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摘 要
    Because environmenta1 sma11 c1 imate of hi 11 side product ion road of 1oess
    gu11y district is bad and its soi1 is hard because of inf1uenced by peop1e,
    vegetab1e on it grow bad and its soi1 is bare. Its erosion is serious very
    much, even interrupting transportation under f1owed by windy and washed by
    rainfa11, which is harm to production and economica1 activities. In order to
    better the eco1ogy sma11 environment and re1 ieve soi 1 erosion, this paper
    draws some conc1usions on the investigation of the soi 1 erosion of hi11side
    road and making a test of anti--erosion vegetab1e p1anting'
    l) Through researching the erosion of hi l Iside production road in Yanergou
    va11ey of Loess gu11y district, we sununarize the erosion characteristic of
    hi 11 s ide product ion road, which are inf1uenced by peop1e. Road surface erosion
    is stiff ground erosion, and road sides1ope erosion is soft ground erosion.
    The run off of road erosion is big very much, and destroying function is big,
    even 1eading to break off traffic, make against the production, economica1
    intercommunion. Road erosion is developed to "road changing into gu11y". The
    types of road erosion are the same as other p1ace, but have its own
    characteri st ic. This paper states the p1ace of erosion tYDe happening and gets
    the Quafltity of al1 kinds of erosion types. The factors of inf1uencing road
    erosion are 1ot, such as rainfa11 run off, road length, soi 1 road gradient
    and rainfa11 intensi ty, etc. By researching and surnariz ing the important type
    of road erosion --gu11y, this paper states the re1ation between the three
    cons t itut ion factors (gradi ent, roadcrank1e curvature semidiameter and road
    place) and gu11y format ion degree, what's more, and introduce a est imat ion
    formu1a on thi s researching and ana1 yz ing conc 1us ion. So, by researching road
    three factors afld ca1cu1at ing the va1ue of estimat ion formu1a, we may forecast
    the ratio of gu1ly happening of road. This paper sti11 states this re1ation
    of road erosion characteristic and road transect type.
    2) By making a test on the spot and considering thi s demand of road erosion,
    this paper put forward the princip1e of road bio1ogica1 anti--erosion system
    construction and road anti--erosion vegetab1e choice. The paper sti 1 l states
    the growth course of ten herbage vegetab1es, through ana1yzing the herbage
    vegetab1e p1ant ing and group p1ant ing. We measure severa1 the up--ground part,
    root bio1ogical items, and emphasize on measuring the strengthen of soi1
    ant i--cutt ing intensity of root and the mechanics characteri st ics, whi ch are
    showed in the course of root pu11ed, and draw some conc1usions. In this paper,
    we st i 11 observe and compare ten herbage eco1ogica1 characteri stics, such as
    over--suuner rat i o, over--wi nter rat io and the abi 1 ity of enduri ng tramp1 e, etc.
    Then, according to these items measured, we select eight items which are
    sati sfied to the demand of road anti--erosion, with fuzzy method, and apprai se
    and se1ect ten herbage vegetab1es. In this paper the order of the abi1ity of
    ten herbage vegetab1es whi ch are sati sfi ed to the demand of road ant i--eros ion,
    is Afmpus dahurfcus Turcz, he1i1otus a1bus Desr
    tws inerm1s LeNS, AgfOPmp cr1st8tum fL. j Gaertn POa cmpessa L.,
    hestuca rubra L., Lo1jum perenne L., Lotus com icu1atus L., CynodOndact-vIon
    T1f1arm., 7r1fO1ium ropens L.. In thi s order, those herbage vegetab1es before
    POa cmpessa L. is adapted to p1ant and those after it can't sing1e p1ant, as
    1eading seed, on road surface and roadslope. We sti 11 put forward severa1
    groups which are feasib1e: nms driUrjcus TUrcz + he1ijotus aibus DeSL
    Bromus inernds LeVss + LoI1um perenne L., E1.rmus dahurjcus TUrcz + POa
    cHessa L., he1j1otus a1bus Desr + AgFOPryon crjstatum CL. ) Gaert4 Lo1ium
    perenne L. + Af-Vmus dahurfcus Turcz. What's more, as anti--erosion vegetab1e,
    native vegetab1e shou1d be very important, especia11y two vegetab1es: Stlba
    bungeana and naI7gfzi (tr
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