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As being a pioneer and a leading scholar in the field of contemporary Chinese political culture study among western scholars, Lucian Pye is well-known for his psycho-cultural interpretation of Chinese political culture. Why does he develop such a special interest in Chinese political culture? What makes him use some theories and concepts coming from other disciplines such as psychology, sociology and cultural anthropology to study political culture? What does the psycho-cultural interpretation mean? How does he study Chinese political culture in making use of the approach of psycho-cultural interpretation? What does the strength and weakness of the psycho-cultural interpretation have? How should we evaluate Pye's study about Chinese political culture? The aim of this dissertation is to answer these questions.
     First, why does he develop such a special interest in Chinese political culture, and why is he opted for the interpretation of politics from a psycho-cultural angle? Pye was born and brought up in China, which gave us a clue that why he has been attracted by China and Chinese politics. The main reasons that made him focus on the field of political culture, however, should be traced back to the background of the era and academic currents in American social science in the first half of 20th century as well as the influences of his tutors and colleagues upon him during the stage of his intellectual development. The trauma experienced by human in the first half of 20th century stimulated and invited social scientists to ask why human's actions could go for the directions that could make disasters. Almost every discipline in American social science has formed a school which intended to emphasize the influences of culture or psyche upon human actions in explaining social phenomenon. Some leading scholars of behavoral movement in political science have also encouraged taking new theories and approaches of adjacent disciplines such as psychology and sociology into political science research. Pushed by such academic currents Pye was greatly influenced by Gabriel Almond, his tutor, the person who first brought forward the concept of political culture; Harold Lasswell and Nathan Neites, both well known as political psychologist; especially Erik Erikson, an exceptional representative of Neo-Freudian, who provided him with some very important psychological analytic tools in his political culture study.
     Second, what does the psycho-cultural interpretation mean? According to the characteristics in Pye's political culture study, we understand that what he called the approach of psycho-cultural interpretation not only means borrowing some analytic tools from psychology, sociology and the others, but also refers to the orientation of his study, that is, the psychological or cultural bases of political actions on the part of human being. His psycho-cultural interpretations of Chinese politics are characterized by the following features:explaining political culture from a historical perspective and various comparative perspective, the theme of his study focusing on the formation of the view of power and authority, being concerned with the relationship between culture, personality and political actions, preference for the study of political elites on the balance of microanalysis and macroanalysis. In short, Pye is a scholar who pays much attention to the understanding of psycho-cultural bases of political actions, stressing the heuristic meaning of questions, influenced deeply by Neo Freudian, analyzing politics with historical perspective and useful tools and theories from other disciplines.
     Third, how does Pye study Chinese political culture with the approach of psycho-cultural interpretation? According to there dimensions in the Pye's study of political cultures, we will analyze these different aspects respectively.
     To begin with, on the dimension of the sense of national identity and collective expectations about legitimacy and the role of power and authority, Pye trys to discover the obstacles that have operated to impede China's modernization from the perspective of the crisis of culture identity and authority crisis which often prevail in transitional societies. In his opinion the Chinese have been spared the crises of culture identity common to most other transitional societies. However, the Chinese experienced more profound crisis of authority than the others. Some of the reasons could be attributed to the fact that the problem in cultural identity have been translated into the problems of authorities, to the fact that the sense of frustration and incompetent the Chinese felt in their course of modernization both had been exaggerated. On the other hand, the factors helping to produce the circumstances in which the crises of authority readily happen should be found in some particular and enduring characteristics of Chinese traditional social system and political system, of Chinese political culture, as well as the results of family socialization.
     On the dimension of group, that is, the elite and the mass, Pye takes the theory of the needs of personality and the concept of self-identity into analyzing the reasons of the ambivalences in Chinese political culture. According to Pye, Chinese political culture is characterized by contradictory tendencies, including the tension between consensus and factions, both driven by the sense of safety, and the co-existence of an elitist high political culture and a populist heterodox political culture, lots of elements in the two cultures both shared by the elites and the mass. In contemporary China the contradictory of political culture manifests itself in a dualistic co-existence of idealism of Mao Zedong and pragmatism of Deng Xiaoping. Pye points out that the reason for the co-existence of the two cultures lies in a common origin at an even deeper psychological level:the ambiguous line of the relationship of the self to others.
     On the dimension of leaders, Pye mixes both the points of view of Lasswell who emphasized the importance of life-histories in research and of Erikson who created the approach of psycho-history into his study of Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping and so on. He analyzes Mao's personality traits from the perspective of psychoanalysis by extracting the most important section in Mao's life history, the relationship between Mao's style of leadership and his personality traits. Pye points out that if we find out the coherence in Mao's personality traits the contradictory of Mao's style of leadership will be well-understood, that if we want to understand Deng's unique style of leadership which is both built on the tradition and beyond the tradition we should go back to the particularity of his political socialization and the influences of Chinese traditional elitist political culture upon him.
     No one can deny Lucian Pye's contributions to the study of Chinese political culture, however, what he had done both received compliments and critiques. Does the psycho-cultural interpretation have its irreplaceable value among various interpretations of political culture? What the advantages and disadvantages it have? Comparing to the approach of questionnaire survey in political culture study, the psycho-cultural interpretation of political culture is better at the width and depth of explanation than the questionnaire survey. At the same time it also has the weakness of subjectivity and of being less convincible. In the psycho-cultural interpretation of Chinese political culture on the part of Lucian Pye there indeed exists some fallacies. However, on account of the fact that no method is perfect the only choice for us is to improve it by accepting various critiques.
① Lucian W.Pye在海峡两岸的中文译名有多种:路辛·派伊、卢西恩·派伊、裴鲁恂、鲁恂·W·派伊等等,不一而足。萧延中曾以电子邮件询问Lucian W.Pye,获知“白鲁恂”是Pye本人给自己起的中文名。因此,本文采用“白鲁恂”一名。
    ②这篇博士论文后来以"Warlord Politics:Conflict and Coalition in the Modernization of Republican China"为名于1971年在纽约出版。
    ③有些图书馆的搜索结果似乎显示白鲁恂专著很多,比如MIT图书馆的搜索结果为65条,但实际上并不全是白鲁恂的专著,有很多是他发表在MIT国际研究中心出版的系列丛书上的文章。World Cat虚拟图书馆的搜索结果更是多达316条,需要仔细区分。
    ①这6本分别是《中国政治的变与常》(1988)、《中国人的政治心理》(1988)、《中共的商业谈判作风:一个文化心理的剖析》(1991)、《中国人的政治文化》(1992)、《东南亚政治制度》(1992)、《政治发展面面观》(2009)。前四本的译者出自台湾,后两本出自大陆。其中,《中国人的政治文化》和《中国人的政治心理》都译自"The Spirit of Chinese Politics",只是不同的译者对书名采用了不同的译法。
    ② http://web.mit.edu/newsoffice/2008/obit-pye-0908.html
    ③ DONALD L M BLACKMER.The Contributions of President Lucian W.Pye.Political Science and Politics.1988, 21(4):882.
    ④ LUCIAN W PYE.The Spirit of Chinese Politics.Cambrige,Mass.:Harvard University Press,1992:7
    ⑤ DONALD L M BLACKMER.The Contributions of President Lucian W.Pye.Political Science and Politics.1988, 21(4):891.
    ①这批学者包括孔杰荣(Jerome Cohen)、费正清、帕金斯(Dwight Perkins)、赖肖尔(Edwin Reischauer)、史华慈(Benjamin Schwartz)、汤姆森(James Thomson)、傅高义(Ezra Vogel)、鲍大可(A. Doak Barnett))等人。他们在哈佛大学肯尼迪政治学院主持下就美国与东亚关系进行了一年的不公开讨论之后,提出这份报告。可惜这份对美中关系发生过实质性影响的报告由于少有人提及,无论美国和中国都鲜为人知。
    ③“中国研究大学服务中心”1963年组建时并不隶属于香港中文大学,是一个由“美国教育与世界事务”基金会和卡耐基基金会联合资助的独立研究机构,位于香港“亚皆老街”(Argyle Street)155号。1988年,因财政困难由香港中文大学吸收,遂搬离“亚皆老街”迁至香港中文大学。
    ①TANG TSOU.Review:Western Concepts and China's Historical Experience.World Politics.1969,21(4):653
    ① DAVID SHAMBAUGH.Review:The Mandarin and the Cadre:China's Political Cultures by Lucian W pye.The China Quarterly.1990(122):310
    ① HARRY HARDINGThe Study of Chinese politics:Toward a Third Generation of Scholarship. World Politics.1984,36(2):284-307
    ② PETER MOODY.Trends in the Study of Chinese Political Culture,The China Quarterly.1994(139):733
    ③ http://www.nytimes.eom/2008/09/12/us/12pye.html
    ④ LLOYDI RUDOLPH.Review.Asian Power and Politics:The Cultral Dimensions of Authoritarity by Lucian W Pye. http://www.nytimes.eom/1986/02/09/books/the-east-psychoanalyzed.html
    ⑤ JEROME CH'EN.Review:Mao Tse-Tung:The Man in the Leader by Lucian W Pye. Pacific Affairs,1977,50(1): 120
    ① PETER MOODY.Review:The Cadre and Mandarine by Lucian W Pye.The Journal of Asian Studies,1989,48 (4):840
    ②LOWELL DITTMET. Review:Mao Tse-tung:The Man and the Symbol.Reviewed book(s) Mao Tse-tung:The Man in the Leader by Lucian W Pye. The China Quarterly.1976(68):822-828. JEROME CH'EN.Review:Mao Tse-Tung:The Man in the Leader.by Lucian W Pye. Pacific Affairs.1977,50(1):119-120
    ③HILARY CONROY.Review:Asian Power and Politics:The Cultural Dimensions of Authority by Lucian W Pye Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science.1986(488):197
    ②笔者推测,艾思明和胡祖庆可能是同一个人。1992年,台湾风云出版社出版胡祖庆译著《中国人的政治文化》,同样是根据"The Spirit of Chinese Politics" 1968年版译出,与艾思明1988年所译《中国人的政治心理》其内容与篇幅完全相同。
    ② PETER MOODY.Review:The Mandarin and the Cadre. China's Political Cultures by Lucian W Pye.The Journal of Asian Studies.1989,148(4):840.
