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1988-1993 年和 1998-2004 年在内蒙古广大的半荒漠和荒漠区,地理坐标为东经97°10?~114°10?,北纬 37°24?~44°59?。该区域属于内蒙古典型的大陆干旱区和极干旱区,东西界线基本与气候湿润系数 0.2~0.05 相吻合,其地理范围包括锡林郭勒西北部、乌兰察布高原的中西部、巴彦淖尔的中北部和阿拉善盟全境,包括了内蒙古境内的温性荒漠草原和温性草原化荒漠和典型荒漠的各类草地。采用以夹日法和标志重捕法为主的野外调查方法,夹距 5 m,行距 50 m,花生米作诱饵,布夹一昼夜内检查两次,对所捕鼠类均进行测量、称重,并逐一检查其繁殖状况及胃容物。在约380,000 km2 的调查区域内共布放 317 个样地,布放有效夹日 157,702 个,同时在阿拉善荒漠区的典型地区,选择了 4 种不同干扰程度的样地,分别为禁牧区、过牧区、轮牧区和开垦区,在每种干扰类型的地段设计了标志流放区,面积为 0.96 hm2,采用标志重捕法,笼距和行距为 15 m ×15 m,在 4 种不同干扰程度的地区选择了 4 条线路 (每条线路面积约 10km2 取样,每个样地面积 40 hm2),采用夹日法调查,每个样地布放 2000 夹日。在此广阔的区域内对啮齿动物的种类、数量、群落的结构和分布特征、人为不同干扰条件下啮齿动物群落格局的变动趋势及优势种群的敏感反映、动物群落与植物群落的相关分析、鼠害区域性危害区划和地带性鼠类群落的 GIS 分析进行了全面研究,结果表明:
    该地区啮齿动物分别属 2 目 6 科 24 属 39 种,其中间颅鼠兔(Ochotona cansus)和肥尾心颅跳鼠(Salpingotus crassicauda)为内蒙古新记录 ,其中优势鼠种为五趾跳鼠、三趾跳鼠、小毛足鼠和子午沙鼠,常见种 10 种,捕获量比例低于 1%的有 23种,但稀有种只有五趾心颅跳鼠、三趾心颅跳鼠、肥尾心颅跳鼠、间颅鼠兔和喜玛拉雅旱獭,其它鼠种如赤颊黄鼠、蒙古羽尾跳鼠、小家鼠、棕背平等,平均捕获量比例较低,但在某一局部地区可成为优势种或常见种。
    根据 9 类分类结果,结合作者对该区域前期的工作及地带性植被特征,将该区域地带性群落划分为 9 个,即Ⅰ 草原黄鼠 + 长尾仓鼠 + 花鼠群落;Ⅱ 小毛足鼠 + 黑线仓鼠 + 长尾仓鼠群落;Ⅲ 长爪沙鼠 + 小毛足鼠 + 长尾仓鼠群落;Ⅳ 五趾跳鼠 + 巨泡五趾跳鼠 + 草原黄鼠群落;Ⅴ巨泡五趾跳鼠 + 三趾跳鼠 + 长爪沙鼠群落;Ⅵ子午沙鼠 + 草原黄鼠 + 五趾跳鼠群落;Ⅶ五趾跳鼠 + 巨泡五趾跳鼠 + 三趾跳鼠群落;Ⅷ小毛足鼠 + 三趾跳鼠 + 五趾跳鼠群落;Ⅸ子午沙鼠 + 五趾跳鼠 + 三趾跳鼠群落。群落Ⅰ集中分布于阴山山脉中断的次生林地及山前草场,处于研究区域内东南端较湿润的地区,在大青山南的凉城和和林县的蛮汉山呈连续分布;群落Ⅱ和群落Ⅲ集中分布于阴山山脉中断的山顶农田和北麓的旱作农田,在察右后旗、
    在人为不同干扰程度下在较大尺度范围( 40 hm2)上啮齿动物群落组成种的格局
    区组成种数均为 6 种,最少。相应受到干扰后的斑块(其它三个群落)组成种数均
    在小的斑块面积上(标志样地 0.96 hm2),群落组成的种数无明显的差异,但组成种
    是正在受到频繁干扰的放牧区,子午沙鼠的数量增加,而且捕鼠的总数也是最高的 。
    无论是在较小的尺度域(标志样地,0.96 hm2)上,还是在较大的尺度域(线路
    样地,40 hm2)上,2002 年和 2003 年两个年度反映出突出的特点是在 4 种不同干扰
    表现为黑线仓鼠种群在 2 个年度的两种尺度对这种干扰类型反应最为敏感,也就是
The species and abundance, the structure and distribution of rodent communities, the changing tendency of the communities pattern, the sensitive response of the dominant species , the Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA) between the rodent and plant communities , regional division of rodent harm and GIS analysis of zone rodent communities were comprehensively studied by mainly using trap-day and mark–recapture methods in semi–desert and desert region of Inner Mongolia from 1988to 1993 and from 1998 to 2004.The region belongs to arid and super-arid region of Inner Mongolia (37°24'~44°59' N, 97°10'~114°10' E) including northwest part of Xilingguole league, center-west part of Wulanchabu league, center-north part of Bayenaoer league and the total area of Alashan league. It contained various types of grassland: temperature desert–grassland, grassland–desert and typical desert. The total of 317 sampling plots were arranged in an area of 380,000 km2, and total of 157,702 trap-days were completed, the four plots (respectively prohibited grazing site, over grazing site, rotated – grazing site, planting site) under different disturbance were selected. The results showed:
