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The development transition of rural society is one kind of modernization process, and the rural political modernization is one important portion of it. According to Huntington·Samuel·P's comprehension, the standard of modern political system mainly consists of three parts. Respectively, they are political authority rationalization, breaking up of political structure and extending of political participation. Actually, authority rationalization and breaking up of political structure are the structure of modern nation-state. This means state power extends along the top-down track. But extending of political participation is the structure of modern democracy-state. This means the democratic participation of social public extends along the bottom-up track. This theory coincides with the balance framework of double-track politics advocated by Mr. Fei Xiao-tong. In this way, the proposition of rural political modernization converts to realizing the effective link between state and countryside by the top-down track of stats power and the bottom-up track of democratic participation. In one word, the target of rural political modernization is to realize an effective link between state and countryside by the double-track political framework.
     Among them, bottom-up democratic participation can be divided into two different political participations. One is supportive participation; its aim is to provide the legitimacy support from national regime. This always appears in a mobilized participation way. The other is expressive participation; its aim is to realize the appeals from citizens to national political system. Interest expression is the quintessence of this kind of participation. By comparison, expressive participation can still embody the essence of democratic politics-to guarantee and realize the rights of social public. Therefore, civil interest expression becomes the core of establishing the bottom-up track of democratic participation. And as the absolute main stratum in rural society, peasants' interest expression becomes the crux of realizing the effective link between state and countryside. While at the same time, the development and evolution of peasants' interest expression are unavoidably affected by the vicissitudes of structural relations between state and countryside on the macroscopic level. But the problem is that the rural political modernization process begun a century ago sometimes lays particular stress on the single top-down track of expansion of state power, but comparatively neglects the construction of the bottom-up track of peasants' interest expression. As a result, state and countryside cannot manage to reach the stable double-track link structure all the time.
     In traditional feudal society, rural political modernization process had not yet begun. The relations between empire and countryside were generally in a structure of "relatively separate and state paramount". In this structure, peasants' interest of everyday life was basically coordinated in the countryside itself. While at the same time, gentry's private relation opened a bottom-up invisible political track, which played the role of indirect expression of countryside's interest. However, this track itself was very fragile and could not effectively restrict the top-down track of imperial power. Once faced with excessive taxes and levies by imperial empire, vast peasants could only choose the path of lawless opposition. As thus, ancient feudal society got into the vicious circle of periodically stagnant peace and turbulence alternate along the bottom-up track. In fact, its root was lacking in an institutional expression structure of protecting peasant's interest.
     Up to the period of Republic of China, with the development of sate regime construction, the top-down mode of state power provided the prologue to rural political modernization. The relatively separate and loose relations between traditional empire and countryside were not likely to exist in history. There need to be a more tight relation between state and countryside. However, in the period of Republic of China, the sate regime construction unilaterally attempted to construct a new modern single-track link mode between state and countryside relying on the expansion of state power to countryside. This only attached great importance to the top-down expansion of state power:abundant social resources were depredated by this means. And the construction of bottom-up track of peasants'interest expression was relatively neglected. While at the same time, top-down expansion of state power led to the initial collapse of interest coordination mechanism in countryside itself. And gentry's invisible track of private relation was also removed. These resulted in the majority of peasants loosing the basic existence interest guarantee. They could either choose the path of lawless opposition or revolution. In the end, the sate regime construction in the period of Republic of China could only be washed out by history because of neglecting peasants'interest expression.
     After New China founded, state modernization process did not stop. The newly-established state-power took notice of the importance of guaranteeing peasants' interest, and attempted to absorb the whole peasantry stratum into state political system by the broad and mobilized participation. But the centralized system of people's commune just bucked up to a top-down nationalized track and constructed a highly-alike structure between state and countryside. Although there existed extensively mobilized participations aimed at peasants, most of this kind belonged to supportive participations aiming at providing validity for state power. They were not actively expressive participation. Although mobilized participation itself contained some expressive factors, most of which belonged to irrational expressions rather than the expressions based on peasants' real interest requirement. Forced by the great power of state regime, vast peasants rarely resorted to lawless opposition in public, still more covert daily counteractions such as disguise, steal, going slow, making changes and damaging were adopted widely to conduct reverse interest expression. As time passing by, the all-powerful political mode in the period of people's commune failed. This meant the failure of the single-track link mode of highly-alike structure between state and countryside.
     In present phase, with the deepening of social reform in the countryside, rural society gains certain space for self-development. The interest structure in the countryside increasingly becomes multi-polarized. Also, vast peasants'interest expression demand to the state is going up rapidly. So peasants' agitation for interest expression is formed. At least, peasants in our nation possess a multi-polarized interest expression structure in the aspect of the design of ideal and system. They can realize interest expression themselves according to such channels as political elections, elite representations, media and public opinions, asylum expression and resistant expression. However, by analyses of present situation, on expression channel, we find that the phenomenon of vast peasants' non-institutional expression is very sharp, and institutional expression is seriously unsuccessful. In addition to these, there are main problems such as non-organization of expression platform, non-legalization of expression mode, non-rightization of expression contents and non-subjectivity of expression consciousness and etc. These mean present peasants in China have not yet got out of the historical dilemma of interest expression. The existence of expression dilemma results in a series of negative impacts such as blocking politics input, eroding the basis of government legitimacy, damaging peasants' interests, impeding social justice, intensifying social opposement and threatening social harmony and stability.