    ① DONALD L M BLACKMER.The Contributions of President Lucian W.Pye,Political Science and Politics. 1988,21(4):882-891
    ② JEROME CH'EN. Review:Mao Tse-Tung:The Man in the Leader by Lucian W Pye. Pacific Affairs.. 1977,50(1):120
    ③ PETER MOODY.Review:The Mandarin and the Cadre:China's Political Cultures by Lucian W Pye.The Journal of Asian Studies.1989,48(4):840
    ④ J BRUCE JACOBS.Review:The Mandarin and the Cadre:China's Political Cultures by Lucian W.Pye.Pacific Affairs.1990,63(1):94
    ⑤ HARSH SETHI. Culture as Politics or Politics as Culture.Economic and Political Weekly.1987,22 (12):497
    ⑥ ARDATH W BURKS.Review:Asian Power and Politics:The Cultural Dimensions of Authority by Lucian W. Pye. The Journal of Asian Studies.1988.47(4):843
    ⑦ BRUCE J DICKSON. What Explains Chinese Political Behavior? The Debate over Structure and Culture.Comparative Politics..1992,25(1):111
    ⑧ LOWELL DITTMER. Mao Tse-tung:The Man and the Symbol.The China Quarterly.1976(68):826
    ① LUCIAN W PYE.Asian Power and Politics:The Cultural Dimensions of Authority.Cambridge.Mass.:Belknap Press,1985:x
    ① LUCIAN W PYE.Warlord Politics:Conflict and Coalition in the Modernization of Republican China. New York:Praeger,1971:vii
    ① GERHARD LOEWENBERG.The Influence of European Emigre Scholars on Comparative Politics,1925-1965.The American Political Science Review.2006,100(4):597-604
    ② GERHARD LOEWENBERG.The Influence of European Emigre Scholars on Comparative Politics,1925-1965.The American Political Science Review.2006,100(4):597-604
    ③ TALCOTT PARSONS,BERNARD BARBER.Sociology,1941-46.The American Journal of Sociology.1948,53(4):245
    ④ TALCOTT PARSONS.On Building Social System Theory:A Personal History.The Making of Modern Science:Biographical Studies.1970,99(4):871
    ① JOHN B WATSON.Psychology as the Behaviorist Views It. Psychological Review.1994,101(2):248-253
    ① "identity"这个词,心理学领域常译为“同一性”,在政治学里,往往译为“认同”。所谓的认同危机,其本源指的就是心理学上的同一性危机。在这里,笔者采用同一性的译法。但在后文关于政治文化的分析中,考虑到习惯用法,多数情况下采用“认同”译法。
    ② FRANCIS L K HSU.Margaret Mead and Psychological Anthropology.American Anthropologist,New Series.1980,82(2):349
    ④比较著名的研究成果包括文化人类学家戈尔的《美国人》(1948)、戈尔与里克曼(John Rickman)合著的《大俄罗斯人》(1949)、政治学家社会学家戴维·里斯曼的《孤独的人群:变动中的美国人性格的研究》(1950)等。
    ①LUCIAN W PYE.Political Culture Revisited.Political Psychology.1991,12(3):490
    ① TALCOTT PARSONS.On Building Social System Theory:A Personal History.The Making of Modern Science:Biographical Studies.1970,99(4):826
    ② TALCOTT PARSONS.On Building Social System Theory:A Personal History.The Making of Modern Science:Biographical Studies.1970,99(4):839
    ③ TALCOTT PARSONS,BERNARD BARBER.Sociology,1941-46.The American Journal of Sociology.1948, 53(4):256-257
    ④ TALCOTT PARSONS.The Prospects of Sociological Theory.American Sociological Review.1950,15(1):7
    ① TALCOTT PARSONS.On Building Social System Theory:A Personal History.The Making of Modern Science:Biographical Studies.1970,99(4):848
    ② TALCOTT PARSONS.The Prospects of Sociological Theory. American Sociological Review.1950,15(1):10
    ③ TALCOTT PARSONS.On Building Social System Theory:A Personal History.The Making of Modern Science:Biographical Studies.1970,99(4):871
    ⑤ TALCOTT PARSONS.On Building Social System Theory:A Personal History.The Making of Modern Science:Biographical Studies.1970,99(4):871
    ⑦ TALCOTT PARSONS.On Building Social System Theory:A Personal History.The Making of Modern Science:Biographical Studies.1970,99(4):848
    ③ GABRIEL A ALMOND. Who Lost the Chicago School of Political Science?Perspective on Political Science.2004,2(1):91-92
    ① MERRIAM CHARLES.The Present State of the Study of Politics. The American Political Science Review.1921,15(2):173-185
    ② MERRIAM CHARLES.Progress in Political Research.The American Political Science Review.1926,20(1):1-13
    ③ MICHAELT HEANEY,JOHN MARK HANSEN. Building the Chicago School. The American Political Science Review.2006,100(4):589-596
    ① ROBERT A DAHL.The Behavioral Approach in Political Science:Epitaph for a Monument to a Successful Protest.The American Political Science Review.1961,55(4):763-772
    ② ROBERT A DAHL.The Behavioral Approach in Political Science:Epitaph for a Monument to a Successful Protest.The American Political Science Review.1961,55(4):763-772
    ③ MERRIAM CHARLES.The Present State of the Study of Politics. The American Political Science Review.1921,15(2):180
    ④ MERRIAM CHARLES.The Present State of the Study of Politics. The American Political Science Review.1921,15(2):180
    ① GABRIEL A ALMOND.Separate Tables:Schools and Sects in Political Science.Political Science and Politics.1988,21(4):841
    ② ROBERT A DAHL.The Behavioral Approach in Political Science:Epitaph for a Monument to a Successful Protest.The American Political Science Review.1961,55(4):763-772
    ③ ROBERT A DAHL.The Behavioral Approach in Political Science:Epitaph for a Monument to a Successful Protest.The American Political Science Review.1961,55(4):767
    ② GABRIEL A ALMOND. Ventures in Political Science:Narrative and Reflections.Colorado:Lynne Rienner Publishers,2003:93
    ②这方面的研究成果包括弗罗姆的《逃离自由》(1941)、阿道诺与其同事合著的《权力主义人格》(1950)、阿伦特的《极权主义的起源》(1951)、弗里德里奇(Carl Fredrich)与英克尔斯(Alex Inkels)的《极权主义》(1954)等。
    ③“公民教育”就是现在的政治社会化概念。参见GABRIEL A ALMOND.Ventures in Political Science-.Narrative and Reflections.Colorado:Lynne Rienner Publishers,2003:110
    ④ GABRIEL A ALMOND. Ventures in Political Science:Narrative and Reflections.Colorado:Lynne Rienner Publishers,2003:110
    ① DONALD L M BLACKMER.The Contributions of President Lucian W.Pye.Political Science and Politics.1988, 21(4):883
    ② LUCIAN W PYE.Mao Tse-tung:The Man in the Leader.New York:Basic Books C.,1976:ix
    ③ LUCIAN W PYE.Asian Power and Politics:The cultural Dimensions of Authority.Cambridge.Mass.:Belknap Press,1985:xii
    ① GABRIEL A ALMOND. Ventures in Political Science:Narrative and Reflections.Colorado:Lynne Rienner Publishers,2003:89
    ③ GABRIEL A ALMOND. Ventures in Political Science:Narrative and Reflections.Colorado:Lynne Rienner Publishers,2003:2
    ④ GABRIEL A ALMOND. The Appeals of the Communism.Princeton:Princeton University Press,1954:ⅰⅹ
    ① GABRIEL A ALMOND. Ventures in Political Science:Narrative and Reflections.Colorado:Lynne Rienner Publishers,2003:19
    ② GABRIEL A ALMOND. Comparative Political Systems. The Journal of Politics.1956,18(3):391
    ③ GABRIEL A ALMOND. Comparative Political Systems. The Journal of Politics.1956,18(3):396
    ④其他学者有:研究非洲的科尔曼(James Coleman)、研究印度的维勒(Myron Weiner)、研究近东(欧洲周边国家)的罗斯托(Dankwart Rustow)、研究拉美的布兰克斯坦(George Blanksten)等。
    ⑥ LISA TREI.Gabriel A. Almond, Preeminent Political Scientist. http://news-service.stanford.edu/news/2003/january8/obitalmond-18.html
    ① GABRIEL A ALMOND. Ventures in Political Science:Narrative and Reflections.Colorado:Lynne Rienner Publishers,2003:93
    ②事实上,阿尔蒙德对白鲁恂的影响不仅限于政治文化研究,还体现在政治发展上。作为政治发展研究领域的重要学者之一,白鲁恂的政治发展研究有其独到之处,即,将研究的焦点指向政治文化的态度与实践的复杂性。参见LUCIAN W PYE.Politics, Personality, and Nation Building:Burma's Search for Identity,New Haven:Yale University Press,1962:ⅹⅵ.基于此,本文将白鲁恂的政治发展理论作为其政治文化研究的背景来处理,不对白鲁恂的政治发展理论渊源展开充分论述。
    ① GABRIEL A ALMOND. Comparative Political Systems.The Journal of Politics.1956,18(3):396
    ② GABRIEL A ALMOND. Comparative Political Systems.The Journal of Politics.1956,18(3):396
    ③ GABRIEL A ALMOND. Comparative Political Systems.The Journal of Politics.1956,18(3):396
    ④ LUCIAN W PYE.Politics,Personality, and Nation Building:Burma's Search for Identity,New Haven:Yale University Press,1962:xvi
    ①参见GABRIEL A ALMOND.The Appeals of the Communism.Princeton:Princeton University Press,1954
    ② DONALD L M BLACKMER.The Contributions of President Lucian W.Pye.Political Science and Politics.1988, 21(4):883
    ① LUCIAN W PYE.Asian Power and Politics:The cultural Dimensions of Authority.Cambridge.Mass.:Belknap Press,1985:xii
    ② GABRIEL A ALMOND.A Discipline Divided:Schools and Sects in Political Science.Newbury Park:Sage Publication,1990:293
    ② FRED GREENSTEIN.Lasswell's Concept of Democratic Character.The Journal of Politics.1968,30(3):697
    ① GABRIEL A ALMOND. A Discipline Divided:Schools and Sects in Political Science.Newbury Park:Sage Publication,1990:292
    ②莱特的主要作品包括:《政治的语言》(The Language of Politics,1949)、《政治局的行动密码》(The Operation Code of the Poliburo,1951),《布尔什维主义研究》(A Study of Bolshevism,1953)、《论法兰西的政治博弈》(On the Game of Politics in France,1959)等。
    ③ DONALD L M BLACKMER.The Contributions of President Lucian W.Pye.Political Science and Politics.1988, 21(4):883.
    ④1981年,这本书经略加补充与修改,并更名为《中国政治的动力》(The Dynamics of Chinese Politics)再度出版。
    ⑤ LUCIAN W PYE.The Dynamics of Chinese Politic, Cambridge,Mass.:Oelgeschlager, Gunn& Hain, Publishers, Inc.1981:ⅹⅱ
    ① NATHAN LEITES.Psycho-Cultural Hypotheses about Political Acts. World Politics.1948,1(1):102-119
    ②参见LUCIAN W PYE.Asian Power and Politics:The cultural Dimensions of Authority.Cambridge. Mass.:Belknap Press,1985:ⅹⅱ
    ① LUCIAN W PYE.Politics,Personality, and Nation Building:Burma's Search for Identity, New Haven:Yale University Press,1962:52
    ①转引自FRED I GREENSTEIN.The Impact of Personality on Politics:An Attempt to Clear Away Underbrush.The American Political Science Review.1967,61(3):630
    ② LUCIAN W PYE.Political Culture Revisited.Political Psychology.1991,12(3):505
    ④ LUCIAN W PYE.Introduction.The Elusive Concept of Culture and the Vivid Reality of Personality.Political Psychology.1997,18(2):247
    ② LUCIAN W PYE.Asian Power and Politics:The Cultural Dimensions of Authority.Cambridge.Mass.:Belknap Press,1985:20
