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Logistics service is the significant part of the service industry, which plays an increasingly important role in Producer Services. Developing the logistics industry, vigorously, is China's industrial development strategy, and only innovation is the source and motivation of the development of logistics enterprises. The purpose of dissertation is to search and analyse these influencing factors, which influence the innovation of logistics enterprises and thus provide support for the service innovation of logistics enterprises.
     With using research methods, including normative research, empirical research, qualitative and quantitative analysis, around the key issue about influencing factors of the logistics service innovation, the study analyze the origin, structure and relation of factors step by step and build a "subject-process" two-dimensional model resolving the question from both theoretical and practical.
     First of all, the dissertation analyses and demonstrates, from two angles, the sources of influence factors of the logistics service innovation. First, based on the enterprise boundary, the dissertation discuss the source of factors, including two aspects, namely, internal5factors and external7factors. Second, based on the initiative theory, the dissertation divides the12factors into two categories further, and constructs a "subject-object-environment" triangle conceptual model from a philosophical point. In this model, customers, employees, suppliers, partners, and public sector, these five factors belong to "subject";"environment" includes the external circle (technical knowledge, social environment, institutional) and internal circle (business strategy, management level, organizational structure, operational processes). Based on this analyze, the dissertation proposes two basic assumptions:"subject" has a direct positive effect on logistics services innovation;"environment" has an indirect positive impact on logistics service innovation.
     Secondly, the dissertation analyzes the new service development (NSD) process of logistics enterprises, and illustrates the complexity of the logistics service innovation from the theory of general service innovation process. Through questionnaires and interviews, the article discusses the difference of "subject "that play in three stages, namely, early stage(concept),medium term (design) and later stage(test). The study displays that logistics enterprises of different size have different understanding about the different stage of NSD, and there is a positive correlation between the comprehensiveness of the NSD process in logistics enterprises and logistics firm size."Conception" and "Launch" are carried out by all investigated logistics enterprises, and also the most important stage. Relevant depth interviews also revealed that: the key stage in NSD varies due to different categories of logistics and logistics services varieties.
     Third, through two-dimension,"process" and "subject", the article explores the influencing factors and proposes a conceptual model. The conceptual model is a square drawing with two-dimensional variable that consist of innovative subjects (employees, customers, suppliers) and innovative stage (conceptualization stage, development stage, introduction stage), including nine boxes (Lo Shu Square). Then, the dissertation analyzes the subject of the service innovation, and considering employees, customers and suppliers are the most important subject. Through detailed analysis of the specific content of the box, the article draws a basic conclusion: the subject plays different roles when logistics enterprises at different stages of NSD.
     Finally, the dissertation quantitatively studies the correlation between the influencing factors of the logistics service innovation and the innovation output of the three stages. There are empirical findings in two aspects:first, logistics service innovation influencing factors are classified as employees, customers, suppliers, external environment, internal environment, and auxiliary subject in six categories, in which employees and customers and suppliers has a major impact separately; second, each factor vary degrees of impact on different stages of the logistics service innovation process. Then, with correlation and regression analysis, the article establishes the regression model (equation) about influencing factors and the three stages of innovation output. It can be seen that in the conceptualization stage and the introduction stage, employees both have a significant impact; but, in the development phase, it is the suppliers.
     About the issue to service innovation influencing factors of logistics enterprises, further research is needed, such as adaptability, measurement about specific innovation output and so on.
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