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Carlo Ginzburg is one of historians who have tremendous influence since the1970s. He made remarkable achievements in cultural history,and his creative ideasabout historical theory and methodology are worthy of investigating and probingdeeply. This thesis explained and analysed Ginzburg’s cultural history from fourtopics,which contains the Microhistory,the history of image-eyewithessing,themorphological comparative studies,the argument and practice of cultural historyaround rhetoric,and summarized the features of concepts and academic contributionof his historical researches.
     Ginzburg’s microhistorical study was a research model which refered toindividual case of popular culture. It concentrated on the stories about the nobodiesfrom below. On the interpretation of the popular culture,Ginzburg objected to see itas the sub-product of elite culture,and also disagreed to see it as absolute eliteculture’s antithesis. He deemed the popular culture as a cultural form which has itsisolation,and has been keeping interaction with elite culture all the time. Ginzburghas always unfolded the peculiarity and initiative of popular culture through thenobodies’ words and deeds in his microhistorical works. Ginzburg’s microhistoricalpractices had three theoretical references. It objected elitism historical idea,payingattention to the nobodies’ histories. It criticized the model of history of Mentalités,saying highly of the popular cultural complexity. It was a forceful repulsion againstquantitative methods,underlining to write the histories from below as the elites’.Ginzburg’s microhistorical studies triggered debates whether the case could studymodel of microhistory interpret the common nature of popular culture or not. Hisstudies also caused debates if there wore other documents suitable for themicrohistory beyond the judicial files of inquisition and how people treated the trendof fragmentation which the microhistory studies had set. All of these need Ginzburgand other microhistorians’ further introspections.
     Ginzburg’s research at the history of image-eyewitnessing is an approach thatemphasized the uses of images as historical evidence. His idea inspired fromiconological theory. Ginzburg had expounded the developing process and theoreticalmarrow of iconology,and he utilized its theory to investigate the cultural historyduring the Renaissance. He exploited the content changes of religious emblem books,showing the evolution of the idea of learning to know. He analysed the source ofTitian’s inspiration,attesting that the popular culture maybe the spiritual nutrition forthe elite culture. Moreover,iconological method aroused Ginzburg to ponder over theparadigm of perceiving history. In Ginzburg’s opinion,the paradigm by which theHistoriography abides is similar to hunting or divining and guessing. This paradigm isdifferent from scientific and quantitative one. Therefore,Ginzburg advocated findhistorical fact from trifles,arguing that the more imperceptible,the more reliable theevidence is. He used inference method to observe the Piero’s fresco,refounded thehumanism group of Arezzo in Italy. The history of image-eyewitnessing madehistorical visualization possible,expanding the channels of acquiring documentation.But the expressions of images are often amphibious,so that inevitably its conclusionsstopped with some hypothesizes.
     Ginzburg’s Morphological comparative study has double objectives. On the onehand,Ginzburg used it to overcome the micro-approach’s centralization,and regardedit as an attempt that turning the research perspective from micro to macro. On theother hand,Ginzburg tried to overstep the principal that historical compare should becarried between temporal and spatial adjacent phenomenas,which Bloch had drawnup. Morphological compare stresses concentration on such phenomenas:seeingsuperficially,they are unrelated chronologically and geographically,but have somefamily resemblances. Firstly,it assumes two similar phenomenas have inherentconnections. Then,you can prove that the assuming is true by searching theintermediary displaying the characters of the former both. Ginzburg used themorphological inquiries as a probe,traced to the ritual and intellectual source ofwitches’ Sabbath,and examined the immanent relations between the history of English literature and European academic development. Morphology has providedtheoretical foundation for comparative subjects which lacked of text evidence. But itencountered queries from other historian because its proofs and conclusions oftendepended on presuming.
     Ginzburg’s theoretical analyses and practices at cultural history aiming torhetoric are replies to postmodern skepticism. Ginzburg’s microhistorical approachcorresponded to the pluralism of the postmodernism,but he set himself against thatthe postmodern skeptics had criticized historiography with linguistic theories. Inaddition,he also objected the argument of positivism historians,who locatedrhetorical narrative in opposite position with historical studies. Ginzburg argued thateven if rhetoric has always mixed plentiful subjective factors that historian had beentried to avoid all the time,it built itself on real facts,and its nature has objectiveingredients. With this argument, Ginzburg claimed historian could identify adocumentation to be fake by pointing out anachronism in rhetoric,recalled theintellectual histories by analyzing the narrative forms in text,and carried forward thehistories of concepts by inspecting the meaning change of designated words.Ginzburg’s argument on rhetoric refuted the radical speech of postmodern skepticismfrom academic logic. His cultural history practices on the basis of rhetoric pinpointedthe direction of historical development in the postmodernism context. However,ifdocumental register and the documental content had been in same era,anachronismwould not exist,although the register had distorted the true facts. So Ginzburg’sstrategy on identifying documentations with rhetorical analysis has limitation oncertain condition. Meanwhile,his cultural investigations based on rhetoric had a littleovergeneralization.Because the schemes and implications of rhetorical narratives arealways ever-changing,the idea of clarifying a generality from individual text’s traitsremains to be seen.
     Ginzburg’s culture history researches had inspirations. His researches involvedhistorical micro and macro visual fields,and he can keep impartial and absorbed theadvantages between positivism and postmodern skepticism. He insisted the history and historiography are heterogeneous,so he asserted any historical paradigm orinterpretative tool can revel merely one profile of polyhedral human past. Therefore,he think that the paradigmization of a historiographical model means the oblivion ofthe other profiles of history. Given this,in order to unfold the lost and neglectedfacts,he used to penetrate the past from some contrary or opposite approaches otherthan the mainstream one.
    ①Archive for Reformation History,1903年创刊于德国。
    ②Anne Jacobson Schutte,“Carlo Ginzburg”,The Journal of Modern History,Vol.48,No.2(Jun.,1976),p.315.
    ③Roger Chartier,Cultural History:Between Practices and Representations,translated by Lydia G.. Cochrane,Ithaca&New York:Cornell University Press,1988,pp.30-40.
    ①Dominick LaCapra,History and Criticism,Ithaca&New York:Cornell University Press,1985,pp.53-54.
    ②Robert Darnton,“History of Reading”,in Peter Burke(ed.),New Perspective on Historical Writing(2nd),Pennsylvania:The Pennsylvania State University Press,2001,p.158.
    ③Jim Sharpe,“History from Below”,in Peter Burke(ed.),New Perspective on Historical Writing(2nd),Pennsylvania:The Pennsylvania State University Press,2001,pp.31-35.
    ②Giovanni Levi,“On Microhistory”,in Peter Burke(ed.),New Perspective on Historical Writing(2nd),Pennsylvania:The Pennsylvania State University Press,2001,p.96.
    ③Edward Muir,“Introduction:Observing Trifles”,in Edward Muir&Guido Ruggiero(eds.)Microhistory andthe lost peoples of Europe,Baltimore&London:The John Hopkins Press,1991,p.xii-xv.
    ④Matti Peltonen,“Clues,Margins,and Monads:The Micro-Macro Link in Historical Research”,History andTheory,Vol.40,No.3(Oct.,2001),pp.347-359.
    ⑥林·亨特称《蒙塔尤》为“区域总体史”。Cf.,Lynn Hunt,“History,Culture,and Text”,in Lynn Hunt(ed.),The New Cultural History,Berkeley&Los Angeles&London:University of California Press,1989,p.2.
    ①Robert Black,“The Uses and Abuses of Iconology:Piero della Francesca and Carlo Ginzburg(Review)”,Oxford Art Journal,Vol.9,No.2(1986),p.70.
    ②Jonathan B Riess,“Review about The Enigma of Piero”,The American Historical Review,Vol.92,No.1(1987),pp.162-163.
    ③Peter Burke,“The Introduction of The Enigma of Piero”,in Carlo Ginzburg,The Enigma of Piero:Piero dellaFrancesca(New Edition with Appendices),translated by Martin Ryle&Kate Soper,London&New York:Verso,2000,p.xvi-xvii.
    ③Perry Anderson,“Nocturnal Enquiry:Carlo Ginzburg”,in Perry Anderson,A Zone of Engagement,London&New York:Verso,1992,p.211.
    ①Cf.,Raymond Williams,Keywords:A Vocabulary of Culture and Society(Revised edition),New York:OxfordUniversity Press,1985,pp.87-93.
    ③Roger Chartier,“Intellectual History/History of Mentalités”,in Roger Chartier,Cultural History:BetweenPractices and Representations,translated by Lydia G. Cochrane,Ithaca&New york:Cornell University Press,1988,pp.40-41.
    ②Lynn Hunt ed.,New Cultural History,Berkeley&Los Angeles&London:University of California Press,1989,p.1.
    ③Lynn Hunt ed.,New Cultural History,p.4.
    ①Cf.,Peter Burke,The Historical Anthropology of Early Modern Italy:Essays on Perception andCommunication, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1987,pp.3-4.
    ①Cf.,Edward Muir,“Introduction:Observing Trifles”,in Edward Muir&Guido Ruggiero(eds.),Microhistoryand the Lost Peoples of Europe,translated by Eren Branch,Baltimore,London:The Johns Hopkins UniversityPress,1991,p.xv.
    ①Carlo Ginzburg,“Witchcraft and Popular Piety:Notes on a Modenese Trial of1519”,in Carlo Ginzburg,Clues,Myths, and the Historical Method,translated by John Tedeschi&Anne Tedeschi,Baltimore:The Johns HopkinsUniversity Press,1992,p.9.
    ①Carlo Ginzburg,The Night Battles:Witchcraft&Agrarian Cults in the Sixteenth&Seventeenth Centuries,translated by John Tedeschi&Anne Tedeschi,London&New York:Routledge,2011,pp.15-16.
    ②Carlo Ginzburg,The Night Battles:Witchcraft&Agrarian Cults in the Sixteenth&Seventeenth Centuries,pp.26-27.