    ③ LUCIAN W PYE.Introduction:The Elusive Concept of Culture and the Vivid Reality of Personality.Political Psychology.1997,18(2):246
    ④ LUCIAN W PYE.Introduction:The Elusive Concept of Culture and the Vivid Reality of Personality.Political Psychology.1997,18(2):247
    ⑤ LUCIAN W PYE.The Mandarin and the Cadre.China's Political Cultures. Ann Arbor.University of Michigan Press,1988:15
    ⑥ LUCIAN W PYE.The Mandarin and the Cadre:China's Political Cultures. Ann Arbor:University of Michigan Press,1988:13
    ⑦ LUCIAN W PYE.The Mandarin and the Cadre.China's Political Cultures. Ann Arbor:University of Michigan Press,1988:18
    ①LUCIAN W PYE.The Mandarin and the Cadre:China's Political Cultures. Ann Arbor:University of Michigan Press,1988:16-20
    ② LUCIAN W PYE.Asian Power and Politics:The Cultural Dimensions of Authority.Cambridge.Mass.:Belknap Press,1985:20
    ③ LUCIAN W PYE.Asian Power and Politics:The Cultural Dimensions of Authority.Cambridge.Mass.:Belknap Press,1985:20-21
    ④ LUCIAN W PYE.The Mandarin and the Cadre:China's Political Cultures. Ann Arbor:University of Michigan Press,1988:25
    ①LUCIAN W PYE.The Mandarin and the Cadre:China's Political Cultures. Ann Arbor:University of Michigan Press,1988:26
    ② LUCIAN W PYE.The Mandarin and the Cadre:China's Political Cultures. Ann Arbor:University of Michigan Press.1988:25
    ③ LUCIAN W PYE.Introduction:The Elusive Concept of Culture and the Vivid Reality of Personality.Political Psychology.1997,18(2):243
    ④ LUCIAN W PYE.Political Culture Revisited.Political Psychology.1991,12(3):490
    ⑤ LUCIAN W PYE.Asian Power and Politics:The Cultural Dimensions of Authority.Cambridge.Mass.:Belknap Press,1985:21
    ① LUCIAN W PYE.The Mandarin and the Cadre:China's Political Cultures. Ann Arbor:University of Michigan Press,1988:20
    ② LUCIAN W PYE.The Mandarin and the Cadre:China's Political Cultures. Ann Arbor:University of Michigan Press,1988:6
    ③ LUCIAN W PYE.The Mandarin and the Cadre:China's Political Cultures. Ann Arbor:University of Michigan Press,1988:6
    ① LUCIAN W PYE.Personal Identity and Political Ideology.Behavioral Science.1961,6(3):205
    ② LUCIAN W PYE.The Mandarin and the Cadre:China's Political Cultures. Ann Arbor:University of Michigan Press,1988:8
    ③ LUCIAN W PYE.The Mandarin and the Cadre:China's Political Cultures. Ann Arbor:University of Michigan Press,1988:11
    ④ LUCIAN W PYE.The Mandarin and the Cadre:China's Political Cultures. Ann Arbor:University of Michigan Press,1988:12
    ① LUCIAN W PYE.The Mandarin and the Cadre:China's Political Cultures. Ann Arbor:University of Michigan Press,1988:13
    ②白鲁恂此处所说的政治文化维度指政治文化分析的领导人维度、集体或者代表维度、民族认同以及对于合法性和权力与权威角色的集体期待维度。这一维度划分是白鲁恂受文化人类学家借用语言学的三个层面——语音、词汇、句法或语法结构——划分文化维度的启发而来。具体说来,指在语音层面分析领导人,词汇层面分析集体或者代表,句法或语法结构层面分析民族同一性以及对于合法性和权力与权威角色的集体期待等。参见LUCIAN W PYE.The Mandarin and the Cadre:China's Political Cultures. Ann Arbor:University of Michigan Press,1988:8-10。
    ③ LUCIAN W PYE.The Mandarin and the Cadre:China's Political Cultures. Ann Arbor:University of Michigan Press,1988:8
    ④ LUCIAN W PYE.The Mandarin and the Cadre:China's Political Cultures. Ann Arbor:University of Michigan Press,1988:28
    ⑤ LUCIAN W PYE.Culture and Political Science:Problems in the Evaluation of the Concept of Political Culture.Social Science Quarterly.1972,53(2):287
    ⑥ DONALD L M BLACKMER.The Contributions of President Lucian W Pye.PS:Political Science and Politics.1988,21 (4):882-891
    ① LUCIAN W PYE.The Mandarin and the Cadre:China's Political Cultures. Ann Arbor:University of Michigan Press,1988:30
    ① LUCIAN W PYE.Guerrilla Communism in Malaya:Its Social and Political Meaning. Princeton:Princeton University Press,1956:vii
    ② LUCIAN W PYE.Guerrilla Communism in Malaya:Its Social and Political Meaning. Princeton:Princeton University Press,1956:344
    ① LUCIAN W PYE.Politics,Personality, and Nation Building:Burma's Search for Identity,New Haven:Yale University Press,1962:43
    ② LUCIAN W PYE.Politics,Personality, and Nation Building:Burma's Search for Identity,New Haven:Yale University Press,1962:ⅹⅴ
    ③白鲁恂所说的合作性情感,代表与他人建立联系的能力,对现代民族国家建设至关重要。他解释说,合作性情感不只是简单地指那些在人际关系降低紧张度、寻求和谐的行动和愿望,而是一种能让人们在相互不喜欢并可以表现出相当大的敌意与进攻环境下也能使有效的组织生活得以发展繁荣的高水平的情感。因此,政治发展的真正问题在于:社会化过程在何种程度上为人们提供了合作性情感,从而保证在面对大量 冲突时不至于破坏社会的稳定性。LUCIAN W PYE.Politics,Personality, and Nation Building:Burma's Search for Identity,New Haven:Yale University Press,1962:51-52
    ① LUCIAN W PYE.Politics,Personality,and Nation Building.Burma's Search for Identity,New Haven:Yale University Press,1962:ⅹⅴ
    ② LUCIAN W PYE.Politics,Personality,and Nation Building:Burma's Search for Identity,New Haven:Yale University Press,1962:53
    ③ LUCIAN W PYE.Politics,Personality,and Nation Building:Burma's Search for Identity,New Haven:Yale University Press,1962:288
    ① LUCIAN W PYE.Politics,Personality,and Nation Building:Burma's Search for Identity,New Haven:Yale University Press,1962:121
    ② LUCIAN W PYE.Politics,Personality,and Nation Building:Burma's Search for Identity,New Haven:Yale University Press,1962:ⅹⅵ
    ③唐光华将《政治、人格与民族国家建设》归入个案研究(见唐光华.政治文化的沉思者:白鲁恂.台北:允晨文化事业股份有限公司,1982:35),而白鲁恂自己在《政治、人格与民族国家建设》行文中,除了在“序言”中申辩这项研究不是传统意义的个案研究时使用过Case Study一词外,其他场合均用Intensive Study 。因此,如果坚持说白鲁恂对缅甸的研究是个案研究,恐怕不会得到他本人同意。
    ① LUCIAN W PYE.The Spirit of Chinese Politics:A Psychocultural Study of the Authority Crisis in Political Development.London:M.I.T. Press,1968:viii
    ② LUCIAN W PYE.Asian Power and Politics:The Cultural Dimensions of Authority. Cambridge.Mass.:Belknap Press,1985:19
    ③ LUCIAN W PYE.Asian Power and Politics:The Cultural Dimensions of Authority. Cambridge.Mass.:Belknap Press,1985:19
    ④ LUCIAN W PYE.The Spirit of Chinese Politics. Cambridge.Mass.:Harvard University Press,1992:86
    ② DONALD L M BLACKMER.The Contributions of President Lucian W.Pye.Political Science and Politics.1988, 21(4):885
    ③这方面的文章和专著包括《毛泽东的领导风格》(Mao Tsu-tung's Leadership Style),1972;《领导人毛泽东》(Mao Tse-tung:The Man in the Leader),1976;《一个杰出的共产主义者:周恩来》(A Very Exceptional Communist),1977;《导言式侧面像:邓小平与中国的政治文化》(An Introductory Profile:Deng Xiaoping and China's Political Culture),1993;《再度思考领导人毛泽东》(Rethinking the Man in the Leader),1996:《江泽民的治理风格》(Jiang Zemin's Style of Rule:Go for Stability,Monopolize Power and Settle for Limited Effectiveness),2001.
    ④ LUCIAN W PYE.The Mandarin and the Cadre:China's Political Cultures. Ann Arbor:University of Michigan Press,1988:11
    ⑤ LUCIAN W PYE.The Spirit of Chinese Politics.Cambridge.Mass.:Harvard University Press,1992:12
    ⑥ LUCIAN W PYE.The Spirit of Chinese Politics.Cambridge.Mass.:Harvard University Press,1992:224
    ③ LUCIAN W PYE.The Spirit of Chinese Politics.Cambridge.Mass.:Harvard University Press,1992:5
    ④ LUCIAN W PYE. Asian Power and Politics:The Cultural Dimensions of Authority. Cambridge.Mass.:Belknap Press,1985:ix
    ⑤ LUCIAN W PYE.Asian Power and Politics:The Cultural Dimensions of Authority. Cambridge.Mass.:Belknap Press,1985:56
    ⑥ LUCIAN W PYE.Asian Power and Politics:The Cultural Dimensions of Authority. Cambridge.Mass.:Belknap Press,1985:59
    ① LUCIAN W PYE.Asian Power and Politics:The Cultural Dimensions of Authority.Cambridge.Mass.:Belknap Press,1985:ⅹ
    ② LUCIAN W PYE.The Spirit of Chinese Politics:A Psychocultural Study of the Authority Crisis in Political Development.London:M.I.T. Press,1968:ⅴⅲ
    ③ LUCIAN W PYE.The Spirit of Chinese Politics:A Psychocultural Study of the Authority Crisis in Political Development.London:M.I.T. Press,1968:ⅴⅲ
    ① LUCIAN W PYE.The Mandarin and the Cadre:China's Political Cultures. Ann Arbor:University of Michigan Press,1988:5-8
    ② LUCIAN W PYE.Personal Identity and Political Ideology.Behavioral Science.1961,6(3):205
    ① LUCIAN W PYE.The Mandarin and the Cadre:China's Political Cultures. Ann Arbor:University of Michigan Press,1988:13
    ② LUCIAN W PYE.The Mandarin and the Cadre:China's Political Cultures. Ann Arbor:University of Michigan Press,1988:26
    ① LUCIAN W PYE.Politics,Personality,and Nation Building:Burma's Search for Identity, New Haven:Yale University Press,1962:52
    ① LUCIAN W PYE.Personal Identity and Political Ideology.Behavioral Science.1961,6(3):219
    ② LUCIAN W PYE.Politics,Personality and Nation Building:Burma's Search for Identity,New Haven:Yale University Press,1962:288
    ① LUCIAN W PYE.The Mandarin and the Cadre:China's Political Cultures. Ann Arbor:University of Michigan Press,1988:23
    ② LUCIAN W PYE.The Mandarin and the Cadre:China's Political Cultures. Ann Arbor:University of Michigan Press,1988:23
    ①白鲁恂对政治学界关于社会化过程哪一阶段更为重要的争论持批评态度。他认为,争论家庭、学校、同辈群体、工作在政治文化的社会化过程中哪一阶段更具重要性,毫无意义。有的学者对研究家庭更有兴趣,而有的人更喜欢关注学校,这是学术研究本该呈现的面貌,否认他人研究兴趣的重要性是不可取的。LUCIAN W PYE.The Mandarin and the Cadre:China's Political Cultures. Ann Arbor:University of Michigan Press,1988:23
    ② LUCIAN W PYE.Politics,Personality,and Nation Building:Burma's Search for Identity,New Haven:Yale University Press,1962:45
    ③ LUCIAN W PYE.Culture and Political Science:Problems in the Evaluation of the Concept of Political Culture.Social Science Quarterly.1972,53(2):290
    ① LUCIAN W PYE.The Mandarin and the Cadre:China's Political Cultures. Ann Arbor:University of Michigan Press,1988:8-10
    ②LUCIAN W PYE.The Spirit of Chinese Politics.Cambridge.Mass.:Harvard University Press,1992:5
    ③LUCIAN W PYE.The Spirit of Chinese Politics.Cambridge.Mass.:Harvard University Press,1992:5
    ① LUCIAN W PYE.The Spirit of Chinese Politics.Cambridge.Mass.:Harvard University Press,1992:1
