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Small and medium sized firms oriented the science and technology (hereinafter referred to as STS&M) is the main force to accelerate economic growth in our country. As shown in figures released in June 2004 by State Development and Reform Committee, about 65% of State patents are invented by STS&M, which accomplished over 75% technological innovation projects and explored over 80% new products. In this context, studies on STS&M’s development have obvious significance.
     In view of the geographical distribution of STS&M in our country, the article intends to study from perspective of niche the development of STS&M that are on initial stage of establishment. To better orient the research perspective, the article sorted out major domestic and abroad theories on firm growth and classified these theories as external and internal factors that influence the growth of STS&M. In light of such thought and on the basis of regional economics, management and ecology, the article constitutes the theoretical basis for the growth of STS&M. Regarding the environment for firm growth in various regions as different niches, the article analyzed, through utilizing the multivariate statistics, the reason for difference in growth environment of firms in different regions nationwide and put forward suggestions for provincial governments on fostering sound growth environment for STS&M. Meanwhile, taking STS&M in Tinanjin as an example, the article studied the difference in growth efficiency for each single STS&M that are in same niche but influenced by internal factors, and further analyzed the reason and put forward strategies for boosting development as well.
     The major work and innovation of the article are as following:
     (1) The target of the article is domestics STS&M that is on the initial stage, the research perspective for their growth is therefore fixed on the influence of growth environment for STS&M from perspective of niche. Based on precedent’s study result and through system integration approach, this paper studied research theory and method from the perspective of niche for STS&M, meanwhile analyzed the growth environment and stressed the guiding and restriction impact that it has on STS&M.
     (2) Regarding different region and province in our country are different niches, the article built up factor evaluating system for growth environment of STS&M, conducted case study through factor analyze and clustering analyze, evaluated the status of different geographical distribution for STS&M in various regions and provinces nationwide. On the basis of quantity analyze, the article provided explanation of geographic phenomenon in different regions and offered proposals for provincial government to foster a sound growth environment for STS&M.
     (3) Taking Tianjin city as an example, the article analyzed the growth efficiency of STS&M in initial establishment and in same niche, designed factor appraisal system, utilized C2R DEA efficiency model to evaluate growth efficiency of STS&M in Tianjin, and therefore identified the internal factors that influence growth efficiency of STS&M that are in same niche.
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