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As a main form of organization that connects the farmer and the market, agricultural industry chain has obtained widespread attention of theorists. Many kinds of agricultural industry chains used to play important roles in promoting economic prosperity in rural areas.
     In recent years, however, agricultural industry chains are frequently broken due to various kinds of problems, such as bad marketing, interest redistribution, insufficient technological innovation, low value increments, etc. The existing situation has become the biggest bottleneck of agricultural industrial optimization and sustainable development. Therefore, improving cooperative organizational ability and cultivating the enterprise of the main competitive agricultural item appear especially urgent and important.
     This article details the innovative research conducted in the following three aspects:
     First, the article provides the analytical foundation for the agricultural industry chain stable machine-made theory-frame-construction. This article utilizes a logical evolution framework and a geographically specific mode of analysis, both of which have not been used in traditional agricultural industry chain studies. Therefore, the research represents a half step forward and lays a solid foundation for further research on agricultural industry chain stability that employs the geographically specific mode of analysis. In addition, the different classifications of agricultural industry chains (foundation chain, expansion chain, circulation chain) further reflect both the logical development and the intrinsic essence of the agricultural industry chain.
     Second, the article presents research on the stable mechanism of the agricultural industry chain that introduces necessary mathematical economic method. Besides general value chain analysis and technical chain analysis, this research employs a real diagnostic analysis of the development of the agricultural industry chain utilizing the evolutionary economic theory. This is an innovation and a breakthrough, and has deepened the research technique and enhanced the research depth to a certain degree. Moreover, using the geographically specific mode of analysis, this article also explains the intrinsic characteristics of the stable mechanism of the agricultural industry chain, which in turn has augmented the research area related to the stable mechanism of the agricultural industry chain.
     Thirdly, the article constructs the basic framework and the assessment method of the appraisal system of the agricultural industry chain’stable mechanism. In this framework, using Delphi appraisal methods, the author has surmised contrasting appraisals of the three main item enterprises in this article. In turn, this has filled the fundamental research blank of domestic agricultural industry chain stable mechanism appraisal system. Certainly, the ideal appraisal system is only in the exploration stage, and needs to be developed and consummated if it is to be made a reality.
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