J. Ronald Pennock, Democratic political theory, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1979, p. 129.
    ①David Plotke,“Representation is democracy”, Constellations, Volume 4, No 1, 1997, pp.19- 34.
    ②Dennis F. Thompson, John Stuart Mill and Representative Government, p. 13.
    ①Hanna F. Pitkin, The Concept of Representation, p. 221.
    ②Richard Fralin, Representation and the Institutions of Democracy in Rousseau’s Political Thought, Ann Arbor, Mich.: UMI, 1977, p. 6; Nadia Urbinati, Mill on Democracy: from the Athenian Polis to Representative Government, p. 57.
    ③如乌尔比纳蒂所言,卢梭实际上将自己所设想的代表制视为一种“直接的政治制度。”See Nadia Urbinati,“Continuity and Rupture: the Power of Judgment in Democratic Representation”, Constellations, Volume 12, Issue2, pages 194–222, June 2005.
    ①Pennings, Paul & Keman, Hans & Kleinnijenhuis, J., Doing Research in Political Science, London: SAGE, 2005, p. 229; George Kateb, The Moral Distinctiveness of Representative Democracy, Ethics, Vol. 91, No. 3, Special Issue: Symposium on the Theory and Practice of Representation (Apr., 1981), pp. 357-374.
    ②Bernard Manin, The Principles of Representative Government, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997, pp. 6, 42.这里,在古希腊之外,曼宁具体列举和分析了古罗马共和国和中世纪意大利城市共和国当中应用抽签的情况。也有学者认为古代民主政体对于抽签的应用是选择性的,即便是在运用抽签最为广泛的雅典民主政体当中,通过抽签产生的只是参与立法与司法的人员,而执行某项具体事务的人员如军事和财政方面的官员,实际上是通过选举产生的。See Nadia Urbinati, Mill on Democracy: from the Athenian Polis to Representative Government, pp. 60-61.
    ①卢梭:《社会契约论》,第142页。关于孟德斯鸠对于抽签与选举这两种方式的分析与比较,可参见Bernard Manin, The Principles of Representative Government, pp. 70-74.
    ②Bernard Manin, The Principles of Representative Government, p. 74.
    ①Bernard Manin, The Principles of Representative Government, pp. 74-75.需要指出的是,这里笔者所针对的只是选举这种方式,而并没有涉及到民主政体的现实性问题。事实上,尽管卢梭在主权层面上自始至终都在坚持和主张人民主权,但在政府层面上却并不认同民主制,在他看来,“真正的民主从来就不曾有过,而且永远也不会有”,“如果有一种神明的人民,他们便可以用民主制来治理。但那样一种十全十美的政府是不适于人类的”,换言之,卢梭的主权理论是民主的,但其政府理论却不是。See Frank Marini,“Popular Sovereignty but Representative Government: the other Rousseau”, Midwest Journal of Political Science, 11(4), 1967:451-70.
    ①See Rousseau, Considerations on the Government of Poland and on its Projected Reformation, in The Social Contract and other later political writings,中国政法大学出版社, 2003, p. 251.
    ②Rousseau, Considerations on the Government of Poland and on its Projected Reformation, in The Social Contract and other later political writings,中国政法大学出版社, 2003, pp. 204-205.
    ③Rousseau, The political writings of Jean Jacques Rousseau, vol. 2, ed. C. E. Vaughan, Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1962, pp. 385-386.
    ①Nadia Urbinati,“Continuity and Rupture: the Power of Judgment in Democratic Representation”, Constellations, Volume 12, Issue 2, pages 194–222, June 2005.
    ③See Frank Marini,“Popular Sovereignty but Representative Government: the other Rousseau”, Midwest Journal of Political Science, 11(4), 1967:451-70.
    ④卢梭:《社会契约论》,第51页。在《山中书简》第7书中,卢梭认为立法权力主要有两项职能:一是制定法律;二则是确保这些法律得以实施,亦即组织和监督行政权力。See Rousseau, Letter to Beaumont, Letters Written from the Mountain, and Related Writings, ed. Christopher Kelly and Eve Grace, translated by Christopher Kelly and Judith R. Bush, Hanover, N. H.: Dartmouth College: University of New England, 2001, p. 247.
    ①在弗拉林看来,这是卢梭在《社会契约论》当中对于日内瓦共和国政体的一个少有的暗示与批评,因为当时日内瓦的公民大会需要在行政机构的召集下召开,后者往往会尽可能地推迟这种集会的召开,卢梭显然认为这种做法不足取。See Richard Fralin, Representation and the Institutions of Democracy in Rousseau’s Political Thought, Ann Arbor, Mich.: UMI, 1977.
    ②在赖利看来,《波兰政府论》当中也可以看到卢梭对于这种国家形态的追求。See Patrick Riley,“Rousseau as a Theorist of National and International Federalism”, Publius, Vol. 3, No. 1 (Spring, 1973), pp. 5-17.
    ③John Plamenatz, Man and Society: Political and Social Theories from Machiavelli to Marx (v.2), New York: Longman, 1992, p. 162.
    ④Rousseau, Considerations on the Government of Poland and on its Projected Reformation, in The Social Contract and other later political writings,中国政法大学出版社, 2003, pp. 193-194.
    ⑤Jeffrey A. Smith,“Nationalism, Virtue, and the Spirit of Liberty in Rousseau's‘Government of Poland’”, The Review of Politics, Vol. 65, No. 3 (Summer, 2003), pp. 409-437.
    ①科班就认为卢梭接受代议制的一个重要前提条件就是将代表的功能“削减”至被代表者的“代理人”与“办事员”的角色,代表要严格按照被代表者的指示行事,并且受到被代表群体的全民公决与召回制度的限制,同时这些代表也有着严格的任期限制。See Alfred Cobban, Rousseau and the Modern State, London: George Allen and Unwin, 1934, pp. 63-64.
    ②自由否决权是波兰政治制度史上一个极具特色的制度设计,它的基本内涵是议会当中的任何一位成员都拥有一票否决权,对于审议中的法案、政策乃至议会本身的召集与解散都需要取得议会所有成员的一致赞同,只要有任何一人反对,则该项议程中止。它最早设立于1652年,初衷在于体现波兰贵族之间的平等关系,所有议案都需要得到参加议会的所有贵族的一致赞同。然而,由于它的过度使用,常常造成政府与议会的瘫痪。不过,正如卢梭所言,它也使中央集权成为“幻影”,因此对于它的存废问题一直是当时波兰社会各界的一个争论的焦点。该项制度最终被废除于1791年。See "liberum veto" Encyclop?dia Britannica. Encyclop?dia Britannica Online Academic Edition. Encyclop?dia Britannica, 2011. Web. 27 Aug. 2011 .
