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Potato has been the staple food in the western countries, because it's characteristicssuch as complete nourishment, strong adapability, high yields and suitable forprocessing. Along with the accelerated pace of life, the combine of Chinese andwestern culture, the changes of diet structure, fresh-cut potato become more and morepopular in people because of fresh, clean and convenience. However, minimallyprocessed potato is easy browning and takes place a series of adverse physiologicaland biochemical responses to reduce the value of goods and potato consumptionvalue, because the cells of potato are hurted by cutting. In light of these problems,this paper using different varieties of fresh potatoes for raw materials, studiedpreservation methods of non-sulfurous acid salt to improving the food safety ofminimally processed potato products and extend the shelf life.
     1. The fresh-keeping of sliced Potato. Based on the Zhongshu No.3 potato, thisresearch using orthogonal test studied the effect of browning inhibitor on the potatoslices which composed of malic acid, sodium D-isoascorbate and calcium chloride.The results showed that the order of importance of each factor was: malic adid>calcium chloride>sodium D-isoascorbate. The higher of the concentration of malicacid and calcium the better of the effect of anti-browning and low concentrations ofsodium D-isoascorbate was suitable. The best browning inhibitor was composed of:1.5%malic acid +0.3%sodium D-isoascorbate +0.3%calcium chloride. Thefresh-cut potato treated with this browning inhibitor and sealed with PE fresh-keepingfilm could be stored at 0℃for 8 days and maintained bright color, crisptesture.
     The fresh-keeping effect was investgated by combining potato varieties, stroragetemperatures and chitosan concentration basing on the use of browning inhibitor.Orthogonal test results showed that Atlantic potato's total sugar content and theactivities of PPO was the lowest. It's anti-browning ability and quality were the best.The storage temperature lower, the better the fresh-keeping effect. 1.0%chitosancould better control the browning and the activities of PPO. The optimal combination of freh-keeping was Atlantic potato +0℃storage +1.0%chitosan. This kind offresh-cut potato sealed by PE fresh-keeping film which shelf life could be up to 6 days.The product had good color, softer texture of the surface and a bit sticky wet.
     2. The fresh-keeping of Peeled potato. Using the single factor, two-factor tests forstuding the variety of potato, the method of handle and packaging and storage security,determined the best option for the preservation of peeled potato. Took Atlantic potatoas raw materials, peeled, washed and then packed with vaccum, storaged at 0℃,theshelf life of peeled potato could be 21days. The product had good color and ate safely.By the end of storage, after openning the bag would smell a bit odor from the bag,but could still smell the tuber itself.
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