    ③Carlo Ginzburg,The Night Battles:Witchcraft&Agrarian Cults in the Sixteenth&Seventeenth Centuries,p.10.
    ④Carlo Ginzburg,The Night Battles:Witchcraft&Agrarian Cults in the Sixteenth&Seventeenth Centuries,p.25.
    ⑤Carlo Ginzburg,The Night Battles:Witchcraft&Agrarian Cults in the Sixteenth&Seventeenth Centuries,p.78.
    ①Carlo Ginzburg,The Cheese and the Worms:The Cosmos of a Sixteenth-Century Miller,translated by JohnTedeschi&Anne Tedeschi,Baltimore:The John Hopkins University Press,1980,pp.5-6.
    ②Cf.,Carlo Ginzburg,The Cheese and the Worms:The Cosmos of a Sixteenth-Century Miller,pp.8-13.
    ①Carlo Ginzburg,The Cheese and the Worms:The Cosmos of a Sixteenth-Century Miller,p.xii.
    ②Carlo Ginzburg,“Some queries Addressed to myself”,in International Balzan Foundation,Carlo Ginzburg:2010Balzan Prize for European History(1400-1700),Milan:Premi Balzan,2010,p.10.
    ①Robert Mandrou,De la Culture Populaire aux XVIIeet XVIIIeSiècles:La Bibliothèque Bleue de Troyes,Paris:Stock,1964.参见,彼得·伯克:《法国史学革命:年鉴学派,1929-1989》,刘永华译,北京:北京大学出版社,2006年版,第72页。
    ②Robert Mandrou,De la Culture Populaire aux XVIIeet XVIIIeSiècles:La Bibliothèque Bleue de Troyes,Paris:Stock,1964;revised edition,1975.参见,弗朗索瓦·多斯:《碎片化的历史学:从<年鉴>到“新史学”》,马胜利译,北京:北京大学出版社,2008年版,第163页;罗伯特·达恩顿:《拉莫莱特之吻:有关文化史的思考》,萧知纬译,上海:华东师范大学出版社,2011年版,第213页;以及Carlo Ginzburg,The Cheeseand the Worms:The Cosmos of a Sixteenth-Century Miller,pp.xv-xvi.
    ②Carlo Ginzburg,The Cheese and the Worms:The Cosmos of a Sixteenth-Century Miller,pp.xv-xvi,p.xix.
    ①Carlo Ginzburg,The Cheese and the Worms:The Cosmos of a Sixteenth-Century Miller,p.xvi.
    ④Carlo Ginzburg,The Cheese and the Worms:The Cosmos of a Sixteenth-Century Miller,xvii-xviii.
    ①Carlo Ginzburg,The Cheese and the Worms:The Cosmos of a Sixteenth-Century Miller,p.xviii.
    ②Carlo Ginzburg,The Cheese and the Worms:The Cosmos of a Sixteenth-Century Miller,p.xix.
    ③Carlo Ginzburg,The Cheese and the Worms:The Cosmos of a Sixteenth-Century Miller,p.xviii.
    ④Carlo Ginzburg,The Cheese and the Worms:The Cosmos of a Sixteenth-Century Miller,p.xix.
    ⑤Carlo Ginzburg,The Cheese and the Worms:The Cosmos of a Sixteenth-Century Miller,p.xii.
    ⑥Carlo Ginzburg,The Cheese and the Worms:The Cosmos of a Sixteenth-Century Miller,p.xvii.
    ③米哈伊尔·M·巴赫金:《语言创造的美学》(Esthétique de la crèation verbale),巴黎,加利马尔出版社,1984年版,第348页。转引自,阿伦·I·古列维奇:《历史和历史人类学》,周绍恒译,《第欧根尼》,1991年第2期,第109页。
    ①Carlo Ginzburg,The Cheese and the Worms:The Cosmos of a Sixteenth-Century Miller,p.xii.
    ②Carlo Ginzburg,“Witchcraft and Popular Piety:Notes on a Modenese Trial of1519”,in Clues,Myths,andthe Historical Method,p.9.
    ③Carlo Ginzburg,“Witchcraft and Popular Piety:Notes on a Modenese Trial of1519”,in Clues,Myths,andthe Historical Method,p.13.
    ①Carlo Ginzburg,The Night Battles:Witchcraft&Agrarian Cults in the Sixteenth&Seventeenth Centuries,p.22.
    ②Carlo Ginzburg,The Night Battles:Witchcraft&Agrarian Cults in the Sixteenth&Seventeenth Centuries,p.22.
    ③Carlo Ginzburg,The Night Battles:Witchcraft&Agrarian Cults in the Sixteenth&Seventeenth Centuries,p.23.
    ①Carlo Ginzburg,The Cheese and the Worms:The Cosmos of a Sixteen-Century Miller,p.4,p.10,p.13,p.12,p.36,pp.49-50.
    ②在《奶酪与蛆虫》的第9章“路德教”和“再洗礼教”(‘Lutherans’and ‘Anabaptists’)中,金兹堡细致地分析了弗留利地区受到外界宗教改革运动影响的可能性。并得出结论:“梅诺乔的激进言论不会溯源到再洗礼教主义,更糟的是,也不会在路德主义思想中找到踪迹。”参见,The Cheese and the Worms,pp.18-21.
    ①Carlo Ginzburg,The Cheese and the Worms:The Cosmos of a Sixteenth-Century Miller,p.33.
    ②Carlo Ginzburg,The Cheese and the Worms:The Cosmos of a Sixteenth-Century Miller,p.36,p.42.
    ③Carlo Ginzburg,The Cheese and the Worms:The Cosmos of a Sixteenth-Century Miller,p.45,p.51.
    ①Carlo Ginzburg,The Cheese and the Worms:The Cosmos of a Sixteenth-Century Miller,p.59.
    ③Carlo Ginzburg,“Some queries Addressed to myself”,in International Balzan Foundation,Carlo Ginzburg:2010Balzan Prize for European History(1400-1700),p.14.
    ①Carlo Ginzburg,The Cheese and the Worms:The Cosmos of a Sixteenth-Century Miller,p.xiii.
    ②Jim Sharpe,“History from Below”,in Peter Burke(ed.),New Perspective on Historical Writing(2nd),Pennsylvania:The Pennsylvania State University Press,2001,p.37.
    ③Carlo Ginzburg,The Night Battles:Witchcraft&Agrarian Cults in the Sixteenth&Seventeenth Centuries,p.xviii.
    ⑤Carlo Ginzburg,The Night Battles:Witchcraft&Agrarian Cults in the Sixteenth&Seventeenth Centuries,p.x.
    ①Carlo Ginzburg,The Night Battles:Witchcraft&Agrarian Cults in the Sixteenth&Seventeenth Centuries,p.xvii.
    ⑤Marc Bloch,The Royal Touch,translated by J.E.Anderson,New York:Dorset Press,1989,p.2.
    ⑦Carlo Ginzburg,The Night Battles:Witchcraft&Agrarian Cults in the Sixteenth&Seventeenth Centuries,p.xiv.
    ①Carlo Ginzburg,The Cheese and the Worms:The Cosmos of a Sixteen-Century Miller,p.xxiii.
    ③Carlo Ginzburg,The Cheese and the Worms:The Cosmos of a Sixteen-Century Miller,pp.xxiii-xxiv.
    ①Carlo Ginzburg,The Cheese and the Worms:The Cosmos of a Sixteen-Century Miller,p.xxiii.
    ②Carlo Ginzburg,The Cheese and the Worms:The Cosmos of a Sixteen-Century Miller,p.xxiv.
    ①Carlo Ginzburg,Carlo Poni,“The Name and the Game:Unequal Exchange and the HistoriographicMarketplace”,in Microhistory and the Lost Peoples of Europe,pp.2-3.
    ②Cf.,Robert Darnton,The Great Cat Massacre:and Other Episodes in French Cultural History,New York:Basic Books,1999,p.258.
    ④Pierre Chaunu,“Un Nouveau Champ pour l’hitoire sérielle:le quan-titatif au troisième niveau”,in MélangesenVhonneur de Fernand Braudel,pp.105-125.参见,罗伯特·达恩顿:《心态史》,达恩顿:《拉莫莱特之吻》,萧知纬译,上海:华东师范大学出版社,2011年版,第257页。
    ③Lawrence Stone,“Prosopography”,Daedalu·Historical Studies Todays,Vol.100,No.1(Winter,1971),pp.47-48.
    ①Carlo Ginzburg,Carlo Poni,“The Name and the Game:Unequal Exchange and the HistoriographicMarketplace”,in Edward Muir&Guido Ruggiero(eds.),Microhistory and the Lost Peoples of Europe,Baltimore&London:The John Hopkins Press,1991,p.2.
    ②Carlo Ginzburg,The Cheese and the Worms:The Cosmos of a Sixteen-Century Miller,p.xx.
    ③Carlo Ginzburg,The Cheese and the Worms:The Cosmos of a Sixteen-Century Miller,p.xxi.
    ④Carlo Ginzburg,The Cheese and the Worms:The Cosmos of a Sixteen-Century Miller,p.xxii.
    ①Carlo Ginzburg,The Cheese and the Worms:The Cosmos of a Sixteen-Century Miller,p.xx.
    ②Carlo Ginzburg,Carlo Poni,“The Name and the Game:Unequal Exchange and the HistoriographicMarketplace”,in Microhistory and the Lost Peoples of Europe,pp.2-3.
    ③Carlo Ginzburg,“Microhistory:Two or Three Things That I Know about It”,translated by John Tedeschi&Anne Tedeschi,Critical Inquiry,Vol.20,No.1,(Autumn,1993),p.26.
    ⑤Carlo Ginzburg,Carlo Poni,“The Name and the Game:Unequal Exchange and the Historiographic
    ①Carlo Ginzburg,Carlo Poni,“The Name and the Game:Unequal Exchange and the HistoriographicMarketplace”,in Microhistory and the Lost Peoples of Europe,p.2.
