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Performance-based seismic design is demanded in ultimate bearing capacity and elasticdeformation capacity of structural components, as well as other seismic performances, such asductility deformation and hysteretic energy dissipation. The design of structural componentbased on performance requirements require to establish value relations between the basicparameters of components and seismic performance.
     In this dissertation, the seismic performance parameters, including the ductility ofreinforced concrete columns section, displacement ductility and length of plastic hinge,calculation method and statistical probability distribution are researched from the domesticand international norms, experimental study, numerical analysis and other related perspectives,and the main contents are as follows:
     1. Stirrup ratio, as a main parameter affecting the ductility of reinforced concrete column,is focused on by scholars at home and abroad and the structure design code. This paperintroduces relevant provisions of minimum stirrup ratio of specification for reinforcedconcrete column defined in main domestic and foreign regulations. The influence of minimumstirrup ratio defined in many countries’ regulations on the ductility of sections is comparedand calculated. The ductility of the column section obtained from the minimum stirrup ratioaccording to China’s norms is discussed, and the recommendations are put forward for settingof minimum stirrup ratio.
     2. This paper designs4reinforced concrete cantilever columns which experience the lowcyclic loading test. The main test contents are top displacement and stirrup strain. The testobtains stirrup strain distribution and variation under the action of bending, providing datasupport for computational constraints under column section stress of concrete. Throughchanging the axial compression ratio and loading mode, the influence of the two factors onthe seismic behavior of columns is discussed. The test results show that the axial compressionratio and the loading pattern have significant effect on column failure mode and stirrup straindistribution. The distribution of stirrup strains along circumferential direction in columnsection and its change along the column height are summarized.
     3. Data of stirrup strain obtained in tests are analyzed, steel stress-strain curve isintroduced, and the analysis leads to data about stirrup stress distribution and variation incolumn test process; followed by binding distribution results of concrete on column sectionconfined by the stirrup. According to Mander’s theory of constraints, the effective restriction factors are calculated, and the stress distribution between weak constraint sections confinedby stirrups can be obtained. The introduced concrete expansion parameters can help tocalculate the constraint stress, thus improving fiber model to calculate the column sectionductility. The improved fiber model facilitates analysis of various parameters affecting thesection curvature ductility whose relations with vegin value, axial compression ratio,longitudinal reinforcement ratio and core concrete area ratio are worked out. Compared withother performance-based section ductility design method and calculation results, the methodproposed in this study, with its high accuracy, can better reflect the change of the curvatureductility coefficient.
     4. Many parameters can affect displacement ductility which is the most basic seismicperformance index. According to the calculation method of Priestly, two main parameters, thesection ductility and plastic hinge length, can be adopted to calculate the column ductility. Inthis study,143column test data with complete hysteretic curve and flexural failure from theUnited States Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center are selected, and accordingly,the equivalent plastic hinge length of column is calculated. Through regression analysis,formula for calculating the equivalent length of plastic hinge is obtained. It has been verifiedby the test results, the calculation accuracy of the proposed formula is higher. Then45seismicexperiment results of concrete columns are adopted to test the proposed method, the resultsshow that displacement ductility mean calculated by the proposed method are basically thesame as mean experiment results, the error can be controlled within20%and the relative errordisplays normal distribution.
     5. Performance-based seismic fortification concept must be associated with indexes ofstructural seismic resistance for different earthquakes, while displacement is one of the mostintuitionistic indexes. Based on research of direct displacement-based seismic design andperformance-based multi-objective anti-seismic thought, this paper puts forward themult-standard displacement-based seismic design method which firstly determines theexpectations and demands on the performance of structure displacement under differentearthquake intensities according to the requirements of owners. The displacement demand ishelpful for establishment of demand curve according to which the seismic performance of thestructure is designed with the method of improved displacement-based capacity spectral.Finally the design process of a bridge pier with single degree of freedom is introduced toexplain displacement-based multi-level design method.
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