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     1)建设费用高。PACS医学影像的数据量远远大于HIS、LIS等其它医疗系统的数据量,一个大型三甲医院每年PACS图片数据量高达数TB到数十TB。区域内的医学影像数据量将达到PB(1024TB)以上级别。区域医学影像服务平台需要提供远程灾备和影像代存等服务,因此需要考虑区域内的全部影像数据量。采用传统FC SAN(光纤存储区域网络)构建PB级容量的存储系统,建设费用极高;
     2)性能和扩展能力不足。即便是性能和稳定性最好的FC SAN,其传输带宽和处理能力也难以满足PB级海量数据的处理和传输要求。同时,增加存储设备时,整个应用系统的目录结构一致性难以保证。目前市场上虽然已出现存储虚拟化产品,可以将多台存储设备虚拟化成一个统一的存储池,解决存储架构的一致性和动态扩展问题,但是出于市场考虑和技术限制,厂商一般都只支持自有存储产品的虚拟化,难以实现不同厂商设备的兼容;
     3)可用性受限。全院PACS常用“在线—近线—离线”三级存储模式。最近的在线图像数据存放在性能高的FC SAN中,稍久一点的近线图像存放在性能稍差的IP SAN或NAS存储设备中,超过一定时限的图像则离线存储到光盘库或磁带库中。这种方式的好处是可以节省成本,保证医疗诊断应用的性能,但是整个系统的可用性受到限制,离线图像数据难以实时获取;
     Google作为全球最大的搜索引擎和云计算服务商,率先遇到了PB级海量数据的处理问题。她没有采用传统的存储和高性能计算技术,而是独辟蹊径地创造了GFS分布式文件系统和MapReduce分布式计算技术,通过聚合数以万计普通服务器的存储和计算资源,实现了超大规模数据集的高效处理,取得了巨大的成功。Apache Hadoop项目则是GFS和MapReduce的开源实现,目前已成为世界上最有影响力的开源云计算平台,取得了广泛的应用。针对Hadoop平台的特点和医学影像云服务平台的需求,我们设计了一种HDFS和FC SAN相结合的“在线—归档”二级存储架构HMISA(Hybrid Medical Image Storage Architecture),取代区域PACS系统常见的“在线—近线—离线”三级存储架构。并在其基础上开展了基于MapReduce框架的医学影像后处理等分布式计算应用。
     HDFS分布式文件系统具有如下特点:1)专门针对PB级以上海量数据的快速存储和处理而设计,已在Yahoo、FaceBook、亚马逊、百度、淘宝等海量数据处理应用平台上得到了广泛验证;2)系统可扩展性高,只需简单添加服务器数量,即可实现存储容量、磁盘IO吞吐率、传输带宽和计算能力的线性增长,并保持一致的文件目录结构;3)数据冗余度高,缺省每份数据在3个不同的节点上保留副本;4)适合“流式”访问(Streaming access),即一次写入,多次读取,数据写入后极少修改,适合医学影像文件的访问特点;5)除了数据存储能力外,与HDFS共生的MapReduce分布式计算框架还可充分利用各服务器CPU的计算资源,便于后期开展基于海量医学影像数据的图像预处理、格式转换、图像融合、内容检索、三维重建等数据密集型应用。
     但是,Hadoop在构建医学影像存储系统时还存在以下问题:1) Hadoop的设计理念是针对大文件进行优化的,其默认的数据块大小为64 MB,而医学影像资料中常见的CT、MRI的图像大小大多为512 KB左右,一次拍摄产生的图像数量大约为100~200幅,如果直接将大量的小文件存储在HDFS文件系统中,过多的元数据将导致HDFS主节点NameNode的内存消耗过大,降低集群的性能。2)HDFS的设计理念不适合需要低时延的实时应用,其写入性能大大低于读取性能,不太适合需要快速获取图像资料并撰写诊断报告的PACS实时应用。
     单纯的HDFS分布式文件系统不适合实时应用,但是具备低成本、易扩展、高性能、高可靠的特点。传统的集中存储(FC SAN)则非常适合小文件的快速读写。因此,结合两者的优点我们设计了一套FC SAN和HDFS结合的混合式存储架构HMISA,将常见的PACS“在线—近线—离线”三级存储简化为“在线—归档”两级存储架构。一年以内的医学影像资料以DICOM原始格式保存在FC SAN一级“在线库”中,可满足PACS阅片和撰写诊断报告等实时应用的低时延要求。超过一年的图像则转换成S-DICOM格式保存到HDFS二级“归档库”中,通过SDFO(S-DICOM File Operator)文件访问组件,屏蔽底层图像读写操作的细节,为上层的SaaS模式医学影像应用系统和DICOM应用组件提供统一的图像查询、读取和写入接口。
     2)设计了一种FC SAN和HDFS相结合的医学影像“在线—归档”二级存储架构HMISA(Hybrid Medical Image Storage Architecture),解决区域PACS常见的“在线—近线—离线”三级存储架构的性能、可扩展性和可用性等问题。设计了S-DICOM医学影像归档文件格式,解决HDFS不适合存储和处理大量小文件的问题。开发了一套SDFO文件访问组件,屏蔽HMISA存储架构底层图像读写操作的细节,为上层的SaaS模式医学影像应用系统和DICOM应用组件提供统一的图像查询、读取和写入接口。
Thanks to the development of medical imaging, recent decade witnessed the rapid progress of medical imageology. Advanced techniques and equipments such as 320-slice spiral CT, ultra-high field MRI, molecular imaging, functional imaging, multi-modality image fusion brought convenience to doctors meanwhile led to some significant problems:
     1) Expensive medical devices in many hospitals were regarded as the reflection of hospitals' scale and medical technology; however, they contributed to high medical expenditure as well.
     2) Given patients' film which carried limited information could not serve as the basis of diagnosis when they transferred to another hospital, repeated checking resulted in patients'extra medical expense.
     3) Though there were advanced image devices such as 64-slice spiral CT in some rural hospitals, lack of specialized talents and low utilization rate of the device made the advantages of these advanced devices not in full display.
     4) Deficiency of funds, equipments, techniques and talents in basic medical and health institutions generated the overcrowding of large-scaled hospitals. The imbalance of medical recourses was partly responsible for the difficulty of medical treatment and expensive medical expense.
