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County economy is the basis of the national economy and an important driving force of China's economic growth. The importance of county economy determines the importance of county finance, which is a vital driving force of the economy. As the county's major financial intermediary, the local small and medium financial institutions play a strong supporting role on the capital accumulation, allocation, and so on, of the county's economic development. What's more, while providing effective support to the county's economic development, the institutions obtain sustainable developments of their own. On the platform of the county economy, this article studies the role of local small and medium financial institutions, so that on one hand, it grasps the substance of local financial developing problems form the economic level in the county to find their developing fundamental direction, on the other hand, it explore the way to enhance the local small and medium financial institutions' ability in the county economic developing.
     By analyzing the domestic and international economic growth and financial development theory, combining with our county economic characteristics and local small and medium financial institutions' comparative advantage, it comes to the theory of basic points which is the institutions'support to county economic development. First, capital formation, accumulation and mobility for the county's economic development plays an important role in promoting. Second, the county economic development need the growth pole's drive, and that local small and medium financial institutions are very strong support for the county growth pole. Third, the local small and medium financial institutions'development help to optimize the county financial structure. Fourth, the institutions have a comparative advantage when meeting the financial needs of county small and medium enterprises and most of farmers. Thus, the functional position of local small and medium financial institutions in county economic development is clearly defined as that they should make effort to meet the need of the county small and medium customers and micro-customers, and take the small, local and regional development model.
     With the continuous development, the county economy proposes new financial needs. While the county finance in both quantity and quality can not meet the needs of the county economic development which is the problem of county financial repression. Giving full play to the function of local small and medium financial institutions helps to improve its financial reppression in the following ways:Firstly, local small and medium financial institutions'development can increase the total capital supply. Secondly, the development of local small and medium financial institutions can adapt to the low-level capital requirement in the county economy. Thirdly, the development of local small and medium financial institutions can improve the supply mechanisms of the county finance to increase its capital supply efficiency.
     Theoretical analysis results show that local small and medium financial institutions plays an important role in the county's economic development, and the reality of China's county economic development also requires further developing the capabilities of local small and medium financial institutions to improve the local financial reppression. To figure out the support extent and the internal mechanism of local small and medium financial institutions'support for county economic development,88counties (cities) in Hunan Province were chosen to be the sample in this paper to empirically test local small and medium financial institutions'function in local economic developing. The result indicated that the development of rural credit cooperative system in Hunan Province has obvious promoting effort on the county's primary industry, secondary industry and tertiary industry. For the sake of revealing the inner mechanism, this article has chosen the Wangcheng County, which is representative, as the sample to do a further test, then it is found that the positive effect on the county's primary industry and secondary industry for the Rural Credit Cooperatives is very obvious but not on the tertiary industry, in addition, the state-owned commercial banks'positive effect is clear to the tertiary industry but not for the primary industry and the secondary industry. What's more, the Rural Credit Cooperatives'contribution to the county's GDP growth is much larger than the state-owned commercial banks.
     Empirical results indicate that the county's small and medium financial institutions play an important role on the county economic development indeed, but the existence of the county financial repression shows that the county's small and medium financial institutions can not meet the financial services needs and many problems still exist in playing their function. Based on the problems, this study analyzes Internal and external factors to affect the functioning of the county's small and medium financial institutions. The authors believe that the uneven distribution of financial resources, no accurate market positioning, unclear property rights and imperfect governance structure, the existence of large potential risks, the small overall size and not forming linkage effects of the Non-bank financial institutions, etc., constitute the internal factors. On the other hand, the imperfect rule of law, the poor credit environment of some counties, the high level of unreasonable administrative interference are the main external factors. To enhance the persuasiveness of above analysis conclusions, this paper uses the county financial ecological environment in Hunan Province as a case, and use very detailed data to discuss and support the conclusions.
     Using the relevant data of88counties (cities) in Hunan province, the impacts of the factors on the role of small and medium financial institutions are investigated empirically from internal factors and external environmental factors. And the key factors are identified. The empirical results show that the capital adequacy ratio and the market share of small and medium financial institutions have significant positive effect to the role that its playing, as the main internal factors. In the external environmental factors, the lending credit level and legal environment play a vital effect on the role of small and medium financial institutions.
     To improve the role of county's small and medium financial institutions for the county economy, the key points should be focused. The paper puts forward the countermeasure suggestions from the following aspects:the property reform of rural credit cooperatives, enhancing the profit ability of rural credit cooperatives, building the appropriate capital supervision standard and method for rural credit cooperatives according to its business characteristics, the functional orientation of county small and medium financial institutions, relaxing the market access of county small and medium financial institutions, improving the county's credit system and strengthening the county's legal system etc.
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