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The public requirement on the government management is becoming higher with the rapid social development. Their purchase on improvement of material life also accelerates the pursuit of spiritual civilization. At present, the gap between the government management and the citizen demand is mainly manifested in the following some aspects:
     Firstly, the strengthening of the sense of ownership makes the public want to participate in city management. So their requirement on public information disclosure and policy democracy is relatively high.
     Secondly, the government service and the department information management need to be further strengthened, enabling the public affairs more convenient and efficient.
     Thirdly, the business process and institutional structure need to be rationalized. Carry out OA and online approval to eliminate the unreasonable situation.
     Fourthly, change the department management to business management, eliminate barriers between departments, strengthen the function of general service
     Informatization has been carried out in our country since the end of last century. After the exploration, informatization has entered the phase of data integration and management. For a city, the focus of e-government is to integrate the basic data and business related to the daily life of the public. "City card" system is proposed on this basis. The system construction is close to the public life and can solve the gap between the government management level and the public demand effectively. "City card" system is the focus of present e-government construction and is carried out in many cities of our country.
     "City card" system is the integrated net and data management system constructed on the original government department operating system. It can develop a large number of value-added services through cooperating with banks and other institutions. On one hand it facilitates the public affairs, change the department management to business management, creating a new public management; on the other hand it can improve the public living environment and solve related questions through uniteing the government departments and institutions. " City card" system can handle government business covering civil affairs, labor and social security, health care, industry and commerce, taxation, residence, education, health, family planning, personnel, disability and charitable. It also can use "Citizen Card" to provide small-amount payment service covering public transportation, rental, subway, water, electricity, ferry, come on, intelligence community, parking fees, travel ticketing hub to facilitate the point, supermarket chains, stadiums, parks, cinemas and other places. "City card" system makes the public enjoy the government service and understand and participate in the government management.
     Well, the system construction is a complex huge project, involving many of the department, technical complexity, the construction methods, department coordination, financing, management, maintenance, etc. But little research is done on this respect and there is no successful case. So the reference cases and theories on the city system construction are very few. Based on a wide range of research, work experience and graduate student studying, I organized the system construction process and significance on the city management to write the paper. I hope it can have some guidance significance on the system construction.
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