     5) The difficulty existing in image diagnosis required profound knowledge and rich experience of doctors. Increasingly newly-developed devices presented even greater challenges to the teaching image diagnosis. Traditional teaching methods and devices could not satisfy the swelling need of student's recruitment.
     6) Large image data need to be preserved in long-term, while domestic hospitals were in general short of remote disaster tolerant system and backup measures, potential natural disasters such as fire, earthquake or tsunami would cause the total loss of these images, which would in turn lead to irreparable consequences.
     The sharing of regional medical resources and coordination of medical process through network functioned as a remarkable means of overcoming the difficulty of medical treatment and expensive medical expense. Regional medical imaging coordination was an significant part of regional healthcare and the establishment of regional imaging services platform could benefit tele-radiology, virtual radiology department, remote teaching, remote redundancy, personal medical record hosting, typical case query, content-based image retrieval, etc., which was of great importance for the balance of medical recourses, improvement of diagnosis accuracy in basic medical institutes and lower medical expense.
     The application of traditional PACS in the construction of large-scaled regional medical images center was confronted with great economic and technical challenges.
     1) High expenditure. There were much more data in PACS than those in HIS or LIS. The volume of image data in PACS in a large-scaled first-class third-level hospital would be on the order of terabytes or dozens of terabytes each year and medical image data in a certain region would be on the order of hundreds of terabytes to even several petabytes. It is essential to cover all the images in certain region since regional medical imaging services platform provides remote redundancy, image hosting services, etc. However, the application of traditional FC SAN in the construction of large-scaled storage system would lead to high expenditure.
     2) Limited performance and scalability. The throughput and processing capacity of FC SAN could not satisfy the need of large data processing and transfer. Even the increase of bandwidth would be achieved through more channels available, the architecture of which was complicated and expensive. Meanwhile, it was difficult to maintain the consistency of directory structure of the overall system with extended storage devices. Though virtual storage products existed in the market, which virtualized many storage devices into a storage pool, most of them were not compatible with products from other companies due to its technology limitation.
     3) Limited availability. The commonly-employed storage model of "online, near-line, offline" in PACS could save the expense and guarantee diagnosis performance but it was at the expense of limited availability since it was difficult to obtain offline images.
     4) Absence of systematic software. The present full-PACS software is suitable for high-speed, stable and safe campus network. Provided in pure internet access with limited bandwidth, poor stability and firewall blocking system, such kind of software is difficult to meet application need.