    ③Rousseau, Considerations on the Government of Poland and on its Projected Reformation, in The Social Contract and other later political writings,中国政法大学出版社, 2003, pp. 216-221.
    ①Kevin Inston, Rousseau and Radical Democracy, p. 169.
    ②Rousseau, Letter to Beaumont, Letters Written from the Mountain, and Related Writings, ed. Christopher Kelly and Eve Grace, translated by Christopher Kelly and Judith R. Bush, Hanover, N. H.: Dartmouth College: University of New England, 2001, p. 232.
    ③Kevin Inston, Rousseau and Radical Democracy, p. 172.
    ④Kevin Inston, Rousseau and Radical Democracy, p. 173.
    ⑤Steven Jonston, Encountering Tragedy: Rousseau and the Project of Democratic Order, Ithaca, N. Y.: Cornell University Press, 1999, p. 80.在约翰斯顿(Steven Johnston)看来,在卢梭政治理论体系当中,政府对于主权者的这种危险是不可能消除的。See Steven Jonston, Encountering Tragedy: Rousseau and the Project of Democratic Order, Ithaca, N. Y.: Cornell University Press, 1999, p. 84.
    ①Steven Jonston, Encountering Tragedy: Rousseau and the Project of Democratic Order, Ithaca, N. Y.: Cornell University Press, 1999, p. 80.
    ②卢梭:《社会契约论》,第77页。卢梭相似的论述还存在于《山中书简》第7书当中。See Rousseau, Letter to Beaumont, Letters Written from the Mountain, and Related Writings, ed. Christopher Kelly and Eve Grace, translated by Christopher Kelly and Judith R. Bush, Hanover, N. H.: Dartmouth College: University of New England, 2001, pp. 240-241.
    ③Steven Jonston, Encountering Tragedy: Rousseau and the Project of Democratic Order, Ithaca, N. Y.: Cornell University Press, 1999, p. 87.
    ④Nadia Urbinati,“Representation as Advocacy: A Study of Democratic Deliberation”, Political Theory, Vol. 28, No. 6 (Dec., 2000), pp. 758-786.
    ⑤Steven Jonston, Encountering Tragedy: Rousseau and the Project of Democratic Order, Ithaca, N. Y.: Cornell University Press, 1999, pp. 87-88.
    ⑥事实上,卢梭对于立法动议的提议权一直主张由政府来行使,这里背后的一个重要原因是卢梭对于雅典民主的一个分析与总结。在他看来,赋予普通民众以立法的提议权会降低立法本身的质量,同时也会使私利渗透到立法行为当中,因此,“为了阻止那些谋求私利的和考虑欠周的计划,为了阻止曾使雅典人终归失败的那类危险性的改革,我希望任何人都没有任意提出新法律的权利;我希望仅只官员们才有这种权利;我希望那些官员们形式这种权利时,是那么审慎小心;在人民方面,认可这些法律时,是那么慎重;而法律的公布,也是那么郑重其事。”参见卢梭:《论人类不平等的起源和基础》,第54页。弗拉林、普特曼(EthanPutterman)等学者对此进行了理论上的分析与确认。不过,也有学者对此持不同看法,如约翰·斯科特(John Scott)就认为在卢梭的理想政体当中,人民不但直接颁行法律,而且也会直接参与起草法律,但斯科特的这种论断随后遭到了普特曼的有力驳斥。See Richard Fralin, Representation and the Institutions of Democracy in Rousseau’s Political Thought, Ann Arbor, Mich.: UMI, 1977; Ethan Putterman,“Rousseau on Agenda-Setting and Majority Rule”, American Political Science Review, 97 (August): 459-69; John Scott,“Rousseau’s Ant-Agenda-Setting Agenda and Contemporary democratic theory”, American Political Science Review, 99 (1): xx-xx; Ethan Putterman,“Rousseau on the People as Legislative Gatekeeper, not Framers”, American Political Science Review, Vol. 99, No. 1 (Feb., 2005), pp. 145-151.
    ①See Richard Fralin, Representation and the Institutions of Democracy in Rousseau’s Political Thought, Ann Arbor, Mich.: UMI, 1977; Joshua Cohen,“Reflections on Rousseau: Autonomy and Democracy”, Philosophy and Public Affairs, 15(3), 1986:275-97.
    ②Beth E. Warner,“John Stuart Mill's Theory of Bureaucracy within Representative Government: Balancing Competence and Participation”, Public Administration Review, Vol. 61, No. 4 (Jul. - Aug., 2001), pp. 403-413.
    ③Bernard Manin, The Principles of Representative Gvoernment, p. 79.
    ①密尔:《代议制政府》,第115页。事实上,密尔对于托马斯·黑尔的个人代表制评价甚高,在读完黑尔有关个人代表制的第一个版本之后,密尔很快就写信给黑尔,信中称个人代表制“第一次真正解决了人民的代表性问题,并且进而扫清了笼罩在未来的代议制政府、乃至现代文明之上的阴霾。”Mill, March 3, 1859, Later Letters. From Dennis F. Thompson, John Stuart Mill and Representative Government, p. 103.而且,密尔对于这种代表制度的热情一直未曾减弱,并且曾于1867年在议会下院亲自推动过这项改革。不过,对于密尔推崇个人代表制的原因,也有学者表达了不同的看法,认为个人代表制实际上为密尔在“大众民主”当中如何保留精英统治提供了一个绝佳的方案。See Paul B. Kern,“Universal Suffrage without Democracy: Thomas Hare and John Stuart Mill”, Review of Politics, vol. 34, 1972, pp. 306-322.
    ②Dennis F. Thompson, John Stuart Mill and Representative Government, p. 104.对此,乌尔比纳蒂认为,尽管密尔推崇个人代表制度的一个重要原因在于这种制度设计可以保证知识精英的当选,但密尔支持这一代表制度的论据当中也具有显而易见的民主内涵。See Nadia Urbinati,“Representation as Advocacy: A Study of Democratic Deliberation”, Political Theory, Vol. 28, No. 6 (Dec., 2000), pp. 758-786.
