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At present, the development of economic and social in different areas of China is uneven, particularly in the West, Northeast and Central Plains. The environment of their economic and social in less-developed areas is lagged behind, and the natural environment has not the comparative advantage. So It is severity that the scientific and technological talents flow out of the less-developed areas, and the scientific and technological talents in developed areas are not willingness working and living in less-developed areas. The conflict of distributing appears among less-developed areas and developed areas, which the quantity of less-developed areas is smaller than developed areas. In this situation, it is the urgent task promoting the development of economic and social rapidly and sustainablely so as to realize balanced and coordinated regional development. Therefore, we are faced with the problem that how to introduce the scientific and technological talents into less-developed areas and ensure the scientific and technological talents effectively service less-developed areas according to actual situation in less-developed areas, based on scientific and reasonable absorbing mechanism. In this context, we study the insures on introducing scientific and technological talents into less-developed areas.
     Based on consulting and packing up a large number of correlative literatures, we summarized the correlative literatures and discussed the studies, focusing on Theory of Economic Development, Theory of nonequilibrium Development, Theory of Development Strategic of Less-developed Areas, Theory of Opening Economic Development of Less-developed Areas, correlative theories of scientific and technological talents flowing and government behavior and etc. The paper nailed down the laws and characters of economics circulator in less-developed areas, the demand and flowing of scientific and technological talents and government behavior in less-developed areas. The summaries of these basic arguments and fundamental laws have laid a solid theoretical basis.
     The paper put forward the ideas and concepts of less-developed areas absorbing scientific and technological talents initiatively based on analysis about the actual situation of economic and social development in different areas and according to summary of the relevant basic theories. It adds new direction for absorbing scientific and technological talents into less-developed areas on the background of promoting equilibrium development and building a harmonious society, provides new ideas and train of thought for resolving current problem about absorbing scientific and technological talents into less-developed areas.
     The paper studied the mechanism on absorbing the scientific and technological talents into less-developed areas, constructed the overall framework of the absorbing mechanism, analyzed the mechanism on government and enterprises in less-developed areas absorbing scientific and technological talents into less-developed areas, discussed the fashioning elements which the two subjects of absorbing drive or hinder the course of absorbing scientific and technological talents into less-developed areas, researched the process of scientific and technological talents apperceiving absorbing behaviors and making out the decision. On the basis of these, we put forward the working process and ways of subjects absorbing scientific and technological talents initiatively. These efforts in the paper is new on academic research, the results obtained fill the vacancy of theoretical research on less-developed areas absorbing scientific and technological talents. It is especially important that the working mechanism, ideas and approach ways on initiative absorbing provide pathway for doing scientific and technological talents absorbing, definitude ways for absorbing scientific and technological talents into less-developed areas.
     The paper studied the ensuring mechanism of central government on the process of less-developed areas absorbing scientific and technological talents. We analyzed macro-planning and policy support roles of central government on the process of less-developed areas absorbing scientific and technological talents, put forward specific contents and implementing measures of macro-planning and policy support on the process of less-developed areas absorbing scientific and technological talents. The working of this study carried out for the first time. The point of research view is novelty. The content of this research is very important. The proposed measures are feasible. It has important guiding significance for strengthening central government promoting less-developed areas absorbing scientific and technological talents.
     The paper studied the ensuring mechanism of developed areas on the process of less-developed areas absorbing scientific and technological talents. We analyzed the roles of administrative measures and market tools that developed areas undertakes on the process of less-developed areas absorbing scientific and technological talents, put forward specific contents and implementing measures of administrative measures and market tools on the process of less-developed areas absorbing scientific and technological talents. The working of this study carried out for the first time. It has important reference value for strengthening and instructing developed areas supporting less-developed areas absorbing scientific and technological talents.
     The paper studied the problem about how to absorbing scientific and technological talents into less-developed areas effectively by less-developed areas personally. We put forward the ensuring measures and methods of less-developed areas absorbing scientific and technological talents according to organizational system, running processes and control methods by corresponding levels of government and enterprises in less-developed areas. These results point out the train of thought of how to absorbing scientific and technological talents into less-developed areas by corresponding levels of government and enterprises, and provide a theoretical basis.
     The problem is a very complex issue that less-developed areas absorb scientific and technological talents. We need to keep up study the problem deeply and systemically in future. For the future, the study should carry out intensive research work according to macro-level, meso-level and micro-level, so that the content and results of this study seriation and systematic. Doing in-depth study, it is being focus on validity, types and quantity of absorbing scientific and technological talents into less-developed areas.
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