     The rapidly developing cloud computing technologies turned out to be an effective approach to the construction of cost-efficient, high-performance, flexible and resilient regional medical imaging services platform. The presented project describes the construction of regional medical imaging services platform with cloud computing through various transfer media to provide services for SaaS-based tele-applications of medical imaging. The key point of the research goes to high-performance, reliable, scalable distributed storage architecture and parallel processing which were the basis of and key to regional medical imaging services platform.
     As a world-widely largest search engine and cloud computing provider, Google was the first confronted with how to process large volumes of data (petabytes). It created GFS and MapReduce instead of applying traditional data store architecture and high performance computing. Through the accumulation of storing and computing capacity of thousands of common servers, it realized the efficient processing of large volumes of data, which proved to be a big success. Apache Hadoop is an open source implementation of Google GFS and MapReduce, which turned to be the most influential open source cloud computing platform and in wide application. Taken the characteristics of Hadoop and the requirement of medical imaging cloud platform into consideration, the basic structure of medical imaging cloud computing platform was designed with Hadoop HDFS and MapReduce
     The benefits of Hadoop HDFS were presented as follows:1) It was particularly designed for rapid large volumes of data (petabytes) storing and processing, which was testified by Yahoo, FaceBook, Amzon, Baidu, Taobao, etc.2) High scalability. The increase of servers could realize the linear increase of storage capacity, disc I/O throughput rate and calculating capacity.3) High redundancy. Each data block will be stored in three different nodes.4) It is designed for streaming access, which is suitable for the long-term storage of medical images.5) Besides information storage capacity, MapReduce, coexisting with HDFS, could aggregate CPU power across the nodes for data-intensive applications such as image preprocessing, format converting, image fusion, content-based image retrieval (CBIR), three dimensional reconstruction.
     Some problems existed in the construction of medical image storage system with Hadoop. Hadoop was designed for large files with default block size of 64MB, by contrast, frequently-seen medial images such as CT, MRI were about 500 KB each and there were about 100 to 200 images each scan. Suppose a sea of small files were stored in HDFS, excessive meta data would contribute to too much RAM consumption of NameNode and eventually decreased the performance of whole cluster. In addition, HDFS was not appropriate for the real-time application requiring low latency since its writing performed more weakly than its reading did, which was not suitable for the real-time application of PACS.
     To solve this problem, with Sequence File in Hadoop, a S-DICOM was specifically designed. Since with Key/Value pair, all images from one patient within a study can be combined into one serialized file, thus, the process performance was improved significantly and RAM of NameNode had no risk of large consumption. Data with Key/Value pair served as the best input data format which was beneficial to medical-image-based data intensive applications. Though HDFS itself was not appropriate for real-time application, it was economical, highly scalable, reliable and with high performance. Since traditional FC SAN was suitable for quick access to small files, a kind of "online, archived" two-level model medical image storage architecture combined with the benefits of both FC SAN and HDFS, which was called HMISA(Hybrid Medical Image Storage Architecture) was specifically designed. Medical images produced within one year stored in FC SAN with original format, which could fulfill the requirement of low latency of reading film and writing diagnosis reports. Those produced over one year would be converted into S-DICOM format hosting in HDFS. With components of S-DICOM File Operator(SDFO), reading and writing of images in substructure were shielded, which provided interface to query, reading and writing for upper layer applications and components.
     Distributed computing framework of MapReduce built in Hadoop had shielded some complicated details such as job scheduling, fault tolerance, load balance, which reduced the difficulty existing in the development of distributed computing system. Meanwhile, with the strategy of moving computation to the data, MapReduce achieved high data locality which in turn resulted in high performance and it was the best choice for distributed processing of data-intensive application. We designed some MapReduce-based distributed computing program for medical image processing such as converting file format from DICOM to JPEG, batch de-identification, batch thumbnail generation, distributed importing and query of access logs, and its influence on performance was tested in testing cluster, the result of which indicated that with MapReduce cluster the calculation capacity of each storage node was in full display and the performance of large data processing was improved greatly with scale-out.
     To sum up, with traditional technology, the construction of regional medial imaging services platform was confronted with great challenges such as funds, technology. Newly-developed cloud computing and service model was a practicable approach to construct an economical, reliable and scalable regional medical imaging services platform.
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