    ⑤这也是密尔与早期功利主义者的重要分歧之一,事实上,秘密投票制度是早期功利主义者推进政治改革的重要目标。See Dennis F. Thompson, John Stuart Mill and Representative Government, p. 97.关于密尔对秘密投票态度的转变过程及其原因,可参见: Bruce L. Kinzer,“J. S. Mill and the Secret Ballot”, Historical Reflections, vol. 5, 1978, pp. 19-38; Nadia Urbinati, Mill on Democracy: from the Athenian Polis to Representative Government, pp. 105-122.
    ①这里密尔实际上指涉贵族政体,按照早期功利主义思想的观点,当时英国社会的对立与分歧并不是托利党与辉格党之间的分歧,而是人民与贵族之间的对立与斗争,因为托利党与辉格党一样,都是在尽可能地维系贵族的精英的统治。在早期功利主义者看来,秘密投票恰好是普通民众抵御贵族影响的有力武器。See Bruce L. Kinzer,“J. S. Mill and the Secret Ballot”, Historical Reflections, vol. 5, 1978, pp. 19-38.
    ④Beth E. Warner,“John Stuart Mill's Theory of Bureaucracy within Representative Government: Balancing Competence and Participation”, Public Administration Review, Vol. 61, No. 4 (Jul. - Aug., 2001), pp. 403-413.
    ⑤Dennis F. Thompson, John Stuart Mill and Representative Government, p. 97.
    ⑥Nadia Urbinati, Mill on Democracy: from the Athenian Polis to Representative Government, p. 107, 109; Bruce L. Kinzer,“J. S. Mill and the Secret Ballot”, Historical Reflections, vol. 5, 1978, pp. 19-38.
    ①关于秘密投票在现代民主发展历程中的演变过程,参见Stein Rokkan, Citizens, Elections, Parties: approaches to the comparative study of the processes of development, New York: ECPR Press, 1970, pp. 152-155.事实上,公开投票与民主的关系是颇为复杂的,历史上,古雅典和中世纪的威尼斯共和国使用的都是秘密投票,而在19世纪中期以前,美国和英国所使用的却是公开投票。而且,在19世纪中期以后英国围绕着投票方式进行争论的时候,秘密投票常常被指责为是“不道德的”和“邪恶的”(与清教徒对于天主教徒的指责用的是同样的词汇),而公开投票则往往被许多思想家与勇气、坦率、诚实等积极的道德品质联系在一起。因此,密尔对于公开投票的认同与支持虽然在今天看来有些不合时宜,但在当时却并不会令人感觉奇怪。See Nadia Urbinati, Mill on Democracy: from the Athenian Polis to Representative Government, p. 105.
    ②不过,需要指出的是,根据乌尔比纳蒂的分析,密尔对于公开投票的辩护至少存在以下两个理论缺陷:其一,密尔认为公开投票可以弘扬公共利益,保证具有公共精神的社会精英当选,然而,即便是社会精英真的能够发挥自己的影响力,其实也难以保证公共利益就一定能够获得,同时也不会促使民众积极参与政治;其二,密尔认为代表制度可以使现代民主克服直接民主难以实行这样的尴尬,同时也可以使普通公民在选举自己的代表时不必背离自己的个人利益,然而这些实际上是与公开投票本身的理论逻辑相互矛盾的,它们更倾向于采取秘密投票这种方式。See Nadia Urbinati, Mill on Democracy: from the Athenian Polis to Representative Government, p. 122.
    ③Nadia Urbinati, Mill on Democracy: from the Athenian Polis to Representative Governmenty, p. 64.
    ④Dennis F. Thompson, John Stuart Mill and Representative Government, p. 121.
    ⑤密尔对于立法机构改革的重视可以看出边沁对其的影响,后者最为重要的关注点之一就是改革与重塑当时英国的立法体系。See Beth E. Warner,“John Stuart Mill's Theory of Bureaucracy within Representative Government: Balancing Competence and Participation”, Public Administration Review, Vol. 61, No. 4 (Jul. - Aug., 2001), pp. 403-413.
    ②See Dennis F. Thompson, John Stuart Mill and Representative Government, p. 123.事实上,对于专业化的立法委员会的倡导并非密尔首创,在其之前,乔治·格罗特(George Grote)与布鲁厄姆(Lord Brougham)等人也都提出过类似的主张,有学者认为密尔明显受到了这些人的影响。See Nadia Urbinati, Mill on Democracy: from the Athenian Polis to Representative Government, p. 63-64.
    ②Nadia Urbinati,“Representation as Advocacy: A Study of Democratic Deliberation”, Political Theory, Vol. 28, No. 6 (Dec., 2000), pp. 758-786.
    ③Dennis F. Thompson, John Stuart Mill and Representative Government, p. 123.
    ④Nadia Urbinati,“Representation as Advocacy: A Study of Democratic Deliberation”, Political Theory, Vol. 28, No. 6 (Dec., 2000), pp. 758-786.
    ①Beth E. Warner,“John Stuart Mill's Theory of Bureaucracy within Representative Government: Balancing Competence and Participation”, Public Administration Review, Vol. 61, No. 4 (Jul. - Aug., 2001), pp. 403-413.对此,乌尔比纳蒂也认为密尔眼中的政府主要有两类:代议制政府与官僚型政府(pedantocracy),前者只看重专家的意见;而后者则同时注重专家和民众的意见。See Nadia Urbinati, Mill on Democracy: from the Athenian Polis to Representative Government, pp. 55-57.
    ③当然,这种中立只是相对对于政党政治的中立,而并非绝对的价值中立。See Beth E. Warner,“John Stuart Mill's Theory of Bureaucracy within Representative Government: Balancing Competence and Participation”, Public Administration Review, Vol. 61, No. 4 (Jul. - Aug., 2001), pp. 403-413.
    ④有学者认为密尔的官僚制包括两部分,其一是立法意义上的官僚,主要是指密尔提议设立的立法委员会;其二则是指行政意义上的官僚,指涉行政机构内部的技术官僚(文官阶层)。See Beth E. Warner,“John Stuart Mill's Theory of Bureaucracy within Representative Government: Balancing Competence and Participation”, Public Administration Review, Vol. 61, No. 4 (Jul. - Aug., 2001), pp. 403-413.
