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     通过预备试验,设计出了适于C591的RAPD分析程序(94℃ 5分钟;94℃ 30
    秒;36℃ 1分钟;0.3℃/秒至56℃;72℃延伸2分钟;36循环;72
    ℃ 7分钟);PCR优化条件(25μ1反应体系:模板15ng;dNTPs150μM,Mg~(2+)2mM;
    对C591×铭贤169 F2代抗感基因池(BSA)进行了RAPD分析,结果发现了与
Stripe rust (yellow rust), caused by Puccinia striformis f. sp. tritici
     West., is one of the most important diseases on wheat in all the wheat-
     growing areas in the world, especially in China. Utilization of resistant
     cultivars is the most economic, effective and environment-sound way to
     control the disease. However, rapid reakdown of disease resistance
     resulted from the use of one or very few simple genes in a large area and
     then the disease prevailing is the problem puzzled breeders and
     phytopathologist for many years. Molecular markers linked to resistance
     gene can be very helpful to solve the problem.
     The wheat cultivar C591, introduced from India, is resistant to
     almost all the races of stripe rust in China at present. In this article the
     bulked segregation analysis (BSA) was used to develop the molecular
     makers linked to the resistance gene YrC59] in the cultivar.
     At first, the reaction mix components and RAPD program were
     optimized. The PCR mix in 25 ii 1 included: template DNA 1 5ng, dNTPs
     150 i-i M, MgC12 2mM; Taq DNA Polymerase 1U, random primer 0.4
     i-i M. The temperature profile was: 94C5min; then 940C 30secs, 360C
     1mm, 0.30C/sec to 560C, 720C 2mm, for 36cycles; at last 720C 7mm.
     Resistant DNA pool and susceptible DNA pooi were made up
     respectively from 88 resistant F2 plants and 79 susceptible F2 plants
     derived from a cross between the susceptible cultivar ingxian 169
     and the cultivar 59 1 A total of 544 10-mer random primers had been
     used to identify the RAPD markers linked to YrC59J gene. One out of
     three polymorphic DNA fragments, i. e. OPAN-19616 amplified by the
     primer OPAN- 19, was found closely linked to the gene YrC591.
     According to the sequences of the DNA fragment OPAN- 1 6I6, a pair of
     specific primers was designed. By using the specific primers the YrC591
     gene can be detected effectively in wheat breeding materials.
     Development of the SCAR marker for YrC591 gene will promote the use
     of the resistance gene in wheat breeding for resistance to stripe rust.
     Combined artificial inoculation and using the SCAR markers linked
     to Yr8 and YrlO respectively, some plants with Yr8 and YrlO genes or
     Yr8 and YrC59I genes were gained from the F2 and F3 segregating
     population of CP93-6-19 X Compair, CP93-17-30 X Compair and CP93-
     17-31 X Compair. The results showed that the markers and the technique
     were usable and reliable.
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