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Hydrated magnesium carbonate is an important kind of chemical raw material or product. The crystallization and growth process is the most basic and the most important link of its preparation. This paper aims to study the crystallization and growth process of hydrated magnesium carbonate systematically, improving the control means and mechanisms of the reactive crystallization process. Based on these, theoretical guidance and technical support can be provided for the industrialization. The main contents are summarized as follows:
     The thermodynamic properties of hydrated magnesium carbonate were studied experimentally. The study reveals that the metastable phase is gathered by nanoparticles with the size of40-100nm. It forms a framework structure, which is a complex substance containing fine crystalline and amorphous phase. The composition can be expressed as xMgCO3·Mg(OH)2-yH2O. A nature of dynamic solubility is appeared. The reactant will convert to amorphous substance continuously and then form stable crystal. Simplified equation, the empirical model and the BP neural network were used to fit and predict solubility. They have their own pros and cons. Experiments show that hydrated magnesium carbonate solubility decreases with increasing temperature and increases significantly in NaCl solution.
     The effects of crystallization process parameters on the crystalline transformation of metastable phase were studied systematically. The study shows that the metastable magnesium carbonate transfers to either nesquehonite or hydromagnesite. Changes in process parameters can make the conversion process shift from thermodynamic control to kinetically control. The transformation process is a particle-mediated process, in which amorphous nano-particles play the role of the growth units. A crystallization kinetics model of metastable magnesium carbonate was established combining the system characteristics. XRD was used to determine the conversion rate. Based on these, activation energy of the metastable phase crystallization was measured for31.70kJ-mol-1. To supplement the lack of metastable phase crystallization model for the description on product size, BP neural network was adapted to simulate the relationship between crystallization process conditions and product size.
     The regulation of nesquehonite crystallization and growth was studied from the four levels of nucleation, growth, secondary processes and outfield strengthen.1) The induction period and amorphous transition time were affected by temperature, concentration as well as seed. According to the nucleation characteristics, stirring-aging method was proposed to synthesize nesquehonite microrods. By controlling stirring time, the nucleation stage and growth stage of nesquehonite can be separated. Nesquehonite microrods with controllable size, uniform size distribution and good shape were got.2) High length and high aspect ratio MgCO3·3H2O whiskers were synthesized in the presence of SDS. The obtained whiskers have an average length of87~180μm with an aspect ratio of18~45. Physical adsorption of SDS on nano-crystalline or amorphous nano-particles surface promoted oriented growth of nesquehonite. As a result, whiskers were formed.3) What's more, FBRM and morphology analysis were used to study the secondary processes of nesquehonite. The results show that MgCl2promotes aggregation, forming the bundle morphology.4) Ultrasonic was used to enhance MgCO3·3H2O crystallization. The effects of ultrasound introduced at different crystallization stages were different. Concentrated ultrasound was more conducive on nucleation and increased the particle size. By contrast, continuous ultrasound destroyed the forming nuclei, promoted secondary nucleation and reduced the particle size.
     In this paper, MgCO3·3H2O was severed as a precursor to prepare porous hydromagnesite crystals through pyrogenation under different conditions. The phase transformation process was system studied. The results show that amorphous material could be re-formed after nesquehonite decomposition. Hydromagnesite will be crystallized via particles-mediated pathway. The phase transformation process can be described as: nesquehonite dissolution→amorphous nanoparticles formation→hydromagnesite crystallization. The higher the pyrogenation temperature and the smaller the size of the precursor, the faster phase transfer rate will be. Electrolyte solution can also promote the phase transformation rate. Flower-like hydromagnesite particles were got by the smaller size precursor while hollow tubular particles were formed by the bigger size precursor. The pyrogenation product under static environment was porous rosette-like microspheres. The local supersaturation is the main reason to cause the formation of microspheres. The nesquehonite conversion rate during the transformation process was estimated by analyzing MgO content. The metastable phase crystallization model can be a useful description of the phase transformation kinetics after redefining the parameters. The activation energy of nesquehonite phase transformation process was calculated for66.24kJ·mol-1.
     The growth process of the metastable phase directly converts into hydromagnesite was also studied. Hydromagnesite microspheres were synthesized at lower temperatures (<55℃) with the aassistance of SDS for the first time. SDS can effectively inhibit the conversion of amorphous nano-particles to MgCO3·3H2O but grow into4MgCO3·Mg(OH)2·4H2O directly. Hydromagnesite microspheres with different size, uniform distribution and good shape were got via stirring-aging method at higher temperatures (>60℃). The morphology of the microspheres depends on the allocation proportion between the number of seed and amorphous growth substances. Microwave was additionally used for hydromagnesite synthesis. Experimental results show that the microwave field can enhance the reaction kinetics and promote the assembly of nano-particles. Thereby, the particle size was increased; however, the microwave crystal habit was not changed.
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