    ①Dennis F. Thompson, John Stuart Mill and Representative Government, pp. 65-67.事实上,密尔并没有预见到日后官僚制在行政事务方面的主导趋势,在密尔生活的时代,官僚制政府其实被认为是普遍存在于欧洲大陆国家的一种政府体制,这一体制与英国的民主政体截然不同。英国其实也只是在1870年以后才开始建立起完善的文官体制,以此观之,密尔对于官僚制的认知与当今学界关于官僚制的定位与判断有一定的差距。
    ②Beth E. Warner,“John Stuart Mill's Theory of Bureaucracy within Representative Government: Balancing Competence and Participation”, Public Administration Review, Vol. 61, No. 4 (Jul. - Aug., 2001), pp. 403-413.
    ①Bernard Manin, The Principles of Representative Government, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997, pp. 91, 94; Mark B. Brown, Science in Democracy: Expertise, Institutions and Representation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press, 2009, p. 68.马克·布朗(Mark B. Brown)甚至认为真正的代议制政府始于“人民的同意”这一理念的确立,不过,在他看来,也正是这一理念使代议制政府经常性地背离其“民主承诺”。See Mark B. Brown, Science in Democracy: Expertise, Institutions and Representation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press, 2009, p. 67.不过,并非所有的代表理论都会选择选举这种方式,汉娜·皮特金曾经阐述过一种更为倾向于通过抽签产生代表的理论认知,在她看来,如果是将代表机构看作为整个社会的一个样本(sample),那么就会倾向于通过抽签来产生代表,因为这种方式可以排除竞选过程中党派与个人能力的因素,使其产生的代表更为接近于社会的普通形态。Hanna F. Pitkin, The Concept of Representation, pp. 73-74.
    ②事实上,这里体现出卢梭对于国家与政府之间的明确区分,在他看来,国家的组成方式与政府的组成方式是两件完全不同的事情,“最佳的政府形式是贵族制,但最坏的主权形式也是贵族制。”See Rousseau, Letter to Beaumont, Letters Written from the Mountain, and Related Writings, ed. Christopher Kelly and Eve Grace, translated by Christopher Kelly and Judith R. Bush, Hanover, N. H.: Dartmouth College: University of New England, 2001, p. 233.
    ③Bernard Manin, The Principles of Representative Government, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997, p. 91.
    ①Peverill Squire ,“Uncontested Seats in State Legislative Elections”, Legislative Studies Quarterly, Vol. 25, No. 1 (Feb., 2000), pp. 131-146.
    ①Beth E. Warner,“John Stuart Mill's Theory of Bureaucracy within Representative Government: Balancing Competence and Participation”, Public Administration Review, Vol. 61, No. 4 (Jul. - Aug., 2001), pp. 403-413.
    ②Dennis F. Thompson, John Stuart Mill and Representative Government, p. 28.
    ③在早期功利主义者那里,譬如詹姆斯·密尔就认为妇女的利益可以由其丈夫来代表,而低于40岁的公民的利益可以由超过40岁的那些人来代表。See James Mill, An Essay on Gvoernment, Ch. VIII, from Dennis F. Thompson, John Stuart Mill and Representative Government, p. 19.
    ④Nadia Urbinati, Mill on Democracy: from the Athenian Polis to Representative Government, p. 7.不过,根据乌尔比纳蒂的考证,密尔民主思想的竞争特质主要体现在辩论当中,是一种言语的较量,而非权力或金钱的角逐。Nadia Urbinati, Mill on Democracy: from the Athenian Polis to Representative Government, p. 4.
    ①Richard W. Krouse,“Two Concepts of Democratic Representation: James and John Stuart Mill”, the Journal of Politics, Vol. 44, No. 2 (May, 1982), pp. 509-537.
    ②卢梭:《社会契约论》,第37页;John Plamenatz, Man and Society: Political and Social Theories from Machiavelli to Marx (v.2), New York: Longman, 1992, p. 166.卢梭对于主权不可分割和不可转让的观点广为人知,事实上,密尔在这一点上与卢梭是一致的,在密尔看来,主权者的权力是唯一的,尽管有时会被政府事务的分工所蒙蔽,但这种分工体现的只是政府职能的差别,而非主权者权力的不同。See Dennis F. Thompson, John Stuart Mill and Representative Government, p. 92; Nadia Urbinati, Mill on Democracy: from the Athenian Polis to Representative Government, p. 64.
    ①Rousseau, Discourse on Political Economy, in The Social Contract and other later political writings,中国政法大学出版社, 2003, p. 7.
    ②Nadia Urbinati,“Representation as Advocacy: A Study of Democratic Deliberation”, Political Theory, Vol. 28, No. 6 (Dec., 2000), pp. 758-786.
    ③Steven Jonston, Encountering Tragedy: Rousseau and the Project of Democratic Order, Ithaca, N. Y.: Cornell University Press, 1999, p. 116.
    ④Dennis F. Thompson, John Stuart Mill and Representative Government, p. 81.对此,乌尔比纳蒂也持有类似的观点,在她看来,雅典民主的一个基本原则就是isegoria,亦即人人有权利在公民大会当中发言。而且,乌尔比纳蒂还做了一非常有意思的对比,她援引摩根斯·汉森(Mogens Hansen)的观点,即认为古代雅典社会有三种类型的公民:(1)消极公民,这些人基本上不参加公民大会;(2)“站桩”式(standing)公民,这些人会参加公民大会,但不会发言,只是被动地聆听与投票;(3)积极公民,这些人积极参与公民大会的提议与辩论各环节。而在现代代议制民主政体当中,乌尔比纳蒂认为在大选中放弃投票的人相当于古雅典的消极公民,参与大选投票的人相当于古雅典的“站桩”式公民,而在大选中当选的代表则相当于古雅典的积极公民。乌尔比纳蒂甚至认为密尔在论证代议制政府理论时脑海里很有可能也在浮现这样的对比。See Nadia Urbinati, Mill on Democracy: from the Athenian Polis to Representative Government, pp. 71-73.
    ①Beth E. Warner,“John Stuart Mill's Theory of Bureaucracy within Representative Government: Balancing Competence and Participation”, Public Administration Review, Vol. 61, No. 4 (Jul. - Aug., 2001), pp. 403-413.
    ③Dennis F. Thompson, John Stuart Mill and Representative Government, p. 90.
    ②Steven Jonston, Encountering Tragedy: Rousseau and the Project of Democratic Order, Ithaca, N. Y.: Cornell University Press, 1999, pp. 84-85.