     Even more ultimately, this expression predicament also means that the bottom-up democratic participation track has not been established yet. And the stable double-track link between state and countryside has not yet achieved. On the one hand, without peasants' interest support, the bottom of countryside is very difficult to be infiltrated by modern state power and ruling regulations. And the trend toward suspended regime is faced by grassroots governments. On the other hand, grassroots regime cannot be effectively controlled because of the self-closing of rural society itself. Grassroots society is influenced seriously by plenty of out-institutional resistance expression of peasants. And the tense relations between state and countryside may be aggravated. Also, this makes grassroots political system face the danger of political decay. So far as the problem of peasants' interest expression is the crux that limited the link between state and countryside, well, whereas we can reveal the reason that brings out the problem of peasants' interest expression from the analysis of the link problem between state and countryside. Thus, from the levels of state and society, to analyze the contributing factors which bring on the difficult access on provides rational choice for the study in this work. Looking from the social grassroots level, main factors which influence peasants'interest expression are as follows:tradition and conservatism of political culture in the countryside, low level self-organization in rural society and elite drain in rural decay. Political culture in rural society still rests on the hazy condition of political cognition which is specific in traditional villagers'culture. Although vast peasants show great recognition for central political regime, they show obvious trend of departing from grassroots governments. There are full of challenges, confrontations and doubts between peasants and grassroots governments. And a stable expression system and environment cannot be possessed by peasants. Also, in the aspect of participation orientation, peasants cannot obtain sound main body consciousness because of the interference from small-peasant mentality.
     But in the aspect self-organization of rural society, by reason of the closed and conservative characteristics, or the vacancy of self functions or experiencing a relaxation course, neither traditional clan organizations nor weak non-governmental organizations, or other social association in the countryside can assume the important task of organizing the peasants to carry out interest expression. So the living conditions of atomization and fragmentation become Achilles heel of peasants'interest expression. And as an important informal and structural force in the countryside, rural elite plays such important roles as mobilization, organization, representation and support in peasants'interest expression, especially in collective expression. However, in the background of relative decay of rural society, phenomenon of serious elite drain emerges, which also directly affects sufficient realization of the right of peasants' interest expression. From state level, factors which affect peasants' interest expression mainly include the function blockage of expression channels in the system, internal limitations of villagers'autonomy system and the single-track characteristics of pressure-related administration system. First, in the aspect of the function blockage of expression channels in the system, political parties at the grassroots level gradually become closed because of their process of bureaucratization and cannot normally absorb peasants'daily political participation. Such representative institutions of public opinions as People's Congress and Political Consultative Conference and etc. are in a serious condition of function-weakness, so they cannot play the role of spokesman for peasants'interests. The intrinsic functions of correspondence and visitation departments at all levels are making the situation at the lower levels known to the higher authorities. They imply forcefully non-institutional logic and are basically in a jammed condition. More over, lawsuit is generally hard to be fully trusted by mass peasants because of its limitations such as relief cost and effectiveness. As regards the public opinions of mass media, sometimes form a dead angle of peasants' interest demand because of its commercial orientations of value, deficiencies in independency and unsound media environment in the countryside, etc.
     Second, in the aspect of internal limitations of villagers' autonomy system, on the one hand, grassroots governments excessively control the formation of rural power; on the other hand, there are still several defects in the course of authorization in the countryside. These make villagers' autonomy institutions always form an interest- separate institution, rural autonomous power is incapable of representing peasants to report their interest demand to grassroots governments. Finally, from the level of the whole administrative system, single-track characteristic of pressure-model system is the primary system root which makes peasants interest expression dilemma. In the pressure-model system, grassroots governments only receive upper government s'unitary authorization and they are inevitably formed the function orientation of "responsibility for the superior". Also, there may be considerable self-interest room of grassroots governments themselves. Additionally, state targets are not in accordance with peasants' interest. All these may result in the lack of basic responses and essential sensitiveness of peasants'interest demand from grassroots governments. Grassroots governments are in a closed function state and cannot sufficiently absorb activities of vast peasants'interest expression.
     It is clear that the roots of present peasants' interest expression dilemma not only exist on the level of social basis, but also on the level of state system. Actually, rural society is still not a modern society, and it is far from the requirements of the mature civil society in running the modern democratic political system. Moreover, state system is also not fully in accordance with modern standards of modern state system. Especially in the aspect of running modern democratic political system, there is still room for further reform and adjustment. Between countryside and state, there is lacking in the link match of mutual correspondence, which results in the serious weakness of already-arranged expression system and cannot meet the practical needs of peasants' interest expression. Therefore, from the two levels of state and countryside, to explore good intercommunion structure and to seek effective link between them are certain to be the choices of realistic paths which push ahead peasants'interest expression in China. Specifically, on the one hand, at countryside level, we may strive to improve social bases for peasants' interest expression through such paths as political socialization, social self-organize and urban-rural integration and etc. On the other hand, at state level, we may realize the eradication of peasants' interest expression system bondage through the paths of construction of legal system, political democratization and reformation of the administrative system and etc. On the bases above mentioned. this article brings about several detailed policy suggestions of boosting peasants'interest expression in China:first, to strengthen related laws and regulations to guarantee peasants' expression rights; second, to encourage the development of peasants' organizations to improve villages'integration degree:third, to reform citizens'correspondence and visitation system to get through the key expression channels; fourth, to perfect villagers' autonomy system to straighten the relations between town and countryside; fifth, to construct rural public opinions platform to enhance media's concern for peasants; sixth, to innovate in the grassroots democratic participation forms to improve peasants'expression capabilities. In a word, only through mutual intercommunion and adjustment between state and countryside, peasants'interest expression can gain sufficient structure and system support to finally get out of dilemma, and then settle the key track of the double-track link which is pursued by the modernization of rural politics between state and countryside.
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