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Accepted as the most effective measure to high carbon dilemma, carbon taxation have been implemented and gotten good results in Europe. In addition to decreasing carbon emission, carbon taxation is conductive to environmental taxation reform and "green trade barrier". These advantages make many counties preparing to formulate carbon taxation. As a responsible big country, China promises to decrease carbon emission remarkably. To fulfill this commitment, carbon taxation will be implemented during the "125" period. Therefore, researches of carbon taxation are in sore need. Different from current studys, we stress on regional differences, and analyse policy effects, optimal tax rate and related mechanisms.
     Through summarizing the Eureop experiences, this article states that the influences of carbon taxation to energy consumption, economic growth and income distribution are the key factors for governments to implement carbon taxation. Because the Eureopean countries are small, Eureopean carbon taxation just reflect industry differences of these influences and until now, researches of carbon taxation always pay attention to industry differences. However, China is a large country. Economic development modes have series reginal variation. Based on panel data, quantile regression model and correspondence analysis, this article finds remarkable differences of carbon taxation effects among different regions. Therefore, China's carbon taxation should regard reginal differences in addition to industry differences.
     On account of the empirical analysis above, this article estabilishes a multi-sectors dynamic optimization model to explore and compute the reginal optimal carbon taxation in China.
     Because reginal different taxation could induce multi-governments to play strategic behaviors, the effiency of reginal different carbon taxation depends on a series of conresponding meachanisms. This article starts from the environmental federalism theory, points out the shortages of the environmental federalism, develops dynamic games of complete information model and multi-task principal-agent model basing on Chinese style decentralization, and proposes suggestions for the effiency of regional different carbon taxation.
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