    ② LUCIAN W PYE.The Spirit of Chinese Politics.Cambridge.Mass.:Harvard University Press,1992:2
    ③白鲁恂在《政治、人格与民族国家建设:寻求认同的缅甸人》第二章中详细列举了转型社会的17项特征:1)政治未与社会、个人关系领域发生明显分化;2)政党往往持一种世界性的观念,自认为代表全部生活方式;3)派系盛行;4)政治效忠的概念令政治领导人具有高度的决策自由;5)反对党和雄心勃勃的精英往往以革命者的行动露面:6)缺乏统一的沟通体系,政治参与少有整合;7)新的力量大量、迅速地承担政治角色;8)代际之间存在尖锐的政治取向分歧;9)在政治行动的合理目标与手段上缺乏共识;10)热烈而广泛的政治讨论与政治决策没有关联;11)高度的角色转换性;12)具有特定功能的、明确组织起来的利益集团很少;13)国家领导人必需面向未分化的公众;14)领导人在国际问题上的立场比在国内问题上的立场更鲜明:15)政治情感与表达的重要性胜于解决问题或公共决策;16)魅力型领导盛行;17)政治过程的运行多半未有政治掮客参与其中。LUCIAN W PYE.Politics,Personality, and Nation Building:Burma' s Search for Identity,New Haven:Yale University Press,1962:15-31
    ① LUCIAN W PYE.Traumatized Political Cultures:The After Effects of Totalitarianism in China and Russia.Japanese Journal of Political Science.2000,1(1):115
    ② LUCIAN W PYE.The Spirit of Chinese Politics.Cambridge.Mass.:Harvard University Press,1992:ⅴⅲ
    ①LUCIAN W PYE.The Spirit of Chinese Politics.Cambridge.Mass.:Harvard University Press,1992:54
    ②LUCIAN W PYE.The Spirit of Chinese Politics.Cambridge.Mass.:Harvard University Press,1992:55
    ③LUCIAN W PYE.The Spirit of Chinese Politics.Cambridge.Mass.:Harvard University Press,1992:56
    ① LUCIAN W PYE.The Spirit of Chinese Politics.Cambridge.Mass.:Harvard University Press,1992:36-37
    ② LUCIAN W PYE.The Spirit of Chinese Politics.Cambridge.Mass.:Harvard University Press,1992:49
    ③ LUCIAN W PYE.The Spirit of Chinese Politics.Cambridge.Mass.:Harvard University Press,1992:49
    ① LUCIAN W PYE.The Spirit of Chinese Politics.Cambridge.Mass.:Harvard University Press,1992:57
    ④ LUCIAN W PYE.The Spirit of Chinese Politics.Cambridge.Mass.:Harvard University Press,1992:6
    ①LUCIAN W PYE.The Spirit of Chinese Politics. Cambridge.Mass.:Harvard University Press,1992:6
    ① LUCIAN W PYE.The Spirit of Chinese Politics.Cambridge.Mass.:Harvard University Press,1992:58
    ② LUCIAN W PYE.The Spirit of Chinese Politics.Cambridge.Mass.:Harvard University Press,1992:62
    ③ LUCIAN W PYE.The Spirit of Chinese Politics.Cambridge.Mass.:Harvard University Press,1992:63
    ④ LUCIAN W PYE.The Spirit of Chinese Politics.Cambridge.Mass.:Harvard University Press,1992:63
    ⑤ LUCIAN W PYE.The Spirit of Chinese Politics.Cambridge.Mass.:Harvard University Press,1992:64
    ⑥ LUCIAN W PYE.The Spirit of Chinese Politics.Cambridge.Mass.:Harvard University Press,1992:64
    ① LUCIAN W PYE.The Spirit of Chinese Politics.Cambridge.Mass.:Harvard University Press,1992:12
    ② LUCIAN W PYE.The Spirit of Chinese Politics.Cambridge.Mass.:Harvard University Press,1992:13
    ① LUCIAN W PYE.The Spirit of Chinese Politics.Cambridge.Mass.:Harvard University Press,1992:15-16
    ② LUCIAN W PYE.The Spirit of Chinese Politics.Cambridge.Mass.:Harvard University Press,1992:16
    ③ LUCIAN W PYE.The Spirit of Chinese Politics.Cambridge.Mass.:Harvard University Press,1992:16
    ④ LUCIAN W PYE.The Spirit of Chinese Politics.Cambridge.Mass.:Harvard University Press,1992:24-27
    ① LUCIAN W PYE.The Spirit of Chinese Politics.Cambridge.Mass.:Harvard University Press,1992:29
    ② LUCIAN W PYE.The Spirit of Chinese Politics.Cambridge.Mass.:Harvard University Press,1992:30
    ③ LUCIAN W PYE.The Spirit of Chinese Politics.Cambridge.Mass.:Harvard University Press,1992:30
    ④ LUCIAN W PYE.The Spirit of Chinese Politics.Cambridge.Mass.:Harvard University Press,1992:32
    ① LUCIAN W PYE.The Spirit of Chinese Politics.Cambridge.Mass.:Harvard University Press,1992:67
    ② LUCIAN W PYE.The Spirit of Chinese Politics. Cambridge.Mass.:Harvard University Press,1992:81
    ④ LUCIAN W PYE.The Spirit of Chinese Politics.Cambridge.Mass.:Harvard University Press,1992:33
    ① LUCIAN W PYE.The Spirit of Chinese Politics.Cambridge.Mass.:Harvard University Press,1992:88
    ② LUCIAN W PYE.Asian Power and Politics:The Cultural Dimensions of Authority.Cambridge.Mass.:Belknap Press,1985:63
    ③ LUCIAN W PYE.Asian Power and Politics:The Cultural Dimensions of Authority.Cambridge.Mass.:Belknap Press,1985:65
    ① LUCIAN W PYE.The Spirit of Chinese Politics.Cambridge.Mass.:Harvard University Press,1992:85
    ② LUCIAN W PYE.The Spirit of Chinese Politics.Cambridge.Mass.:Harvard University Press,1992:91
    ③ LUCIAN W PYE.The Spirit of Chinese Politics.Cambridge.Mass.:Harvard University Press,1992:93
    ① LUCIAN W PYE.The Spirit of Chinese Politics.Cambridge.Mass.:Harvard University Press,1992:97
    ③ LUCIAN W PYE.The Spirit of Chinese Politics.Cambridge.Mass.:Harvard University Press,1992:86
    ④ LUCIAN W PYE.Asian Power and Politics:The Cultural Dimensions of Authority.Cambridge.Mass.:Belknap Press,1985:34
    ① LUCIAN W PYE.The Spirit of Chinese Politics.Cambridge.Mass.:Harvard University Press,1992:97-98
    ② LUCIAN W PYE.The Spirit of Chinese Politics.Cambridge.Mass.:Harvard University Press,1992:86
    ③需要特别指出的是,白鲁恂不只一次地强调:中国人性格中对权威的态度与西方人的权威主义人格不完全相符。他认为,中国人既是权威主义的,又是反权威主义的。其中原因在于中国人始终保持着对权威的道德判断,以及对弹性的欣赏等。参见LUCIAN W PYE.The Dynamics of Chinese Politics. Cambridge. Mass: Oelgeschlager.Gunn & Hain.Pub.Inc.,1981:187
    ④白鲁恂认为,尽管社会化的最终目的是成为自律的典范,但自律终究不能完全做到,对外在权威的需要因而也总是存在着。由于个人的自律非常依赖外在权威,如果出现权威的缺如,必定会危及人格自身。LUCIAN W PYE.The Spirit of Chinese Politics.Cambridge.Mass.:Harvard University Press,1992:97
    ⑤ LUCIAN W PYE.The Spirit of Chinese Politics.Cambridge.Mass.:Harvard University Press,1992:98
    ⑥ LUCIAN W PYE.Asian Power and Politics:The Cultural Dimensions of Authority.Cambridge.Mass.:Belknap Press,1985:24
    ① LUCIAN W PYE.Asian Power and Politics:The Cultural Dimensions of Authority.Cambridge.Mass.:Belknap Press,1985:182
    ①准确地说,《中国政治的动力》(The Dynamics of Chinese Politics)是集政治行为与政治文化研究于一体的著作,体现了白鲁恂通过政治文化沟通政治心理与政治行为的关系的努力。
    ② LUCIAN W PYE.The Mandarin and the Cadre:China's Political Cultures. Ann Arbor:University of Michigan Press,1988:38
    ③ LUCIAN W PYE.The Mandarin and the Cadre:China's Political Cultures. Ann Arbor:University of Michigan Press,1988:38-39
    ④ LUCIAN W PYE.The Mandarin and the Cadre:China's Political Cultures. Ann Arbor:University of Michigan Press,1988:38
    ①1980年,白鲁恂出版The Dynamics of Factions and Consensus in Chinese Politics:A Model and Some Propositions。次年,在该书基础上略加修改与补充,并更名为The Dynamics of Chinese Politics出版。本文以后者为资料来源。
    ② LUCIAN W PYE.The Dynamics of Chinese Politic, Cambridge,Mass.:Oelgeschlager, Gunn& Hain, Publishers, Inc.1981:ⅹⅰ
    ③ LUCIAN W PYE.The Spirit of Chinese Politics.Cambridge.Mass.:Harvard University Press,1992:197
    ④ LUCIAN W PYE.The Dynamics of Chinese Politic, Cambridge,Mass.:Oelgeschlager, Gunn& Hain, Publishers, Inc.1981:ⅹⅱ
    ⑤ LUCIAN W PYE.The Dynamics of Chinese Politic, Cambridge,Mass.:Oelgeschlager, Gunn& Hain, Publishers, Inc.1981:ⅹⅰ
    ② LUCIAN W PYE.The Dynamics of Chinese Politic, Cambridge,Mass.:Oelgeschlager, Gunn& Hain, Publishers, Inc.1981:8
    ③ LUCIAN W PYE.The Spirit of Chinese Politics.Cambridge.Mass.:Harvard University Press,1992:207
    ④ LUCIAN W PYE.The Dynamics of Chinese Politic, Cambridge,Mass.:Oelgeschlager, Gunn& Hain, Publishers, Inc.1981:140-142
    ② LUCIAN W PYE.The Dynamics of Chinese Politic, Cambridge,Mass.:Oelgeschlager, Gunn& Hain, Publishers, Inc.1981:127
    ① LUCIAN W PYE.The Dynamics of Chinese Politic, Cambridge,Mass.:Oelgeschlager, Gunn& Hain, Publishers, Inc.1981:128
    ② LUCIAN W PYE.The Dynamics of Chinese Politic, Cambridge,Mass.:Oelgeschlager, Gunn& Hain, Publishers, Inc.1981:129-131
    ③ LUCIAN W PYE.The Dynamics of Chinese Politic, Cambridge,Mass.:Oelgeschlager, Gunn& Hain, Publishers, Inc.1981:131
    ④白鲁恂认为权力是派系形成各因素中最少模糊性最可预知因而也是最首要因素的结论,是在提出派系形成的心理假设之后,同时通过分析与比较形成派系的其他因素(政策取向、意识形态分歧、官僚集团利益驱使、代际差异、地域背景)而得出的。事实上,他并未对权力如何减少政治的不确定性给出清晰地解释。他一方面认为中国人权力观中含有强化政治不确定性的因素,另一方面又坚持中国人赋予权力第一重要性,因为“中国人将个人安全感的寻求与权力直接联系。为克服焦虑与不安全感,所以寻求权力的保护”(LUCIAN W PYE.The Dynamics of Chinese Politic, Cambridge,Mass.:Oelgeschlager, Gunn& Hain, Publishers, Inc.1981:137)。至于为什么中国人将个人安全感直接与权力相联系,白鲁恂认为是中国人社会化过程中对攻击性情绪的压制的结果(第三章已有相关叙述,这里不再赘说)。无需讳言,白鲁恂对权力何以能减少政治的不确定性的说明是不够充分的。
    ⑤ LUCIAN W PYE.The Dynamics of Chinese Politic, Cambridge,Mass.:Oelgeschlager, Gunn& Hain, Publishers, Inc.1981:136
    ① LUCIAN W PYE.The Dynamics of Chinese Politic, Cambridge,Mass.:Oelgeschlager, Gunn& Hain, Publishers, Inc.1981:257
    ② LUCIAN W PYE.The Dynamics of Chinese Politic, Cambridge,Mass.:Oelgeschlager, Gunn& Hain, Publishers, Inc.1981:259-260
    ③ LUCIAN W PYE.The Dynamics of Chinese Politic, Cambridge,Mass.:Oelgeschlager, Gunn& Hain, Publishers, Inc.1981:259
    ① LUCIAN W PYE.The Dynamics of Chinese Politic, Cambridge,Mass.:Oelgeschlager, Gunn& Hain, Publishers, Inc.1981:183
    ② LUCIAN W PYE.The Dynamics of Chinese Politic, Cambridge,Mass.:Oelgeschlager, Gunn& Hain, Publishers, Inc.1981:183-184
    ③ LUCIAN W PYE.The Dynamics of Chinese Politic, Cambridge,Mass.:Oelgeschlager, Gunn& Hain, Publishers, Inc.1981:239
    ④ LUCIAN W PYE.The Dynamics of Chinese Politic, Cambridge,Mass.:Oelgeschlager, Gunn& Hain, Publishers, Inc.1981:10
    ② LUCIAN W PYE.The Mandarin and the Cadre:China's Political Cultures. Ann Arbor:University of Michigan Press,1988:40
    ③ LUCIAN W PYE.The Mandarin and the Cadre:China's Political Cultures. Ann Arbor:University of Michigan Press,1988:40-41
    ④ LUCIAN W PYE.The Mandarin and the Cadre:China's Political Cultures. Ann Arbor:University of Michigan Press,1988:43
    ⑤ LUCIAN W PYE.The Mandarin and the Cadre:China's Political Cultures. Ann Arbor:University of Michigan Press,1988:43
    ① LUCIAN W PYE.The Spirit of Chinese Politics.Cambridge.Mass.:Harvard University Press,1992:129-135
    ② LUCIAN W PYE.The Mandarin and the Cadre:China's Political Cultures. Ann Arbor:University of Michigan Press,1988:44-70.
