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Based on the mass newspapers of our country for the time being as a sample, this paper begins from the use of new sources, analyses the facts of news sources bias in the media, and inquires the constraints and its consequences hidden in the bias. Thus it takes the unique discourse space in current mass media, accesses to an overall description on the interests of the media, so makes us further understand the practical run of various benefit and power in the news producing during the social transformation process.
     According to the statistics, a bias tendency as a whole is quite obvious in the news sources of the media. On occupation, government officials, experts and scholars, economic elites, appeared actively and positively in the report, have occupied the superiority of news sources, while the mass sources is of quite little probability, let to say that their role is often single, blurred and passive. Go ahead in sex, the male sources are absolutely stronger as news sources, who often act as ration, authority, and active leaders of the public sphere. On the contrary, the female appears passive, emotional and more decorative.
     Among the powerful news sources, the government officials, at an exclusive advantage, are the primary definers of news event; experts sources appear more and more in the media, but they may often speak on behalf of the government and capital instead of the public. And when the media and journalists become sources in various forms, the offside, absence and dislocation of the media is in sight. Elites sources define the country’s key issues through“strategic alliances”in the report, while the public is less and less powerful to affect the media agenda. Even if these vulnerable people as news source gain access to the media, they are always said by others, and sometimes they must pay special price for it.
     The bias relates closely to the political and economical circumstances of the mass media. The political power directly influences news report and the choice of news sources through rigid propaganda management and flexible information subsidy. Especially when the mechanism of the government spokesman is set up, the effect of political power over media will be more subtle and close. And when the market logic turns into another important law to the mass media’s survival, the bias of news production and news sources in the media happened again and again in the cut-throat competition for advertisement and audience. The media tell different social class by different logic, thus the dominant ideology is maintained and restructured.
     Meanwhile, the relationship between media, journalists and news sources, media routine, and the factors between different media organizations, also permeate in the sources bias through the usual practice. What’s more, what we should especially remain vigilant is as following, with the specific political and economical benefits interacted, the relations or“friendship”between journalists and news sources in Chinese special backgrounds, as non-system-related factors, is permeating through the use of news sources.
     Once the bias of news sources becomes the norm, it will prevent media from achieving the public interests, and destroy seriously the news’function and credibility. What’s more terrible, the unfair distribution of the existing social resource and power will be widen and deteriorated.
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