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Objective To coduct a comparison with the pulmonary ventilation function of chronic obstructive pulmonary diseasese(COPD) and Asthma as well as combination of two diseases before and after inhaling salbutamol, simultaneous contrast to their clinical characteristics,so as to approach the significance of three groups’diagnose and antidiastole by means of broncho dilatation test as well as its value to the clinical research of Asthma combing with COPD. Methods To select 350 cases patients from 2005 to 2007who were final diagnosed and separated to three groups of Asthma、COPD and Asthma combing with COPD through connecting the clinical feature with their results of broncho dilatation test,then to compare with and analyze their clinical feasures and the pulmonary function parameter before and after broncho dilatation test. Results①compare with the clinical data:The patients of simple Asthma group who are female exceeding male,whose ages with disease are the youngest among the three groups, whose courses of disease are the shortest,the smoker are the least,the smoking exponent are the smallest as well as the proportion of those who have the family history are the biggest,while the general datas and case histories of simple COPD and Asthma combing with COPD are similar;the bellows objectives of simple Asthma group are mainly purely wheezing rale,and whose blood rules are mainly the acidophilic granulocyte,while the bellows objectives of simple COPD group are mainly the dry rales concomitance moist rales,and whose blood rules are mainly neutral granular cell ,the items above of Asthma combing with COPD group are between simple Asthma and COPD groups.②compare with the pulmonary function: there are all significance difference among three groups and comparing with each other in the target of FEV1%、FEV1/FVC% and MMEF% before the broncho dilatation test,the air current limited of Asthma combing with COPD group are the most serious,next to simple COPD group and which of simple Asthma group are lightest,at the same time the target of FVC%、PEF%、and sGaw% of simple Asthma group are the biggest,and Raw% are the smallest,while the target above of simple COPD and Asthma combing with COPD groups are fairly closing. There are all difference among three groups and comparing with each other in the target of Raw% after broncho dilatation test,the airway resistance of simple Asthma group are the lowest,next to Asthma combing with COPD group and which of simple COPD group are the largest,furthermore the variabilities of FEV1%、MMEF% and FVC% in Asthma combing with COPD group are the largest, and the variabilities of PEF%、Raw% and sGaw% close to the level of simple Asthma group,while the variabilities of pulmonary function parameter above in simple COPD group are the smallest. Conclusion The large and small airway air current limited of Asthma combining with COPD group are the most serious before broncho dilatation test, its lung capacity have increased and the airway resistance decended obviously, as well its variabilities of expiratory flow rate are the largest,its reversability of the air current limited is between simply Asthma and COPD groups.Therefore,the broncho dilatation test conduce to the diagnosis and antidiastole of Asthma and COPD as well Asthma combing with COPD,meanwhile it can provide the emphatic evidence to the clinical research of Asthma combing with COPD.
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