    ②Carlo Ginzburg,Carlo Poni,“The Name and the Game:Unequal Exchange and the HistoriographicMarketplace”,in Microhistory and the Lost Peoples of Europe,p.5.
    ③Carlo Ginzburg,Carlo Poni,“The Name and the Game:Unequal Exchange and the HistoriographicMarketplace”,in Microhistory and the Lost Peoples of Europe,p.5,p.6.
    ④Carlo Ginzburg,Marco Ferrari,“The Dovecote Has Opened Its Eyes”,in Edward Muir&Guido Ruggiero
    (eds.),Microhistory and the Lost Peoples of Europe,Baltimore&London:The John Hopkins Press,1991,p.16.
    ①金兹堡也曾对没能找到萨卡蒂诺审判记录的原因做出解释。为了搜集相关的资料,金兹堡曾写信给罗马教皇约翰·保罗二世(Pope John Paul II,1920-2005,),要求开放教会档案馆中保存的各类档案记录,但被婉言拒绝。1998年,还未成为教皇本尼迪克特十六世(Pope Benedict XVI,1929-)的主教拉青格(Ratzinger)无意中看到了金兹堡二十年前的书信,并慷慨地表示可以为他关于萨卡尼诺的微观研究提供帮助。可是,金兹堡遗憾地表示自己早已转向其它的研究类型了,因此没能将此项研究做进一步深入。相关内容参见卡罗·金兹堡的“Some queriesAddressed to myself”,第14-15页。
    ②Carlo Ginzburg,“Some queries Addressed to myself”,in International Balzan Foundation,Carlo Ginzburg:2010Balzan Prize for European History(1400-1700),p.12.
    ④波米安:《时间的秩序》(L’ordre du temps),转引自,安托万·普罗斯特:《历史学十二讲》,王春华译,北京:北京大学出版社,2012年版,第35页。
    ①Carlo Ginzburg,“Witchcraft and Popular Piety:Notes on a Modenese Trial of1519”,in Clues,Myths,and the Historical Method,p.2.
    ②Carlo Ginzburg,The Night Battles:Witchcraft&Agrarian Cults in the Sixteenth&Seventeenth Centuries,p.28.
    ①Carlo Ginzburg,The Cheese and the Worms:The Cosmos of a Sixteen-Century Miller,p.xii.
    ②Carlo Ginzburg,The Cheese and the Worms:The Cosmos of a Sixteen-Century Miller,p.21,p.59,p.68.
    ③Dominick LaCapra,“The Cheese and the Worms:The Cosmos of a Twentieth-Century Historian”, in History&Criticism,Dominick LaCapra,Ithaca&London:Cornell University Press,1985,p.49.
    ④Dominick LaCapra,“The Cheese and the Worms:The Cosmos of a Twentieth-Century Historian”, in History&Criticism,pp.57-58.
    ⑤Dominick LaCapra,“The Cheese and the Worms:The Cosmos of a Twentieth-Century Historian”, in History&Criticism,p.54.
    ①Carlo Ginzburg,The Cheese and the Worms:The Cosmos of a Sixteenth Century Miller,p.155.
    ②Robert Darnton,The Great Cat Massacre:and Other Episodes in French Cultural History,New York:BasicBooks,1999,p.258
    ③Robert Darnton,The Great Cat Massacre:and Other Episodes in French Cultural History,p.259
    ⑤Robert Darnton,The Great Cat Massacre:and Other Episodes in French Cultural History,p.260.
    ①Robert Darnton,The Great Cat Massacre:and Other Episodes in French Cultural History,p.78.
    ②Cf.,Robert Darnton,The Great Cat Massacre:and Other Episodes in French Cultural History,pp.82-89.
    ③Cf.,Robert Darnton,The Great Cat Massacre:and Other Episodes in French Cultural History,pp.92-95.
    ④Robert Darnton,The Great Cat Massacre:and Other Episodes in French Cultural History,p.98.
    ⑥夏蒂埃转引格尔兹的部分见:Clifford Geertz,The Interpretation of Cultures,p.89.另可参见,Roger Chartier,“Text,Symbols and Frenchness:Historical Uses of SymbolicAnthropology”,in Roger Chartier,CulturalHistory: Between Practices and Representations,translated by Lydia G. Cochrane,Ithaca&New York:CornellUniversity Press,1988,p.97.夏蒂埃转引格尔兹的部分见:Clifford Geertz,The Interpretation of Cultures,p.89.
    ①Roger Chartier,“Text,Symbols and Frenchness:Historical Uses of Symbolic Anthropology”,in CulturalHistory: Between Practices and Representations,p.98.Cf.,Clifford Geertz,“Deep Play:Notes on the BalineseCockfight”,in The Interpretation of Cultures,pp.412-453.
    ②Roger Chartier,“Text,Symbols and Frenchness:Historical Uses of Symbolic Anthropology”,in CulturalHistory: Between Practices and Representations,p.98.
    ③Roger Chartier,“Text,Symbols and Frenchness:Historical Uses of Symbolic Anthropology”,in CulturalHistory: Between Practices and Representations,p.101.
    ④Roger Chartier,“Text,Symbols and Frenchness:Historical Uses of Symbolic Anthropology”,in CulturalHistory: Between Practices and Representations,p.103.
    ⑤Robert Darnton,The Great Cat Massacre:and Other Episodes in French Cultural History,p.260. RogerChartier,“Text,Symbols and Frenchness:Historical Uses of Symbolic Anthropology”,in Cultural History:Between Practices and Representations,p.104.
    ⑥Roger Chartier,Cultural History: Between Practices and Representations,p.5.
    ⑧Roger Chartier:Cultural History:Between Practices and Representations, p.10.
    ⑨Giovanni Levi,“On Microhistory”,in Peter Burke(ed.),New Perspectives on Historical Writing,Pennsylvania:The Pennsylvania State University Press,1991,pp.110-111.
    ①E.Grendi,“Micoranalisi e storia sociale”,Quaderni storici,35(May-August,1977):512.
    ②Carlo Ginzburg,Carlo Poni,“The Name and the Game:Unequal Exchange and the HistoriographicMarketplace”,in Microhistory and the Lost Peoples of Europe,p.8.
    ③Carlo Ginzburg,“Some queries Addressed to myself”,in International Balzan Foundation,Carlo Ginzburg:2010Balzan Prize for European History(1400-1700),p.13.
    ④Carlo Ginzburg,“Microhistory:Two or Three Things That I Know about It”,translated by John Tedeschi&Anne Tedeschi,Critical Inquiry,Vol.20,No.1(Autumn,1993),p.33.
    ①Giovanni Levi,“On Microhistory”,in New Perspectives on Historical Writing,p.107.
    ④Carlo Ginzburg,The Cheese and the Worms:The Cosmos of a Sixteen-Century Miller,p.126.
    ①Carlo Ginzburg,“Latitude,Slaves and the Bible:An Experiment in Microhistory”,Critical Inquiry. Vol.31,No.3(Spring,2005),pp.665-672.
    ②Cf.,Carlo Ginzburg,“Latitude,Slaves and the Bible:An Experiment in Microhistory”,pp.668-669.
    ①Gianna Pomata,“Unwed Mothers in the Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries:Clinical Histories andLife Histories”,in Edward Muir&Guido Ruggiero(eds.),Microhistory and the Lost Peoples of Europe,Baltimore&London:The John Hopkins Press,1991,p.172.
    ②Cf.,Gianna Pomata,“Unwed Mothers in the Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries:Clinical Historiesand Life Histories”,in Edward Muir&Guido Ruggiero(eds.),Microhistory and the Lost Peoples of Europe,pp.159-194.
    ④参见,周兵:《微观史学与新文化史》,《学术研究》,2006年第6期,第89-94页。另参见,Victoria E. Bonnell,Lynn Hunt eds.,Beyond the Cultural Turn:New Directions in the Study of Society and Culture,Berkeley&LosAngeles&London:University of California Press,1999,p.25.
    ②Victoria E. Bonnell,Lynn Hunt eds.,Beyond the Cultural Turn:New Directions in the Study of Society andCulture,Berkeley&Los Angeles&London:University of California Press,1999,pp.9-10.
    ①Giovanni Levi,“On Microhistory”,in New Perspectives on Historical Writing,p.113.
    ②Niels Bohr,1885-1962,丹麦著名物理学家,结合了宏观物理学理论,在微观物理学领域建立了核裂变理论。
    ③Peter Burke,“The Microhistory Debate”,in New Perspectives on Historical Writing,pp.116-117.
    ⑤对此问题进行讨论的相关文章,可参见,Jacques Revel,“Microanalysis and the Construction of the Social”,in Jacques Revel&Lynn Hunt(eds.),Histories:French Constructions of the Past,New York:The New Press,1998,pp.492-501;Matti Peltonen,“Clues,Margins,and Monads:The Micro-Macro Link in Historical Research”,History and Theory,Vol.40,No.3(Oct.,2001),pp.347-359;陈启能:《略论微观史学》,《史学理论研究》,2002年第1期,第21-29页。
    ②Jacques Revel,“Microanalysis and the Construction of the Social”,in Jacques Revel&Lynn Hunt(eds.),Histories:French Constructions of the Past,translated by Arthur Goldhammer,et.al.,New York:The New Press,1995,p.495.
    ①Carlo Ginzburg,“From Aby Warburg to E.H. Gombrich:A Problem of Method”,in Clues,Myths,and theHistorical Method,p.39.
    ②Carlo Ginzburg,“From Aby Warburg to E.H. Gombrich:A Problem of Method”,in Clues,Myths,and theHistorical Method,p.41.
    ④Carlo Ginzburg,“From Aby Warburg to E.H. Gombrich:A Problem of Method”,in Clues,Myths,and theHistorical Method,p.40.
    ①Carlo Ginzburg,“From Aby Warburg to E.H. Gombrich:A Problem of Method”,in Clues,Myths,and theHistorical Method,p.42.
    ②Carlo Ginzburg,“From Aby Warburg to E.H. Gombrich:A Problem of Method”,in Clues,Myths,and theHistorical Method,p.45.