    ① LUCIAN W PYE.The Mandarin and the Cadre:China's Political Cultures. Ann Arbor:University of Michigan Press,1988:44
    ② LUCIAN W PYE.The Mandarin and the Cadre:China's Political Cultures. Ann Arbor:University of Michigan Press,1988:50
    ④ LUCIAN W PYE.The Mandarin and the Cadre:China's Political Cultures. Ann Arbor:University of Michigan Press,1988:51
    ⑤ LUCIAN W PYE.The Mandarin and the Cadre:China's Political Cultures. Ann Arbor:University of Michigan Press,1988:54-55
    ⑥ LUCIAN W PYE.The Mandarin and the Cadre:China's Political Cultures. Ann Arbor:University of Michigan Press,1988:55-56
    ① LUCIAN W PYE.The Mandarin and the Cadre:China's Political Cultures. Ann Arbor:University of Michigan Press,1988:58
    ② LUCIAN W PYE.The Mandarin and the Cadre:China's Political Cultures. Ann Arbor:University of Michigan Press,1988:58
    ③ LUCIAN W PYE.The Mandarin and the Cadre.China's Political Cultures. Ann Arbor:University of Michigan Press,1988:61
    ④ LUCIAN W PYE.The Mandarin and the Cadre:China's Political Cultures. Ann Arbor:University of Michigan Press,1988:63
    ⑤ LUCIAN W PYE.The Mandarin and the Cadre:China's Political Cultures. Ann Arbor:University of Michigan Press,1988:64
    ⑥ LUCIAN W PYE.The Mandarin and the Cadre:China's Political Cultures. Ann Arbor:University of Michigan Press,1988:65
    ⑦ LUCIAN W PYE.The Mandarin and the Cadre:China's Political Cultures. Ann Arbor:University of Michigan Press,1988:65
    ⑧ LUCIAN W PYE.The Mandarin and the Cadre:China's Political Cultures. Ann Arbor:University of Michigan Press,1988:66
    ① LUCIAN W PYE.The Mandarin and the Cadre:China's Political Cultures. Ann Arbor:University of Michigan Press,1988:67
    ② LUCIAN W PYE.The Mandarin and the Cadre:China's Political Cultures. Ann Arbor:University of Michigan Press,1988:67
    ③ LUCIAN W PYE.The Mandarin and the Cadre:China's Political Cultures. Ann Arbor:University of Michigan Press,1988:69
    ④ LUCIAN W PYE.The Mandarin and the Cadre:China's Political Cultures. Ann Arbor:University of Michigan Press,1988:42
    ⑤ LUCIAN W PYE.The Mandarin and the Cadre:China's Political Cultures. Ann Arbor:University of Michigan Press,1988:42
    ⑥ LUCIAN W PYE.The Mandarin and the Cadre:China's Political Cultures. Ann Arbor:University of Michigan Press,1988:74
    ⑦ LUCIAN W PYE.The Mandarin and the Cadre:China's Political Cultures. Ann Arbor:University of Michigan Press,1988:42
    ① LUCIAN W PYE.The Mandarin and the Cadre:China's Political Cultures. Ann Arbor:University of Michigan Press,1988:42
    ② LUCIAN W PYE.The Mandarin and the Cadre:China's Political Cultures. Ann Arbor:University of Michigan Press,1988:45-46
    ③ LUCIAN W PYE.The Mandarin and the Cadre:China's Political Cultures. Ann Arbor:University of Michigan Press,1988:50
    ④ LUCIAN W PYE.The Mandarin and the Cadre:China's Political Cultures. Ann Arbor:University of Michigan Press,1988:51
    ① LUCIAN W PYE.The Mandarin and the Cadre:China's Political Cultures. Ann Arbor:University of Michigan Press,1988:56
    ② LUCIAN W PYE.The Mandarin and the Cadre:China's Political Cultures. Ann Arbor:University of Michigan Press,1988:56
    ③ LUCIAN W PYE.The Mandarin and the Cadre:China's Political Cultures. Ann Arbor:University of Michigan Press,1988:56
    ④ LUCIAN W PYE.The Mandarin and the Cadre:China's Political Cultures. Ann Arbor:University of Michigan Press,1988:59
    ① LUCIAN W PYE.The Mandarin and the Cadre:China's Political Cultures. Ann Arbor:University of Michigan Press,1988:61
    ② LUCIAN W PYE.The Mandarin and the Cadre:China's Political Cultures. Ann Arbor:University of Michigan Press,1988:65
    ① LUCIAN W PYE.The Mandarin and the Cadre:China's Political Cultures. Ann Arbor:University of Michigan Press,1988:66
    ② LUCIAN W PYE.The Mandarin and the Cadre:China's Political Cultures. Ann Arbor:University of Michigan Press,1988:70
    ③ LUCIAN W PYE.The Mandarin and the Cadre:China's Political Cultures. Ann Arbor:University of Michigan Press,1988:73
    ④ LUCIAN W PYE.The Mandarin and the Cadre:China's Political Cultures. Ann Arbor:University of Michigan Press.1988:70
    ⑤ LUCIAN W PYE.The Mandarin and the Cadre:China's Political Cultures. Ann Arbor:University of Michigan Press,1988:70
    ① HAROLD D LASSWELL.Psychopathology and Politics.London:University,of Chicago Press,1986:1
    ① HAROLD D LASSWELL.Psychopathology and Politics.London:University of Chicago Press,1986:10
    ① HAROLD D LASSWELL.Psychopathology and Politics.London:University of Chicago Press,1986:6-7
    ② HAROLD D LASSWELL.Psychopathology and Politics.London:University of Chicago Press,1986:8
    ④ LUCIAN W PYE.Mao Tse-tung:The Man in the Leader.New York:Basic Books C.,1976:ix
    ① LUCIAN W PYE.Mao Tse-tung:The Man in the Leader.New York:Basic Books C.,1976:x
    ③ LUCIAN W PYE.Mao Tse-tung:The Man in the Leader.New York:Basic Books C.,1976:8
    ③ LUCIAN W PYE.Mao Tse-tung:The Man in the Leader.New York:Basic Books C.,1976:x
    ⑤ LUCIAN W PYE.Mao Tse-tung:The Man in the Leader.New York:Basic Books C.,1976:6
    ⑤ LUCIAN W PYE.Mao Tse-tung:The Man in the Leader.New York:Basic Books C.,1976:5
    ① LUCIAN W PYE.Rethinking the Man in the Leader.The China Journal.1996(35):112
    ①需要说明,白鲁恂后来又指出,毛泽东在这方面并没有取得彻底的成功。“文化大革命”以后,“中国公众对中国的马克思主义产生了严重的愤世嫉俗态度”,毛泽东试图以共产主义意识形态取代儒家文化的努力最终是失败的,但他作为意识形态创造者的影响力依然是世界性的。参见LUCIAN W PYE.An Introductory Profile:Deng Xiaoping and China's Political Culture.The China Quarterly.1993(135):420. LUCIAN W PYE.The Spirit of Chinese Politics.Cambridge.Mass.:Harvard University Press,1992:viii
    ②白鲁恂是在运用拉斯韦尔《精神病理学与政治学》中“政治人”的类型划分分析毛泽东。不过,他指出,毛泽东并不符合典型的“鼓动者”形象,因为他既没有将个人的愤怒情绪外化,也没有受极度的焦虑感的折磨。但从其目的看,依然可以将他归入“鼓动者”一类。参见LUCIAN W PYE.Mao Tse-tung:The Man in the Leader.New York.Basic Books C.,1976:237
    ③ LUCIAN W PYE.Mao Tse-tung.The Man in the Leader.New York:Basic Books C.,1976:237
    ④ LUCIAN W PYE.Mao Tse-tung:The Man in the Leader.New York.Basic Books C.,1976:238
    ⑤ LUCIAN W PYE.Rethinking the Man in the Leader.The China Journal.1996(35):112
    ⑥白鲁恂根据与毛泽东有过接触的人留下的文字资料,认为毛泽东在声音、外形、握手(柔弱无骨)、和走路的样子等方面有些女性气质。LUCIAN W PYE.Mao Tse-tung:The Man in the Leader.New York:Basic Books C.,1976:33-34.他认为,毛泽东的女性气质很可能是他在童年时期认同于母亲的结果。
    ②LUCIAN W PYE.Mao Tse-tung:The Man in the Leader.New York:Basic Books C.,1976:259
    ③LUCIAN W PYE.Mao Tse-tung:The Man in the Leader.New York:Basic Books C.,1976:259
    ① LUCIAN W PYE.Mao Tse-tung:The Man in the Leader.New York:Basic Books C.,1976:80
    ② LUCIAN W PYE.Mao Tse-tung:The Man in the Leader.New York:Basic Books C.,1976:306
    ③ LUCIAN W PYE.Mao Tse-tung:The Man in the Leader.New York:Basic Books C.,1976:86
    ④白鲁恂指出,历史上的反叛者有两种类型:一类是曾经受到过度压迫需要毁灭权威者,另一类是因不再享有安全感而抱着深深的不满需要改变世界者。毛泽东属于后者,这是理解他革命精神的关键。LUCIAN W PYE.Mao Tse-tung:The Man in the Leader.New York:Basic Books C.,1976:307.白鲁恂还指出,毛泽东之所以对反叛者产生吸引力,并非由于他对专制的父亲怀有敌意,因为回应其反叛号召的反叛者,其中很多人都没有与父亲发生冲突,而在于毛泽东唤醒了大量深锁在人们潜意识中由于“被忽略”、“不被当作一个人来尊重”、“不能参与影响自己生活的决定”而产生的怨愤记忆。LUCIAN W PYE.Mao Tse-tung:The Man in the Leader.New York:Basic Books C.,1976:11
    ⑤ LUCIAN W PYE.Mao Tse-tung:The Man in the Leader.New York:Basic Books C.,1976:87
    ② LUCIAN W PYE.Mao Tse-tung:The Man in the Leader.New York:Basic Books C.,1976:311
    ③白鲁恂得出这一结论所引用的证据,是1919年10月8日毛泽东为缅怀母亲撰写的《祭母文》的摘录:“吾母高风,首推博爱。远近亲疏,一皆覆载。恺恻慈祥,感动庶汇。爱力所及,原本真诚。不作诳言,不存欺心。整饬成性,一丝不诡。手泽所经,皆有条理。头脑精密,劈理分情。事无遗算,物无遁形。病时揽手,酸心结肠。总兹所述,盛德所辉”(原文如此)。白鲁恂认为,毛泽东在这首诗里使用的抽象化语言“远近亲疏,一皆覆载”,想说的正是作为长子未得到母亲偏爱的不满。“不作诳言,不存欺心”,表达的是被母亲欺骗的感觉。不过,这种想法令毛泽东非常不安,以致于接下来的几句马上从情感领域回到母亲的能干上来。“病时揽手,酸心结肠”,似乎也是在潜意识里说他又得到了母亲的全部关爱和他想惩罚那些抛弃他的人的心理。参见LUCIAN W PYE.Mao Tse-tung:The Man in the Leader.New York:Basic Books C.,1976:84-85
    ④ LUCIAN W PYE.Mao Tse-tung:The Man in the Leader.New York:Basic Books C.,1976:249
    ⑤ LUCIAN W PYE.Mao Tse-tung:The Man in the Leader.New York:Basic Books C.,1976:9-10
    ⑥ LUCIAN W PYE.Mao Tse-tung:The Man in the Leader.New York:Basic Books C.,1976:14-15
    ⑦ LUCIAN W PYE.Mao Tse-tung:The Man in the Leader.New York:Basic Books C.,1976:252
    ① LUCIAN W PYE.Mao Tse-tung:The Man in the Leader.New York:Basic Books C.,1976:251
    ② LUCIAN W PYE.Mao Tse-tung:The Man in the Leader.New York:Basic Books C.,1976:252
    ③ LUCIAN W PYE.Mao Tse-tung:The Man in the Leader.New York:Basic Books C.,1976:15
    ④在弗洛伊德的人格发展阶段理论中,3-8岁是为“性器期”(Phallic Stage)。这一时期,儿童会产生亲子依恋(男孩恋母,女孩恋父),亦称“俄狄浦斯情结”(the Oedipus complex),所以又叫“俄狄浦斯时期”。前俄狄浦斯时期即指3岁之前。
    ①莱特专门从事苏联政治精英研究,1951年,他以对列宁和斯大林的研究为基础,依据布尔什维克的文献与政治行为,对苏联共产党的政治战略作了一番总结,出版《政治局的行动密码》(The Operational Code of the Politburo),意在“发现布尔什维克为了政治行为的有效而必须采用的行动规则”(NATHAN LEITES.The Operational Code of the Politburo.New York:Rand Corporation,1951:xi)。将《领导人毛泽东》第三章“毛泽东的公众印象”(Impressions of the Public Man)与此书两相对照,可以清晰地看出,白鲁恂用以观察、分析毛泽东的政治风格的理论视角明显来自莱特的启发,比如是否注意保持政策的前后一致、对政治斗争所持的态度等。白鲁恂在前言中也明确表示,他从莱特那里受益良多。
    ② LUCIAN W PYE.Mao Tse-tung:The Man in the Leader.New York:Basic Books C.,1976:43
    ③ LUCIAN W PYE.Mao Tse-tung:The Man in the Leader.New York:Basic Books C.,1976:50
    ① LUCIAN W PYE.Mao Tse-tung:The Man in the Leader.New York:Basic Books C.,1976:55
    ② LUCIAN W PYE.Mao Tse-tung:The Man in the Leader.New York:Basic Books C.,1976:60
    ③ LUCIAN W PYE.Mao Tse-tung:The Man in the Leader.New York:Basic Books C.,1976:62
    ④ LUCIAN W PYE.Mao Tse-tung:The Man in the Leader.New York:Basic Books C.,1976:62
    ⑤ LUCIAN W PYE.Mao Tse-tung:The Man in the Leader.New York:Basic Books C.,1976:66
    ⑥ LUCIAN W PYE.Mao Tse-tung:The Man in the Leader.New York:Basic Books C.,1976:66
    ① LUCIAN W PYE.Rethinking the Man in the Leader.The China Journal.1996(35):108-109
    ③ LUCIAN W PYE.Rethinking the Man in the Leader.The China Journal.1996(35):108
    ① OTTO F.KERNBERG.Narcissistic Personality Disorder.//JOHN F. CLARKIN,PETER FONAGY,GLEN O. GABBARD.Psychodynamic Psychotherapy for Personality Disorders:A Clinical Handbook. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Pub.,2010:260-261
    ① LUCIAN W PYE.The Mandarin and the Cadre:China's Political Cultures. Ann Arbor:University of Michigan Press,1988:159-160
    ② LUCIAN W PYE.An Introductory Profile:Deng Xiaoping and China's Political Culture.The China Quarterly.1993(135):440
    ① LUCIAN W PYE.An Introductory Profile:Deng Xiaoping and China's Political Culture.The China Quarterly.1993(135):415-416
    ② LUCIAN W PYE.An Introductory Profile:Deng Xiaoping and China's Political Culture.The China Quarterly.1993(135):415
    ③ LUCIAN W PYE.An Introductory Profile:Deng Xiaoping and China's Political Culture.The China Quarterly.1993(135):417
    ④ LUCIAN W PYE.An Introductory Profile:Deng Xiaoping and China's Political Culture.The China Quarterly.1993(135):416
    ⑤ LUCIAN W PYE.An Introductory Profile:Deng Xiaoping and China's Political Culture.The China Quarterly.1993(135):416
    ① LUCIAN W PYE.An Introductory Profile:Deng Xiaoping and China's Political Culture.The China Quarterly.1993(135):428-429
    ② LUCIAN W PYE.An Introductory Profile:Deng Xiaoping and China's Political Culture.The China Quarterly.1993(135):432
    ③ LUCIAN W PYE.An Introductory Profile:Deng Xiaoping and China's Political Culture.The China Quarterly.1993(135):432
    ① LUCIAN W PYE.An Introductory Profile:Deng Xiaoping and China's Political Culture.The China Quarterly.1993(135):425
    ② LUCIAN W PYE.An Introductory Profile:Deng Xiaoping and China's Political Culture.The China Quarterly.1993(135):429
    ① LUCIAN W PYE.The Mandarin and the Cadre:China's Political Cultures. Ann Arbor:University of Michigan Press,1988:12
    ① LUCIAN W PYE.The Mandarin and the Cadre:China's Political Cultures. Ann Arbor:University of Michigan Press,1988:11
    ② LUCIAN W PYE.The Mandarin and the Cadre:China's Political Cultures. Ann Arbor:University of Michigan Press,1988:27
    ③ LUCIAN W PYE.The Mandarin and the Cadre:China's Political Cultures. Ann Arbor:University of Michigan Press,1988:12
