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Making a cpmparison between mandatory share system of china and forced heirship of the United states, the latter makes more respect and protection for the successor.With the development of the economy and society and the enhance of the idea of people, more and more people want to transfer their estates through a will. However, for some historic and technical reason , our inheritance law has some flaws.
     The main purpouse of this thesis is to make a comparison of succession system between the United States and China. On one hand, this thesis examines the succession system of the United states through two lines, of which are the succession system of Louisiana and other states of the United states, on the other hand, this thesis tries to give some suggestions to our inheritance system so that we can improve our legislation.
     Firstly, this thesis introduced the summary of the forced heirship of Louisiana, the United States. It contains not only the history and development of the forced heirship of louisiana, but also the meaning of some concept. This thesis also discussed the value of the forced heirship of Louisiana, for the prupouse of making a comparison between the forced heirship and the mandatory share system of China.
     Secondly, this thesis make a study on the succession system in the Uninted States other than Louisiana. In comparison with the mandatory in inheritance system of China, the characteristic system in the Uniform Probate Code contains various allowances which are the elective share, homestead allowance, exempt property and family allowance. The article analysed the basic fuction of the forced heirship in the United States, thinking that we can make reference of the United States to improve the inheritance system of China
     Thirdly, this thesis traced the history of mandatory share in our inhericance system and discussed the reasons of mandatory share system. . Oweing to the open and reform policy, our society made more and more progress and people becomes richer and richer. The flaw of the succession system makes it unsuitable, and it must be amended soon. The mandatory share system is short of the standard of the estate share, which gives too much freedom to the judges when a case is trialed in the court.
     At last,this thesis raise his suggestions for the legislation of our inheritance system. We shuold establish elective share to give surviving spouse a selection. The trend that spouse's succession status has been improved in modern succession law reflects the acknowledgement of spouse's labor and the respect to the succession right of the sruviving spouse. It is a realistc question that amending the our succession system to make more protection for the surviving spouse and other heirs with close relations.
[1]Frances H.Foster,LINKING SUPPORT AND INHERITANCE:A NEW MODEL FROM CHINA,Wisconsin Law Review,1999 Wis.L.Rev.1199.
    [1]得克萨斯州是除路易斯安娜州外唯一尝试过特留份制度的州,但是这一制度只实行了十年就停止了,参见Kelly Grieshaber Dunn.Forced Heirship:the Revised Statute.Loyola Law Review,Fall,2000,46 Loy.L.Rev.619。
    [2]Kelly Grieshaber Dunn.Forced Heirship:the Revised Statute.Loyola Law Review,Fall,200046 Loy.L.Rev.619.
    [1]Kris Bulcroft & Phyllis Johnson.Recent Developments:Succession of Lauga:Amendments to Forced Heirship Article Violate Louisiana Constitution.Tulane Law Review,May,1994.
    [1]转引自 Kelly Grieshaber Dunn.Forced Heirship:the Revised Statute,Loyola Law Review,Fall,2000,46 Loy.L.Rev.619.
    [2]Max Nathan.Jr.Forced Heirship in Louisiana.Tulane Law Review,52 Tul.L.Rev.5.
    [3]Max Nathan.Jr.Forced Heirship in Louisiana.Tulane Law Review,52 Tul.L.Rev.5.
    [4]Kathryn Venturatos Lorio.The Changing Concept of Family and its Effect on Louisiana Succession Law.Louisiana Law Review,Summer,2003,63 La.L.Rev.1161.
    [5]Kathryn Venturatos Lorio.The Changing Concept of Family and its Effect on Louisiana Succession Law.Louisiana Law Review,Summer,2003,63 La.L.Rev.1161.
    [1]W.R.Irby.Letter from Louisiana:An Obituary for Forced Heirship and a Birth Announcement for Covenant Marriage.The Tulane European and Civil Law Forum.Winter,1997.
    [2]W.R.Irby.Letter from Louisiana:An Obituary for Forced Heirship and a Birth Announcement for Covenant Marriage.The Tulane European and Civil Law Forum.Winter,1997.
    [1]Kerry J.Miller.The new forced heirship law.Tulane Law Review,November,1996.