    ④Carlo Ginzburg,“From Aby Warburg to E.H. Gombrich:A Problem of Method”,in Clues,Myths,and theHistorical Method,p.46.
    ⑤Carlo Ginzburg,“From Aby Warburg to E.H. Gombrich:A Problem of Method”,in Clues,Myths,and theHistorical Method,p.45.
    ⑥Carlo Ginzburg,“From Aby Warburg to E.H. Gombrich:A Problem of Method”,in Clues,Myths,and theHistorical Method,p.48.
    ①Carlo Ginzburg,“From Aby Warburg to E.H. Gombrich:A Problem of Method”,in Clues,Myths,and theHistorical Method,p.55.
    ②E·H·贡布里希:《艺术与错觉——图画再现的心理学研究》,林夕、李本正、范景中译,长沙:湖南科学技术出版社,2011年版,第171页。引文也参考了该书的英文版,E.H.Gombrich,Art and Illusion:A Studyin the Psychology of Pictorial Representation,London:Phaidon Press,1984.以下相同。
    ①Carlo Ginzburg,“From Aby Warburg to E.H. Gombrich:A Problem of Method”,in Clues,Myths,and theHistorical Method,p.48.
    ②Carlo Ginzburg,“From Aby Warburg to E.H. Gombrich:A Problem of Method”,in Clues,Myths,and theHistorical Method,p.58.
    ③Carlo Ginzburg,“From Aby Warburg to E.H. Gombrich:A Problem of Method”,in Clues,Myths,and theHistorical Method,p.59.
    ④Carlo Ginzburg,“From Aby Warburg to E.H. Gombrich:A Problem of Method”,in Clues,Myths,and theHistorical Method,p.59.
    ①Carlo Ginzburg,The Enigma of Piero:Piero della Francesca(New Edition with Appendices),translated byMartion Ryle&Kate Soper,London&New York:Verso,2000,p.xxvii.
    ②Carlo Ginzburg,“The High and the Low:The Theme of Forbidden Knowledge in the Sixteenth and SeventeenthCenturies”,in Clues,Myths,and the Historical Method,p.62.
    ①Carlo Ginzburg,“The High and the Low:The Theme of Forbidden Knowledge in the Sixteenth and SeventeenthCenturies”,in Carlo Ginzburg,Clues,Myths,and the Historical Method,translated by John Tedeschi&AnneTedeschi,Baltimore:Johns Hopkins University Press,1992,pp.63-64.
    ②Carlo Ginzburg,“The High and the Low:The Theme of Forbidden Knowledge in the Sixteenth and SeventeenthCenturies”,in Clues,Myths,and the Historical Method,p.64.
    ③阿尔恰托及其寓言图册的相关情况参考了“Wikipedia,the free encyclopedia”的“AndreaAlciato”词条
    ④Carlo Ginzburg,“The High and the Low:The Theme of Forbidden Knowledge in the Sixteenth and SeventeenthCenturies”,in Clues,Myths,and the Historical Method,p.64.
    ⑤Cf.,Carlo Ginzburg,“The High and the Low:The Theme of Forbidden Knowledge in the Sixteenth andSeventeenth Centuries”,in Clues,Myths,and the Historical Method,p.64,n.22.
    ①Carlo Ginzburg,“The High and the Low:The Theme of Forbidden Knowledge in the Sixteenth and SeventeenthCenturies”,in Clues,Myths,and the Historical Method,p.70.
    ②Carlo Ginzburg,“The High and the Low:The Theme of Forbidden Knowledge in the Sixteenth and SeventeenthCenturies”,in Clues,Myths,and the Historical Method,p.70.
    ①Carlo Ginzburg,“The High and the Low:The Theme of Forbidden Knowledge in the Sixteenth and SeventeenthCenturies”,in Clues,Myths,and the Historical Method,p.70.
    ②Carlo Ginzburg,“The High and the Low:The Theme of Forbidden Knowledge in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth
    ①Carlo Ginzburg,“The High and the Low:The Theme of Forbidden Knowledge in the Sixteenth and SeventeenthCenturies”,in Clues,Myths,and the Historical Method,pp.74-75.
    ②Carlo Ginzburg,“The High and the Low:The Theme of Forbidden Knowledge in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth
    ①Carlo Ginzburg,“Titian,Ovid,and Sixteenth-Century Codes for Erotic Illustration”,in Carlo Ginzburg,Clues,Myths,and the Historical Method,translated by John Tedeschi&Anne Tedeschi,Baltimore:Johns HopkinsUniversity Press,1992,p.81.
    ②Cf.,Carlo Ginzburg,“Titian,Ovid,and Sixteenth-Century Codes for Erotic Illustration”,in Clues,Myths,and the Historical Method,p.83.
    ①Carlo Ginzburg,“Titian,Ovid,and Sixteenth-Century Codes for Erotic Illustration”,in Clues,Myths,andthe Historical Method,p.83.
    ②Carlo Ginzburg,“Titian,Ovid,and Sixteenth-Century Codes for Erotic Illustration”,in Clues,Myths,andthe Historical Method,p.83.
    ③Cf.,Carlo Ginzburg,“Titian,Ovid,and Sixteenth-Century Codes for Erotic Illustration”,in Clues,Myths,and the Historical Method,p.84.
    ④Carlo Ginzburg,“Titian,Ovid,and Sixteenth-Century Codes for Erotic Illustration”,in Clues,Myths,andthe Historical Method,p.84.
    ⑤Carlo Ginzburg,“Titian,Ovid,and Sixteenth-Century Codes for Erotic Illustration”,in Clues,Myths,andthe Historical Method,p.85.
    ⑥Carlo Ginzburg,“Titian,Ovid,and Sixteenth-Century Codes for Erotic Illustration”,in Clues,Myths,andthe Historical Method,p.83.
    ①Carlo Ginzburg,“Titian,Ovid,and Sixteenth-Century Codes for Erotic Illustration”,in Clues,Myths,andthe Historical Method,p.86.
    ①Carlo Ginzburg,“Titian,Ovid,and Sixteenth-Century Codes for Erotic Illustration”,in Clues,Myths,andthe Historical Method,p.86.
    ②此处为金兹堡引用的奥维德《变形记》的原文,见“Titian,Ovid,and Sixteenth-Century Codes for EroticIllustration”第87页。此处引文也参照了《变形记》的中译本,参见,奥维德:《变形记》,杨周翰译,北京:人民文学出版社,1984年版,第36页。
    ①Carlo Ginzburg,“Titian,Ovid,and Sixteenth-Century Codes for Erotic Illustration”,in Clues,Myths,andthe Historical Method,p.87.
    ②Carlo Ginzburg,“Titian,Ovid,and Sixteenth-Century Codes for Erotic Illustration”,in Clues,Myths,andthe Historical Method,p.88.
    ③Carlo Ginzburg,“Titian,Ovid,and Sixteenth-Century Codes for Erotic Illustration”,in Clues,Myths,andthe Historical Method,p.88.
    ①参见“Titian,Ovid,and Sixteenth-Century Codes for Erotic Illustration”第88页。奥维德:《变形记》,杨周翰译,北京:人民文学出版社,1984年版,第50-51页。
    ②Carlo Ginzburg,“Titian,Ovid,and Sixteenth-Century Codes for Erotic Illustration”,in Clues,Myths,andthe Historical Method,p.91.
    ①Carlo Ginzburg,“Titian,Ovid,and Sixteenth-Century Codes for Erotic Illustration”,in Clues,Myths,andthe Historical Method,p.88.
    ①Carlo Ginzburg,“Titian,Ovid,and Sixteenth-Century Codes for Erotic Illustration”,in Clues,Myths,andthe Historical Method,p.91.
    ②金兹堡的《线索》一文的意大利文版和英文版都有多个版本。本文选择内容最全的两个版本为主要参照,分别是:“Clues:Roots of an Evidential Paradigm”,in Carlo Ginzburg,Clues,Myths,and the Historical Method,translated by John Tedeschi&Anne Tedeschi,Baltimore:The johns Hopkins University Press,1992,p.96-125.以及“Morelli,Freud and Sherlock Holmes:Clues and Scientific Method”,translated and introduced byAnnaDavin,History Workshop,No.9(Spring,1980),pp.5-36.本文的引文皆以上述两种版本为准。除以上两种版本,其它版本还包括:“Spie. Radici di un paradigm”,Rivista di storia contemporanea7(1978):1-14.“Spie.Radici di un paradigm”,Ombre rosse29(1979):80-107.“Spie. Radici di un paradigm”,in A.Gargani(ed.),Crisi della ragione,Turin,1979,pp.57-106.“Morelli,Freud and Sherlock Holmes:Clues and ScientificMethod”,in Umberto Eco&Thomas A.Sebeok(eds.),The Sign of Three:Dupin,Holmes,Peirce,Bloomington:ind.,1983,pp.81-118.
    ③Carlo Ginzburg,“Clues:Roots of an Evidential Paradigm”,in Clues,Myths,and Historical Method,p.103.
    ①Carlo Ginzburg,“Morelli,Freud and Sherlock Holmes:Clues and Scientific Method”,translated and introducedby Anna Davin,History Workshop,No.9(Spring,1980),p.7.
    ②Carlo Ginzburg,“Morelli,Freud and Sherlock Holmes:Clues and Scientific Method”,p.7.
    ③Carlo Ginzburg,“Morelli,Freud and Sherlock Holmes:Clues and Scientific Method”,p.8.
    ④Carlo Ginzburg,“Morelli,Freud and Sherlock Holmes:Clues and Scientific Method”,p.8.
    ①Carlo Ginzburg,“Morelli,Freud and Sherlock Holmes:Clues and Scientific Method”,p.9.
    ①Carlo Ginzburg,“Morelli,Freud and Sherlock Holmes:Clues and Scientific Method”,p.12.
    ②Carlo Ginzburg,“Morelli,Freud and Sherlock Holmes:Clues and Scientific Method”,p.12.
