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催乳素(Prolactin,PRL),广泛存在于动物体内,又称为促乳素、生乳素,是腺垂体催乳素细胞(Lactotrope)分泌的一种多肽激素。1928年Stricker和Grneter证明垂体前叶提取物能够使假妊娠母兔泌乳,将其命名为促乳素;1933年从动物垂体中已分离提纯出催乳素。传统认为它主要参与乳腺发育、泌乳功能和生长发育的调控。长期以来人们一直认为PRL是垂体前叶嗜酸细胞、妊娠子宫蜕膜和免疫细胞等分泌的一种蛋白激素。王不留行,又名王不留、麦蓝子,为石竹科麦蓝菜(Vaccaria segetalis Garcke)属一年生无毛草本植物,以种子入药,性平,味甘苦,可活血通经,催生下乳,消肿止痛,主治妇女闭经、乳汁不下、痈肿等症。为传统常用中药。王不留行在中医上被广泛用来治疗许多疾病,但是,很少了解到王不留行能够诱导和刺激乳腺分泌的生物学功能。本实验主要以哺乳期的Wistar大鼠为研究对象,对大鼠的泌乳量、大鼠幼仔的体重、催乳素(PRL)含量以及乳腺组织学变化进行了初步探讨,实验主要分为三个部分。
     二、灌服王不留行提取物对大鼠体重和催乳素的影响:在实验期间,所有接受灌服王不留行提取液(WBLX100和WBLX200)小鼠体重增加量和体重增加率都明显比对照组(Nacl)高,中药治疗组(WBLX100和WBLX200)与对照组(Nacl)之间的差异十分显著(one way ANOVA S-N-K检验方差分析)。灌服王不留行提取液(WBLX100和WBLX200)的催乳素含量明显比对照组(Nacl)催乳素含量高很多,灌服王不留行提取液(WBLX100和WBLX200)23h后的催乳素含量稍微比灌服18h后的催乳素含量高。
Prolactin generally reside in the animal vivo, and it is one kind of polypeptide hormone which anterior pituitary lactotrope secrete. Stricker and Grneter demonstrated pituitary anterior lobe extract can lactating pregnancy queen rabbit, consequently, which was designated prolactin in 1928; prolactin was servered and purificated from animal pituitary in 1933.In view of the traditional belief that it participated expecially control of mammogenesis, lactating function, growth and development .there was a belief that PRL was one kind of proteohormones which antepituitary acidophile cell、gravid uterus caduca and immunocell and so on secreted. vaccariae pertain to vaccaria segetalis Garcke and was anno-facient atrichia herbaceous plant,and its seed were use of medical material, neutral in natual, sweet-bitter flavor, it can activate blood to promote menstruation, lactatin, detumescence odynolysis, indication women menostasia, non-galact, anthracia and so on. It was use as a traditional Chinese material medicine. Vaccariae were generally used in treating many diseases in terms of Chinese medicine , but little is known about its biological effects on intestine and lactation. and rudiment approach lactating dams' milk. Focused on the inspection of the effects of Vaccariae on the lactation volume , weight built up and the lactic gland of the lactating dams, this experiment uses lactating Wistar rat as the model animal and is subdivided into three parts.
     Part I: The effects of the Vaccariae extracts on the milk production of rats
     The rats feeded with a two dosages Vaccariae extracts (WBL100 and WBL200)in their diets, produces much more milk than the control group, this is evident especially from the third day until the end of experiment with the WBL200 extracts exhibiting a more considerable effect (Assessed with the ANOVA method of SNK analysis, P < 0.01). The significant increase of milk production after 18h to 23h detected in the rats fed with Vaccariae extracts is of great value for the conclusions of this experiment.
     Part II :The effects of the Vaccariae extracts on the weight and prolactin of rats
     All pups gained weight during the study period and the rate weight gain for the treated groups(WBL100 and WBL200)was significantly higher than that for the controls,a significant difference was observed between all treated groups(WBL100 and WBL200) and the controls(one way ANOVA S-N-K,P<0.05).the plasma PRL concentration was significantly higher in treated animals(WBL100 and WBL200) than controls(Nacl); the plasma PRL concentration after 23h detected in the rats fed with Vaccariae extracts is a little higher than that after 18h etected in the rats fed with Vaccariae extracts.
     In both CB154-treated groups,pituitary PRL content after subcutaneous injection CB154 was significantly lower than the control value, the plasma PRL concentration after gavage Vaccariae extracts alone was significantly higher than that for treated groups with CB154 plus Vaccariae extract(P<0.05),albeit the treatment with the extract after CB154 injection had no effect on PRL content.
     PartIII The effects of the Vaccariae extracts on the histology of mammary tissue
     Development of the mammary glands of rats treated with Vaccariae extracts were much more extensive than the control group, with branch-like mammary alveolars, however, the mammary alveolars in the control group was distributed independently through out the gland tissue. The ducts were prolonged by the proliferation of epithelial cells, and numerous secretary vacuole were formed by the development of alveolars. When the mammary alveolars become secretive during lactation period, lots of lipid was consumed, causing significant decrease of the lipid in the cytoplasm of the lipidcytes.
     As described above, Vaccariae extracts demonstrates a lactagogue activity and a positive stimulative effect on the secretion and release of prolactin, thus increasing the milk production of rats.
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