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The tracking measurement of carrier-based theodolite is disturbed by carrier movement, It is the necessary premise of reducing the disturbed errors due to carrier movement, So corresponding structure and control system must be designed to isolate the ship swing from disturbance of line of sight of carrier-based theodolite, Finally make line of sight stabilize in inertial space designated direction. Therefore, equipment developedby ship-swaying stability is electro-optical tracking measurement equipment is a key technology.
     The photoelectric theodolite, installed the in small and medium-sized ship, Because measurement information of ship pose provided by inertial system,can not satisfy the photoelectric theodolite view axis stabilization accuracy requirement, so gyro based inertial devices must be installed such as to pose information or view axis relative to the speed of the inertial space, This paper based on two axis gyro stabilization platform about ship-borne photoelectric theodolite carried out the view axis stable technology research.
     This paper firstly based on the view axis gyro based on stable platform structure configuration, To using the space coordinates mapping transformation between two axis view axis, stable isolation equation eye axis is stabilized , Based on composition of the view axis gyro of stable servo system , The overall mathematical model of visual stabilized axis is established based on the gyro's view axis stable servo system and servo loop of the important problems were analyzed.
     Through the analysis, the influence of overcoming ship-borne condition and the disturbance torque object model uncertainty system is the system improve stabilization accuracy and tracking precision will focus on solve the problem. In this paper, the velocity stability ring mixed sensitivity by h-infinity controller design method and the method of weighted function are discussed in detail the problem of choice.
     Finally, adopted advanced-lag correction, variable gain series high order correction and h-infinity mixed sensitivity design method of one-dimensional experiment turntable system speed stability ring controller design; Through the analysis of the experiment and simulation results, h-infinity mixed sensitivity method in resistance disturbance torque and system object model uncertainty about the influence of system dynamic characteristics have many advantages, experimental results verify the effectiveness of this method.
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