    [2]Kerry J.Miller.The new forced heirship law.Tulane Law Review,November,1996.
    [2]Louisiana Forced Heirship(A reminder that it is still with us.)http://academic.lexisnexis.com/college-university-libraries.aspx最后访问时间:2008.2.1。
    [1]W.R.Irby.Letter from Louisiana:An Obituary for Forced Heirship and a Birth Announcement for Covenant Marriage.The Tulane European and Civil Law Forum,Winter,1997.
    [2]Ronald J.Scalise.The Chaos and Confusion of Modern Collation:A Critical Look into an Institution of Louisiana Succession Law.Tulane Law Review,December,2000.
    [1]Kathryn Venturatos Lorio.The changing concept of family and its effect on Louisiana succession law.Louisiana Law Review,summer,2003.
    [1]Kathryn Venturatos Lorio.The New Forced Heirship Legislation:A Regrettable "Revolution." Louisiana Law Review,JANUARY,1990.
    [1]国内绝大部分学者都把该法典翻译为“统一遗嘱检验法”西南政法大学张华贵教授在其著作里也是这样翻译的。参见张华贵 冉启玉.论配偶继承权的法律保护.西南政法大学报,2005,(4):97。
    [2]Kathryn Venturatos Lorio.The changing concept of family and its effect on Louisiana succession law.Louisiana Law Review,summer,2003.
    [1]特留份本是大陆法系的概念,英美法系里没有特留份的提法。但我国学界通常都把美国的home stead allowallce、exempt property、fanily allowance等视为特留份。本文也根据惯例把他们成为特留份。西南政法大学张华贵教授、深圳市罗湖区人民法院刘娟法盲等多次撰文,把上述概念都称为“特留份”。
    [2]Uniform probate code 2-402.
    [3]Uniform probate code 2-402A.
    [1]Uniform probate code 2-403.
    [2]Uniform probate code 2-404.
    [4]Uniform probate code 2-112.
    [5]Uiform probate code 2-202.
    [1]Uniform probate code 2-203.
    [2]Uniform probate code 2-203.
    [1]Unifom probate code 2-202.
    [1]参见 Uniform probate code.elective share of surviving spouse.
    [1]Uinform probate code 2-204.
    [2]Uniform probate code 2-206.
    [1]Uniform probate code.the redesigned share,part 2.
    [2]Uniform probate code 2-202.
    [2]张华贵 冉启玉.论配偶继承权的法律保护.西南政法大学学报,2005,(4):53。
    [1]蒋先福 柳思.中国古代“富民”思想流产的法律原因.海南大学学报(人文社会科学版),2008,(1):36。
    [2]林秀雄.继承法讲义.台北:元照出版公司 2006.316。
    [3]谢怀拭.外国民商法精要.北京:法律出版社 2002,145。
    [2]1985年我国的离婚率约为0.4%。参见.中国民政统计年鉴 1985.http://tjsj.baidu.com/pages/jxyd/10/50/3ad1cd2a6daScec30f7bd4e224050b65_0.html 最后访问时间:2008.4.1。
    [2]Frances H.Foster.LINKING SUPPORT AND INHERITANCE:A NEW MODEL FROM CHINA.Wisconsin Law Review,1999 Wis.L.Rev.1199.
    [3]Tamara York.Protecting Minor Chindren from Parental Disinheritance.Law Review of Michigan State University,Fall,2007.
    [4]Frances H.Foster.LINKING SUPPORT AND INHERITANCE:A NEW MODEL FROM CHINA.Wisconsin Law Review,1999 Wis.L.Rev.1199.
    [1]Frances H.Foster.LINKING SUPPORT AND INIIERITANCE:A NEW MODEL FROM CHINA.Wisconsin Law Review,1999 Wis.L.Rev.1199.
    [2]Frances H.Foster.LINKING SUPPORT AND INHERITANCE:A NEW MODEL FROM CHINA.Wisconsin Law Review,1999 Wis.L.Rev.1199.
    [1]Tamara York.Protecting Minor Chindren from Parental Disinheritance.Law Review of Michigan State University,Fall,2007.
