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Corn plays an important role in ensuring food security in China.According to “ChineseStatistical Yearbook” and “Statistical Communique of the people’s Republic of ChinaNational Economic and Social Development in2013”,in2012the national corn yieldproportion of grain yield was34.87%in total output of grain,(0.23percentage points higherthan rice) and corn has become the first major grain varieties in China.In2013the nationalcorn yield proportion of grain yield is36.17%,2.4percentage points higher than that rice. In2013the national grain yield increase171240000tons, in which corn yield increase101900000tons than in2003, accounting for60%of the amount of grain yieldincrease.Supply and demand pattern have undergone profound changes. Total corn productionhas transformed from tight balance、 structural shortage to gap expanded, structuralcontradiction. The consumption structure upgraded rapidly. At the same time decline in thequality of arable land, the shortage of water resources and increasing pressure on theecological environment are the hard constraints. Lack of effective support of science andtechnology, international market turmoil are the soft constraints. Study on corn industrycompetitiveness has important theoretical and practical significance about ensuring grainself-sufficiency, ration absolutely safe and sustainable agricultural development. This paperreveals the direct effects and deep factors, indirect factors of corn industry competitivenessimpact from outside to inside in Shandong province as an example one of the main cornproduction provinces, in order to have certain effect to improve the competitiveness of cornindustry of Shandong province.
     The research uses the standard research method and empirical research combined ongeneral. The framework of Shandong corn industry competitiveness is constructed from theindustrial organization theory, regional competitiveness theory, competitive advantage theory.The analysis method of Shandong province corn industry competitiveness impact is designedby using empirical research methods of comparative analysis, qualitative and quantitative,static and dynamic combination. This thesis consists of eight chapters: the first chapter isintroduction; the second chapter is basic research, including research, theoretical basis; thethird chapter is the comprehensive analysis of corn industrial competitiveness in ShandongProvince and explores the status of corn. The fourth chapter is direct influence factors of thecorn industry competitiveness in Shandong province, mainly including two aspects of price and quality and safety analysis; The fifth chapter is the analysis of indirect factors of cornindustry demand in Shandong province. Corn and forage corn were mainly analyzed. Thesixth chapter is the analysis of corn industrial competitiveness supply indirect factors inShandong province, including the factors of production, natural conditions, natural disasters,other basic elements and agricultural management subject, the level of science and technologyand other advanced elements analysis; The seventh chapter focuses on the analysis of theleading role of government that should play to enhance the competitiveness of the cornindustry in Shandong province; The eighth chapter carries on the conclusion and puts forwardthe competitive strategies.
     The main conclusions of the article are:
     (1) The diamond model is dominated by the government is put forward on the base of theclassical international trade theory, industrial organization theory and competitive advantagetheory, through the analysis of different points of industry and agriculture of the diamondmodel, and suitable for industrial developed countries were improved.
     (2)Corn industrial competitiveness of Shandong province has enhanced year by yearfrom2004-2012by using principal component analysis by the comparison from the verticaland horizontal aspects. Comprehensive competitiveness of Shandong province is the sixth inseven main corn producing provinces. Further study is necessary about direct and indirectfactors.
     (3)Two aspects of price and quality and safety are analyzed about effect of directlyinfluence factors of corn industry competitiveness in Shandong province. Corn pricecompetitiveness of Shandong Province is slightly better than Sichuan Province and is lowerthan the other five, and does not have the price advantage by using three models of1982-2012between seven corn producing provinces. Corn price of Shandong province fluctuates greatlyand ranks fourth in seven provinces. The price fluctuation has the characteristics of highfrequency and intensity fluctuation by the determination of corn price fluctuation and theanalysis of the fluctuation cycle theory. The modeling mechanism of fluctuation is carried onby the inherent conduction mechanism and external shock mechanism in macro economicsfurtherly.78.88%components of the price fluctuations belong to trend component,and21.12%components belong to the fluctuating component by time trend fitting since1987.The degree of influence of internal transmission mechanism of the price is only11.55%, andprice fluctuation is mainly caused by the impact of external factors by analyzing thefluctuation component of autoregressive model. The main factors affecting the price of cornare per capita net income of rural households, urban residents' disposable income and the price of wheat and other two aspects of supply and demand factors through multipleregression equation. The influence coefficient of government policy is the largest.Thecompetitiveness of quality of Shandong province ranked fifth, is slightly better than Henanand Heilongjiang In the analysis of the quality. The reasons that corn quality competitivenessof Shandong province is not strong are seed selection, NPK Ratio fertilizer, agriculturalmachinery, agricultural infrastructure, field management and unreasonable use of pesticides.
     (4) Domestic demand has positive effect on the competitiveness of corn in ShandongProvince, and foreign demand has negative correlation analysis through the "variableincremental contribution inspection" and Linde’s positive correlation theory in the analysis ofindirect factors on the demand side. The conclusion is that the research should focus on thedomestic market. High level diversification and corn demand for quality safety of demandpromote corn variety and high quality production based on the analysis of the demand of corn.Mass consumption of forage corn promote large-scale planting. Changes in domesticdemand structure induces producers to change management way, improve the level ofapplication of science and technology, focus on the seed planted, and produce scale effect.This shows the new trend in corn demand to improve the corn industrial competitiveness willhave a positive driving role.
     (5) Corn production function of Shandong province belongs to the scale increasingfunction by the Cobb Douglas production function analysis on capital, labor land contributiondegree in the same level of technology in the analysis of basic elements. The yield increasemainly depends on the increase of planting area and the capital to output plays a minor role.The diminishing marginal returns of labor factor is because the farmers' enthusiasm forproduction is not high, agricultural households and the proportion of agriculture reduce,family labor culture quality of rural residents is not high, agricultural labor age graduallyaging and the low level of organization of farmers; precipitation and corn yield is the same tothe relation,and the sunshine time and corn yield is the inverse relationship on analysis of theinfluence of meteorological factors on corn yield; waterlog and drought are the main factorsinfluencing the disaster in corn yield of Shandong, and waterlog is a greater impact than thedrought in the analysis of factor of natural disaster. Mechanization level and the level of waterconservancy are mainly analyzed in infrastructure analysis. The number of small tractors,agricultural machinery, irrigation motor and motorized thresher etc is less. The canalirrigation is used in Shandong province and the level of irrigation technology is relativelylow.
     (6) Agricultural management subject and technique of corn are included in the analysisof advanced factors. The overall cultural level of farmers in Shandong province concentratesin the junior high school level. The degree of organization of farmers is not high, whetherfarmers are willing to participate in cooperative is determined by comparing the cooperativeincome and the role of leaders; The corn technological progress on output value of cornincreases significantly through the measurement of contribution rate of capital, labor, land andtechnology progress. Although corn planting area has a large role to total output, it is hard torely on the increase of corn acreage to continue to improve corn output by the constraint ofthe area of arable land. The main reason is that high yield technology leads to a substantialincrease in corn production and prices fell sharply.
     (7) Government should play a leading role in food production by the analysis of themarket failure theory. Government should gradually reduce the policy intervention on foodprice on the basis of analyzing the problems of government. It should play the leading role inthe indirect influence factors of grain production, including the grain management main body,personnel training, related infrastructure construction,agricultural science and technologypromotion and so on, in order to improve the comprehensive competitiveness of cornindustry.
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