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With the development of science and technology, human society entered the era of knowledge economy, talents demand growing, and enterprise competition real has become talent competition. There is a new enterprise work groups, knowledge staff, which fundamentally differ from the previous economic era of capital staff. They hold some of their own knowledge of production, rather than traditional staff has nothing, can only sell their own labor. Knowledge staff, compared with traditional employees, has a strong independence and autonomy.
     Since the reform and opening up, China has gradually introduced market economy, the rapid rise of family business and development are the major achievements of China's reform and opening up, which occupies a pivotal position in the development of the Chinese economy. However, in the family business continued rapid growth, there are also many problems, notably the crisis is the lack of knowledge staff. For some reasons, knowledge staff lacks a sense of belonging and identity to the family business, which leads to knowledge staff frequently change jobs and the loyalty declined sharply. Training and upgrading the knowledge staff loyalty is the key to sustainable development.
     Market economy of social relations is based on'contract system' based. In the knowledge-based employees and family business relations, in addition to the formal content of the labor contract, but also the existence of implicit, informal, no public explanation of mutual expectations, and this is psychological contract. Psychological contract as a supplement to the labor contract, plays an important role on maintaining the employment relationship, staff morale and enhances staff loyalty. Compared to the labor contract, the psychological contract is even though mostly characterized by fuzziness, implication and dynamics; it is also the important factor in affecting the employee loyalty. And it is also the important research topic in the field of family business human resource management and organizational behavior.
     Based on the research the literature in related fields of knowledge staff loyalty and psychological contract at home and abroad, the paper puts forward the viewpoint of the following six areas of theoretical exploration and empirical study, which is from'loyalty'perspective, at the starting point of 'psychological contract'and as the object of study on'Family enterprise knowledge staff.
     (1) Analyzed the family business knowledge structure and employee loyalty factors. This study combines the development characteristics of the current economic environment and our social and cultural background, focusing on analyzing internal structure and influence of the antecedent of the family enterprise knowledge employees' organizational loyalty, loyalty and professional loyalty. Through the certainty analysis on the sample data by factor, the impact of statistical characteristics of the individual knowledge employee on family business employee loyalty is proved. The study found that in our economic and cultural background, Family Enterprise Knowledge Employees statistical characteristics of some individuals significantly affected the organizational loyalty, loyalty and professional integrity in charge. Compare with the unmarried knowledge employees, married knowledge employees more easily to have a sense of identity on the organization, supervisor and profession. Knowledge Employees holding shares have relatively high degree of recognition on enterprise than those not holding shares. Knowledge employees Monthly incomes of 10,000 Yuan or more have relatively high degree of recognition on profession than those who have other income. Knowledge employees serve for Enterprises with good economic have relatively high degree of recognition on organization than those serve for effectiveness of general business and poor efficiency of enterprises. Knowledge employees related by blood or affinity with the main family business managers have relatively high degree of recognition on organization than those not related by blood or affinity.
     (2) Made a study of relationship among occupational loyalty, organizational loyalty and supervisory loyalty in family business. Research finds the organization loyalty of knowledge employees is significantly lower that professional loyalty and supervisor loyalty; Professional loyalty of knowledge employees in family business can enhance identity and involvement of the family business and their directors, speed up the formation and promotion of the Family Enterprises loyalty and supervisory loyalty.
     (3) An Empirical Study of psychological content of the contract proved knowledge of Chinese Family Enterprises psychological contract constituted mainly by three factors:Type of interpersonal responsibility in organization, type of development responsibility in organization and type of normative responsibility in organization. In Family Enterprises, Type of interpersonal responsibility and type of development responsibility in organization correlate well with occupational loyalty, organizational loyalty and supervisory loyalty; type of normative responsibility in organization correlate well with professional loyalty and supervisor loyalty; Psychological contract correlate well with staff loyalty, occupational loyalty, organizational loyalty and supervisory loyalty.
     (4) Made a study of actual performance and mechanisms of Family Enterprise knowledge employees'psychological contract and its three factors. The pioneering study found that the difference between psychological contract and its three factors and actual performance of psychological contract and its three factors is obviously negative correlated, not significant correlated with occupational loyalty and supervisory loyalty. The difference between psychological contract and its type of normative responsibility in organization and actual performance appear obviously negative correlated with employee loyalty. This shows that the better the family enterprise knowledge employees meet the psychological contract, the higher employees' loyalty.
     (5) Made a study of the mechanisms on the difference between actual performance and of Family Enterprise knowledge employees' psychological contract and its three factors and turnover intention. The pioneering study found that turnover intention, actual performance of psychological contract and its three factors and the difference between actual performance of psychological contract and its three factors appear positive correlation. This shows that the better the family enterprise knowledge employees meet the psychological contract, the lower turnover intention.
     (6) Made a study of effects of statistical characteristics of individual on improve the Family Enterprise knowledge the role of employee loyalty measures. There are many factors can affect the loyalty of Family Enterprise knowledge employees. To better reflect the characteristics of the work and environment factors, relationship of knowledge employees loyalty and upgrading loyalty measures, peel other interference factors, this study made the knowledge employees by sex, age, marital status, education, income, organizational seniority, position, working years, relations with key leaders as the control variable, analyzed the role of effect on Family Enterprise knowledge to improve the employee loyalty measures. Study found that different measures for different types of knowledge workers have different effects. For example, the following measures can improve loyalty more easily in married employees than unmarried ones:'The establishment of people-oriented corporate culture','Emphasis on staff communication, improve communication channels', 'Team spirit of staff training','Boss listened carefully to treat each employee comments and suggestions','Superiors respect and trust of staff concerned', 'Flexible, multi-channel promotion mechanism','In this organization, independent of whether the promotion of personal relationships and leadership', and'Boss rarely arrange for their relatives and friends'.
     A considerable part of this study is exploratory research. The obtained results, to some extent, enriched the theory of the knowledge employees' loyalty in Family Enterprise and also provided the enlightenment for the management practice of improvement on Family Enterprise knowledge employees' loyalty.
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