    [2]Tamara York.Protecting Minor Chindren from Parental Disinheritance.Law Review of Michigan State University,Fall,2007.
    [3]Uiform probate code 2-402.
    [1]SUCCESSIONS AND DONATIONS:A SYMPOSIUM:Forced Heirship Changes:The Regrettable "Revolution" Completed.Louisiana Law Review,57 La.L.Rev.55.
    [1]SUCCESSIONS AND DONATIONS:ASYMPOSIUM:Forced Heirship Changes:The Regrettable "Revolution" Comleted.Louisiana Law Review,57 La.L.Rev.55.
    [3]Uniform probate code,2-202.
    [7]马俊驹 余延满.民法原论.北京.法律出版社,1990。
    [14]郭明瑞 房绍坤 关涛.继承法研究.北京:中国人民大学出版社,2003。
    [1]李先波 邓叶芬.论胎儿的民事主体资格.湖南师范大学学报,2004,(11)。
    [8]蒋先福 柳思.中国古代“富民”思想流产的法律原因.海南大学学报(人文社会科学版),2008,(1)。
    [14]樊丽君 邓画文.论继承契约.中国社会科学院研究生学院学报,2006,(7)。
    [22]张华贵 冉启玉.论配偶继承权的法律保护.西南政法大学学报,2005,(4)。
    [1]Uniform probate code(Last amended or revised in 2006),Drafted by the National conference of commissioners on uniform state laws
    [1]Frances H.Foster.LINKING SUPPORT AND INHERITANCE:A NEW MODEL FROM CHINA.Wisconsin Law Review,1999 Wis.L.Rev.1199.
    [2]Kathryn Venturatos Lorio.The New Forced Heirship Legislation:A Regrettable "Revolution." Louisiana Law Review,JANUARY,1990.
    [3]W.R.Irby.Letter from Louisiana:An Obituary for Forced Heirship and a Birth Announcement for Covenant Marriageo The Tulane European and Civil Law Forum,Winter,1997.
    [4]Ronald J.Scalise,Jr.The Chaos and Confusion of Modern Collation:A Critical Look into an Institution of Louisiana Succession Law.Tulane Law Review,December,2000.
    [5]Kathryn Venturatos Lorio.The changing concept of family and its effect on Louisiana succession law.Louisiana Law Review,summer,2003.
    [6]W.R.Irbv.Letter from Louisiana:An Obituary for Forced Heirship and a Birth Announcement for Covenant Marriage.The Tulane European and Civil Law Forum,Winter,1997.
    [7]Cynthia Samuel.Letter from Louisiana:An Obituary for Forced Heirship and a Birth Announcement for Covenant Marriage.The Yulane European and CivilLaw Forum,Winter,1997.
    [8]Max Nathan.Forced Heirship in Louisiana.Yulane Law Review,52 Tul.L.Rev.5.
    [9]Kathryn Venturatos Lorio.The Changing Concept of Family and its Effect on Louisiana.
    [10]Kris Bulcroft & Phyllis Johnson.RECENT DEVELOPNENTS:Succession of Lauga:Amendments to Forced Heirship Article Violate Louisiana Constitution.Yulane Law Review May,1994.
    [11]Kelly Grieshaber Dunn.Forced Heirship:the Revised Statute.Loyola Law Review,Fall,2000,46 Loy.L.Rev.619.
    [12]Kris Bulcroft & Phyllis Johnson.RECENT DEVELOPMENTS:Succession of Lauga:Amendments to Forced Heirship Article Violate Louisiana Constitution.Tulane Law Review May,1994.
    [13]Tamara York.Protecting Minor Chindren from Parental Disinheritance.Law Review of Michigan State University.
    [2]http://academic.lexisnexis.com/public-state-libraries.aspx以上为本文主要引用的美国学术论文来源 最后访问时间:2007.11.5。
    [4]http://tjsj.baidu.com/pages/jxyd/10/50/3ad1cd2a6daScec30f7bd4e224050665_0,ht ml上海统计年鉴.上海市主要年份涉外婚姻情况统计(1980—1999)最后访问时间:2008.4.1.

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