    ③Carlo Ginzburg,“Morelli,Freud and Sherlock Holmes:Clues and Scientific Method”,p.13.
    ①Carlo Ginzburg,“Morelli,Freud and Sherlock Holmes:Clues and Scientific Method”,pp.13-14.
    ②Carlo Ginzburg,“Morelli,Freud and Sherlock Holmes:Clues and Scientific Method”,pp.14-15.
    ③Carlo Ginzburg,“Morelli,Freud and Sherlock Holmes:Clues and Scientific Method”,p.19.
    ④Carlo Ginzburg,“Clues:Roots of an Evidential Paradigm”,in Clues,Myths,and Historical Method,p.115.
    ⑤Carlo Ginzburg,“Clues:Roots of an Evidential Paradigm”,in Clues,Myths,and Historical Method,p.117.
    ⑥Carlo Ginzburg,“Clues:Roots of an Evidential Paradigm”,in Clues,Myths,and Historical Method,p.103.
    ⑦Carlo Ginzburg,“Morelli,Freud and Sherlock Holmes:Clues and Scientific Method”,p.15.
    ①Carlo Ginzburg,“Clues:Roots of an Evidential Paradigm”,in Clues,Myths,and Historical Method,p.106.
    ②Carlo Ginzburg,“Clues:Roots of an Evidential Paradigm”,in Clues,Myths,and Historical Method,p.106.
    ③Carlo Ginzburg,“Morelli,Freud and Sherlock Holmes:Clues and Scientific Method”,p.15.
    ④Carlo Ginzburg,“Morelli,Freud and Sherlock Holmes:Clues and Scientific Method”,p.16.
    ⑤Carlo Ginzburg,“Morelli,Freud and Sherlock Holmes:Clues and Scientific Method”,p.16.
    ①Carlo Ginzburg,“Clues:Roots of an Evidential Paradigm”,in Clues,Myths,and Historical Method,pp.114-115.
    ②Cf.,Carlo Ginzburg,the Enigma of piero——Piero della Francesca,(New Edition with Appendices),trans.Martin Ryle&Kate Soper,London&New York:Verso,2000,pp.9-10.
    ①Cf.,Carlo Ginzburg,the Enigma of piero——Piero della Francesca,pp.55-56.
    ②Carlo Ginzburg,the Enigma of piero——Piero della Francesca,p.61.
    ①Carlo Ginzburg,the Enigma of piero——Piero della Francesca,p.61.
    ②Carlo Ginzburg,the Enigma of piero——Piero della Francesca,p.62.
    ①Cf.,Carlo Ginzburg,the Enigma of piero——Piero della Francesca,pp.15-21.
    ④Carlo Ginzburg,the Enigma of piero——Piero della Francesca,p.75.
    ①Cf.,Carlo Ginzburg,the Enigma of piero——Piero della Francesca,p.76.
    ②Carlo Ginzburg,the Enigma of piero——Piero della Francesca,p.85.
    ①Carlo Ginzburg,the Enigma of piero——Piero della Francesca,p.82.
    ②Carlo Ginzburg,the Enigma of piero——Piero della Francesca,p.84.
    ③Carlo Ginzburg,the Enigma of piero——Piero della Francesca,p.83.
    ④Carlo Ginzburg,the Enigma of piero——Piero della Francesca,p.85.
    ②Carlo Ginzburg,The Cheese and the Worms:The Cosmos of a Sixteenth-Century Miller,p.xv.
    ③Carlo Ginzburg,“The High and the Low:The Theme of Forbidden Knowledge in the Sixteenth and SeventeenthCenturies”,in Clues,Myths,and the Historical Method,pp.66-67.
    ②Daniel Roche,The Culture of Clothing:Dress and Fashion in the Ancient Regime,Cambridge,New York:Cambridge University Press,1994,p.5.
    ①Carlo Ginzburg,The Enigma of piero——Piero della Francesca,pp.71-72.
    ①Carlo Ginzburg,The Enigma of piero——Piero della Francesca,p.xxv.
    ②Cf.,Carlo Ginzburg,The Enigma of piero——Piero della Francesca,p.62,70,75,84.
    ③Carlo Ginzburg,The Enigma of piero——Piero della Francesca,p.xvii.
    ④Robert Black,“The Uses and Abuses of Iconology:Piero della Francesca and Carlo Ginzburg(Review)”,Oxford Art Journal,Vol.9,No.2(1986),p.70.
    ⑤Jonathan B Riess,“Review about The Enigma of Piero”,The American Historical Review,Vol.92,No.1,1987,pp.162-163.
    ①Peter Burke,“Reviews about Clue,Myth,and Historical Method”,in The Journal of Modern History,Vol.
    ③Philippe Ariès,Centuries of Childhood:A Social History of Family Life,translated by Robert Baldick,NewYork:Alfred A. Knopf,1962,pp.64-67,132.
    ①Ginzburg,Carlo,Clues, Myths, and the Historical Method,translated by John Tedeschi&Anne
    ①Carlo Ginzburg,The Night Battles:Witchcraft&Agrarian Cults in the Sixteenth&Seventeenth Centuries,pp.xx-xxi.
    ②Carlo Ginzburg,Clues,Myths,and Historical Method,p.viii.
    ③Carlo Ginzburg,Clues,Myths,and Historical Method,p.viii.
    ④Carlo Ginzburg,The Cheese and the Worms:A Cosmos of Sixteen-Century Miller,translated by John Tedeschi&Anne Tedeschi,Baltimore:The Johns Hopkins University Press,1992,pp.57-58.
    ⑤Carlo Ginzburg,The Cheese and the Worms:A Cosmos of Sixteen-Century Miller,p.58.
    ①Carlo Ginzburg,The Cheese and the Worms:A Cosmos of Sixteen-Century Miller,p.58.
    ①Carlo Ginzburg,Clues,Myths,and Historical Method,p.x.
    ④Carlo Ginzburg,Clues,Myths,and Historical Method,p.x.
    ⑦Carlo Ginzburg,Clues,Myths,and Historical Method,p.x.
    ③Carlo Ginzburg,Clues,Myths,and Historical Method,p.viii.
    ④Carlo Ginzburg,Clues,Myths,and Historical Method,p.xi.
    ⑤Carlo Ginzburg,The Night Battles:Witchcraft&Agrarian Cults in the Sixteenth&Seventeenth Centuries,p.xxi.
    ①Carlo Ginzburg,Clues,Myths,and Historical Method,pp.x-xi.
    ②Carlo Ginzburg,Clues,Myths,and Historical Method,p.ix.
    ⑤Carlo Ginzburg,Clues,Myths,and Historical Method,pp.xii.
    ①Cf.,V. Propp,Morphology of the Folktale,translated by Laurence Scott,Austin:University of Texas Press,2009,pp.19-20.
    ②V. Propp,Morphology of the Folktale,p.15.
    ③V. Propp,Morphology of the Folktale,p.16.
    ④Carlo Ginzburg,Clues,Myths,and Historical Method,pp.xii.
    ①Carlo Ginzburg,Clues,Myths,and Historical Method,pp.xii.
    ②Carlo Ginzburg,Clues,Myths,and Historical Method,pp.xii.
    ③Ludwig Wittgenstein,Remarks on Frazer’s Golden Bough,translated by A. C. Miles,Humanities Press,1987,p.9.
    ④Ludwig Wittgenstein,Remarks on Frazer’s Golden Bough,p.10.
    ②Carlo Ginzburg,Ecstasies:Deciphering the Witches’ Sabbath,translated by Raymond Rosenthal,Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1991,p.15.
    ③Carlo Ginzburg,Ecstasies:Deciphering the Witches’ Sabbath,p.16.
    ④Carlo Ginzburg,Ecstasies:Deciphering the Witches’ Sabbath,p.16.
    ①Ginzburg,Carlo,“Some queries Addressed to myself”,in International Balzan Foundation,Carlo Ginzburg:2010Balzan Prize for European History(1400-1700),Milan:Premi Balzan,2010,pp.15-16
    ②Carlo Ginzburg,Ecstasies:Deciphering the Witches’ Sabbath,pp.19-20.
    ①Carlo Ginzburg,Ecstasies:Deciphering the Witches’ Sabbath,pp.1-2.
    ②Cf.,Carlo Ginzburg,Ecstasies:Deciphering the Witches’ Sabbath,pp.89-94.
    ③Cf.,Carlo Ginzburg,Ecstasies:Deciphering the Witches’ Sabbath,pp.96-97.
    ①Carlo Ginzburg,Ecstasies:Deciphering the Witches’ Sabbath,p.166.
    ②Cf.,Carlo Ginzburg,Ecstasies:Deciphering the Witches’ Sabbath,pp.153-155.
    ③Carlo Ginzburg,Ecstasies:Deciphering the Witches’ Sabbath,p.171.
    ④Carlo Ginzburg,Ecstasies:Deciphering the Witches’ Sabbath,p.136.
    ⑤Cf.,Carlo Ginzburg,Ecstasies:Deciphering the Witches’ Sabbath,p.100.
    ①Carlo Ginzburg,Ecstasies:Deciphering the Witches’ Sabbath,p.158.
    ②Cf.,Carlo Ginzburg,Ecstasies:Deciphering the Witches’ Sabbath,p.139.
    ③Carlo Ginzburg,Ecstasies:Deciphering the Witches’ Sabbath,pp.184-185.
    ④Carlo Ginzburg,Ecstasies:Deciphering the Witches’ Sabbath,p.80.
    ⑤Carlo Ginzburg,Ecstasies:Deciphering the Witches’ Sabbath,pp.33-34.
    ①Carlo Ginzburg,Ecstasies:Deciphering the Witches’ Sabbath,p.35.
    ②Cf.,Carlo Ginzburg,Ecstasies:Deciphering the Witches’ Sabbath,p.35.
    ③Carlo Ginzburg,Ecstasies:Deciphering the Witches’ Sabbath,p.63.
    ④Carlo Ginzburg,Ecstasies:Deciphering the Witches’ Sabbath,p.69.
