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     研究了氧化亚铁硫杆菌耐干燥、耐高温的抗逆性生理特性。发现该细菌具有较强的耐干燥能力,但不耐高温,55℃下细菌完全丧失氧化能力。同时研究了多种因素对氧化亚铁硫杆菌生长活性的影响,发现在Fe~(2+)氧化体系中添加0.25%固体物浓度的硫化矿物时,细菌的Fe~(2+)氧化速度会降低,细菌生长停滞期延长,浸出液中细菌浓度减少。当矿浆浓度增大时,由于矿物颗粒的运动及液体流动对菌体的机械损伤加剧,会使细菌的氧化活性进一步下降。在9K培养基中舔加1%的S~0时,细菌的Fe~(2+)氧化活性也会受到抑制。研究显示氧化亚铁硫杆菌具有耐受较高浓度金属离子的能力,但过高的金属离子浓度以及低浓度的有机物如细菌残体、葡萄糖、蛋白胨等会抑制细菌的氧化活性,当p[Zn~(2+)]>50 g/L,ρ[Cu~(2+)]>15g/L,ρ[Mg~(2+)]>15 g/L时,细菌的Fe~(2+)氧化活性会显著降低。
     本研究采用茚三酮比色法测定了浸矿过程中矿样表面吸附的细菌数量。首先研究了吸附细菌生物量的测定条件,发现细菌裂解液与茚三酮显色剂的反应产物在562 nm波长下有特征吸收峰,该吸光值的大小可代表细菌生物量的多少。研究发现在含铁闪锌矿摇瓶浸出20 d的过程中,矿粒表面的细菌吸附量由少到多,后期有50%~80%
    炭表面吸附的细菌数量高达 4.69又10“个。因此认为活性炭可做为Fe2+
    实验,发现该菌株在250 n1L锥形瓶中振荡培养的最适条件为pH 7.0、
    温度30℃、转速200 r/min、装液量100毗。使用GsY一5#菌株浸出
    酸化到pH 0.5,在90℃下浸出铝土矿中的杂质铁,浸出6h,铝土矿
    使用Asp一1#培养液浸出氧化锌矿,浸出7d,锌的浸出率也可达到21 .9
A variety of microorganisms can catalyze the solubilization of minerals in natural environments. Besides Thiobacillus ferrooxidans, which can extract metal from metal sulfides, several other microorganisms such as silicate bacteria Bacillus mucilaginosus and fungi Aspergillus niger have been found to be progress in mineral bioleaching. Bacillus mucilaginosus can dissolve silicate from silicate minerals, and Aspergillus niger can dissolve metal from oxidative minerals. In this study, three types of microorganisms above have been screened from different materials using different isolating methods.
    In study of Thiobacillus ferrooxidans, 6 strains have been isolated from Dexin Copper mine, Dabaoshan Copper mine, Chengmenshan Copper mine, Tongling Copper mine, Xixiashan Copper mine and Liuyang Pyrite mine using method of enriching culture. Research indicates different strains of Thiobacillus ferrooxidans process different Fe2+ and element sulfur oxidation activities. It has been found that bacterium density in S?medium is higher than that of in 9K Fe2+ medium. The Zinc extracting rate was 100 % when low grade sphalerite was bioleached with DBS strain for 30 days, and 50 % of sphalerite concentrate also can be biooxidized.
    Two important physiological characteristics of Thiobacillus ferrooxidans, dryness tolerance and high temperature tolerance, have been researched in this study. The results show Thiobacillus ferrooxidans has excellent physiological characteristic of dryness tolerance and bad characteristic of high temperature tolerance because Thiobacillus ferrooxidans rapidly lose its oxidation activity at temperature of 55 ℃. Effects of several factors on oxidation activity of Thiobacillus ferrooxidans have been researched. Experimental results show the lag phase of Thiobacillus ferrooxidans was longer and bacterium density was decreased when 0.25 % pulp density of metal sulfides or 1% element sulfur was added in 9K medium. The research indicates metal sulfides and element sulfur may restrain Fe2+ oxidation activity of Thiobacillus ferrooxidans. It also be found that higher pulp density may decrease bacterial Fe2+ oxidation activity because the collision of mineral particles to bacterial cells will mechanically harm bacteri
    al enzyme system. Experimental results show higher concentration of metal ions, for example [Zn2+]>50 g/L, [Cu2+]>15 g/L and [Mg2+]>15 g/L, may
    restrain Fe2+ oxidation activity of Thiobacillus ferrooxidcms although this microorganism can grow in medium containing definite concentrations of metallic ions, and Thiobacillus ferrooxidans was showed to be sensitive to organic substance such as bacterial residue, glucose and peptone.
    Growth of Thiobacillus ferrooxidans on sphalerite surface and in 9K leach media was studied through estimation of bacterial protein using ninhydrin colorimetric method in the different leach phases. The mineral samples containing adhered bacterium are digested in 0.5 M NaOH in a boiling water bath for 25 min. The digested soup then filtered and the filtrate is neutralised to pH 7 using 0.5 M HC1. Then 1 mL of reagent ninhydrin is added to 2 mL of protein extracted solution and mixed thoroughly. The mixed solution is heated in a boiling water bath for 20 min, then the boiled solution is cooled for 6 min. After development of the color, the absorbance is measured at 562 nm using UV-1100 for the protein content, which provides a measure of the attached cell mass. This study indicated that the attachment of Thiobacillus ferrooxidans to sphalerite mineral is dependent on three factors, namely, particle size, expose period of the sphalerite mineral to the bacteria and as to whether stationary or agitation conditions are used during incubation. The results showed bacterial growth, both in the liquid and on the solid substrate, was found to be increased with increasing incubation periods for two size fractions of sphalerite mineral used. In this study 20 days of incubation were needed for any significant zinc dissolution. Experimental results showed 50 % -80 % of bacterial
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