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泥蚶(Tegillarca granosa Linnaeus)是我国重要的养殖贝类,经济意义十分
    多倍体育种和组织学等几个方面,对其 DNA 水平上的种质资源分化现状的调
    查至今为止还未有深入的报道;而其他海洋生物的 DNA 分子水平的研究结果
     本研究采用采用随机引物扩增多态性 DNA 技术(RAPD)对分布在我国沿
    湛江(Z)、广东汕头(S)和韩国釜山(K)共 7 个地理群体的泥蚶遗传分化进
    行了分析(其中 K、R、F、W 和 D 群体合称北方类群,Z 和 S 群体合称南方类
    群);同时为进一步证实 RAPD 分析结果,作者选取浙江温岭(W)、韩国釜山
    nodifera Martens)作为外群分析了进化速率快、适于群体间进化分析的核糖体
    转录间隔区序列 2 序列(简称 ITS2),进一步确立了当前我国泥蚶的分化程度。
     RAPD 分析中,选取的 20 个随机引物,除 S-80 在任何群体中均无扩增
    外,其他引物在上述所有群体均获得清晰、可辨、适宜于群体分析的 RAPD 标
    记。20 个随机引物中共检测到 154 个扩增片段,长度在 300bp-2300bp 之间,每
    个个体扩增条带在 1-11 条不等。利用 Popgen3.2 计算各群体各位点的基因频率
    和每个群体内 20 个个体间的遗传距离,PHILIP3.5 统计软件分析群体间的各遗
    传参数,从而确定群体内和群体间的遗传分化状况。结果表明:(1)7 群体泥
    (2)代表北方类群的 5 泥蚶群体间分化较小,群体间的遗传距离在
    0.0250-0.0901 之间不等,甚至小于群体内个体间的遗传距离;近交系数(Fst)
    在 0.05 以下。而南北两大类群泥蚶间却发生了重要的遗传分化。广东两群体与
    北方类群间的遗传距离在 0.3261-0.4511 之间不等,而两者内的两群体间的遗传
    距离却仅为 0.0612 和 0.0692;Fst 和有效繁殖亲本数(Nem)两遗传参数的统
    和韩国野生泥蚶群体数量性状测定上,前者壳长和壳宽分别为 24.45±1.84mm
    和 19.50±1.74mm,而后者则依次为 30.80±2.80mm 与 23.30±2.06mm,且两
    的群体遗传分化最小,亲缘关系最近。对南北两大类群泥蚶不论用 NJ 还是
    UPGMA 聚类,总是南方类群的两群体先聚在一起,然后再与北方类群聚在一
     ITS2 测序结果证实了我们群体分析时结论——南北两大类群间分化明
    显,而两大类群内分化较小。在韩国群体和浙江温岭群体比较仅发现韩国 351bp
    处发生了缺失,354bp 处发生了一个碱基的颠换(G → T ),两群体序列相似性
    高达 99.60%;汕头群体与湛江群体也仅为 347 处一个碱基的缺失和 412 位置一
    个碱基的颠换(G →T);而两大类群间的比较则发生了多处的缺失、替换和颠
    换,两两群体间的序列相似性在 92.47%-93.08%之间,小于结蚶与两者间的相
    应值 93.27%-96.82%。聚类分析结果也证实了两大类群间的分化程度大于它们
Li chenghua (marine biology)
     Directed by professor Song linsheng, Li taiwu and Su xiurong
     Tegillarca granosa (Linnaeus) belongs to Bivalvia class, Pteriomorphia
    sub-class, Arcoida order, Arcidae family, Tegillarca genius according to up-to-data
    taxonomy system. As an important cash shellfish of seawater, it distributes along the
    west of Pacific Ocean, the Indian Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean. Concerning our
    country, it plays an important role in the marine aquaculture industry in the
    provinces of Shandong, Zhejiang, Fujian and Guangdong.
     Nowadays, although much has been done on the research of the species biology,
    farming technology, breeding methods, karyotype and histology, there are much
    more left and expected to be studied, especially at DNA level which can throw light
    to the species recovery. Regarding of T. granosa, the reasons for studying its genetic
    differentiation lie in two aspects. One is the potential problems occur in its breeding
    and aquaculture; the other is the diversity of its surroundings, spanning from Bohai
    to the south of China sea (abbreviation for SCS). In the first part of this paper, we
    firstly adopted RAPD method to analysis the differential degree of the different
    populations in China and Korea, then the internal transcribed spacer 2 (abbreviation
    for ITS2) was amplified, sequenced to show more proof among the most differential
     Seven populations were analyzed in our RAPD experiment, there are as follows:
    Rongcheng in Shandong province(R), Fenghua(F) and Wenling(W) in Zhejiang
    province, Fuding in Fujian province(D), Shantou(S) and Zhanjiang(Z) in Guangdong
    province and Fushan in Korea(K), all samples were collected from China except to
    K. We preferred to nominated K, R, F, W and D as the north stocks (abbreviation for
    NP), the others as the south ones (abbreviation for SP). The samples employed to
    ITS2 analysis randomly selected two populations from the NP and SP with
    Tegillarca nodifera (Martens) as an outgroup.
     Under predetermined optical reaction conditions, all primers showed us
    informative message except S-80 without any results in seven populations. 154
    RAPD sites were detected ranging from 300bp to 2300bp in size. The number of
    amplified bands ranged from 1 to 11 in every individual. The experimental data were
    analyzed with the Popgen3.2 and PHILIP3.5 softwares. The results showed that: (1)
    the high level of mean heterozygosities and polymorphic loci suggested that the
    resource of T. granosa was in good condition with high genetic variation, which
    gave us more confidence to develop its aquaculture; (2) the degree of the genetic
    differentiation was much lower in the NP or SP comparing to that existing between
    the NP and SP. The genetic distances were ranging from 0.0250 to 0.0901 in the NP
    and SP, while the corresponding valves were ranging from 0.3261 to 0.4511.between
    the NP and SP. Other genetic parameters like the inbreeding coefficient (abbreviation
    for Fst) also verified the above judgment; (3) the heterozygosities and proportion of
    polymorphic loci of the hatchery populations were lower than that of the wild
    population (K). What’s more, the quantitative character variability between W and K
    was significant (p<0.01), the shell length and height of the former were
    24.45±1.84mm and 19.50±1.74mm in turn, the latter were 30.80±2.80mm and
    23.30±2.06mm respectively. All these deviations could be attributed to artificial or
    other factors. (4) the nearest phylogenetic relationship occurs between the
    populations with the nearest blood relationship. The NP or SP was firstly cluster no
    matter what methods we adopted (NJ and UPGMA), indicating their close sibship.
     The ITS2 sequences showed the similar trends inferred from RAPD analysis.
    There are more or less variation existing between each other in our experiment at the
    default parameters with ClustalW software aid, ranging from one base deletion and a
    single transversion (G →
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