    ④ LUCIAN W PYE.The Mandarin and the Cadre:China's Political Cultures. Ann Arbor:University of Michigan Press,1988:11
    ⑤ LUCIAN W PYE.The Mandarin and the Cadre:China's Political Cultures. Ann Arbor:University of Michigan Press,1988:x
    ① LUCIAN W PYE.Mao Tse-tung:The Man in the Leader.New York:Basic Books C.,1976:313
    ② LUCIAN W PYE.The Dynamics of Chinese Politic, Cambridge,Mass.:Oelgeschlager, Gunn& Hain, Publishers, Inc.1981:5
    ④ LUCIAN W PYE.Asian Power and Politics:The Cultural Dimensions of Authority.Cambridge.Mass.:Belknap Press,1985:72-73
    ②以问卷调查式研究方法研究中国政治文化的学者有黎安友(Andrew Nathan)、史天健(Shi Tianjian)、英格尔哈特(Ronald Ingerhart)等,文化解释学派的代表人物包括芮沃寿(Arthur F.Wright)、史华慈(Benjamin I. Schwartz)、列文森(Joseph R.Levenson)等,心理文化学派则包括白鲁恂(Lucian W.Pye)、所罗门(Richard Solomon)、刘(Alan P.L.Liu)、利夫顿(Robert Lifton)、孙隆基等。
    ③关于问卷调查式研究在信度与效度方面的问题,石之瑜曾有总结:“1)回答问题的情境与生活实境脱节;2)访员的训练从来没有达到专业水平,访谈资料错误极多;3)抽样的困难造成有效样本不足,或无法达到随机的要求:4)调查设计假设受访者表达的是自己的意见,这是个人主义社会的合理假设,但在人情导向的社会里,人们是以尊贤之意见为意见,则社会调查出来的结果,就不能用个人化的逻辑推论来诠释”。 石之瑜.政治心理学.台北:五南图书出版公司,1999:31
    ①此处“表现”、“动力”与“发展”层面这三个概念依据格林斯坦(Fred Greestein)在《个体政治论》第一章“人格与政治”的论述发展而来。格林斯坦指出,对个体心理的分析包括三个层面:1)对显露性特点(presenting characteristics)比如个体较为稳定的可观察特质、对环境的知觉、政治倾向、行为类型的描述;2)动力层面的分析:将个体的内心过程、结构与需要与外在的显露性特点相联系,意在解释人的行为的不连贯性;3)发展层面的分析:探问个体心理与行为特质的根源。参见GREESTEIN,POSLBY.个体政治论.幼狮文化事业公司,编译.台北:幼狮文化事业公司,1983:60-62
    ① GREESTEIN,POSLBY个体政治论.幼狮文化事业公司,编译.台北:幼狮文化事业公司,1983:62
    ① LUCIAN W PYE.Asian Power and Politics:The Cultural Dimensions of Authority.Cambridge.Mass.:Belknap Press,1985:50
    ① RICHARD H SOLOMON. Mao's Revolution and the Chinese Political Culture.Berkeley:University of California press,1972:xvii
    ② RICHARD H SOLOMON. Mao's Revolution and the Chinese Political Culture.Berkeley:University of California press,1972:xiv,8
    ③ Alan P.L. Liu,美国加州大学圣芭芭拉分校政治学教授,主要著作:Communications and National Integration in Communist China (1971), Political Culture and Group Conflict in Communist China (1976), How China is Ruled (1985), Phoenix and the Lame Lion (1987), Mass Politics in People's Republic of China(1996)
    ④参见LUCIAN W PYE.Mao Tse-tung:The Man in the Leader.New York:Basic Books C.,1976:xiii-xiv
    ① LUCIAN W PYE.The Mandarin and the Cadre:China's Political Cultures. Ann Arbor:University of Michigan Press,1988:11
    ③ LUCIAN W PYE.Mao Tse-tung:The Man in the Leader.New York:Basic Books C.,1976:71-75
    ④ LUCIAN W PYE.Mao Tse-tung:The Man in the Leader.New York:Basic Books C.,1976:280
    ⑤ LOWELL DITTMER.Mao Tse-tung:The Man and the Symbol.The China Quarterly.1976(68):828
    ⑥ LUCCIAN W PYE.The Spirit of Chinese Politics.Cambrige.Mass.:Harvard University Press,1992:45
    ① GORDON BENNETT.Reviewed work(s):Mao Tse-tung:The Man in the Leader by Lucian W Pye.The Journal of Politics.1977,39(2):529
    ①比如穆磐石曾说白鲁恂的政治文化研究是“国民性研究的一种变体”(PETER R MOODY.Review:The "Cultures" of Asian Politics.Reviewed work(s):Asian Power and Politics:The Cultural Dimensions of Authority by Lucian W.Pye.The Review of Politics.1987,49(1):157),笔者不同意的理由如下:国民性研究在研究文化与人格的关系时很少将社会环境与历史背景因素考虑在内;国民性研究以某一文化类型中的群体为研究对象。而白鲁恂的政治文化研究对社会环境与历史因素非常重视;研究对象有群体,也有个体。此外,白鲁恂总是将个体的行为动机与所处环境因素考虑在内,克服了国民性研究的静态性。同时还需要说明的是,笔者并不认为国民性研究没有价值,其理论与研究方向上的开创性意义是非常值得重视的,然而也不能不看到其理论预设与研究方法的缺陷。国民性研究的推进,先要克服其早期研究的缺陷。
    ③ TANG TSOU.Review:Western Concepts and China's Historical Experience.World Politics.1969,21 (4):683
    ④ LUCIAN W PYE.The Spirit of Chinese Politics.Cambridge.Mass.:Harvard University Press,1992:49
    ① TANG TSOU.Review:Western Concepts and China's Historical Experience.World Politics.1969,21(4):673
    ② LUCIAN W PYE.The Dynamics of Chinese Politic, Cambridge,Mass.:Oelgeschlager, Gunn& Hain, Publishers, Inc.1981:129
    ③ ANDREW J NATHAN.Is Chinese Culture Distinctive? The Journal of Asian Studies.1993,52(4):933
    ④ LUCIAN W PYE.Asian Power and Politics:The Cultural Dimensions of Authority.Cambridge.Mass.:Belknap Press,1985:57
    ③ FRED WEINSTEIN.Psychohistory and the Crisis of the Social Sciences.History and Theory.1995,34(4):308
    ⑥ LUCIAN W PYE.Personal Identity and Political Ideology.Behavioral Science.1961,6(3):206
    ① LUCIAN W PYE.Politics,Personality,and Nation Building:Burma's Search for Identity,New Haven:Yale University Prcss,1962:45
    ① LUCIAN W PYE.Politics,Personality,and Nation Building:Burma's Search for Identity,New Haven:Yale University Press,1962:130
    ②指过度追求精确、量化和可验证的实证研究。参见FRED WEINSTEIN. Psychohistory and the Crisis of the Social Sciences.History and Theory.1995,34(4):299-319
    ① FRED WEINSTEIN. Psychohistory and the Crisis of the Social Sciences.History and Theory.1995(34.4):317-318
    1. LUCIAN W PYE.The Spirit of Chinese Politics:A Psychocultural Study of the Authority Crisis in Political Development Cambrige.Mass.:Harvard University Press,1992
    2. LUCIAN W PYE.Chinese Negotiating Style:Commercial Approaches and Cultural Principles.New York:Quorum Books,1992
    3. LUCIAN W PYE.China:An Introduction.4th ed.New York:1991
    4. LUCIAN W PYE.The Mandarin and the Cadre:China's Political Cultures.Ann Arbor:University of Michigan Press,1988
    5. LUCIAN W PYE.Asian Power and Politics:The Cultural Dimensions of Authority.Cambridge.Mass.:Belknap Press,1985
    6. LUCIAN W PYE.The Dynamics of Chinese Politics. Cambridge. Mass: Oelgeschlager.Gunn & Hain.Pub.Inc.,1981
    7. LUCIAN W PYE.The Dynamics of Factions and Consensus in Chinese Politics:A Model and Some Propositions.Santa Monica.Calif:Rand C.,1980
    8. LUCIAN W PYE.Mao Tse-tung:The Man in the Leader.New York:Basic Books C.,1976
    9. LUCIAN W PYE.Warlord Politics:Conflict and Coalition in the Modernization of Republican China. New York:Praeger,1971
    10. LUCIAN W PYE.The Spirit of Chinese Politics:A Psychocultural Study of the Authority Crisis in Political Development.London:M.I.T. Press,1968
    11. LUCIAN W P YE. Aspects of Political Development.Boston:Little Brown,c1966
    12. LUCIAN W PYE,SIDNEY VERBA.Political Culture and Political Development.Princeton.N.J.:Princeton University Press,1965
    13. LUCIAN W PYE.Communications and Political Development. Princeton.N.J.:Princeton University Press,1963
    14. LUCIAN W PYE.Politics,Personality,and Nation Building:Burma's Search for Identity,New Haven:Yale University Press,1962
    15. LUCIAN W PYE.Guerrilla Communism in Malaya:Its Social and Political Meaning. Princeton:Princeton University Press,1956
    2. LUCIAN W PYE.中国政治的变与常.胡祖庆,译.台北:五南图书出版公司,1988
    1. LUCIAN W PYE.Asia Studies and the Discipline.PS:Political Science and Politics.2001,34(4):805-807
    2. LUCIAN W PYE.Jiang Zemin's Style of Rule:Go for Stability,Monopolize Power and Settle for Limited Effectiveness.The China Journal.2001(45):45-51
    3. LUCIAN W PYE.Review:The Thin Line between Loyalty and Treachery in Mao's China.The China Journal.2000 (44):145-152
    4. LUCIAN W PYE.Traumatized Political Cultures:The After Effects of Totalitarianism in China and Russia.Japanese Journal of Political Science.2000,1(1):113-128
    5. LUCIAN W PYE.An Overview of 50 Years of the People's Republic of China:Some Progress,but Big Problems Remain. The China Quarterly. 1999(159):569-579
    6. LUCIAN W PYE.Civility,Social Capital,and Civil Society:Three Powerful Concepts for Explaining Asia.Journal of Interdisciplinary History. 1999,29(4):763-782
    7. LUCIAN W PYE.The United States and Asia in 1997:Nothing Dramatic,Just Incremental Progress.Asian Survey.1998,38(1):99-106
    8. LUCIAN W PYE.Can Culture Save International Relations Theory in the Post-Cold War World? International Studies Review.1998,42(1):154-156
    9. LUCIAN W PYE.Introduction:The Elusive Concept of Culture and the Vivid Reality of Personality.Political Psychology.1997,18(2):241-254
    10. LUCIAN W PYE.Money Politics and Transitions to Democracy in East Asia.Asian Survey.1997,37(3):213-228
    11. LUCIAN W PYE.Rethinking the Man in the Leader.The China Journal.1996(35):107-112
    12. LUCIAN W PYE.Chinese Politics in the Late Deng Era.The China Quarterly.1995(142):573-583
    13. LUCIAN W PYE.Factions and the Politics of Guanxi:Paradoxes in Chinese Administrative and Political Behaviour.The China Journal.1995(34):35-53
    14. LUCIAN W PYE.How China's Nationalism was Shanghaied.The Australian Journal of Chinese Affairs.1993(29):107-133
    15. LUCIAN W PYE.An Introductory Profile:Deng Xiaoping and China's Political Culture.The China Quarterly.1993(135):412-443
    16. WEI LI,LUCIAN W PYE.The Ubiquitous Role of the Mishu in Chinese Politics.The China Quarterly.1992(132):913-936
    17. LUCIAN W PYE.Political Culture Revisited.Political Psychology.1991,12(3):487-508
    18. LUCIAN W PYE.The State and the Individual:An Overview Interpretation.The China Quarterly.1991(127):443-466
    19. LUCIAN W PYE.Tiananmen and Chinese Political Culture:The Escalation of Confrontation from Moralizing to Revenge.Asian Survey.1990,30(4):331-347
    20. LUCIAN W PYE.Political Science and the Crisis of Authoritarianism.The American Political Science Review.1990,84(1):3-19
    21. LUCIAN W PYE.Review:Enemies of the People:The Ordeal of Intellectuals in China's Great Cultural Revolution by Thurston.Journal of Asian Studies,1988,47(1):130-131
    22. LUCIAN W PYE.Reassessing the Cultural Revolution.The China Quarterly.1986(108):597-612
    23. LUCIAN W PYE.On Chinese Pragmatism in the 1980s.The China Quarterly. 1986(106):207-234
    24. LUCIAN W PYE,NATHAN LEITES.Nuances in Chinese Political Culture Nuances in Chinese Political Culture.Asian Survey.1982,22(12):1147-1165
    25. LUCIAN W PYE.Dilemmas for America in China's Modernization. International Security.1979(4.1):3-19
    26. LUCIAN W PYE.The Puzzles of Chinese Pragmatism.Foreign Policy.1978(31):119-136
    27. LUCIAN W PYE.Communications and Chinese Political Culture.Asian Survey.1978,18(3):221-246
    28. LUCIAN W PYE.Aesopian Language in Chinese Politics.Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society.1978,122(5):336-339
    29. LUCIAN W PYE.A Very Exceptional Communist.Virginia Quarterly Review.1977,53(2):219-228
    30. LUCIAN W PYE.Mao Tse-tung's Leadership Style.Political Science Quarterly.1976,91 (2):219-235
    31. LUCIAN W PYE.China after Chou En-Lai.Current History.1976,71(419):53-56
    32. LUCIAN W PYE.Culture and Political Science:Problems in the Evaluation of the Concept of Political Culture.Social Science Quarterly.1972,53(2):285-296
    33. LUCIAN W PYE.China in Context.Foreign Affairs.1967,45(2):229-245
    34. LUCIAN W PYE.The Concept of Political Development.Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science.1965(358):1-13LUCIAN W PYE.Personal Identity and Political Ideology.Behavioral Science.1961,6(3):205-221
    35. LUCIAN W PYE.Review:Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism by Lifton.Journal of Asian Studies.1961,20(4):522-523
    36. LUCIAN W PYE.Administrators,Agitators,and Brokers.The Public Opinion Quarterly.1958,22(3):342-348
    37. LUCIAN W PYE.The Non-Western Political Process.The Journal of Politics.1958,20(3):468-486
    38. GEORGE MCT KAHIN,GUY J PAUKER,LUCIAN W PYE.Comparative Politics of Non-Western Countries.The American Political Science Review. 1955(49.4):1022-1041
    1. ALAN P L LIU.Reviewed work(s):Struggle for Democracy:Sung Chiao-Jen and the 1911 Chinese Revolution by K S Liew.Warlord Politics6Conflict and Coalition in the Modernization of Republican China by Lucian W Pye.Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science.1972(403):176-177
    2. ALFRED DIOMAND.Is There a Non-Western Political Process? Comments on Lucian W Pye's The Non-Western Political Process.The Journal ofPolitics.1959,21(1):123-127
    3. ANDREW J NATHAN.Is Chinese Culture Distinctive? The Journal of Asian Studies.1993,52(4):923-936
    4. ARDATH W BURKS.Review:Asian Power and Politics:The Cultural Dimensions of Authority.The Journal of Asian Studies.1988,47(4):842-843.
