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The central purposes of this dissertation are to explore Malaysia policy towards ASEAN comprehensively and to explore ASEAN's functioning regime and feactures of the Southeast Asia regionalism.The major conclusion of this study indicates that feactures of the Southeast Asia regionalism come from all kinds of historical backgrounds and realities of ASEAN member states.In a word, the Southeast Asia regionalism is successful,and we can't comment on it in Europe regionalism pattern.The paper is devided into five parts.
    The first part is "Malaysia and the Birth of ASEAN".It discusses Malaysia foreign policy in the early period,and the early development of the Southeast Asia regionalism.And it explain why Malaysia support the birth of ASEAN and divergences on ASEAN with other ASEAN member states.
    The second part is "Malaysia and ASEAN Economic Co-operation" .This part focuses on Malaysia attitude towards ASEAN economic co-operation and how ASEAN economic co-operation influences Malaysia.This part is divided into three aspects,namely,Malysia and ASEAN industrial co-operation and intra-ASEAN trade;Malaysia and Growth Triangles;Malysia and ASEAN extra-regional economic co-operation
    The third part is "Malaysia and ASEAN Political Co-operation".The idea on political aspect is a important factor at the birth of the ASEAN,and there have been many achievements in political co-operation.The part mainly focuces on Malaysia's attitude towards ASEAN intra-regional political co-operation and extra-regional political co-operation.Finally,the part analyzes Malaysia's attitude on challenges that the ASEAN faces.
    The fourth part is "Malaysia and ASEAN Military Co-operation".At first,this part describes the development of Malaysia security concept,and explore "comprehensive security"of Mlaysia,and it indicates that Malaysia domical security is connected with the regional security together. So Malaysia takes active part in the ASEAN military co-operation
    The fifth part is "Malaysia and ASEAN:Consensus and Conflicf'.The part is conclusion of the paper.In a word,ASEAN is an important aspect of Malaysia's foreign policy,and there are several factors that Malaysia supports ASEAN and factors that ASEAN dissatisfied Malaysia.
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