    ③See Richard Fralin, Representation and the Institutions of Democracy in Rousseau’s Political Thought, Ann Arbor, Mich.: UMI, 1977, p. 192.不过,也有学者如吉尔丁(Hilail Gildin)、詹姆斯·米勒、约书亚·科恩等对此表达了不同的看法,认为依照卢梭的理论思路,行政官员的任命权应该由公民大会或公民大会派出的代表来行使,而卢梭也并没有明确反对将提起法案的权力扩展至除政府以外的政治主体当中。See Joshua Cohen,“Reflections on Rousseau: Autonomy and Democracy”, Philosophy and Public Affairs 15(3), 1986:275-97.不过,在笔者看来,尽管在细节上学术界对此存有争论,但行政机构确实在卢梭的政治过程当中扮演者主导者的角色,在某种意义上的确可以决定政府人员的任免与立法的进程。
    ④Kevin Inston, Kevin Inston, Rousseau and Radical Democracy, p. 169.
    ①在乌尔比纳蒂看来,密尔眼中唯一具有民主政治意义的机构是代议机构,它明显区别于行政机构与司法机构。Nadia Urbinati, Mill on Democracy: from the Athenian Polis to Representative Government, p. 54.
    ②Beth E. Warner,“John Stuart Mill's Theory of Bureaucracy within Representative Government: Balancing Competence and Participation”, Public Administration Review, Vol. 61, No. 4 (Jul. - Aug., 2001), pp. 403-413.
    ③Hanna F. Pitkin, The Concept of Representation, p. 64.
    ④Richard Fralin, Representation and the Institutions of Democracy in Rousseau’s Political Thought, Ann Arbor, Mich.: UMI, 1977, pp. 9-10; Nadia Urbinati, Representative Democracy: Principles and Genealogy, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2008, p. 56.
    ⑤Kevin Inston, Rousseau and Radical Democracy, pp. 173-74.
    ②Richard Fralin, Representation and the Institutions of Democracy in Rousseau’s Political Thought, Ann Arbor, Mich.: UMI, 1977, p. 296.
    ③Steven Jonston, Encountering Tragedy: Rousseau and the Project of Democratic Order, Ithaca, N. Y.: Cornell University Press, 1999, p. 76;萨拜因:《政治学说史》,商务印书馆,1986年,第664页; [以色列]J.F.塔尔蒙:《极权主义民主的起源》,孙传钊译,吉林人民出版社,2004年,第47~48页。
    ④Nadia Urbinati,“Representation as Advocacy: A Study of Democratic Deliberation”, Political Theory, Vol. 28, No. 6 (Dec., 2000), pp. 758-786.
    ⑤Beth E. Warner,“John Stuart Mill's Theory of Bureaucracy within Representative Government: Balancing Competence and Participation”, Public Administration Review, Vol. 61, No. 4 (Jul. - Aug., 2001), pp. 403-413.
    ①Nadia Urbinati, Representative Democracy: Principles and Genealogy, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2008, p. 59.
    ②Hanna F. Pitkin, The Concept of Representation, p. 154.根据皮特金的分析,代表概念本身的逻辑悖论简而言之就是:被代表者必须真实“存在”,这样才能被代表;同时,被代表者又必须“不在”,这样才有必要通过某种方式使之再次出现。See Hanna F. Pitkin, The Concept of Representation, pp. 8-9.
    ③Philip Pettit,“Varieties of Public Representation”, in Political Representation, ed. Ian Shapiro, Susan C. Stokes and Elisabeth Jean Wood, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009, p. 62.
    ④Hanna F. Pitkin, The Concept of Representation, p. 149.
    ①Richard Fralin, Representation and the Institutions of Democracy in Rousseau’s Political Thought, Ann Arbor, Mich.: UMI, 1977, p. 296.
    ①Patrice Canivez,“Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s concept of people”, Philosophy & Social Criticism, vol 30 no 4, pp. 393–412.
    ②对于卢梭有关波兰农奴的解放问题,详见:Rousseau, Considerations on the Government of Poland and on its Projected Reformation, in The Social Contract and other later political writings,中国政法大学出版社, 2003年, pp. 245-248; Jeffrey A. Smith,“Nationalism, Virtue, and the Spirit of Liberty in Rousseau's‘Government of Poland’”, The Review of Politics, Vol. 65, No. 3 (Summer, 2003), pp. 409-437.
    ②Patrice Canivez,“Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s concept of people”, Philosophy & Social Criticism, vol 30 no 4, pp. 393–412.
    ①Kevin Inston, Rousseau and Radical Democracy, p. 154.
    ②See Kevin Inston, Rousseau and Radical Democracy, p. 135;卡罗尔·佩特曼:《参与和民主理论》,第25~26页。
    ①Kevin Inston, Rousseau and Radical Democracy, pp. 145-46.
    ②Harvey F. Fireside,“The Concept of the Legislator in Rousseau's Social Contract”, The Review of Politics, Vol. 32, No. 2 (Apr., 1970), pp. 191-196.
    ④Christopher Kelly,“‘To Persuade without Convincing’: The Language of Rousseau's Legislator”, American Journal of Political Science, Vol. 31, No. 2 (May, 1987), pp. 321-335.
    ①See Rousseau, Considerations on the Government of Poland and on its Projected Reformation, in The Social Contract and other later political writings,中国政法大学出版社, 2003, p. 202.
    ②Alfred Cobban, Rousseau and the Modern State, London: George Allen and Unwin, 1934, p. 64.
    ③Cillian McBride,“Reason, Representation, and Participation”, Res Publica, (2007) 13:171–189.
    ①Philip Pettit,“Varieties of Public Representation”, in Political Representation, ed. Ian Shapiro, Susan C. Stokes and Elisabeth Jean Wood, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009, pp. 64-65.
    ②Cillian McBride,“Reason, Representation, and Participation”, Res Publica, (2007) 13:171–189.
    ①Cillian McBride,“Reason, Representation, and Participation”, Res Publica, (2007) 13:171–189.
    ②Richard Fralin, Representation and the Institutions of Democracy in Rousseau’s Political Thought, Ph.D. dissertation, Columbia University, 1977, pp. 96-101.需要指出的是,卢梭反对采用“巴黎式的戏剧形式”来使民众互动,在他看来,这样会使民众被舞台上演员的表演所感染,从而影响自己对于政治共同体与公意的看法与判断。See Mark B. Brown, Science in Democracy: Expertise, Institutions and Representation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press, 2009, p. 76.
    ③Richard Fralin, Representation and the Institutions of Democracy in Rousseau’s Political Thought, Ph.D. dissertation, Columbia University, 1977, pp. 300-301.
