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Mechanism research status is depicted in this paper, N-links Assur Group model synthesiswith all prismatic pairs is studied and a topology graph drawing method is addressed, theconcept of metamorphic element Assur Group and the theory of metamorphic mechanismdesign based on Assur Group and metamorphic element Assur group are addressed too.Mmodel synthesis of4-links Assur Group and its metamorphic Assur Group including prismaticpairs are analyzed, and then high level Assur Group’s non-linear equation solution problem isdiscussed, so as to verify the model synthesis theory, baed on above research, mechanismkinematics analysis software is finished based on Assur Group.
     (1) Based on the exsited research, this paper analyzes and deduces Assur Group eigenvaluefirstly, a new topology graph darwing rules is addressed. Then based on the limited AssurGroup eigenvalues combination, topology graph is used to do model synthesis for2-10linksAssur Group which has0or1loop and no more than5pairs part. All topology graph andconfiguration graph are listed in a table, by comparing Assur Group eigenvalue and graph, canquickly distinguishes the level of complicated mechanism, and this is very convenient to domechanism kinematics analysis and solve based on Assur Group modules. Array expression ofAssur Group is addressed and model array expression table is listed, this realized Assur Groupnumeric expression. Example is analyzed and verifies the above theory.
     (2) Application and Moveable Theory (AMT) for Assur Group model synthesis isaddressed, and a new name for4A and4B Assur Group is addressed, use this method canquickly get Assur Group configuration by its name. Based on AMT,4A and4B Assur Groupmodel synthesis are analyzed and demonstrated, and the conclusion that there are164A and214B models has been proved. Metamorphic element Assur Group concept, metamorphicmechanism creative design method based on Assur Group and metamorphic element AssurGroup is addressed, and then some examples to analyze ecdysis and derivation rationale ofmetamorphic mechanism are given to analyze and conclude there are664A and704Bmetamorphic element Assur Group, their configuration graph is lised in the table. The aboveresearch exploits machine and mechanism theory and metamorphic mechanism, providesreasonable method and detailed data such as graph and table for mechanism creative design.
     (3) Finishes mechanism kinematics based on Assur Group analysis system design andrealization, expatiates design route and some key technology, such as4-links Assur Groupnon-linear equations solution, uniform solve for all2-links and4-links Assur Group,mechanism setting-up with appended link, information handling with different input, high levelAssur Group movable area counting, using mechanism initial construction infor as initialiteration value to solve the problem that the rely on initial iteration value of Newton-Raphson iteration. The mechanism kinematics analysis system based on Assur Group, by simulation,verifies the correction of4-links Assur Group model synthesis, and provides a convenient toolwhich can set up mechanism model quickly and do kinematics analysis and infor display formechanists.
     (4) Last the matador exercise vehicle, succor transfiguration robot are introduced, AssurGroup method is used to do configuration analysis, and then mechanism kinematics analysissoftare is used to simulate the mechanism’s movement. The examples verify that themechanism kinematics analysis system have the advantages such as good fault tolerance,counting quickly and worthy application.
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