    ⑤Carlo Ginzburg,Ecstasies:Deciphering the Witches’ Sabbath,pp.72-73.
    ①Carlo Ginzburg,Ecstasies:Deciphering the Witches’ Sabbath,p.80.
    ②Carlo Ginzburg,Ecstasies:Deciphering the Witches’ Sabbath,p.213.
    ③Carlo Ginzburg,Ecstasies:Deciphering the Witches’ Sabbath,p.260.
    ④Carlo Ginzburg,Ecstasies:Deciphering the Witches’ Sabbath,p.266.
    ⑤Cf.,Carlo Ginzburg,Ecstasies:Deciphering the Witches’ Sabbath,pp.208-209.
    ①Carlo Ginzburg,Ecstasies:Deciphering the Witches’ Sabbath,p.210,p.214.
    ②Carlo Ginzburg,Ecstasies:Deciphering the Witches’ Sabbath,p.260.
    ③Carlo Ginzburg,Ecstasies:Deciphering the Witches’ Sabbath,p.210.
    ④Carlo Ginzburg,Ecstasies:Deciphering the Witches’ Sabbath,p.236.
    ⑤Carlo Ginzburg,Ecstasies:Deciphering the Witches’ Sabbath,p.228.
    ⑥Cf.,Carlo Ginzburg,Ecstasies:Deciphering the Witches’ Sabbath,pp.229-231.
    ⑦Carlo Ginzburg,Ecstasies:Deciphering the Witches’ Sabbath,p.230.
    ①Carlo Ginzburg,Ecstasies:Deciphering the Witches’ Sabbath,p.240.
    ②Carlo Ginzburg,Ecstasies:Deciphering the Witches’ Sabbath,pp.241-242.
    ③Carlo Ginzburg,Ecstasies:Deciphering the Witches’ Sabbath,p.243.
    ④Cf.,Carlo Ginzburg,Ecstasies:Deciphering the Witches’ Sabbath,p.246.
    ⑤Carlo Ginzburg,Ecstasies:Deciphering the Witches’ Sabbath,p.243.
    ⑥Carlo Ginzburg,Ecstasies:Deciphering the Witches’ Sabbath,p.211.
    ①Carlo Ginzburg,Ecstasies:Deciphering the Witches’ Sabbath,p.307.
    ②Carlo Ginzburg,No Island is an Island:Four Glances at English Literature in a World Perspective,translatedby John Tedeschi,New York:Columbia University Press,2000.
    ③Carlo Ginzburg,No Island is an Island:Four Glances at English Literature in a World Perspective,p.xi.
    ④Cf.,Quentin Skinner,“Sir Thomas More’s Utopia and the Language of Renaissance Humanism”,in AnthonyPagden(ed.),The Languages of Political Theory in Early-Modern Europe,Cambridge:The Cambridge UniversityPress,1987,p.123,p.125,p.155.
    ①Carlo Ginzburg,“The Old World and the New Seen from Nowhere”,in No Island is an Island,pp.1-2.
    ②Carlo Ginzburg,“The Old World and the New Seen from Nowhere”,in No Island is an Island,p.11.
    ③Carlo Ginzburg,“The Old World and the New Seen from Nowhere”,in No Island is an Island,p.2.
    ④Carlo Ginzburg,“The Old World and the New Seen from Nowhere”,in No Island is an Island,pp.12-13.
    ⑤Carlo Ginzburg,“The Old World and the New Seen from Nowhere”,in No Island is an Island,p.13.
    ⑥Cf.,Carlo Ginzburg,“The Old World and the New Seen from Nowhere”,in No Island is an Island,p.9.《乌
    ①Carlo Ginzburg,“Selfhood as Otherness:Constructing English Identity in the Elizabethan Age”,in No Islandis an Island,pp.26-27.
    ②Carlo Ginzburg,“Selfhood as Otherness:Constructing English Identity in the Elizabethan Age”,in No Islandis an Island,p.28.
    ③Carlo Ginzburg,“Selfhood as Otherness:Constructing English Identity in the Elizabethan Age”,in No Islandis an Island,p.30.
    ④Carlo Ginzburg,“Selfhood as Otherness:Constructing English Identity in the Elizabethan Age”,in No Islandis an Island,p.30.
    ⑤Carlo Ginzburg,“Selfhood as Otherness:Constructing English Identity in the Elizabethan Age”,in No Islandis an Island,pp.32-33.
    ⑥Cf.,Carlo Ginzburg,“Selfhood as Otherness:Constructing English Identity in the Elizabethan Age”,in NoIsland is an Island,p.31.
    ①Carlo Ginzburg,“Selfhood as Otherness:Constructing English Identity in the Elizabethan Age”,in No Islandis an Island,p.33.
    ②Carlo Ginzburg,“Selfhood as Otherness:Constructing English Identity in the Elizabethan Age”,in No Islandis an Island,p.42.
    ①Carlo Ginzburg,“A Search for Origins:Rereading Tristram Shandy”,in No Island is an Island,p.47.
    ②Carlo Ginzburg,“A Search for Origins:Rereading Tristram Shandy”,in No Island is an Island,p.48.
    ③Carlo Ginzburg,“A Search for Origins:Rereading Tristram Shandy”,in No Island is an Island,p.50
    ④Carlo Ginzburg,“A Search for Origins:Rereading Tristram Shandy”,in No Island is an Island,p.53.
    ⑤Carlo Ginzburg,“A Search for Origins:Rereading Tristram Shandy”,in No Island is an Island,p.50,p.53.
    ⑥Carlo Ginzburg,“A Search for Origins:Rereading Tristram Shandy”,in No Island is an Island,p.57.
    ⑦Carlo Ginzburg,“A Search for Origins:Rereading Tristram Shandy”,in No Island is an Island,p.57.
    ①Carlo Ginzburg,“Tusitala and His Polish Reader”,in No Island is an Island,p.80.
    ②转引自Carlo Ginzburg,“Tusitala and His Polish Reader”,in No Island is an Island,p.81.此段引文的中文版参见,马凌诺斯基:《西太平洋的航海者》,梁永佳、李绍明译,北京:华夏出版社,2001年版,第79页。
    ③Carlo Ginzburg,“Tusitala and His Polish Reader”,in No Island is an Island,p.81.
    ④Carlo Ginzburg,“Tusitala and His Polish Reader”,in No Island is an Island,p.82.
    ⑤Carlo Ginzburg,“Tusitala and His Polish Reader”,in No Island is an Island,p.85.
    ①Carlo Ginzburg,“Tusitala and His Polish Reader”,in No Island is an Island,p.85.
    ②Carlo Ginzburg,“Tusitala and His Polish Reader”,in No Island is an Island,p.84.
    ②Edward Muir,“Introduction:Observing Trifles”,in Edward Muir&Guido Ruggiero(eds.),Microhistory andthe Lost Peoples of Europe,translated by Eren Branch,Baltimore&London:The Johns Hopkins UniversityPress,1991,p.xviii.
    ①Cf.,Charles S. Peirce,“Abduction,Deduction,and Induction”,in Charles HarLshorne&Paul Weiss(eds.),Collected Papers of Charles Saiarlers Peirce,vol.2,Cambridge&Ma:Harvard University Press,1931-1935,Peirce:CP2.623.(原书无页码,以小节方式区分,此处标注的意思是:《查尔斯·皮尔士文集》第2卷,第623小节。)
    ②Charles S. Peirce,Collected Papers of Charles Saiarlers Peirce,Peirce:CP5.170.
    ③Rodney Neeham,“Polythetic Classification:Convergence and Consequences”,Man,New Series,Vol.10,No.3(Sep.,1975),pp.351.
    ①Carlo Ginzburg,Ecstasies:Deciphering the Witches’ Sabbath,p.16.
    ②Thomas S. Kuhn,The Structure of Scientific Revolutions,3nd,Chicago&London:The University of ChicagoPress,1996,pp.5-6.
    ③Carlo Ginzburg,“Letter for Witchcraft”,London review of Books,vol.13,No.1,(Jan.10),1991,来源:http://www.lrb.co.uk/v13/n01/letters#letter1.
    ②Perry Anderson,“Nocturnal Enquiry:Carlo Ginzburg”,in A Zone of Engagement,London&New York:Verso,1992,p.211.
    ③Perry Anderson,“Nocturnal Enquiry:Carlo Ginzburg”,in A Zone of Engagement,pp.212-213.
    ①Perry Anderson,“Nocturnal Enquiry:Carlo Ginzburg”,in A Zone of Engagement,p.219.
    ②Carlo Ginzburg,“Letter for Witchcraft”,来源:http://www.lrb.co.uk/v13/n01/letters#letter1.
    ③Carlo Ginzburg,“Letter for Witchcraft”,来源:http://www.lrb.co.uk/v13/n01/letters#letter1.
    ①Carlo Ginzburg,Ecstasies:Deciphering the Witches’ Sabbath,p.71,p.131,p.133,p.154,p.184,p.214,p.216,p.238,p.258.
    ②Perry Anderson,“Nocturnal Enquiry:Carlo Ginzburg”,in A Zone of Engagement,p.216.
    ③Perry Anderson,“Nocturnal Enquiry:Carlo Ginzburg”,in A Zone of Engagement,p.215.
    ①Perry Anderson,“Nocturnal Enquiry:Carlo Ginzburg”,in A Zone of Engagement,p.213.
    ②Perry Anderson,“Nocturnal Enquiry:Carlo Ginzburg”,in A Zone of Engagement,p.217.
    ③Perry Anderson,“Nocturnal Enquiry:Carlo Ginzburg”,in A Zone of Engagement,p.217.
    ④Perry Anderson,“Nocturnal Enquiry:Carlo Ginzburg”,in A Zone of Engagement,pp.219-220.
    ⑤Perry Anderson,“Nocturnal Enquiry:Carlo Ginzburg”,in A Zone of Engagement,p.228.
    ⑥Perry Anderson,“Nocturnal Enquiry:Carlo Ginzburg”,in A Zone of Engagement,p.229.
