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     通过以上的研究工作,本文得到以下的主要结论,第一,采用内生结构性改变方法,本文发现石油市场在2000年以后经历了三次重大的市场机制调整过程,存在3个结构性改变点,分别对应2004年3月12日、2008年7月4日和2010年4月26日,对应3个结构性改变点,将石油市场划分为四个阶段,分别是“市场相对平静”时期、“市场泡沫累积”时期、“全球经济危机”时期和“后经济危机”时期。本文从全球经济增长和石油市场基本面的角度分析了导致市场结构性改变点出现的原因,并通过考察不同市场机制内油价的主要影响因素,厘清了供需基本面和金融市场因素等因素和油价相互作用机制的演变过程,拓展了Miller and Ratti(2009)的研究。结果证实,相关金融市场因素的确在2008年之前的“市场泡沫累积”时期和2010年之后的“后经济危机”时期对油价改变产生重要影响,但作用方式有所不同。
     第五,通过油气开采过程中事故风险的考察,从石油供给侧考察了石油供给过程中事故风险概率计算的不确定性,将贝叶斯修正引入到事故概率计算中,提高了事故概率估计的可靠性,通过Monte Carlo仿真求解概率分布降低了事故概率计算的不确定性。
Since2000, the international oil market has undergone significant changes. Before the outbreak of the global economic crisis in2008, the global economy presented the trend of rapid growth, which led to the constant growth of global oil demand. The capacity utilization of Organization of the Petroleum Export Countries—OPEC rose to an unprecedented level. And the control power over oil price declined constantly. Because of booming international trade and the information technology revolution, world oil markets have been gradually unifying into a global market. Second, the oil markets are becoming increasingly related to the macroeconomic and financial markets, exhibiting a prominent financial attribute. Oil prices are no longer fully subject to the impact of the supply and demand relationship, but are determined by many factors as a financial concept, of which the supply and demand fundamentals are merely one of many fundamentals affecting the oil price. Therefore, in this paper, we investigated the evolution of the oil market price mechanism, as well as different driving factors of oil prices under different market mechanisms by means of the tools of structural change model, co-integration, Granger causality test method, regime switching model. We performed a series of research work for oil price and related affecting factors. This paper mainly completed several work as follows:
     (1) Establishing the general analytical framework of oil market based on structural change theory of market mechanism. Under the framework, we assume that the main factor affecting oil price could be different in the different market mechanism, and mainly consider two kinds of factors:Supply-demand fundamental and financial attribute of oil product since2000. We examine the relationship of these two kinds of factors in the different market mechanism under this framework.
     (2) Examining the structural change features and exploring the law of oil price fluctuation by means of structural change test tools and monitoring methods.
     (3) Examining the evolution process of market mechanism and the main affecting factors of oil price in the different mechanism based on structural change model and multifactor model.
     (4) Investigating the regime switching feature of international oil price since2000based on regime switching model, and oil price fluctuation feature.
     (5) Investigating the effect of speculative factor on oil price changes under different structural change period based on multiple factor model and Granger Causality Test.
     (6) Analyzing quantitatively the accident probability risk during the oil field development stage based on accident tree simulation method.
     This paper gets the conclusion as follows:firstly based on endogenous structural change model, this paper finds that the oil market mechanism undergoes three great market adjustment process, which correspond to March12,2004, July4,2008and April26,2010and divide the oil market into four different stages.
     Secondly, based on structural change model and Markov regime switching model, this paper finds the obvious structural change feature in petroleum market. In the different structural change period, the fluctuation way of oil price and the causes which lead to structural break points are different.
     Thirdly, through the judgement and monitoring of structural change points, this paper finds the oil price has price mean shifts for four times. The former two shifts are related to the war and petroleum crisis and are attributed to the reason of oil supply side. The latter two shifts are tightly related to the economic fundamental and could be attributed to the reason of oil demand side, which show that OPEC is difficult to completely control the oil price like1970s and1980s.
     Fourthly, this paper finds that before the outbreak of financial crisis in2008, speculation was the important factor affecting oil price change, and the explanatory ability of the model (R2) increased significantly. The Granger causality test shows that during this period speculation was the Granger cause of oil price return rate in oil future market rather than oil spot market. After the outbreak of financial crisis in2008, the results show that speculative fund withdrawed the oil future market in the initial period (July4,2008—April26,2010), but with the recovery of global economy gradually the speculative fund returned the oil future market again. But at this time, the speculative traders became the follower of oil price
     Fively, this paper described the mechanism of the accidents using fault tree analysis (FTA), and then made use of Bayesian method; The results show that the method could effectively reduce the uncertainty arisen from limited sample data and judge difference from experts.
     The innovation points of the paper are as follows:firstly, this paper characterizes the oil market price, and investigates the structural change feature and the monitoring issues, and the evolving process of oil mechanism based on the oil fundamental and global economic growth. Secondly the paper makes clear the main driving factors and the influence way and extent in the different market mechanisms. Thirdly by comparing the regression analysis and Granger causality test, the paper makes clear the role of speculation on oil price before and after the financial crisis. Forthly, this paper proposes the accident probability measurement method during the oil and gas field development stage and partly make up for the default of the lack of actual accident statistics.
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