    5. ARISTIDE R ZOLBERG.Review:Political Culture and Political Development by Lucian W Pye,Sydney Verba The American Political Science Review.1966,60(1):119-121
    6. ARTHUR HUCK.Review:China:An Introduction.Pacific Affairs. 1973,46(1):118-119
    7. ARTHUR STEINER.Reviewed work(s):The Spirit of Chinese Politics:A Psychocultural Study of the Authority Crisis in Political Development by Lucian W Pye.Communism in China:As Reported From Hankow in 1932 by O Edmund Clubb.The Mandate of Heaven:Record of a Civil War in China 1945-49 by John F Melby.The American Historical Review.1969,75(1):186-187
    8. BRUCE J DICKSON.What Explains Chinese Political Behavior? The Debate over Structure and Culture.Comparative Politics.1992,25(1):103-118
    9. CHALMERS JOHNSON.Pregnant with "Meaning!" Mao and the Revolutionary Ascetic. Journal of Interdisciplinary History.1977,7(3):499-508
    10. DALE BRATTON.Review:Mao Tse-Tung:The Man in the Leader by Lucian W Pye.The Western Political Quarterly.1977,30(1):140-142
    11. DAVID S G GOODMAN.Reviewed work(s):Mao Tse-tung in the Scales of History:A Preliminary Assessment Organized by The China Quarterly by Dick Wilson.Mao Tse-Tung:The Man in the Leader by Lucian W·Pye.International Affairs.1978,54(2):354-356
    12. DAVID S G GOODMAN.Review:The Dynamics of Factions and Consensus in Chinese Politics:A Model and Some Propositions by Lucian W Pye.The China Quarterly.1081 (86):349-350
    13. DAVID SHAMBAUGH.Review:The Mandarin and the Cadre:China's Political Cultures by Lucian W pye.The China Quarterly.1990(122):310-311
    14. DAVID WURFEL.Review:Political Culture and Political Development by Lucian W Pye,Sidney Verba.Midwest Journal of Political Science.1967,11(1):116-118
    15. DENNIS M RAY.Reviewed work(s):Chinese Communism in Crisis:Maoism and the Cultural Revolution by Jack Gray,Patrick Cavendish.The Spirit of Chinese Politics:A Psychocultural Study of the Authority Crisis in Political Development by Lucian W Pye.The Western Political Quarterly.1968,21(4):741-744
    16. DONALD B ROSENTHAL.Review:Political Culture and Political Development by Lucian W Pye,Sidney Verba. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science.1966(365):212-213
    17. EUGENE VICTOR WOLFENSTEIN.Review:Mao Tse-tung:The Man in the Leader by Lucian W Pye.The American Political Science Review.1978,72(2): 758-759
    18. GORDON BENNETT.Review:Mao-Tse Dung:the Man in the Leader by Lucian W Pye.The Journal of Politics.1977,39(2):527-529
    19. FRANCIS L K HSU.Review:The Spirit of Chinese Politics:A Psychocultural Study of the Authority Crisis in Political Development by Lucian W Pye.American Anthropologist.1970,72(1):156-160
    20. FRANZ MICHAEL.Review:The Spirit of Chinese Politics:A Psychocultural Study of the Authority Crisis in Political Development by Lucian W Pye.The Journal of Asian Studies.1969,28(4):848-850
    21. FREDERICK C TEIWES.Review:The Dynamics of Factions and Consensus in Chinese Politics by Lucian W Pye.Pacific Affairs.1981,54(2):347-349
    22. G D LOESCHER.Review:Mao Tse-tung:The Man in the Leader by Lucian W Pye.The Review of Politics.1977,39(1):125-128
    23. GEORGE E TAYLOR.Review:Guerrilla Communism in Malaya:Its Social and Political Meaning by Lucian W Pye. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science.1957(311):210-211
    24. GORDON BENNETT.Review:The Dynamic of Chinese Politics.The Journal of Politics.1983,45(2):537-538
    25. GORDON BENNETT.Review:Mao Tse-tung:The Man in the Leader by Lucian W Pye.The Journal of Politics.1977,39(2):527-529
    26. GUENTHER ROTH.Review:Political Culture and Political Development by Lucian W Pye,Sidney Verba.Political Science Quarterly.1966,81(4):637-638
    27. HAROLD Z SCHIFFRIN.Review:Warlord Politics:Conflict and Coalition in the Mordenization of Republican China.Pacific Affairs.1973,46(2):317-318
    28. HARRY HARDING.The Study of Chinese Politics.Toward a Third Generation of Scholarship. World Politics.1984,36(2):284-307
    29. HARSH SETHI.Culture as Politics or Politics as Culture.Economic and Political Weekly.1987,22(12):497-498
    30. HILARY CONROY.Review:Asian Power and Politics:The Cultural Dimensions of Authority by Lucian W Pye.Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science.1986(488):197-198
    31. HLA MYINT.Review:Politics,Personality,and Nation Building:Burma's Search for Identity by Lucian W Pye.Pacific Affairs.1962,35(2):187-188
    32. HUGH TINKER.Review:Politics,Personality,and Nation Building:Burma's Search for Identity by Lucian W Pye.The Journal of Asian Studies.1963,22(3):335-337
    33. JAMES COTTON.Review:Asian Power and Politics:The Cultural Dimensions of Authority by Lucian W Pye.International Affairs.1986,62(2):431-342
    34. J H BRIMMELL.Review:Guerrilla Communism in Malaya:Its Social and Political Meaning by Lucian W Pye.International Affairs.1957,33(4):521-522
    35. J BRUCE JACOBS.Review:The Mandarin and the Cadre:China's Political Cultures by Lucian W Pye.Pacific Affairs.1990,63(1):93-94
    36. JEROME CH'EN.Review:Mao Tse-Tung:The Man in the Leader by Lucian W Pye.Pacific Affairs.1977,50(l):119-120
    37. JOE C HUANG.Review:The Spirit of Chinese Politics:A Psychocultural Study of the Authority Crisis in Political Development by Lucian W Pye.The Journal of Politics.1969,31(1):255-256
    38. JOHN BRYAN STARR.Reviewed work(s):The Spirit of Chinese Politics:A Psychocultural Study of the Authority Crisis in Political Development by Lucian W Pye.Revolutionary Immortality:Mao Tse-tung and the Chinese Cultural by Robert J Lifton.American Sociological Review.1969,34(6):986-987
    39. JOHN K MUSGRAVE.Review:Politics,Personality,and Nation Building:Burma's Search for Identity by Lucian W Pye.American Anthropologist.1963,65(2):491-492
    40. JOYCE K KALLGREN.Review:The Spirit of Chinese Politics:A Psychocultural Study of the Authority Crisis in Political Development by Lucian W Pye.The American Political Science Review.1969,63(3):930-931
    41. KUE-WEI LEE.Review:The Spirit of Chinese Politics:A Psychocultural Study of the Authority Crisis in Political Development by Lucian W Pye. Social Forces.1969,48(l):130
    42. LOWELL DITTMER.Mao Tse-tung:The Man and the Symbol.The China Quarterly.1976(68):822-828
    43. MANNING NASH.Review:Politics,Personality,and Nation Building:Burma's Search for Identity by Lucian W Pye.The American Journal of Sociology.1962,68(2):270-271
    44. MINOO ADENWALLA.Review:Politics,Personality,and Nation Building: Burma's Search for Identity by Lucian W Pye.Midwest Journal of Political Science.1963,7(3):277-279
    45. MORTON H FRIED.Review:The Spirit of Chinese Politics:A Psychocultural Study of the Authority Crisis in Political Development by Lucian W Pye.Political Science Quarterly.1970,85(3):535-538
    46. PAUL BIXLER.Review:Politics,Personality,and Nation-Building:Burma's Search for Identity by Lucian W Pye. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science.1962(343):167-168
    47. PETER R MOODY.Review:The Mandarin and the Cadre:China's Political Cultures.The Journal of Asian Studies.1989,48(4):839-840
    48. PETER R MOODY.The "Cultures" of Asian Politics.The Review of Politics.1987,49(1):157-159
    49. PETER R MOODY.Reviewed work(s):Warlord Politics:Conflict and Coalition in the Modernization of Republican China by Lucian W Pye. The Government and Politics of Communist China by Derek J Waller.Ideology and Practice:The Evolution of Chinese Communism by James Chieh Hsiung.The Review of Politics.1973,35(4):576-581
    50. R H TAYLOR.Review:Asian Power and Politics:The Cultural Dimensions of Authority by Lucian W Pye.Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies University of London.1987,50(3):597-598
    51. RICHARD BUTWELL.Individual and Collective Identity and Nation-Building World Politics.1963,15(3):488-494
    52. RICHARD BUTWELL.Review:Politics,Personality,and Nation BuildingrBurma's Search for Identity by Lucian W Pye.American Sociological Review.1964,29(4):601-602
    53. RICHARD W WILSON.Review:The Spirit of Chinese Politics:A Psychocultural Study of the Authority Crisis in Political Development By Lucian W Pye.The American Journal of Sociology.1968,74(3):310-311
    54. ROBERT A KAPP.Review:Warlord Politics:Conflict and Coalition in the Modernization of Republican China by Lucian W Pye. Modern Asian Studies.1974,8(2):271-273
    55. RUSSELL H FIFIELD.Review:Southeast Asia's Political Systems by Lucian W Pye.Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science.1968(377):179
    56. STEPHEN R MACKINNON.Review:Warlord Politics:Conflict and Coalition in the Mordenization of Republican China by Lucian W Pye.The Journal of Asian Studies.1972,31(4):935-936
    57. TANG TSOU.Western Concepts and China's Historical Experience.World Politics.1969,21(4):655-691
    58. TIMOTHY J LOMPERIS.Review:Asian Power and Politics:The Cultural Dimensions of Authority by Lucian W Pye.The Journal of Politics.1987,49(1):332-335
    59. TYRENE WHITE.Reviewed work(s):Asian Power and Politics:The Cultural Dimensions of Authority by Lucian WPye.Children of Mao:Personality Development and Political Activism in the Red Guard Generation by Anita Chan. Political Psychology.1987,8(2):249-254
    60. VERA MICHELES DEAN.Review:Politics,Personality,and Nation Building:Burma's Search for Identity by Lucian W Pye.The Journal of Politics.1963,25(1):175-176
    61. W A C ADIE.Reviewed work(s):The Spirit of Chinese Politics:A Psychocultural Study of the Authority Crisis in Political Development, by Lucian W Pye.The Communists and Chinese Peasant Rebellions:A Study in the Rewriting of Chinese History by James P Harrison.Canton under Communism:Programs and Politics in a Provincial Capital(1949-1968).International Affairs.1970,46(4):878-880
    62. W HOWARD WRIGGINS.Review:Asian Power and Politics:The Cultural Dimensions of Authority by Lucian W Pye.Political Science Quarterly.1987,102(2):343-344
    63. W J F JENNER.Review:The Spirit of Chinese Politics:A Psychocultural Study of the Authority Crisis in Political Development by Lucian W Pye.Modern Asian Studies.l971,5(1):87-88
    1. ALEX INKELES, DANIEL LEVINSON.National Character:A Psycho-social Perspective. New Brunswick, NJ:Transaction Publishers,1996