    ①Carlo Ginzburg,“Letter for Witchcraft”,来源:http://www.lrb.co.uk/v13/n01/letters#letter1.
    ②Carlo Ginzburg,“Letter for Witchcraft”,来源:http://www.lrb.co.uk/v13/n01/letters#letter1.
    ②Lawrence Stone,“The Revival of Narrative:Reflections on a New Old History”,Past&Present,No.85(Nov.,1979), p.21.
    ④Victoria E. Bonnell&Lynn Hunt eds.,Beyond the Cultural Turn:New Directions in the Study of Society andCulture,Berkeley&Los Angeles&London:University of California Press,1999,p.80.
    ⑤Jean-Fran ois Lyotard,The Postmodern Condition:A Report on Knowledge,translated by Geoff Bennington,Brian Massumi&Fredric Jameson,Minneapolis:University of Minnesota Press,1984,p.xxiv.
    ⑥Jean-Fran ois Lyotard,The Postmodern Condition:A Report on Knowledge,p.xxv.
    ①Roland Barthes,“The Discourse of History”,translated by Stephen Bann. Comparative Criticism,1981(3),pp.7-20. From:http://www.clas.ufl.edu/users/pcraddoc/barthes.htm.
    ⑥Jacques Derrida,Of Grammatology,translated by Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak,Baltimore&London:JohnsHopkins University Press,1976,p.158.
    ③Carlo Ginzburg,History,Rhetoric,and Proof,Hanover&London:University Press of New England,1999,p.1.
    ④Cf.,Carlo Ginzburg,Threads and Traces True False Fictive,Berkeley&Los Angeles&London:University
    ①Carlo Ginzburg,History,Rhetoric,and Proof,p.1.
    ③Carlo Ginzburg,“Checking the Evidence:The Judge and the Historian”,Critical Inquiry,Vol.18,No.1,1991,p.91.
    ④Carlo Ginzburg,Clues,Mythes,and the Historical Method,p.161.
    ⑤Carlo Ginzburg,History,Rhetoric,and Proof,p.21.
    ⑥Carlo Ginzburg,“Checking the Evidence:The Judge and the Historian”,Critical Inquiry,Vol.18,No.1,1991,pp.83-84.
    ①Carlo Ginzburg,History,Rhetoric,and Proof,p.24.
    ②Carlo Ginzburg,History,Rhetoric,and Proof,p.25.
    ③Carlo Ginzburg,History,Rhetoric,and Proof,p.39.
    ④Carlo Ginzburg,History,Rhetoric,and Proof,p.39《.修辞学》的原文可参见英译本:Aristotle,On Rhetoric:A Theory of Civic Discourse(.Second Edition),translated by. Ceorge A. Kennedy,Oxford University Press,2007,p.31.中译本参见,亚理斯多德:《修辞学》,罗念生译,上海:上海人民出版社,2005年版,第19页。金兹堡的引文内容与《修辞学》的英译本、中译本的内容出入很大,本文以英文版为准。
    ⑤Cf.,Carlo Ginzburg,History,Rhetoric,and Proof,p.39. Aristotle,On Rhetoric:A Theory of Civic Discourse.
    (Second Edition),p.38.亚理斯多德:《修辞学》,第24页。
    ①Cf.,Carlo Ginzburg,History,Rhetoric,and Proof,p.40. Aristotle,On Rhetoric:A Theory of Civic Discourse.(Second Edition),p.38.亚理斯多德:《修辞学》,第23页。
    ②Cf.,Carlo Ginzburg,History,Rhetoric,and Proof,p.40. Aristotle,On Rhetoric:A Theory of Civic Discourse.(Second Edition),pp.82-83.亚理斯多德:《修辞学》,第49页。
    ③Cf.,Carlo Ginzburg,History,Rhetoric,and Proof,p.40. Aristotle,On Rhetoric:A Theory of Civic Discourse.(Second Edition),p.40.亚理斯多德:《修辞学》,第24页。
    ④Carlo Ginzburg,History,Rhetoric,and Proof,pp.43-44.
    ②Carlo Ginzburg,History,Rhetoric,and Proof,p.50.
    ③Carlo Ginzburg,History,Rhetoric,and Proof,p.1.
    ②Carlo Ginzburg,History,Rhetoric,and Proof,p.23.
    ③Cf.,Carlo Ginzburg,History,Rhetoric,and Proof,p.40. Aristotle,On Rhetoric:A Theory of Civic Discourse.(Second Edition),pp.41-42.亚理斯多德:《修辞学》,第25页。
    ①Carlo Ginzburg,History,Rhetoric,and Proof,pp.41-42.
    ③Carlo Ginzburg,History,Rhetoric,and Proof,p.22.
    ④Carlo Ginzburg,History,Rhetoric,and Proof,p.42.
    ①Carlo Ginzburg,History,Rhetoric,and Proof,p.42.
    ②Carlo Ginzburg,History,Rhetoric,and Proof,p.50.
    ③Carlo Ginzburg,History,Rhetoric,and Proof,p.23.
    ④Carlo Ginzburg,History,Rhetoric,and Proof,p.23.
    ⑤Carlo Ginzburg,“Lorenzo Valla on the‘Donation of Constantine’”,in History,Rhetoric,and Proof,p.64.
    ⑥Carlo Ginzburg,“Lorenzo Valla on the‘Donation of Constantine’”,in History,Rhetoric,and Proof,p.57.(原文如此)
    ①Carlo Ginzburg,“Lorenzo Valla on the‘Donation of Constantine’”,in History,Rhetoric,and Proof,p.65.
    ②Carlo Ginzburg,“Lorenzo Valla on the‘Donation of Constantine’”,in History,Rhetoric,and Proof,p.55.
    ③Carlo Ginzburg,“Lorenzo Valla on the‘Donation of Constantine’”,in History,Rhetoric,and Proof,p.66.
    ②Carlo Ginzburg,Clues,Mythes,and the Historical Method,p.161.
    ③Carlo Ginzburg,History,Rhetoric,and Proof,p.23.
    ①Carlo Ginzburg,“Alien Voices:The Dialogic Element in Early Modern Jesuit Historiography”,in History,Rhetoric,and Proof,pp.72-73.
    ②在文章的结尾,金兹堡指出:“他(郭碧恩)从未去过马里亚纳群岛。除了弗朗西斯科·加西卡的《马里亚纳群岛编年纪》,他主要依靠与菲律宾行省神甫每年一度的通信了解信息。”Cf.,Carlo Ginzburg,“AlienVoices:The Dialogic Element in Early Modern Jesuit Historiography”,in History,Rhetoric,and Proof,p.71.
    ①Carlo Ginzburg,“Alien Voices:The Dialogic Element in Early Modern Jesuit Historiography”,in History,Rhetoric,and Proof,pp.73-74.
    ②Carlo Ginzburg,“Alien Voices:The Dialogic Element in Early Modern Jesuit Historiography”,in History,Rhetoric,and Proof,p.75.
    ③Carlo Ginzburg,“Alien Voices:The Dialogic Element in Early Modern Jesuit Historiography”,in History,Rhetoric,and Proof,p.82.
    ④Carlo Ginzburg,“Alien Voices:The Dialogic Element in Early Modern Jesuit Historiography”,in History,Rhetoric,and Proof,p.75.
    ①Carlo Ginzburg,“Alien Voices:The Dialogic Element in Early Modern Jesuit Historiography”,in History,Rhetoric,and Proof,p.79.
    ②Carlo Ginzburg,“Alien Voices:The Dialogic Element in Early Modern Jesuit Historiography”,in History,Rhetoric,and Proof,p.77.
    ③Carlo Ginzburg,“Alien Voices:The Dialogic Element in Early Modern Jesuit Historiography”,in History,Rhetoric,and Proof,pp.76-77.
    ④Carlo Ginzburg,“Alien Voices:The Dialogic Element in Early Modern Jesuit Historiography”,in History,Rhetoric,and Proof,p.77.
    ⑤Carlo Ginzburg,“Alien Voices:The Dialogic Element in Early Modern Jesuit Historiography”,in History,Rhetoric,and Proof,p.76.
    ⑥Carlo Ginzburg,“Alien Voices:The Dialogic Element in Early Modern Jesuit Historiography”,in History,Rhetoric,and Proof,p.83.
    ⑦Carlo Ginzburg,“Alien Voices:The Dialogic Element in Early Modern Jesuit Historiography”,in History,Rhetoric,and Proof,pp.83-84.
    ①Carlo Ginzburg,“Alien Voices:The Dialogic Element in Early Modern Jesuit Historiography”,in History,Rhetoric,and Proof,p.71.
    ②Carlo Ginzburg,“Alien Voices:The Dialogic Element in Early Modern Jesuit Historiography”,in History,Rhetoric,and Proof,p.84.
    ③Carlo Ginzburg,“Reflections on a Blank”,in History,Rhetoric,and Proof,p.101.
    ④Carlo Ginzburg,“Reflections on a Blank”,in History,Rhetoric,and Proof,p.101.
    ②Carlo Ginzburg,Wooden Eyes:Nine Reflections on Distance,translated by Martin Ryle&Kate Soper,NewYork:Columbia University Press,2001.
    ③Carlo Ginzburg,Wooden Eyes: Nine Reflections on Distance,p.xiii.
    ①Carlo Ginzburg,“Ecce:On the Scriptural Roots of Christian Devotional Imagery”,in Wooden Eyes:NineReflections on Distance,p.80.
    ①Carlo Ginzburg,“Ecce:On the Scriptural Roots of Christian Devotional Imagery”,in Wooden Eyes:NineReflections on Distance,p.85.
    ②Carlo Ginzburg,“Ecce:On the Scriptural Roots of Christian Devotional Imagery”,in Wooden Eyes:NineReflections on Distance,p.89.
    ③Carlo Ginzburg,“Ecce:On the Scriptural Roots of Christian Devotional Imagery”,in Wooden Eyes:NineReflections on Distance,p.93.