    ①Joshua Cohen,“Reflections on Rousseau: Autonomy and Democracy”, Philosophy and Public Affairs, 15(3), 1986:275-97.
    ②事实上,卢梭在其早年的《政治经济学》当中,甚至认为政府也可以自行掌握和理解公意。See Rousseau, Discourse on Political Economy, in The Social Contract and other later political writings,中国政法大学出版社, 2003, p. 12.
    ②Nadia Urbinati, Mill on Democracy: from the Athenian Polis to Representative Government, pp. 76, 89.
    ①Hanna F. Pitkin, The Concept of Representation, pp. 190, 201.
    ②Nadia Urbinati, Mill on Democracy: from the Athenian Polis to Representative Government, p. 123.
    ④按照皮特金的分析,功利主义认为个人是自己利益的最佳守护者,理想的情况是由自己来实现自己的利益,因此其对于代表的需求与对于政府的需要一样,都是要将其减少到最低限度,从而给个人以充分的自由空间。See Hanna F. Pitkin, The Concept of Representation, pp. 198-199.
    ⑤Nadia Urbinati, Mill on Democracy: from the Athenian Polis to Representative Government, p. 131.事实上,学术界对于密尔的个人主权思想及其后果有着不同的解释,如詹姆斯·史蒂芬(James Fitzjames Stephen)认为密尔的个人主权原则会导致人与人之间的冷漠,进而弱化社会的内在联系;一些自由主义者认为密尔的个人主权理论过于复杂,难以融合多元价值的需求,因而不适于多元文化的现代社会;社群主义者则认为密尔的个人主权理论会消弭人们的社会与文化认同感;而共和主义者则认为密尔的个人主权理论缺乏维持自治政府的民众资源,从而使政府权威拜服于偏私的利益之下。See Nadia Urbinati, Mill on Democracy: from the Athenian Polis to Representative Government, pp. 125-126.
    ⑥Anon,“Review of Considerations on Representative Government by J. S. Mill”, North American Review, vol. 95, July 1862, pp. 228-55.
    ①Dennis F. Thompson, John Stuart Mill and Representative Government, p. 96.
    ④Dennis F. Thompson, John Stuart Mill and Representative Government, p. 99.
    ⑦根据乌尔比纳蒂的总结,持这种观点的著名学者有伯恩斯(Burns)、莱特温(Letwin)、古特曼(Gutmann)、伯杰(Berger)与贝茨(Beitz)等。See Nadia Urbinati, Mill on Democracy: from the Athenian Polis to Representative Government, pp. 94, 224.
    ①Nadia Urbinati, Representative Democracy: Principles and Genealogy, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, pp. 93-96.
    ①Nadia Urbinati,“Representation as Advocacy: A Study of Democratic Deliberation”, Political Theory, Vol. 28, No. 6 (Dec., 2000), pp. 758-786.
    ②Beth E. Warner,“John Stuart Mill's Theory of Bureaucracy within Representative Government: Balancing Competence and Participation”, Public Administration Review, Vol. 61, No. 4 (Jul. - Aug., 2001), pp. 403-413.
    ④当然,密尔对于伯克“实质”代表理论的认同与支持仅限于代表的角色方面。伯克的“实质”代表理论具有明显的贵族制倾向,而这是密尔难以接受的,密尔所认同的是一种剥离了“贵族政治”底色的“实质”代表理论。对于伯克“实质”代表理论的分析与解读,详见Hanna F. Pitkin, The Concept of Representation, pp. 168-189; Ernest Barker, Essays on Government, 2d ed., Oxford, 1951; Dennis F. Thompson, John Stuart Mill and Representative Government, pp. 115-116; James Conniff,“Burke, Bristol, and the Concept of Representation”, The Western Political Quarterly, Vol. 30, No. 3 (Sep., 1977), pp. 329-341.
    ⑤Dennis F. Thompson, John Stuart Mill and Representative Government, pp. 112-113.
    ⑥Dennis F. Thompson, John Stuart Mill and Representative Government, p. 113.
    ②密尔:《代议制政府》,第178~181页;Richard W. Krouse,“Two Concepts of Democratic Representation: James and John Stuart Mill”, The Journal of Politics, Vol. 44, No. 2 (May, 1982), pp. 509-537.
    ③Dennis F. Thompson, John Stuart Mill and Representative Government, pp. 114-115.
    ④Dennis F. Thompson, John Stuart Mill and Representative Government, pp. 116-117.
    ①Alan Ryan,“Two Concepts of Politics and Democracy: James and John Stuart Mill”, in J. Lively and A. Reeve (eds), Modern Political Theory, London: Routledge, 1989, pp. 220-247; Nadia Urbinati,“Representation as Advocacy: A Study of Democratic Deliberation”, Political Theory, Vol. 28, No. 6 (Dec., 2000), pp. 758-786.
    ②Nadia Urbinati, Mill on Democracy: from the Athenian Polis to Representative Government, p. 108.
    ③Hanna F. Pitkin, The Concept of Representation, pp. 202-204.
    ④Nadia Urbinati, Mill on Democracy: from the Athenian Polis to Representative Government, p. 115.
    ⑤Nadia Urbinati, Mill on Democracy: from the Athenian Polis to Representative Government, p. 108; Hanna F. Pitkin, The Concept of Representation, p. 205.
    ①Nadia Urbinati, Mill on Democracy: from the Athenian Polis to Representative Government, p. 116.
    ③Nadia Urbinati, Mill on Democracy: from the Athenian Polis to Representative Government, pp. 116-117.
    ①乌尔比纳蒂实际上认为辩论与商谈是密尔代议制民主理论的“支撑点”。See Nadia Urbinati, Mill on Democracy: from the Athenian Polis to Representative Government, pp. 81-82; Nadia Urbinati,“Representation as Advocacy: A Study of Democratic Deliberation”, Political Theory, Vol. 28, No. 6 (Dec., 2000), pp. 758-786.
    ②Bernard Manin, The Principles of Representative Government, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997, pp. 188-90.不过,曼宁同时也指出,争议和讨论也要以形成“多数的共识”为目的。Bernard Manin, The Principles of Representative Government, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997, p. 190.
    ③Dennis F. Thompson, John Stuart Mill and Representative Government, pp. 80-81.
    ①Nadia Urbinati,“Representation as Advocacy: A Study of Democratic Deliberation”, Political Theory, Vol. 28, No. 6 (Dec., 2000), pp. 758-786.
