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     目的:观察透明保持器对颞肌、咬肌肌电电位的改变情况,从而探讨透明保持器对颞下颌关节(temporomandibular joint,TMJ)的影响。
     方法:根据筛选标准选择健康受试者,制作透明保持器。采用神经肌肉电生理仪(Keypoint 2000,VD公司,USA)对受试者进行检测,记录透明保持器戴入前后不同状态下颞肌(temporalis muscle,TM)、咬肌(masseter muscle,MM)的肌电电位值,并进行统计分析。
     方法:对15名健康受试者拍摄透明保持器戴入前后下颌姿势位(mandible posture position,MPP)时的颞下颌关节侧位体层片,并利用计算机技术对关节间隙进行面积测量及线性测量,并进行统计分析。
     The influence of clear thermoplastic retainer on the electromyography of temporalis muscle and masseter muscle
     Objective: To investigate the influence of clear thermoplastic retainer on the EMG of TM、MM and to explore the role of clear thermoplastic retainer in the etiology of temporomandibular diseases.
     Methods: Choose people according to the standards, fabricate an acceptable clear thermoplastic retainer for everyone. Then decide the situation by preliminary experiment. The EMG of TM、MM was studied before and after clear thermoplastic retainer was wore. Analysis of variance was used to evaluate the differences.
     Results: The EMG activity of TM、MM, viewed in mandible posture position(MPP), was higher after clear thermoplastic retainer was wore (P<0.05). The EMG activity of the muscles increased when the patient said [S] and [Z] after the retainer was wore (P<0.05). The EMG activity of the muscles didn't change so much when the patient said [a] after the retainer was wore (P>0.05).
     Conclusion: Clear thermoplastics retainer has effect on the EMG of TM、MM, but whether it plays a role in temporomandibular diseases need further observation.
     Part 2
     A primary study of condylar position change before and after clear thermoplastic retainer was wore
     Objective: The study primarily evaluates whether condylar position changed before and after clear thermoplastic retainer was wore.
     Method: The temporomandibular joints(TMJs) of 15 healthy people, without TMD, were viewed in MPP with TMJ lateral tomography before and after clear thermoplastic retainer was wore. Computer technique was used to evaluate tomograms: areal and linear changes of the anterior and posterior intra-articular joint spaces were measured. Analysis of variance was used to evaluate the differences.
     Results: After the clear thermoplastic retainer was wore, condyle moved forward. LogE (P/A) valuses were analyzed, the differences between them were found significant(p<0.01). Two methods used to analyze the tomograms produced similar results.
     Conclusion: With the limitions of this study ,significant changes in the condylar position occurred after clear thermoplastic retainer was wore. Condyle moved from medial positions to anterior positions, but the changes after clear thermoplastic retainer was used for different times need further observation.
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