    ②Tony Bennet,Outside Literature,London,New York:Routledge,1990,pp.50-51.
    ③Karen H. Halttunen,“Cultural History and the Challenge of Narrativity”,in Lynn Hunt&Victoria E. Bonnell
    (eds.),Beyond the Cultural Turn:New Directions in the Study of Society and Culture,Berkeley&Los Angeles&London:University of California Press,pp.165-166.
    ①Carlo Ginzburg,Threads and Traces True False Fictive,p.2.
    ⑤Carlo Ginzburg,History,Rhetoric,and Proof,p.23.
    ①Carlo Ginzburg,“Making It Strange:The Prehistory of A Literary Device”,in Wooden Eyes:Nine Reflectionson Distance,p.2.
    ②Carlo Ginzburg,History,Rhetoric,and Proof,pp.1-2.
    ①Carlo Ginzburg,“Some queries Addressed to myself”,in International Balzan Foundation,Carlo Ginzburg:2010Balzan Prize for European History(1400-1700),Milan:Premi Balzan,2010,p.9.
    ②Carlo Ginzburg,“Some queries Addressed to myself”,in International Balzan Foundation,Carlo Ginzburg:2010Balzan Prize for European History(1400-1700),p.9.
    ④Carlo Ginzburg,“Just One witness”,in Saul Friedlande(red.),Probing the Limits of Representation,Cambridge&Massachusetts&London:Harvard University Press,1992,pp.95-96.
    ①Thomas S. Kuhn,The Structure of Scientific Revolutions,3nd,Chicago,London:The University of ChicagoPress,p.x.
    ②Thomas S. Kuhn,The Structure of Scientific Revolutions,3nd,p.5.
    ③Thomas S. Kuhn,The Structure of Scientific Revolutions,3nd,p.103.
    ④Lynn Hunt ed.,The New Cultural History,p.1.
    1. Ginzburg,Carlo,The Night Battles:Witchcraft&Agrarian Cults in the Sixteenth&Seventeenth Centuries,translated by John Tedeschi&Anne Tedeschi,London&New York:Routledge,2011.
    2. Ginzburg,Carlo,The Cheese and the Worms:A Cosmos of Sixteen-Century Miller,translatedby John Tedeschi&Anne Tedeschi,Baltimore:The Johns Hopkins University Press,1992.
    3. Ginzburg, Carlo, The Enigma of Piero: Piero della Francesca (New Edition withAppendices),translated by Martin Ryle&Kate Soper,London&New York:Verso,2000.
    4. Ginzburg,Carlo,Clues, Myths, and the Historical Method,translated by John Tedeschi&Anne Tedeschi,Baltimore:The Johns Hopkins University Press,1992.
    5. Ginzburg,Carlo,Ecstasies:Deciphering the withes’ Sabbath,tanslated by RaymondRosenthal,Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1989.
    6. Ginzburg,Carlo,Wooden Eyes:Nine Reflections on Distance,translated by Martin Ryle&Kate Soper,New York:Columbia University Press,1998.
    7. Ginzburg,Carlo,History,Rhetoric,and Proof,Hanover&London:University Press ofNew England,1999.
    8. Ginzburg,Carlo,No Island Is an Island:Four Glances at English Literature in a WorldPerspective,translated by John Tedeschi,New York:Columbia University Press,2000.
    9. Ginzburg,Carlo,Threads and Traces True False Fictive,Berkeley&Los Angeles&London:University of California Press,2012.
    10. Ginzburg,Carlo,“Morelli,Freud and Sherlock Holmes:Clues and Scientific Method”,translated and introduced by Anna Davin,History Workshop,No.9(Spring,1980),pp.5-36.
    11. Ginzburg,Carlo,“Checking the Evidence:The Judge and the Historian”,Critical Inquiry,Vol.18,No.1,1991,pp.79-92.
    12. Ginzburg,Carlo,“Just One witness”,in Saul Friedlander(ed.),Probing the Limits ofRepresentation,Cambridge&Massachusetts&London:Harvard University Press,1992,pp.82-96.
    13. Ginzburg,Carlo,“Microhistory:Two or Three Things That I Know about It”,translated byJohn Tedeschi&Anne C. Tedeschi,Critical Inquiry,Vol.20,No.1(Autumn,1993),pp.10-34.
    14. Ginzburg,Carlo,“Latitude,Slaves and the Bible:An Experiment in Microhistory”,CriticalInquiry. Vol.31,No.3(Spring,2005),pp.665-672.
    15. Ginzburg,Carlo,“Some queries Addressed to myself”,in International Balzan Foundation,Carlo Ginzburg:2010Balzan Prize for European History(1400-1700),Milan:PremiBalzan,2010.
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    2. Ariès,Philippe,Centuries of Childhood:A Social History of Family Life,translated by RobertBaldick,New York:Alfred A. Knopf,1962.
    3. Aristotle,On Rhetoric:A Theory of Civic Discourse(.Second Edition),translated by. CeorgeA. Kennedy,UK:Oxford University Press,2007.
    4. Bennet,Tony,Outside Literature,London,New York:Routledge,1990.
    5. Bloch,Marc,The Royal Touch,translated by J.E.Anderson,New York:Dorset Press,
    6. Bonnell,Victoria E.&Hunt,Lynn eds.,Beyond the Cultural Turn:New Directions in theStudy of Society and Culture,Berkeley&Los Angeles&London:University of CaliforniaPress,1999.
    7. Burke,Peter,The Historical Anthropology of Early Modern Italy:Essays on Perception andCommunication,Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1987.
    8. Burke,Peter ed.,New Perspectives on Historical Writing,Pennsylvania:The PennsylvaniaState University Press,1991.
    9. Chartier,Roger,Cultural History:Between Practices and Representations,translated byLydia G. Cochrane,Ithaca&New York:Cornell University Press,1988.
    10. Darnton,Robert,The Great Cat Massacre:and Other Episodes in French Cultural History,New York:Basic Books,1999.
    11. Derrida,Jacques,Of Grammatology,translated by Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak,Baltimore&London:Johns Hopkins University Press,1976.
    12. Geertz,Clifford,The Interpretation of Culture,New York:Basic Books,2000.
    13. Gombrich,E.H.,Art and Illusion:A Study in the Psychology of Pictorial Representation,London:Phaidon Press,1984.
    14. Hunt,Lynn ed.,The New Cultural History,Berkeley&Los Angeles&London:Universityof California Press,1989.
    15. Kuhn,Thomas S.,The Structure of Scientific Revolutions,3rded.,Chicago&London:The University of Chicago Press,1996.
    16. LaCapra,Dominick,History and Criticism,Ithaca&New York:Cornell University Press,
    17. Lyotard,Jean-Fran ois,The Postmodern Condition:A Report on Knowledge,translated byGeoff Bennington&Brian Massumi&Fredric Jameson,Minneapolis:University ofMinnesota Press,1984.
    18. Muir,Edward&Ruggiero,Guido eds.,Microhistory and the lost peoples of Europe,Baltimore&London:The John Hopkins Press,1991.
    19. Pagden,Anthony ed.,The Languages of Political Theory in Early-Modern Europe,Cambridge:The Cambridge University Press,1987.
    20. Peirce,Charles S.,Collected Papers of Charles Saiarlers Peirce,vol.2,Charles Hartshorne&Paul Weiss(eds.),From:http://ishare.iask.sina.com.cn/f/33459026.html.
    21. Propp,V.,Morphology of the Folktale,translated by Laurence Scott,Austin:Universityof Texas Press,2009.
    22. Revel,Jacques&Lynn Hunt eds.,Histories:French Constructions of the Past, New York:The New Press,1998.
    23. Roche,Daniel,The Culture of Clothing:Dress and Fashion in the Ancient Regime,Cambridge,New York:Cambridge University Press,1994.
    24. Wittgenstein,Ludwig,Remarks on Frazer’s Golden Bough,translated by A. C. Miles,Humanities Press,1987.
    1. Barthes,Roland,“The Discourse of History”,translated by Stephen Bann,ComparativeCriticism,1981(3),pp.7-20. From:http://www.clas.ufl.edu/users/pcraddoc/barthes.htm.
    2. Black,Robert,“The Uses and Abuses of Iconology:Piero della Francesca and CarloGinzburg”,Oxford Art Journal,Vol.9,No.2(1986),pp.67-71.
    3. Brown,Richard D.,“Microhistory and the Post-Modern Challenge”,Journal of the EarlyRepublic,Vol.23,No.1(Spring,2003),pp.1-20.
    4. Kandell,Jonathan,“Was the World Made Out of Cheese?”,New York Times,November17,1991,p.45.
    5. Luria,Keith&Gandolfo,Romulo,“Carlo Ginzburg:an interview”,Radical History Review,35,1986,pp.89-111.
    6. Neeham,Rodney,“Polythetic Classification:Convergence and Consequences”,Man,New Series,Vol.10,No.3(Sep.,1975),pp.349-369.
    7. Peltonen,Matti,“Clues, Margins, and Monads:The Micro-Macro Link in HistoricalResearch”,History and Theory,Vol.40,No.3(Oct.,2001),pp.347-359.
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    9. Riess,Jonathan B.,“Review about The Enigma of Piero”,The American Historical Review,Vol.92,No.1(1987),pp.162-163.
    10. Schutte,Anne Jacobson,“Carlo Ginzburg”,The Journal of Modern History,Vol.48,No.2(Jun.,1976),pp.296-315.
    11. Stone,Lawrence,“Prosopography”,Daedalus,Vol.100,No.1,Historical Studies Today(Winter,1971),pp.46-79.
    12. Subrahmanyam,Sanjay,The Stuff of Which History is Made:A Brief Conversation withCarlo Ginzburg,From:http://www.hindu.com/nic/ginzburg-interview.htm.
    13. Zambelli,Paola,“From Menocchio to Piero Della Francesca:The Work of Carlo Ginzburg”,The Historical Journal,Vol.28,No.4(Dec.,1985),pp.983-999.
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