    ②国外学术界在这一方面的研究成果很多,详见Stephen Coleman,“Connecting Parliament to the Public via the Internet: Two Case Studies of Online Consultations”, Information, Communication & Society, March 2004; W. Lusoli,“Connecting Politics? Parliament, the Public and the Internet”, Parliamentary Affairs, Volume59, Issue1 pp. 24-42; Stephen Coleman, "Parliamentary communication in an age of digital interactivity", Aslib Proceedings, Vol. 58 Iss: 5, 2006, pp.371– 388; Stewart Davidson & Alastair Stark,“Institutionalizing public deliberation: Insights from the Scottish Parliament”, British Politics, Volume 6, Number 2, June 2011 , pp. 155-186(32).
    ①Philip Pettit,“Varieties of Public Representation”, in Political Representation, ed. Ian Shapiro, Susan C. Stokes and Elisabeth Jean Wood, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009, p. 64.
    ③See Mill, Examiner, 15 July 1832, p p450-1. From J.H. Burns,“J.S. Mill and Democracy, 1829-61 (I)”, Political Studies, vol. 5, no. 2, 1957, pp. 158-175.根据普拉门内兹的考证,英国功利主义者实际上承认绝对的国家主权的存在,不过,与之前自然法学派的主权理论不同,功利主义的国家主权理论并不侧重于公民对其的“绝对服从”,而是将其作为批评与监督政府的依据,以及基于“公共善”而抵御政府暴政的权利基础。See John Plamenatz, Man and Society: Political and Social Theories from Machiavelli to Marx (v.2), New York: Longman,1992, p. 226.
    ①Nadia Urbinati,“Representation as Advocacy: A Study of Democratic Deliberation”, Political Theory, Vol. 28, No. 6 (Dec., 2000), pp. 758-786.
    ①对于多元主义的基本原则,尚塔尔·墨菲(Chantal Mouffe)有一个被学术界广为引用的阐释,在她看来,多元主义奠基在这样一个原则之上,即“个人应该拥有按照自己的愿望规划自己的生活的可能性,他们可以自由地选择自己的人生目标,并且可以使用在他们看来是最佳的方式来予以实现。”Chantal Mouffe,“Radical Democracy or Liberal Democracy?”, in David Trend, Radical Democracy: Identity, Citizenship and the State, New York: Routledge, 1996, p. 20.
    ②这是凯文·因斯顿的观点,在他看来,卢梭主张公民个人在形成公意时需要根据自己的判断独自做出选择,需要尽可能地屏蔽掉其他社会成员的影响,其结果之一就在于保证个人的独立性;而与之相应,与公意相伴而行的社会公共利益也必然是多元的、“日日常新”的。See Kevin Inston, Rousseau and Radical Democracy, pp. 115-118, 169.
    ③事实上,卢梭这种认识并非没有道理,根据墨菲的分析,尽管现代民主容纳了多元主义,但这种多元主义并非绝对意义上的多元,在其之上,还存在着人们对于社会共同体的一致性的身份认同。See Chantal Mouffe, The Democratic Paradox, London & New York: Verso, 2000, pp. 18-20.
    ①Kung Chuan Hsiao, Political Pluralism: A Study of Contemporary Political Theory, London: Routledge, 2000, pp. 60-67.在萧公权先生看来,主权理论、尤其是卢梭的公意与人民主权思想是近代一元政治论的基石。Kung Chuan Hsiao, Political Pluralism: A Study of Contemporary Political Theory, London: Routledge, 2000, p. 146.
    ②当然,平等作为民主社会的一个基本原则,它对于民主政治的影响有“坏”的一面,也有“好”的一面,在对密尔和托克维尔民主理论的研究当中,学界通常较为重视平等之于现代民主的“坏”的影响一面。事实上,根据汤姆森的考证,密尔也承认平等会给现代社会带来积极性影响,具体言之:(1)平等会使人们在选举自己的领袖时会更为注重自己的判断,而不会像以前那样主要根据社会地位进行选择;(2)平等会使人们认识到所有公民都应该有权利参与政治生活,而不仅仅限于少数人;(3)平等会使中产阶级群体扩大,使经济上的“极贫”与“极富”现象将趋于消失。See Dennis F. Thompson, John Stuart Mill and Representative Government, pp. 158-160.
    ④Hanna F. Pitkin, The Concept of Representation, p. 165.
    ②Kevin Inston, Rousseau and Radical Democracy, pp. 150-155.
    ①Nadia Urbinati, Mill on Democracy: from the Athenian Polis to Representative Government, p. 121.
    ①Nadia Urbinati,“Representation as Advocacy: A Study of Democratic Deliberation”, Political Theory, Vol. 28, No. 6 (Dec., 2000), pp. 758-786.
    ②事实上,对于具体的立法活动,密尔赋予代表的角色同样也是有限的,在他看来,人民的代表通常也不具备制定法律的专业知识,因此应该由专门的立法委员会草拟法律,然后再交由代表们表决。不过,就立法权力而言,在密尔那里其直接拥有者无疑是代表,代表拥有事实上的立法决定权,因此与本文的观点并不冲突。See Dennis F. Thompson, John Stuart Mill and Representative Government, pp. 121-123.
    ③当然,卢梭只是认为其在约束行政官员方面更为有效,但并不认为其在形成和发现公意方面优于公民大会。Richard Fralin, Representation and the Institutions of Democracy in Rousseau’s Political Thought, Ann Arbor, Mich.: UMI, 1977, p. 259.
    ②卡罗尔·佩特曼:《参与和民主理论》,第22~33页; Dennis F. Thompson, John Stuart Mill and Representative Government, p. 43-44.
    ①Nadia Urbinati, Representative Democracy: Principles and Genealogy, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2008, p. 82.
    ②对此,普拉门内兹曾经将卢梭眼中的平等的特征与存续条件归纳为以下四点:第一,每个人都有权参与涉及所有社会成员利益的决策过程;第二,这些人以独立的个人而“非小于国家的、有组织的集团成员”的身份参与决策;第三,公民必须亲自参与立法,不能使其代表代替其参与立法过程;第四,立法机构并不直接执行法律。See John Plamenatz, Man and Society: Political and Social Theories from Machiavelli to Marx (v.2), New York: Longman, 1992, pp. 156-157.