    2. GABRIEL A ALMOND. Ventures in Political Science:Narrative and Reflections.Colorado:Lynne Rienner Publishers,2003
    3. GABRIEL A ALMOND.A Discipline Divided:Schools and Sects in Political Science.Newbury Park:Sage Publication,1990
    4. GABRIEL A ALMOND.The Appeals of the Communism.Princeton:Princeton University Press,1954
    5. HAROLD D LASSWELL.Psychopathology and Politics.London:University of Chicago Press,1986
    6. JON ELESTER.Political Psychology.New York:Cambridge University PRESS,1993
    7. JOHN F. CLARKIN,PETER FONAGY,GLEN O. GABBARD.Psychodynamic Psychotherapy for Personality Disorders:A Clinical Handbook. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Pub.,2010
    8. MARK IRVING LICHBACH,ALAN S ZUCKERMAN.Comparative Politics:Rationality,Culture,and Structure.New York:Cambridge University Press,1997
    9. NATHAN LEITES.The Operational Code of the Politburo.New York:Rand Corporation,1951
    10. RICHARD A SHWEDER,ROBERT A LEVINE.Culture Theory:Essays on Mind,Self,and Emotion.Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1984
    11. RICHARD H SOLOMON.Mao's Revolution and the Chinese Political Culture.Berkeley:University of California press,1972
    12. RICHARD J SAMUELS,MYRON WEINER.The Political Culture of Foreign Area and International Studies:Essays in Honor of Lucian W Pye. Washington:Brassey's(US).Inc.,1992
    13. RONALD INGLEHART.Culture Shift in Advanced Industrial Societies. Prinston:Prinston University Press,1990
    14. ANDREW J NATHAN.A Factionalism Model for CCP Politics. The China Quarterly.1973(53):34-66
    15. ANDREW J NATHAN, Tianjian Shi. Cultural Requisites for Democracy in China:Findings From a Survey.:95-123
    16. AVERY GOLDSTEIN.Trends in the Study of Political Elites and Institution in the PRC.The China Quarterly.1994(139):714-730
    17. BRUCE MAZLISH.What Is Pshcho-History? Transanctions of the Royal Historical Society.Fifth Series.1971 (21):79-99
    18. CAROLE PATEMAN.Political Culture, Political Structure and Political Change.British Journal of Political Science.1971,1(3):291-305
    19. DON D SMITH.Modal Attitude Clusters:A Supplement for the Study of National Character.Social Forces.1966,44(4):526-533
    20. DONALD L M BLACKMER.The Contributions of President Lucian W Pye.PS: Political Science and Politics.1988,21(4):882-891
    21. DWAINE MARVICK.The Work of Harold D Lasswell:His Approach,Concerns,and Influence.Political Behavior.1980,2(3):219-229
    22. EZRA F VOGEL.Foreword:The First Forty Years of the Universities Service Centre for China Studies.The China Journal.2005(53):1-7
    23. FEDERICO NEIBURG,MARCIO GOLDMAN,PETER GOW.Anthropology and Politics in Studies of National Character.Cultural Anthropology.1998,13(1):56-81
    24. FRANCIS L K HSU.Margaret Mead and Psychological Anthropology.American Anthropologist,New Series.1980,82(2):349-353
    25. FRED GREENSTEIN. Can Personality and Politics Be Studied Systematically? Political Psychology.1992,13(1):105-128
    26. FRED GREENSTEIN.Lasswell's Concept of Democratic Character.The Journal of Politics.1968,30(3):696-709
    27. FRED GREENSTEIN.The Impact of Personality on Politics:An Attempt to Clear Away Underbrush.The American Political Science Review.1967,61(3):629-641
    28. FRED GREENSTEIN.Personality and Political Socialization:The Theories of Authoritarian and Democratic Character.Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science.1965(361):81-95
    29. FRED WEINSTEIN.Psychohistory and the Crisis of the Social Sciences.History and Theory.1995,34(4):299-319
    30. GABRIEL A ALMOND.Who Lost the Chicago School of Political Science? Perspectives on Politics.2004,2(1):91-93
    31. GABRIEL A ALMOND.Separate Tables:Schools and Sects in Political Science.Political Science and Politics.1988,21(4):828-842
    32. GABRIEL A ALMOND.Comparative Political Systems.The Journal of Politics.l956,18(3):391-409
    33. GERHARDLOEWENBERG.The Influence of European Emigre Scholars on Comparative Politics,1925-1965.The American Political Science Review,2006,100(4):597-604.
    34. HAROLD D LASSWELL.The Normative Impact of the Behavioral Sciences.Ethics.1957,67(3):1-42
    35. HAROLD D LASSWELL.The Contribution of Freud's Insight Interview to the Social Sciences.The American Journal of Sociology.1939,45(3):375-390
    36. HAROLD D LASSWELL.The Study of the I11 as a Method of Research into Political Personalities.The American Political Science Review.1929,23(4):996-1001
    37. HAROLD D LASSWELL.Two Forgotten Studies in Political Psychology.1925,19(4):707-717
    38. HARRY ECKSTEIN.A Culturalist Theory of Political Change.The American Political Science Review.1988,82(3):789-804
    39. HARRY ECKSTEIN.Political Culture and Political Change.American Political Science Review.1990,84(1):249-259
    40. HARRY HARDING.From China,with Disdain:New Trends in the Study of China.Asian Survey.1982,22(10):934-958
    41. HOWARD F STEIN.On Professional Allegiance in the Study of Political Psycholgy.Political Psychology.1986,7(2):245-253
    42. JAMES N DRUCKMAN,DONARD P GREEN, JAMES H KUKLINSKI,et al. The Growth and Development of Experimental Research in Political Science.American Political Science Review.2006,100(4):627-635
    43. JOHN B WATSON.Psychology as the Behaviorist Views It. Psychological Review.1994,101 (2):248-253
    44. LISA WEDEEN.Conceptualizing Culture:Possibilities for Political Science.The Americal Political Science Review.2002,96(4):713-728
    45. LOWELL DITTMER,YU-SHAN WU.The Modernization of Factionalism in Chinese Politics. World Politics.1995,47(4):467-494
    46. LOWELL DITTMER.Chinese Informal Politics.The China Quarterly.1995 (34):1-34
    47. LOWELL DITTMER.Mao and the Politics of Revolutionary Mortality.Asian Survey.1987,27(3):316-339
    48. LOWELL DITTMER.Thought Reform and Cultural Revolutio:An Analysis of the Symbolism of Chinese Polemics.The American Political Science Review.1977,71(1):67-85
    49. LOWELL DITTMER.Political Culture and Political Symbolism:Toward a Theoretical Synthesis. World Politics.1977,29(4):552-583
    50. LUNG-KEE SUN.Contemporary Chinese Culture:Structure and Emotionality.The Australian Journal of Chinese Affairs.1991(26):1-41
    51. MERRIAM CHARLES.The Present State of the Study of Politics.The American Political Review.1921,15(2):173-185
    52. MERRIAM CHARLES.Progress in Political Research.The American Political Science Review.1926,20(1):1-13
    53. MICHAELT HEANEY,JOHN MARK HANSEN. Building the Chicago School. The American Political Science Review.2006,100(4):589-596
    54. MYRES S MCDOUGAL,W MICHAEL REISMAN.Harold Dwight Lasswell(1902-1978).The American Journal of International Law.1979,73(4):655-660
    55. NATHAN LEITES.The "Operational Code":A Neglected Approach to the Study of Political Leaders and Decision-making. International Studies Quarterly.1969,13(2):190-222
    56. NATHAN LEITES.Stalin as an Intellectual.World Politics.1953,6(1):45-66
    57. NATHAN LEITES.Psycho-Cultural Hypotheses about Political Acts. World Politics.1948,1(1):102-119
    58. PETER MOODY.Political Culture and the Study of Chinese Politics.Journal of Chinese Political Science.2009,14(3):253-274
    59. PETER MOODY.Trends in the Study of Chinese Political Culture.The China Quarterly.1994(139):731-740
    60. PETER MOODY.The Political Culture of Chinese Students and Intellectuals:A Historical Examination.Asian Survey.1988,28(11):1140-1160
    61. PETER MOODY.The Romance of the Three Kingdoms and Popular Chinese Political Thought.The Review of Politics.1975,37(2):175-199
    62. ROBERT A DAHL.The Behavioral Approach in Political Science:Epitaph for a Monument to a Successful Protest.The American Political Science Review.1961,55(4):763-772
    63. ROBERT D PUTNAM.Studying Elite Political Culture:The Case of "Ideology ".The American Political Science Review.1971,65(3):651-681
    64. ROBERT JAY LIFTON.Report of the Group for the Study of Psychohistorical Process.Records of the Academy(American Academy of Arts and Sciences).1968(1967-1968):26-27
    65. ROBERT W JACKMAN,ROSS A MILLER.A Renaissance of Political Culture?American Journal of Political Science.1996,40(3):632-659
    66. RONALD INGLEHART.The Renaissance of Political Culture. American Political Science Review.1982,82(12):1203-1230
    67. RUTH BENEDICT.Margaret Mead.American Association for the Advancement of Scienc.1959,129(3362):1514
    68. SEYMOUR MARTIN LIPSET.Sociology and Political SciencerA Bibliographical Note.American Sociological Review.1964,29(5):730-734
    69. STEPHEN WHITE.Political Culture in Communist States:Some Problems of Theory and Method.Comparative Politics.1984,16(3):351-365
    70. SUISHENG ZHAO.Chinese Intelletuals' Quest for Notional Greatness and Nationalistic Writing in the 1990s.The China Quarterly.1997(152):725-745
    71. TALCOTT PARSONS.On Building Social System Theory:A Personal History.The Making of Modern Science:Biographical Studies.1970,99(4):826-881
    72. TALCOTT PARSONS.The Prospects of Sociological Theory.American Sociological Review.1950,15(l):3-16
    73. TALCOTT PARSONS,BERNARD BARBER.Sociology,1941-46.The American Journal of Sociology.1948,53(4):245-257
    74. TANG TSOU.Chinese Politics at the Top:Factionalism or Informal Politics? Balance-of-Power Politics or a Game to Win All? The China Quarterly.1995(34):95-156
    75. TANG TSOU, ANDREW J NATHAN. Prolegomenon to the Study of Informal Groups in CCP Politics.The China Quarterly,1976(65):98-117
    76. TIANJIAN SHI.Cultural Values and Political Trust:A Comparison of the People's Republic of China and Taiwan.Comparative Politics.2001,33(4):401-419
    77. TIANJIAN SHI.Cultural Values and Democracy in the People's Republic of ChinaThe China Quarterly.2000(162):540-559
    78. THOMAS A KOHUT.Psychohistory as History.1986,91(2):336-354
    79. WARD GOODENOUGH. Margaret Mead and Cultural Anthropology.Science.New Series.1983,220(4600):906-908
    80. YUNG WEI.A Methodological Critique of Current Studies on Chinese Political Culture.The Journal of Politics.1976,38(1):114-140
    32. GREESTEIN,POSLBY.个体政治论.幼狮文化事业公司,编译.台北:幼狮文化事业公司,1983
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