    The rodents of the region were classified as two orders, 6 families, 24 genera, 39 species, of which Ochotona cansus and Salpingotus crassicauda were first reported in Inner Mongolia and Allactaga sibirica, Dipus sagitta, Phodopus roborovskii and Meriones meridianus were dominant species. Cardiocranius paradoxus, Salpingotus kozlovi, Salpingotus crassicauda, Ochotona cansus and Marmota himalayana were rare species.
    In accordance with the results of fast cluster method and on the basis of previous study and the vegetation characteristics of the region the zone rodent community were divided into 9 types: Ⅰ: Citellus dauricus + Cricetulus longicaudatus + Eutamias sibiricus community;Ⅱ: Phodopus roborovskii + Cricetulus barabensis + Cricetulus longicaudatus community; Ⅲ : Meriones unguiculatus + Phodopus roborovskii + Cricetulus longicaudatus community;Ⅳ: Allactaga sibirica + Allactaga bullata + Citellus dauricus community;Ⅴ: Allactaga bullata + Dipus sagitta + Meriones unguiculatus community; Ⅵ : Meriones meridianus + Citellus dauricus + Allactaga sibirica community; Ⅶ: Allactaga sibirica + Allactaga bullata + Dipus sagitta community; Ⅷ Phodopus roborovskii + Dipus sagitta + Allactaga sibirica community; Ⅸ: Meriones meridianus + Allactaga sibirica + Dipus sagitta community.
    The community I was located in secondary forest and front mountain grassland; The community Ⅱand Ⅲwere located in farmland of on the top and north of middle part of Yinshan mountains, they continuously distributed in Chayouhou banner, Wuchuan and north part of Sizhiwang banner, after habitat was critically fragmented in the semi–desert region. The community Ⅳ and Ⅴ were special communities of the region, the former was grassland desert and latter was transition area which was transiting from grassland–desert to typical desert grassland. They concentrate distributed in west part of Suniteyou banner, north part of Sizhiwang and Wulatehou banner; The community Ⅵ concentrate distributed in center south part of Sisu, Damao and Sizhiwang banners, it was the region where there was the most serious disturbance from mankind in desert-grassland. The community Ⅶ was the whole desert-grassland of the region; The community Ⅷ distributed in sandy desert; The Community  Ⅸ was located in vast desert of the region. There were remarkable differences in the pattern of component species of communities under different disturbance on larger spatial scale (40hm2). There were only 6 species rodents, Meriones unguiculatus appeared and a large number of Cricetulus barabensis in planting–site, Dipus sagitta completely disappeared. There were a large number of Dipus sagitta in over–grazing site. The numbers of Dipus sagitta increased greatly in rotated–grazing site, and numbers of Allactaga sibirica were absolutely dominant in prohibited-grazing site. There were not obvious differences
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