    ②Rousseau, Letter to Beaumont, Letters Written from the Mountain, and Related Writings, ed. Christopher Kelly and Eve Grace, translated by Christopher Kelly and Judith R. Bush, Hanover, N. H.: Dartmouth College: University of New England, 2001, p. 301.
    ③Rousseau,“Preface”a Narcisse, in Oeuvers completes, Paris , 1959, vol. II, p. 965, from Dennis F. Thompson, John Stuart Mill and Representative Government, p. 47.
    ④Dennis F. Thompson, John Stuart Mill and Representative Government, p. 47
    ⑤Cillian McBride,“Reason, Representation, and Participation”, Res Publica, (2007) 13:171–189.
    ⑥密尔:《代议制政府》,第102页。在密尔看来,平等是任何组织良好的社会共同体的一个基本原则,民主政体自然也概莫能外。对于密尔平等观的详细探讨可参见:Maria H. Morales, Perfect Equality: John Stuart Mill on well-constituted communities, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, inc., 1996.
    ⑦事实上,尽管在结论上颇多相似之处,但英国功利主义对于之前的自然权利学说始终持批判的态度与立场。对于这一理论话题的详细分析可参见John Plamenatz, Man and Society: Political and Social Theories from Machiavelli to Marx (v.2), New York: Longman, 1992, pp. 209- 270;黄伟合:《英国近代自由主义研究:从洛克、边沁到密尔》,北京大学出版社,2006年。
    ②Mark B. Brown, Science in Democracy: Expertise, Institutions and Representation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press, 2009, p. 75-76.
    ③对此,因斯顿有不同的解读,在他看来,卢梭确实强调在形成公意时公民之间应该禁止交流,然而,卢梭这样做实际上存在着一个前提条件,即此时的公民应该掌握有充分的信息,而为了做到这一点,公民在作出最终决定之前需要进行充分的信息交流。换言之,卢梭所强调的只是在做最后决定时公民之间不应该有交流,而并不是自始至终都在反对辩论与商谈。See Kevin Inston, Rousseau and Radical Democracy, 2010, p. 116.
    ④Nadia Urbinati,“Representation as Advocacy: A Study of Democratic Deliberation”, Political Theory, Vol. 28, No. 6 (Dec., 2000), pp. 758-786; Dennis F. Thompson, John Stuart Mill and Representative Government, 48.
    ⑤在伯奇看来,现代代表理论基本上是在18、19世纪形成的,当时并未涉及那些在20世纪才大量出现的政治特征,如纪律性政党的出现、政府活动范围的扩展、一党制国家和极权主义政权的出现以及广大第三世界国家的兴起等等,这些在目前的代表理论当中其实都未曾得以充分的阐释。Anthony H. Birch, Representation, p. 106.
    ⑥根据景跃进教授的总结,在西方民主理论的争论中,对代议制民主的批评来自左和右两个方面,前者秉持卢梭的民主观,强调公民的直接参与,认为公民从直接的立法者变为代表替他们做出选择,从根本上违反了民主原则;后者则是基于自由与民主的内在矛盾,如施密特就认为同质全体的自治是民主观点的核心,而自由原则的前提是承认价值和观点的异质性,而议会是一个不同的意见和观点彼此竞争的场域,无法兼容民主的要求。参见景跃进:“代表理论与中国政治——一个比较视野下考察”,《社会科学研究》,2007年第3期。此外,对于“独立”代表理论的指责还表现为因代表群体而来的精英主义取向、因选举和利益集团而来的腐败以及立法效率的低下等等。而且,根据何包钢的初步统计,每隔几年,西方就会出现一本在这一问题上有所影响的重要著作:1970年,Carole Pateman出版了《参与和民主理论》;1980年,Jane J. Mansbridge出版了《超越敌对民主》(Beyond Adversary Democracy);1984年,Thomas E. Cronin出版了《直接民主》(Direct Democracy);1989年,David Held出版了《民主与全球秩序》(Democracy and Global Order);同年,Robin Archer出版了《激进民主》(Radical Democracy)。参见何包钢:《民主理论:困境和出路》,第47页。
    ⑤Robert E. Goodin, Reflective Democracy, Oxford University, 2003,转自谈火生:《民主审议与政治合法性》,第8页。对于审议民主理论与卢梭思想的渊源的详细探讨,参见谈火生:《民主审议与政治合法性》,法律出版社,2007年。
    ①Anthony H. Birch, Representation, p. 88; Hanna F. Pitkin, The Concept of Representation, p. 209
    ②Hanna F. Pitkin, The Concept of Representation, p. 223.
    ③[意]马斯泰罗内:《欧洲政治思想史》,黄光华译,社会科学文献出版社,1992年;Cillian McBride,“Reason, Representation, and Participation”, Res Publica, (2007) 13:171–189.
    ④Anthony H. Birch, Representation, pp. 116-117.
    ⑤Dennis F. Thompson, John Stuart Mill and Representative Government, p. 192.
    ①Nadia Urbinati,“Continuity and Rupture: the Power of Judgment in Democratic Representation”, Constellations, Volume 12, Issue 2, pages 194–222, June 2005.
    ②譬如,曼宁就曾直言:代议制民主的一个基本特征就在于“没有给予人民以制度化的参与具体政治事务的角色”。See Bernard Manin, The Principles of Representative Government, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997, p. 8.
    ⑤Nadia Urbinati, Representative Democracy: Principles and Genealogy, p. 223.
    ①See David Plotke,“Representation is democracy”, Constellations, Volume 4, No 1, 1997.也正因为如此,乌尔比纳蒂才可以得出结论:代议制民主实际上重塑了政治生活的“时空观”。See Nadia Urbinati, Representative Democracy: Principles and Genealogy, p. 224.
    ②依马克·布朗之见,在现代民主过程中,公民参与的形式应该是多元的,而且,公民参与的形式越多,其对于民主的代表政治贡献就越大。See Mark B. Brown, Science in Democracy: Expertise, Institutions and Representation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press, 2009, p. 222.
    ③Nadia Urbinati,“Representation as Advocacy: A Study of Democratic Deliberation”, Political Theory, Vol. 28, No. 6 (Dec., 2000), pp. 758-786; Mark B. Brown, Science in Democracy: Expertise, Institutions and Representation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press, 2009, p. 14.
    ⑤Nadia Urbinati, Representative Democracy: Principles and Genealogy, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2008, p.224.
    ⑥Mark B. Brown, Science in Democracy: Expertise, Institutions and Representation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press, 2009, p. 224.
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